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Everything posted by german

  1. Wow, all that snow talking and I don't understand a thing! There IS a positive side on living in a tropical country!
  2. Wow! that's some serious running!
  3. Awesome trail! be careful and enjoy it!
  4. Great progress! and you are right, It'll get you some time to get back to where you were (or further!), but you will get there! just keep swimming!
  5. 10 miles! great distance!, it's totally doable, you just need to know where you are and accept it, if you are a slow runner, so be it, you'll get to be faster if you want to, but it'll take time, enjoy the trip, it's as good, if not better than the destination! FWIW I know a lot about being slow, you can check out my endomondo page in my sig!
  6. Great goals! keep us posted on your progress!
  7. Strictly speaking, Soybean oil is in fact a derailment, but I think it's a small one, and when you go out, you almost certainly will have top choose something with a little non-paleo ingredients, I say choose the best from what you have available and feel good about it!
  8. Hiking is awesome!, there is plenty of time to get there (and back) in really good shape!, just keep on hiking! (and walking, and maybe even jogging!)
  9. Great start kiwi!, and good luck in your awesome IRB race!
  10. Great challenge again Mathieu! love the family theme, We'll be keeping an eye on you on Endomondo in case you don't have time to post here!
  11. Oh and yesterday 2400m continuos swim and today short walk/run, since I had a flat tire and it was too early to fix it, go for a ride and get to work on time, will add some bike time in the evening.
  12. Glad to see you around Mathieu! Actually, I am not very clear on that front, I usually eat a PB and banana sandwich before a long ride, and sometimes nuts and/or banana mid-ride, but I have not really thought on what to eat, I know I'll have two bottles of liquid (one water, one gatorade) while on the bike, and rely on race hydration for the run, I should probably start eating something while riding (I just got a bento-box-lookalike for that purpose), energy bars sound like a sensible idea, PBandJ sandwiches may be another good choice, I don't want anything complicated, because the race is in the US, so either pre-packed or easily available in the States are some of my concerns.
  13. Totally agree!, The race is on Saturday, so I told the family that the vacation trip begins on Sunday, and whatever we get to do before that is a plus! (we fly Thursday), also, my wife has agreed to do the driving Sunday and Monday, in case i need to get some rest.
  14. Hey! hope weather starts cooperating soon, meanwhile, do you have a set of stairs you can run up and down? it's an amazing workout and will help you a lot when you are able to go outside and run again!
  15. WOW you have gone a long way already!, your plan on getting stronger to be a better runner is awesome!, I also run and swim (and bike), and it helps me keep injuries away and make workout more fun!
  16. Hey Ohna! welcome to NF!, best of luck walking those miles!
  17. Awesome challenge as usual Kiwi!
  18. german

    Bard's back!

    Hey Q! glad to have you around again!
  19. Happy birthday Shortie! And good luck with your walking-to-Mordor-in-a-pretty-dress thing! Also, FWIW, I strongly believe that sketching is all about using your entire arm (as opposed to your wrist) to draw long lines, try to avoid short "hairy" lines (we call them engineer lines), just let the pencil flow, softly, and go over it for a few times.
  20. I think it does, it gave me a headache jut to read your post! My goals for this challenge are not particularly SMART, and I know it, but that's what I need right now. BUT my brain could use some excersise, so I'll read a book, I've started A song of Ice And Fire, so it should keep me busy for some time.
  21. german

    18ck Hops to Mordor

    I wouldn't do it you idiot I mean, I feel like the time is quite short, and with your aching foot..., anyway, I'd increase by 2 miles a week, for two weeks, then 3 miles for another three, and finally one week taper and pray for the best. But I am probably wrong.
  22. Awesome!! welcome to NF!, your goals seem good and achievable, have you seen the C210K program?, it's (obviously) an extension of C25K, it has helped many to get to that goal. Also, training for a tri is great, What's the distance you'll be racing?
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