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Everything posted by I-Jo

  1. Do them all the time- as many times as you can in a day- "Grease the groove" is the technique and it's VERY helpful. Doing negatives (get to above the bar- and lower yourself down as slowly as possible. Lat pull downs/Rows/DB Rows/BB rows- all very helpful for training "pull" muscles without actually doing pull ups.
  2. I don't squat well until after I start my first working squats. if you were to watch me squat the bar- and my first two warm up weights- you'd think I had no idea what I was doing (well I mean people could think that after I started squatting as well) but the reality is I just am to much *everything* tight- stiff- pain- floppy- my body just isn't ready. I'm on my toes- I can't get to parallel- nothing is where it's supposed to be and I can't hold myself hardly up right. It's just not.pretty. So I do a 3-5 min jump rope. Bar work full moblity stretch warm up weight more stretch First set- which is still warm up weight. By the time I get passed the second warm up weight- I'm usually squatting significantly better. Keep in mind- every day you have to ask yourself- what body did I wake up with today? Because you may be more flexible- or less today than you were yesterday. You maybe stronger today- or less than you were yesterday. Every day it's different. Go in and do your best- but allow your body to have some wiggle room and listen to it.
  3. I'd like to point out because the bar is ... just the bar- you are super loosey goosey. I find I have poor control and am floppy with no weight because I have no motivation or inclination to be tight- I just tend to think *squat* not- keep tight- keep this- breath- brace etc etc. it's just not as "good" of a squat- and it causes it's own set of problems- it's like trying to do a KB swing with 5 pounds- it just... doens't work as well. Once you get past basic mechanics- having a working weight- even a light working weight is useful for helping mentally keep you engaged. I suspect as soon as you put some weight on the bar- you'll figure out and self correct very quickly how to do them without rolling the bar forward. More practice- it'll get better. PS- when did this become a "zombie" squat- I've been doing them for years and they never had a special name.
  4. I'm so not even entering- I've completely back slide- I'm crushed. 225 squat and 275 DL. pissed and upset doesn't even begin to cover it. I couldn't bench- not enough time and I probably would have dropped it on my head anyway because I sucked. Not a good night.
  5. this is exactly what I was going to say- and dips. Also if you're having some fear about the weight- perhaps benching in the power cage will give you some freedom in terms of mental stability and also not having to harass everyone around you for a spot when you are feeling uncomfortable. I work alone and I sometimes know that my 6 sets of 3 at higher percentages can smoke me - a wrong lift all can cause me to fail and it can be hard to ask for help- THAT many times.
  6. Oh- this may actually fall perfectly with the end of my program. herm- needs to go look at my book. woot woot
  7. NICE!!! lots of pictures!!! YOU SHOULD TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES!
  8. I do get extremely cranky- and I have found I am extremely hungry- but I am pretty on point with food- I don't think 2-3 days of "an extra hundred or so" that your body needs is justification for over eating- so I don't do it. I do eat more chocolate- but I make sure it fits in my calorie content for the day.
  9. I saw you posted on FB_ I love it!!!! GREAT JOB I'm assuming practice for halloween??
  10. Just wanted to pop in and say NYX new glam singles are AMAZING. And bH cosmetics is a great company I just ordered from, LOVE their pop art and seductive brush kits (i got one as a gift b/c they messed up my order so they let me keep it- winning- more brushes) also Coastal Scents Reveled 2 pallete is fantabulous- and their poofy blender brush that is a MAC 217 dupe isn't to shabby either. Plus they do some sort of help women from Africa program- I haven't read up on it to really support it- but they sent a thing with the order- it's pretty much ever order you order they help set a woman up to fun her own business, little sad their make up is made in China- but I kind of can't help myself. So anyway- any one got new goodies to share? I just picked up Maybelline Fit Me color sticks- I'm MEH about them right now- everyone swears by them but meeeehhhhhhhhh. jury is still out. The duo fiber brush from Real techniques- the big one- is AMAZING with creme shadows- seriously- I'm obsessed. I think that's all I got right now- I should load some pictures and share- LOL I've acquired a lot of make up int he last 2-3 months!!! Feel remiss i haven't posted up for you all!
  11. this is my only thing to comment on really. you NEED rest days- maybe not right now- but at some point you will- either you're going to get a little burnt OR- you're going to start stalling on your strength gains. I would say keep it up as long as you feel okay- but if you start dragging serious ass- then cut the cardio down. I'd drop the cardio on weight days to-- but that's my personal preference.
  12. yes!!! I have a hard time understanding people who say they are bored with their program- I do the SAME three lifts EVERY time I go to the gym- it's either Bench and Squats or Deadlifts and Benching (seriously- M and F are Either Squat Bench Squat or Bench Squat Bench Squat- Wed is Pause DL, Bench- and box DL's). I STILL get excited to go lift. It's TOTALLY normal- And awesome. Enjoy it!!!And good luck with the lifting!
  13. It can and will- but it's not a full blown requirement- I've NEVER barked my shins bad enough to make me bleed- or even give me a second though. You can always video and double check yourself- I video once a week or so- it's useful to get your own eyes on it for instant feed back.
  14. Hia.Puckster!!!! I miss you!!!!.. I don't have access at work- and on my phone it's really hard to post- so I flit in and out- I feel bad- because well- I miss you guys!!! yes- takes work- and proper muscle initiation. FITS- all things to think about. Flexibility Initiation Tension Strength You're pull ups will come back- more practice- it's totally possible. Nameless wonder- can you jump and reach??? If i can't do any pull ups- or I"m out of gas- I'll put my feet up on a thing so at a park- put your feet up on the other side of the ladder- you'll be doing incline rows or reverse pull ups. (you'll see people do them on the smith machine occasionally- but i'ts a good way to keep working your back without actually doing pull ups!
  15. it showed up a few times a month ago?? I finally got around to watching it and I completely felt at odds with the entire worlds reaction. I was so ANGRY really- really angry. No one else seemed angry and I finally brought it up... everyone was ragging on how amazing it was that she was so fabulous for a woman. so fantastic , for a woman. Such a great wing span, for a woman. SHE WAS AWESOME. PERIOD. NOTHING ELSE. NO QUALIFIERS NEEDED. SO..ANGRY. Seriously- I"m VERY happy that she was successful- and I proud she's kicking ass- but seriously- the commentating was so condescending and sexist it was just insulting. Thirdly/secondly/finally whatever: she was a top rated gymnast. Seriously- when she went up the top- she was like ALL.DAY.LONG. no questions- like oh it's a woman- no one expects her it. that's the fucking problem. no- you aren't alone- I was really annoed.
  16. true story.. <high five> glad you have found a voice to speak up- it's a good thing. proud of you.
  17. was just having a ahem... disagreement about women at the gym with make up on another board... had these lying around so I finally uploaded to photobucket. 2 hours of powerlifting later- it's not perfect but it is a far cry from "sliding down my face" And I want to say that's light coverage foundation with some contouring on top.... i.e. not all eye shadow make up.
  18. less about churning for a comeback- this isn't the same situation, this is a discussion. It's what happens on forms no?? You're crossing wires on situations an applying the same context to the different situations and it's not the same, at all. You're also being extremely passive aggressive on instulting people while trying to make your point which yes- is poking the fire- and of COURSE people want to respond. And instead of handling the comments- you're insulting people trying to make your point. At no point has anyone saying it's okay to have a comeback insulted you. This wasn't about being cool or being a douche- it wasn't about anything other than being able to respond to defend your personage. You go ahead and kill them with kindness- that's you're thing- you can go ahead. I and others will deal with the situation on hand. If you don't want someone coming back- you have the option to deal with it there on the spot. It has nothing to do with cool or being a better person- if someone says something to do you- then you have the choice to respond- it doesn't make you the bad guy. (PS- 1.) not at work to make friends- at work to make money and do my job secondly 2.) I do have 'friends' at work- and no one pulls those kind of back ass judgey high and mighty "oh you're eating that" comments on me- I simply do not have to deal with that kind of behavior because I have stopped it or removed those types of people from my circle of engagement) You're entitled to your opinion- as I am mine. and I hope you have a fabulous day - it is kind of glorious out.
  19. close enough???? NSFW!!! pretty much not appropriate for anyone senstive... and I'm totally dying laughing... way to late for this- i love that girl. I think it'll do though for bouncing spot on. how very churchill of you not the same thing at all someone giving you an uninvited opinion on how they think you can improve your apperence to THEIR standards- is wholly and completely unacceptable and as soon as you open your big pie hole and say stupid shit- guess what- it's fair game to have it back in your face. Any time people give me shit at work over my food my go to come back is "when I want to look like you- I'll eat like you" It's none of their business to comment on your body or anything about you. think it's called micro aggression. backhanded "compliments" BUT I MENT it as a compliment. Well it's not. it's rude as hell and not appropriate. Look playing war games with someone is tiring an endless and stupid. Shut them up and shut them down and walk away. being nice to someone who has no social manners doesn't work. We learn these things in kindergarten- they are grown ass adults who should no better- they don't. So it's fair game. he didn't flip out- he was responding to someone who CALLED him into HER space to make fun of him. HOW IS THAT OKAY. it's not. Being snarky and a little bit nasty is the one of the best ways to deal with entitled people who think they get to run commentary on your life. And it tends to prevent future events. OP go on with your bad self and your boss squat. There is always the DO YOU EVEN LIFT BRO??!??!?! (doesn't matter what's the situation- just tell it really loud and throw your hands up- works every time)... yes I've done it to my coworker asking for a piece of paper or a pencil before. DYELB is acceptable answer to all things. Also more squatz. and DAT ASS. that's also a good response.
  20. Do you have a park you can practice in? A week won't set you back to far honestly- but if you can get into a park it'll help your mind set and your work!
  21. can vouch- have seen. I actually don't lift well to heavy thrasher metal music- I get to distracted I don't do well with the hype thy self up bit. I just go do the lift. So I have started to move away from music that makes me do that.
  22. LOL if you can drop a duece- you can squat. don't over think it. Just keep working it and get better LOL
  23. but they are low calorie brownie and avacado brownies!
  24. I hate when people say that "girls can't do....." why... why do you have to say it like that? Can't you say man it would be cool if you did- I've never seen a girl do that before. They aren't meaning usually to be insulting because usually it's because they just haven't seen a woman do it- but the idea is that you CAN"T.... rather than no one has never tried or they just haven't seen it... and they could say why don't you try to learn. makes me crasy. Seriously. little bit crazy. Sophia Crawford video's were awesome- thanks for sharing those Kaylyla!!!
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