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Everything posted by Wufkar

  1. Today was massage day. John did not forget last time's instructions to go as hard as he could. holy crap. He just nestled down into my rhomboid/trapezius junction and chilled out there. All 180# of him. Right there. Ow. Then to give it a break he went after the top of my trap and the deltoid insertion. Both of them felt like bones, 'knot' is not a suitable word to describe what's happening there. "Man, that was really a fight there" "Can't help it, I'm building muscle over here" Hurts so good.
  2. I think it's cus we're so used to using our triceps. It doesn't feel harder per-se, just wigglier. The forecast indicates 80% chance of arm-wrestling accessories being added Well, that's why you gotta strengthen up. Strong people are harder to kill.
  3. April 18, 2016 Workout Log Bench Press 45x10 85x5 95x5x5 (These felt really solid though one or two reps were a bit wiggly. Feels like my form is getting re-dialed back in. woot! Going to be back to repping 100+ again here real soon.) 85x9 (Wide Grip) My normal grip on the bar for Bench Press is basically the same as a conventional deadlift. I've been toying with the idea of going wider, so finally decided why not? Not too bad, though it feels weird. Weird feels. Assisted Dips (172.2 Bodyweight) -95x10x3 Curlz for Dayz - Double Seated Dumbbell Curls - 12.5x10 - Isolation Curls - 12.5x8x3 - Straight bar Curls - 20x10, 30x10x2 Knee Raises 10x3 Total Moved: 5,665# Friday night I ran into a Ladies Only Arm Wrestling Competition, so of course I joined in. I got beat in the first round by the eventual winner but ours was the longest wrestle of the night. We were tipping our table
  4. April 16 Workout Log Really more of yesterday's accessories and fiddlefarts at the gym 10 min bike. Maybe less. It started squealing which I took that as it crying 'uncle' so I moved on to lifting stuff. Ohp with fixed weight bars (limited by what I can clean) 30x10 50x10x2 50x7 50x9 Bent over rows 50x10x3 Kroc DB rows 25x10x3 Knee raises 10x3 Leg press 95x10 135x10x3 ...legs are weaksauce. Which I knew, but.. Dayum. /waddles away
  5. ooo that's plenty of time to get my DL back up. I felt like I could be doing 135 easily but volume seemed like a better idea. baby steps. no more breaky.
  6. April 15, 2016 Workout Log Deadlift 45x10 95x5 105x5x2 115x5x3 RDL 95x5 105x5x2 Total moved: 5,225# *Got a work call and ended up running home to go help out.. only for it to be fixed by the time I got home. I gave up my barbell for this Probably for the best, I did all the above in about 30 minutes so I was likely on track for something disastrous. #cardio
  7. April 13, 2016 Workout Log Bench Press 45x10 75x10 90x5x5 75x10 Superset Triple Circuit Dumbbell Flyes 17.5 x10x3 Straight bar curls 20x10x3 Tricep OH Ext 25x10x2 25x8 Total Moved: 7,650#
  8. There's been talk of weightloss not being linear in the chat, and in the other groups I'm a part of so I just wanted to share this. This chart is from the first time I lost weight, from 180 down to 138. This one is this current cycle We fluctuate around y'all, it's okay.
  9. you're not going to disappoint anybody, because we all love you and know you're human.
  10. Look at you slaying all those PRs! and making gym friends! There are perks to being short, re: that double bar setup
  11. Puck hugs are some of the best hugs. 10/10 would do again. Good on you for sticking your tongue out at your fears and going to the singles shindig! lots of guts to do that, but everybody is feeling the same thing you are
  12. April 11, 2016 Workout Log Bench Press 45x10 75x5 90x5x5 75x10 - dropset, just cus. TAKE THAT muscles! TAKE IT Bent Over BarBell Rows 45x5 55x5x5 45x10 - oh look, another drop set, just cus. Pinch Plate High Pull 25x10x3 Total moved: 6,400# And that was all the time for today folks. Wasn't really in a good location to superset things. Though next time I'll likely Superset Bench and Rows. Flex, I tried to figure out the Rack pulls, but I didn't have my phone with me to look at a video and the rack setup didn't feel quite right. I'll look at some videos later unless you see this and link me some, in which case I'll still look later but won't have to search
  13. Last week I finally realized work covers 30 Chiropractic or 60 minute Medical Massages a year. Been missing out on that for FAR too long so Friday I had a massage. "What kind of pressure do you like? soft, firm, somewhere in between?" "As firm as you can go." "Okay, long deep breaths" Let me tell you, he did NOT take that lightly. The next 60 minutes were full of hot stone massage on my rhomboids and erector muscles and a fair number of grimaces on my part. Basically I have one long knot from my deltoid to my skull. It's so great. Afterwards my shoulders weren't up around my ears and I only had to worry about sitting back in chairs too quickly. No bruising but it certainly felt like my back was sunburned. Instead of following instructions to go soak in an epsom salt bath and hydrate, I went dancing with some friends of mine. Much needed stress reliever even if the next morning felt super Domsy. Massages will continue until morale/muscles improve. And by improve I mean they behave more fleshily and jiggly. Or I run out of massages.
  14. April 7, 2016 Workout Log Bench Press 45x10 65x7 85x5x2 85x4 (hit the rack on the way down of 5) 85x5x2 Plate rotates 2.5x15 5x15x2 7.5x10 DB Incline Press 17.5x10x2 17.5x8 Shoulder Press 17.5x10 17.5x9 (completely forgot I hadn't done a third set) Total Moved: 5,115 # I didn't go to the gym in the morning, and I realized towards the end of the day I was starting to make-up excuses about why I wouldn't go in the evening. 'Work was a bear, I'm too tired.' ' It will be packed' Then I realized I'm not making these excuses for anybody else, I'm making them to myself. I'm lying to myself about these things. So I put on my big girl pants and went. It wasn't the best because I didn't really eat while in the office, and I'm on day 3 of a coffee detox but the point is that I went. That will help the habit stick.
  15. Breaking news : Hamstring and lower back protest is under way and is joining up with the bicep protest still going strong from Sunday.
  16. PTF Jacks! perfect! PTF Climbers, Tucks and Jacks
  17. We're starting an NF legend right now. I expect all of you to help propagate it. It's a Midwest problem. I can't. No. The burgers taste like cardboard Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  18. Not to mention you can just flop if you want when you get home.
  19. There's something to be said for propagating a negative relationship with food by calling it "not eat like a jerk". I know a couple nerds who changed to calling it a 'cut' instead and had better success for the mental aspect. Food for thought, YMMV.
  20. Sliders reminds me of White Castle. The sliding part is much much easier on me footsie I thought these were jack knives? We can't have the same name for different things, that's just anarchy! Okay okay, but we need multiple names. PTF Climbers, Tucks, and.. what do we call the open/close feet one she did in the video? cus I'm totally going to do that.
  21. Exactly that! I saw an infomercial for some pad to do this on and was like "nah, paper towels." Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  22. I need a cool name for something. y'all should help me out. Yesterday I figured I'd try something out, it's kinda like medicine ball knee tucks but instead of a medicine ball I put paper towels under my feet and tuck my knees to my chest while keeping my back flat. I like them, but idk what to call them. Paper towel knee tucks? Floor polishing? I'm also trying out some crawls for ab work but we're taking those gently if they involve a flexed foot. Most definitely a work in progress!
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