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Everything posted by Lydieboo

  1. Lydieboo

    no weight loss

    If you weren't doing any weight workouts before, it is very likely that you are gaining muscle as you're losing fat. Even if you've done weights in the past but haven't recently, that is still probably the case. Stop looking at a scale! Scales are NOT a good indicator of fat loss. You should be doing measurements on a weekly basis (any more than that and you're in danger of falling prey to the same disease as people who weigh themselves twice a day). Sorry, I'm not sure if you're female or male, but I can tell you that if I'm eating 3000 calories a day (which, if your meals are 1000 calories each is about what you're eating), I don't lose weight nearly as fast as if I cut back about 500 calories. (My recommended calorie intake is 1500-1700, but I find that if I'm eating Paleo and eat up to 2300 a day I feel fantastic.) I hope that's helpful. My mother has been a chronic weigher her whole life and never lifts weights. I have seen her lose significant weight and still not look healthy, where just a little muscle increase would make her look and feel much better. Just a thought. Good luck!
  2. Lydieboo


    I liked Whole30. I found it very similar to Paleo and didn't see a lot of benefits over going straight Paleo. But I think that if you're not Paleo and you're looking for a way to jump-start going Paleo, Whole30 is a GREAT way to start. I like to go on an extremely restricted diet (not unhealthy) and then loosen up a little, so I don't feel deprived. Whole30 is more restricted than Paleo, so when you loosen up to Paleo it feels like you're indulging a little. All that to say, I encourage you to stick with it for the 30 days unless you are feeling unwell. If you're lacking energy, you may not be eating enough. But I also didn't see much change in my measurements, so you may want to keep an eye out for that. Because I went Paleo before being Whole30, I didn't see as much benefit as someone who went from a normal American diet to Whole30. Just my experience. Good luck!
  3. Without knowing more about you - age, genetics, and so on - It's tough to give adequate information, but if you've been working for 4-5 years to lose weight and are now at what sounds like a very healthy weight, you want to be careful not to get too obsessed about sticking to a specific number. Remember that it's more important to feel amazing than to wear a certain size of clothes. I'm sure you already know this. It's just nice to be reminded. Example: my mom is 65 and keeps trying to get down to her "goal weight" of 119 pounds. The problem is she's 65 so 119 pounds isn't really healthy or realistic at her age. As you age, your goals should mature. I'm not saying she should weigh 170, but weighing an extra 5-15 pounds at her age is not a sign of being unhealthy (especially since she's a woman who walks 3-6 miles every day and follows a highly controlled diet). As for carbs - sounds like you're getting confused about Paleo. The point of Paleo is that you DON'T count carbs. If you go Paleo and you're counting your carbs, you're doing it wrong. If you're not having any dairy or processed foods, you don't need to be watching how many roots or vegetables you're eating. And honestly, having too little fat in your diet will prevent you from losing weight. Don't go crazy, but remember to include ALL your Paleo-friendly foods throughout the week. Good luck!
  4. What's your calorie goal? I think I'm keeping mine 1500-1600?
  5. Welcome to the Rebellion, AR! It sounds like you have lots to be motivated about, and we have a lot of the same goals, ie. go everywhere, do everything. It also sounds like the biggest hurdle to you has been learning to say no to the people around you. That takes a LOT of willpower, but there are things you can do to make it easier. Tell EVERYONE what you're doing. I know that sounds weird, but if you don't take it seriously enough to tell everyone what's going on, you aren't determined enough to start again when you trip. If you tell your family and friends, "Hey guys," (I'm American, so you'll probably say something like 'Oy, mates'...just kidding), "I am really serious about getting fit. This isn't just about losing weight for me, this is about being 25 and looking back on the last 7 years and either achieving my dreams or missing out because I haven't been healthy or fit enough to do them. So I need your help. I need you to not offer me unhealthy stuff. If you're going to get a coffee, I need you to offer me a plain tea, not a frappalottafatcho with whippedsugar on top. I really need you to challenge me (not beat me up) if I start to reach for something that I know isn't going to help me achieve my goals." If you sit down and have a serious conversation (no TV on in the background, not out at a restaurant, just eye-to-eye and knee-to-knee as my favorite budget meister says), and tell them what's really in your heart, they will support you. You won't find yourself struggling nearly as much. You've got the tools! Good luck!
  6. Did MUCH better yesterday, finished off the sheep cheese I had (which gave me dreams about being on a yacht? And scraping barnacles off the yacht? Or maybe it's just 'cause I was watching Switched at Birth and that had some weird effect), but otherwise no major fouls. Also, this is what my company got for us all to have yesterday after our meeting (so sweet of them): Of which I ate this many: 0 Honestly, they don't even look good. They look like something a giant machine poo'ed out onto a greasy sheet of metal and then over-baked. Blech. This morning was 3 eggs and 2 scoops of protein powder (oops! I only needed one). I feel like I had caffeine...can too much protein make you hyper?
  7. My brain absolutely works that way. In fact, I bombed big-time for about 5 days in a row. That whole "I'm on vacation so I can cheat a little" thing? Doesn't work. At all. You basically go crazy for 2-3 times as long as you were on vacation. My recommendation: I'm on vacation so I need to be extra-careful to make sure that I'm keeping myself healthy. I have found the most success with replacing stuff. Honestly, I almost never crave chocolate stuff, but once I started eating it I couldn't think about anything else, until I figured out that fruit and nut butter give me a similar score on the Happy Lydia scale. So I am now aware that I need to keep access to fruit and nut butter open or I'll start chowing on stuff that's really bad for me. Also found out cheese gives me crazy dreams (probably dairy in general) so no more cheating with cheese. Actually, speaking of cheating...none of us would cheat on our SO, because it's just wrong...but we cheat on ourselves? How wrong is that?
  8. Woo, you're really burning through the calories! I see one strength training session above. How's that going for you? What are you doing for strength? BBW?
  9. Hey SD, looks like you're actually eating pretty well! Maybe get some more protein in there? I don't think you've gone full Paleo, yet, have you? (Or primal, if you're going to keep dairy.) Yay for getting text books! I'd be interested to know the copyright date of the book.
  10. Hahah! Thanks Jonesy! I just feel like I ate horribly...did I mention the 4 mini desserts on-- Nevermind. I've done much better today. Yesterday was great except the huge amount of goat and sheep cheese I ate. Which gave me nightmares. About witches. Yeah. Witches. So I'm officially listing the reasons I'm now Paleo again: So I can sleep. So I can sleep well. So I can sleep without bad dreams. So I feel good. And maybe so I'll look good too. (The others are way more important.) Was planning to lift again tonight, but I have a meeting after work and may "have" to go review a new movie coming out (aww bummer...not!). Maybe I'll lift in the morning...maybe. Oh! And I've been doing 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up (or really close to it). Someone tell me how to stop experimenting on myself. I am not the queen of the follow-through. But the protein seems to be working great for me. Also made the best eggs ever this weekend. Recipe here.
  11. Woo! Looks like you're doing awesome. Keep doing those bananas. If you get bored with the PB, try my new favorite recipe for fried eggs: Fry an egg. Squirt some lemon juice on it Sprinkle dried parsley on it Add salt and pepper to tase Eat the best frigging fried egg you've ever tasted in your entire life. Guaranteed (or I will refund any money you paid me for this recipe). Enjoy!! Oh! And if you get bored with anything else, add a little cinnamon to it or curry powder. (I'd recommend cinnamon on bananas, curry on avocado. Curry and a little sea salt on a raw avocado...yum! (This from the girl who has historically always despised avocados.)) Cheers! (Oh, cinnamon brings down the glycemic index of stuff, apparently. Curry is just yummy. Probably does good things for you, too.)
  12. Thanks for the feedback. I am sort of used to lower back pain because I have stupidly huge boobs. And I hate them. Seriously. Hate. So I'm working on strengthening my back because when you're carrying 20 pounds around on your chest it's hard to sit up straight, much less do a proper pushup. I've switched to doing presses for the moment, because it's way easier to keep proper form while doing those. Granted, they don't really strengthen your back much, but at this point I'm pressing 40 pounds, so pushing up my 168 pounds seems like a far-off dream. Any recommendations besides squats and deadlifts for building back strength? (And pull ups, of course.)
  13. Weekend Update Overall score for last week: Not Good. I did get my strength in, and even started doing some heavier lifting. But I only got in one interval (which I’m counting tubing because it was a real workout, hauling intertubes through deep snow). As for eating. F. Big fat F. Not going into details, but let it suffice to say that I’m not doing any more fiddly experimenting with my food. It’s just going to be Paleo and if that’s not good enough nothing is. Otherwise: had a great weekend playing in the mountains! Have been lifting and yesterday looked like this: Presses: 12rX15p;10rX17.5;8X20;6X20 Single Arm Rows: 12X15;10X17.5;8X20;6X25 Squats: 12X20;10X20;8X30;6X30 I also did some lat pull-downs on a machine, but not sure how legit that is. I think I was pulling 56lbs and did my standard 12/10/8/6, and it was definitely a huge effort by the end. (Is it just me or do my legs look super weird in that picture?)
  14. Hello Halifirien and welcome to the Rebellion! I second the recommendation of joining up in our current 6 Week Challenge. It's my first and I'm already motivated to do far more than I thought I would be when it started last week. If you're like me, you probably are "planning on" going full Paleo, quitting soda, working out 6 days a week, and learning a martial art right now. But don't be afraid of small changes. I'm expecting it to take 4 months total to get to my first level of fitness, which is not-unfitness. Once I'm not unfit, then I will probably start doing things like martial arts and kicking my friends' butts in Tough Mudders. Pick one thing and do it today. I recommend defining your Level 50. (Steve has a whole article about it here.) Dream big, and then start thinking in realistic terms. If it's going to take you 10 years to get there, what are you doing today to get started? It's awesome that you've made the decision, now comes the fun part. Good luck!
  15. I love that! Welcome to the Rebellion and thanks for the anecdote! Are you signed up for the 6 Week Challenge? I found the site a little late to start the last one so this is my first, and it's hard actually restricting myself to the goals (I kind of have a tendency to want to try everything at once). The Challenges are a good way to keep yourself accountable to your goals. Good luck!
  16. I know exactly how that feels! I played the same RPG for 11 years, and tried to quit a few times but always went back. I finally went cold-turkey and deleted EVERY FILE on December 5, 2009. Free and clear for 3+ years! It's a different life. I'm very excited for you! If you hate running, try signing up for a 5k 2-3 months from now and then do the C25K. I had to try a couple times before I got it to stick, but they key is to make sure you're walking enough. If your shins start hurting, slow down to a walk. It means your calves aren't strong enough yet. If you just hate it 'cause you don't enjoy the running process...Well, I figure that makes you a normal human. The rush is crossing the finish line, not running toward it. Good luck!
  17. Welcome to the Rebellion, Shigles! And those are some awesome goals. You've already got a good handle on what needs to happen and I'm glad to see you're going Paleo. A few tips: You will want to eat every few hours when you're eating Paleo. This is natural. Don't beat yourself up over it. Instead, plan your snacks ahead of time. I bring an apple and some almond butter, raw trail mix, or organic uncut carots to work for my two snacks during the day. If you feel hungry constantly, try upping your protein/fat intake. Steve has cited lots of excellent sources that talk about fat, and especially healthy fats, like from nuts and oils. I had a hard time getting enough calories at first because I was eating so much spinach (which is great for you) and fruit, but not enough oils and fats. I still eat lean cuts of all my meat, just enough that I don't feel hungry all the time. Some peopel will recommend protein shakes, and if you like them you might want to look into a raw one that doesn't have sugar or HFCS added. The other thing I really strongly recommend is that you stop soda as soon as you can, even if that means you have to eat non-paleo for a short time to do so. Soda is, IMO, one of the top 5 worst food products we consume in our society. If that's not enough motivation, take for reference the fact that I lost over 5 pounds within a couple of weeks the first time I quit drinking soda. (And that was years before I heard of any of this Nerd stuff. ) Not to load you with a bunch of unsolicited advice right away, but I'm definitely rooting for you, and believe in your ability to follow through with decisions you've made. Good luck, rebel!
  18. Hi Phil, and welcome to the rebellion. You are so right to start now, take it from someone who's about 10 years on in life. I wish I'd found something like this site when I was your age...my life may have been very different by now. This is a great resource for support and asking questions when you're starting something new, like power lifting or a martial art. There's lots of great advice to be had. I'm a Paleo girl myself, now, and I definitely feel and see the difference. I'm not expecting a dramatic change for another 2-3 months, because your body takes time to clean itself up after you quit those bad habits, but as someone who's been doing it for about 6 weeks, let me encourage you to keep it up. You may be fit enough that you don't see big changes in your physique, but by doing what you're doing you won't have a change and get big, either. Cheers!
  19. Hey SDT! How is the running/walking coming? You have 30 minutes/day listed in your goals. Are you hitting that? Or getting pretty close? How about the strength training?
  20. Challenge Update So, I think the Whole30 thing has officially tanked for the week. Aside from the entire pint of ice cream and wine that I had on Tuesday night before/whilst recording the latest episode of Orphaned Entertainment, I have been doing pretty well. My mom's birthday dinner was a planned indulgence, but who knew that one shooter from Applebee's has 470 calories in it!?!? I will be sharing if I ever get one of those again. As for exercise: I have done 2 full BBW's this week. Starting to feel like I need to up the ante on them and make them more challenging. I will probably move on to Level 2 lunges and squats Steve lists in his first fitness challenge. Pushups are still extremely hard, and my lower back started hurting when I was doing them the other day. I am planning intervals tonight, but think I am going to take advantage of being at the gym to run my arms some. Since it's harder to add weight at home, I can do some bench presses and inverted rows before my cardio and up the difficulty on my legwork in the mornings by just increasing the difficulty. As for the infamous Yeti; looking like my axe isn't going to be as big as I was hoping this month. I'm definitely going to have to do some adjusting, but I'm still hoping $1,500 will be a realistic (and achievable) goal. That will put about $500 on my EF and $1,000 against the Sallie Mae beast. A worthy effort. I'm off to the mountains tomorrow morning after a corporate training session. Looking forward to playing in the snow and maybe even a hot tub. Hurrah!
  21. I am going to count snowtubing tomorrow as cardio, as I expect to be hauling a big intertube up a mountain all day to slide down again. I say if Mark from MarksDailyApple would count it as exercise, it counts.
  22. Very good to know! I'm trying to make myself wait until the next challenge to start powerlifting because I'm still working on getting into a pattern of strength training 3 days a week. Baby steps, right? But I never, ever thought I'd be a person who had to "make herself wait" to start heavy lifting. You guys are inspiring me. Thanks!
  23. LOL! I get it. Thank you. That seems logical to me, too. I know you're supposed to warm up before lifting, but I'm not worried about a few minutes on a treadmill making me drop a weight on my head.
  24. I was doing that with fruit and ate a pint of ice cream last night...so I'm definitely allowing myself fruit again. (Bear in mind, not having fruit meant I was ONLY eating meat and veg.) Two things help me: 1) Don't say can't, say don't. "I can't eat that" is so much more tragic than "I don't eat that." One is about restrictions, the other is about you being empowered to make good decisions. 2) Find something that works instead. I eat spaghetti squash instead of pasta. It's not the same thing, but it's like pasta enough that I don't feel deprived. Just like fruit is sweet so I don't feel deprived not eating ice cream if I can have fruit instead. (Unfortunately, it worked the other way around for me as well. ) The point isn't to be perfect all the time. The point is to make the best decision the majority of the time. Nobody is perfect, but lots of people are fit.
  25. "Should not be" I think is what you meant. But that's exactly what I was looking for. So cardio after powerlifing = bad. Thanks for the help!
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