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Everything posted by Xgfd12

  1. Challenge day one!!!

  2. I am a linguist for Chrissakes! Monkey GIRL ties ! not Girl's! Grrrr
  3. Current measurements: 5'6 188 lbs Waist: 39†Hips: 60 Thighs: 27.5 Bust: 39 Chest: 36 Forearm: 9.5 Upper arm: 13 Calves: 16.5 Goals: 1) Workout everyday * for 90 days. By this I mean some sort of exercise aside from the 3 days of gym going for strength training. Today, Sunday, I did 100 wall push-ups and 100 leg lifts. ow. Yesterday I walked across Prospect Park- that kinda thing. Fitness stuff now: Fitness stuff 6 weeks from now: Barbell squat: 50bs 145 Bench: 55lbs 110 Dead lift: 45 lbs 125 Assistance on assisted pull-up machine: 100 lbs- not sure about this one J 2) Eat more paleo, eat less processed stuff. I have a confession to make. I’m Latin. I love, love, love, rice. In my family "if it doesn't have rice, it's not a meal." So eat less rice, like maybe once or twice a week. (This is HUGE, fellow nerds, ok?) Cook more. 3) 3 meetings a week. 4) Fit into size 12 pants.
  4. Your pictures, honesty, and courage (hair, eyes, boobs :-) are awesome. Congrats on the muscles, lady!
  5. wow! spelunking! i don't think i've ever *met* anyone who's spelunked. i'm grateful you posted these pictures/ this story! getting over our fears, or not and just doing stuff even if you're terrified, takes guts. and strength. and and and... oh look...is that a demon i see at the bottom of a spelunked cave? those are lovely boys. they get to tell people, MY mom went spelunking with us. star trek flashlights .... you say. i like these people already
  6. I can totally identify with the starting and the stopping. Congrats on the (re)starting and onward!
  7. Bienvenido! Yo también lleve la bici al mecánico... solo para que bajara la temperatura espantosamente - vivo en nueva york Pero poco a poco, empece a caminar más y la meta es ir al gimnasio 2-3 veces a la semana sorry i just felt like writing in Spanish hee hee gotta go work on school stuff, so this helps godspeed dm
  8. change of environment can be a great kick start. you could start making small, cumulative changes before then. they'll become habits easier that way, i've found. welcome indeed, keep us posted
  9. Huzzah. You do have a great smile. I'm a native Spanish speaker; my parents are Colombian and I learned English when I started school. I did philosophy as an undergrad and then when I started working in translation (as a project manager, i translate a little now but not then) it dawned on me that I'd spent all this time studying various languages (dabbled in arabic, german, french, a lil italian and even greek and latin) and never worked with what i already had i.e. Spanish. So i started reading in Spanish and lo and bhold I'm working on an MA which hill hopefully turn into a PhD -knocks on wood- Keep posting and kicking demon butt.
  10. Oooooh! I found the coolest thing (after this site, of course http://pinterest.com/ericasimmh/a-week-of-make-ahead-meals-freeze-and-cook-in-the-/ I love cooking, love my crock pot and live with a human who indulges me and will eat whatever I make. So! Gonna get all the stuff together and make this on Friday. Will let you know how it goes
  11. oooh! congrats on the progress (and birthday) hearing about how one can have little treats once in a while is helpful
  12. -waves- over the next... however many years i have left on this planet, there are many things i wish to do. relevant to this board, however, are the following: 1) a pull up -yes. a pull up. maybe more, but the day that i can actually do ONE will be a great day indeed. 2) squat body weight - i got up to 135 i think... and then sorta had to start over 3) touch my toes - i have NEVER been able to do this- 4) like myself a little more. -this one is the big one. i mean, yes, initially i got on here because i want to lose weight. i'm seeing my parents at the end of the month and the FIRST THING THEY'RE GONNA POINT OUT ... is that i've gained weight HOWEVER they're not the reason. i am. and frankly, i'm not sure i want to lose weight. don't get me wrong i just gave in and got two pairs of size 14 pants- i'm not thrilled. but tha';s kind of my point. i want to feel better about myself and like myself a little better. i am not destined to model anytime soon. (ever. really. i'm a spanish lit geek. i can't walk in heels. and on and ON) but getting those pants? seriously? i am not a nineteenth class citizen (no ONE is) because i went up a few sizes. i'm not, oK? i just felt like one forEVER. and no. i can still take pride in myself at whatever size i am. but that doesn't mean that i don't get that i need to lose some body fat. so there. today's battle: paleo food! (except for an almond croissant. ok? yeesh i admit it. and yesterday i was all paleo too except for my vending machine habit. i consider this an improvement. no binging. i'm a binge -eater usually.) workout (today) 5 x5 ( 5 sets, 5 reps) Squats - with 5 (!) pounds on the bar. so 50 lbs 5x5 leg extensions, and (assisted) pull ups- i know. machines thumbs down BUT ... pull ups! and lastly 5x10 leg presses 3- 30 second: planks hamstring stretches and squat stretches and i've been logging AT LEAST 10,000 steps the last 3 days yep. got a pedometer and am doing the walk to mordor challenge. now on to working on this presentation for class and writing my ma thesis gulp
  13. hi alienjenn, first off, f*** all those people. it's good that you recognize that those voices in your head are theirs NOT yours and not true. i needed to read this post,. truth be told, i relate and that whole being nice to yourself? that's the hardest part. oh i know! i'll start. i read your post and it made me feel better and it reminded me that the voices that say that say all those awful things in MY head ... are other people's voices and not my own. alienjenn is a good writer -and kick ass demon slayer now off to slay some f****ing demons godspeed! dm
  14. greetings earthlings, i have been overweight all my life (up , down, up, down) ; an emotional eater, i'm in recovery, am a depressive, anxiety-ridden, you know- the works yes, my therapist is going to buy himself a new car, just cuz of me > anyway! i came to this site purely by coincidence. in any case, it was...last night when i started reading Staci's story. and was inspired. relevant background: My boyfriend is a power lifter and gave me Starting Strength a while back. I got up to squatting 180- body-weight But even while progress was being made ... you know how HUNGRY you get lifting! I never really changed my diet. Emotional eater over here loves cookies, cake, fried things. Then around body-weight squatting time ... Finals/papers/crazy/- (i'm a grad student) depressive slump hit and I stopped going to the gym. I don't deal with stress. I eat. I eat a lot. So... you see where this is going. I started going back like last week. And I had my last -hopefully- binge last night. You know, after going on the millionth diet in which you eat nothing but x BUT YOU WILL LOSE 12 POUNDS IN 2 WEEKS! But ! by the end of the day, I was miserable, stressing over my MA thesis and I gave in and ate dinner (not even a *bad* one, rice and stir fry). And then said f*** it and went on a binge. I think it was a post by Steve that described something about having all the willpower in the world in the morning....But by evening... yeah, that was me. read some more and ... saw the paleo thing and decided to give it a try. i mean i've tried everything else and NOT being hungry sounds good to me. Had leftover chicken for breakfast this morning and a steak salad for lunch and am going to the gym. Starting over with squats - with just the bar- since my form is off. way off. wish me luck and thanks guys p.s THIS SITE WOULD BE NERD PERFECT... EXCEPT THAT THERE ARE NO STAR TREK REFERENCES! pls to be fixing. some nerds you are
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