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Everything posted by Corner_Producer

  1. Try pulling your chest up, look up, not forward and put more weight in your heels when pulling the weight up. I suggest setting the bar on different height. Half rep deadlifts. I would put it a little lower than in this video.. And having someone hold a rod on your back to make sure your back keeps straight. I could be wrong about all of this, but this is what I do when working with squat form. I lower the weights and see where my posture starts to go to crap and I work on that movement. Also, this man is amazing to learn from.. He has more deadlift videos than this. These are allll suggestions, btw!
  2. End of the Year Habit Building Main Quest: Build Habits For a Life of Fitness Attend Krav Maga class twice a week. (Tuesday and Thurday.) Execute MadBarz Basic Beginner routine 3x a week Follow Body Building Revealed diet routine Side Quest: Bring GPA up to 2.8 or better Find an app that reminds me of homework Input homework after every class that has homework Complete homework as soon as I get home Motivation: I don't know why I started to lack in my habit of working out everyday. I was seeing results and I have a dream of becoming a fitness model and personal trainer. Maybe I didn't have clear goals, but now I do. So this time, next year, I can hope that all my hard work has landed me in a gym where I can start personal training. I just want to help people. I guess my ultimate life goal is to be a kick ass lifesaving firefighter. That should be my ultimate motivation. So every day of my life from now on, I will act as if my life and other lives depend on it … because it does. Just a side note: I will be recording my physique and progress via workout journals, pictures, and videos! I'll be making a YouTube Channel tonight! Hopefully I can get some subscribers! And Eventually I will make it BACK to the Assassins guild. This is my 3rd challenge, but the first challange I shall fully commit to!
  3. Can I suggest doing your cardio as soon as you wake up? I can't back up my credibility, but I believe doing your cardio as soon as you wake up, before you eat, will boost your metabolism for the rest of the day. If that isn't true, at least you're on your way to building a good habit!
  4. After 4 months of working out.. This picture was taken a month and a half ago!
  5. I've come to the only place where I know I can get tons of answers... that I trust. I work 48 - 52+ hours a week (I'm 17, is that normal? haha) I work 8-14 hours a day, depending on the day of the week and I do not have time to take breaks, so I don't really get a chance to eat. (I work in an amusement park and hold a leadership position.. running breaks, getting water for people, fixing locker rental problems, dealing with guest and worker problems, maintaing clean stores, and whatever else my manager tells me to do). I try to eat at least 4 eggs every morning, but sometimes I don't have much time. I don't have much time to sleep if I work until midnight and have to be back by 9 the next morning. Anyways, I try to eat breakfast every morning and I try to sneak away sometimes to go buy chicken (It's gross, amusement park food, but it's food) and when I get home, I either eat a whole lot or don't eat at all because I don't feel hungry. I feel tired even when I do get enough sleep and my workouts aren't as long because I don't have energy, which I know is direct reflection of lack of food and vitamins, right? Any advice/suggestions on how to... eat? lol a meal plan? I keep forgetting to take almonds to work to snack on and I think if I did that, I'd feel a lot better and when I go to the store this week, I'm going to get a bottle of multivitamins. I also have this Lean1 Healthy Lifestye Shake powder that I can use, I just need to buy more because it's not mine lol. If it helps: I'm not trying to lose weight, I'm trying to gain mass and strength, which I've accomplished that past 6 months. I'm not as scrawny... I do have some fat that I'm trying to get rid of to show my abs, but I feel like that is more of having bigger ab muscles than actually losing the fat. (Well, it's both, but I still want bigger ab muscles and I'm slowly getting there.) Anyways, all suggestions/advice is welcome. I just want to hear what other people have to say.
  6. Haven't been on here in so long. I've made lots of progress since last being on here! :D

  7. Ahaha more protein!! GOT IT! Thank you guys!!
  8. Ahh ahaha I left out that meal 5 is also dinner, so whatever my dad cooks is usually my biggest meal. I've been eating a little less the past few months and have still built muscle/gotten stronger, but I want to push it a little harder. Maybe a bigger breakfast?
  9. So, I've been looking at many athlete's (Street workout athletes) meal plans. http://www.madbarz.com/nutrition and watched the newest Bar Brothers video on their "research" of nutrition. I'm getting a lot of good stuff, but I wanted to come to a site where there are trustworthy nerds!! I'm okay with have the same food almost everyday, except dinner. I can't control what I eat for dinner, because my dad cooks it. My goal is to gain muscle and lose weight and my workouts are going great!! I just need to work on diet harder. I also want to add more antioxidants to keep my skin clear. So, this is what I'm thinking: Meal 1 (breakfast): 2 eggs w/ a banana and strawberries. A glass of orange juice. Meal 2 (between breakfast and lunch): 1/4 cup of almonds or a handful. Meal 3 (lunch): at school it's usually an apple w/ hummus and pita bread or a ham and cheese sandwhich. (I want to change this. School is almost out, which means I'll be working almost all day. Some days 9am-11pm and I don't take breaks. Any suggestions?) Meal 4: Protein shake from Blockworkout. Meal 5: A banana w/ strawberries or blueberries or some sort of fruit. This would be a post workout meal, so maybe add some almonds? Again, having the same meals everyday is fine by me. I know that people like variety and get tired of having the same foods everyday. Any suggestions or advice is extremely welcome!!
  10. Epic! I've got EOC's for two weeks, then finals after that! So, good luck! Congrats on all the progress you're making!
  11. I decided to do my cleanse Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of every week from now on. I unvolunteerly fast on weekends because I work almost all day Saturday and Sunday and don't have time to take a breaks to eat. Is this bad? I'm not really bothered by it, I don't get hungry very often and I still feel energetic.
  12. The beginner bodyweight routine (w/ changes) Warm up: 30 jumping jacks, 15 burpees Workout: - 15 push ups (2 cycles round, 2 cycles standard) - 30 (4/4 tempo) squats - 40 lunges - 20 second plank - 10 dumb bell rows (w/ 20lbs) 15 second rest in between exercises, 1 minute rest in between cycles, 4 cycles. As for my diet, every weekend I will do a cleanse. This will probably help get my body fat percentage down. The cleanse will consist of only drinking water all day. Also eating only fruits and vegetables. I don't have time to eat every weekend because of work. This weekend I work 9am to 11pm. I don't plan on taking a break because I really need the money, but throughout the day I will be drinking water.
  13. Not really an update as much as some info I found out! Time under tension = mass. I already knew this, but I thought I'd put it on here
  14. Update 2! : Last night after Boy scouts, I went to CVS and found a planner. I will fill that out to date and hour to get myself a little more organized. I officially have a girlfriend as of Saturday! My workouts, well. I need 100% improvement on that. I just tried to do some typewriter push ups. It was fun, but I know I still have a lot of strength to build up for that. I can sort of do pistol squats. The results I sort of expect, but i'm not completely working for is to be able to do 10 pistol squats each leg and have perfect form for typewriter push ups!! My cardio goes good. I have Krav tonight and I'm super excited! I need to find time to go for a mile run every week. (Part of cardio goal.) I'm thinking every friday after I do the beginner bodyweight routine.
  15. I like your 2nd and 3rd goal!! Defiantly parkour related. Don't forget to stretch
  16. Can't wait to see your refined plan/goals!! If you're worried about keeping a clear face and all, might I suggest a cleansing "diet"? There are ton out there, but I just drink water all day and eat only fruits and vegies. I did it for a couple days and my face cleared up pretty quickly!!
  17. Right?! I'm excited for the rest of my life! Thank you, btw! I'll be checking on you, too! I've seen you make progress, so keep it going!
  18. Update 1!: I just got back from my Krav Maga class. It was amazing!! Might have trained a little too hard. Does anyone know about popping hips? We were doing some crazy ab workouts and everytime I would lift my hips and bring them back down, they would pop. It's painful sometimes. I'm thinking it's because I'm too skinny there, like there isn't cushion between my joints. I drink lots of water, though. Do I need to eat some more healthy fatty food? Like avacado? Or should I take fish oil supplements? Besides that, my waist line has shrank just a bit!! I thought it would never happen. I feel like my body fat percentage has gone down the past few weeks, also because I can see my abdominals from the side! As far as doing the Beginner Bodyweight Training, I didn't do it Monday or Wednesday, but I plan on killing it tomorrow. The progress for goal 2: I might have gotten a girlfriend (That's been building up for a few weeks though)! It's not official, yet. But it will be!
  19. I feel like I shouldn't be here, right now. But here I am, attempting to do something different, way different this time. I thought the first two months of this year, I was taking things a little bit more seriously, like I was changing my life. Maybe I was, but I didn't feel any changes and I just kinda gave up, so this next 6 weeks, instead of riding off the momentum everyday, I will constantly self motivate myself DAILY, and I'm sure I will be successful in that! So, with that, my 6 week goals are: 1. "Start from the begginning". I am dedicating myself to do the Beginner Body Weight Workout every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. My cardio consists of an hour of Krav Maga every Tuesday and Thursday, and if I don't work on Saturday mornings, I will probably do a mile run when I wake up. I will be altering some of the exercises in the BBWW, just to make things a little tougher. 2. Increase human interatction!! It's a step to loving life and being more peaceful. I started this one a little early buuuut, I won't speak too soon on that. I will also increase my interaction with my family much more. I have another brother in the military, so I think it's vital that we all keep in touch as much as possible. Any tips for this goal, is so much appreciated. 3. Clean up my diet a little more. I don't drink soda anymore, besides a couple mishaps a couple times that past couple of weeks. I will be snacking on almonds, only because they have carbs, if I'm correct, and I would need the energy for all the stuff I'm involved in. I will also stray from eating past 9pm. I plan on drinking water anytime after 9pm instead of eating and have two cups of water before my first meal. That should increase my water intake!! 4. This is just an optional goal, something I'll try to do. I won't fret over it if I can't accomplish it, but the goal is have better time managment skills. I need to manage the times in between school, Krav Maga, Boyscouts, and work. My biggest worry is getting boyscout homework done, school work done, and working out. I will not make, "I have no time to work out" be an excuse. Ever.
  20. Nerd Fitness has never left my mind. Unfortunately, I completely slacked off on the 6 week challenge.

    1. Ba'sini'on


      Whip it! Into shape! It's not to late!

    2. Corner_Producer


      Haha thanks! I think this next 6 week challenge will be a turning point!

  21. Yay for floor push ups!! I've been right with you with these past two weeks. They've have been so meh. I hope your recovery is smooth and quick! I like to see the progress you're making!
  22. Week 3; Day 4: I just got back from a Krav Maga private lesson. It was amazing!! I only broke a little sweat and my "Hammer punches" lasted until a timer went off and I wasn't breathing heavy at the end. I don't know how long it was, maybe 30 seconds or a minute. My hands are shaking from adrenaline, I love it! Even though I did okay for the first time EVER having some self defense training, I need to work on my stance, breathing, and drill the moves I learned and be ready for Saturday! I also need to work on my shyness? I was a bit timid about it all, holding back some at the beginning, but instructor was very, very welcoming, so that eased up some stress. I'm going to do some sprints to finish my cardio day out. I can't wait to really get into these classes!
  23. Haha! I love that! Thanks! All righty, I have a question for anyone who is working on a clean diet or has mastered it! How do you do it? Some days it's really hard for me to not eat some chips, other days it's not even a problem. Junk food doesn't cross my mind. I could use some improvement on my diet, it's not horrible, but I know I could do much better. I know this isn't one of my goals, but it is bothersome.
  24. Diet is a big thing for me! Ahaha, I'm trying to get out of the bad stuff, it's harder than I thought. Glad to see the progression you're making!
  25. All right, so I've been really annoyed with my lower stomach flab and inner thighs. So, like the research freak I am, I went looking on how to get rid of it. I've heard about just doing more cardio and a TON of ab work outs, which tried all. And then I had a moment. I should go to bodybuilding.com *face meet keyboard* I don't know why I've avoided this site... probably because I always thought it was for the meatheads who are all about lifting heavy weights and pushing their own weight onto other people. In other words, "Jocks". Well, I'm an idiot for thinking that lol there is some great stuff on there! So, come to find out. I just need to cut down and since my build is scrawny/thin frame, it shouldn't take long. Then when I lose it, I can going into beast mode and build muscle! I feel like this.. flab, is really stumping my progress. So, here is the step towards my goal 3! :S
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