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About huckleday

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  1. -________________________- do the umpires around here let you get away with puns like that Jk, sounds good I'll drop by
  2. D: YOU HAVE SO MANY LEVELS D: Thanks!! Notice you're a scout - my father and brother are triathletes, and my mom is a marathoner. Seriously been working the HR training to try and catch up Might drop around the guild one of these days!
  3. I tapped out when Sandy hit, but I'm back since late-December. Let's see what we can make of another challenge! 3 Diet and Fitness Goals:1. Dumbbell bench press 100 lbs 1x1 [+5 STR]2. Workout at least an average of twice a week: lifting and HR training each session [+1 WIS, +2 CON, +1 STA, +1 DEX]3. Cook twice a week. [+1 CHA, +3 CON, +1 WIS] 1 Level Up Ur Life Goal:4. 30 Minutes of Spanish Study a Day [+3 WIS, +2 CHA][note: I'm especially poor at daily tasks. This one requires extra planning to make realistic] I'll make plans on how to effectuate it shortly - just didn't want to miss the deadline to post the plan!! Edit [02/27 21:02]: Changed Goal #4 from "Get those Lawl (sic) School As!" to Spanish study.
  4. Alright, so I started the week of September 24, 2012 and finished the week of October 29, 2012. 6 weeks! So even though Hurricane Sandy cut me off - I totally made it! I thought that I hadn't so I didn't bother to do the stats. But now I'm back and I think I will Starting stats:1RM (lbs) SQT 225 | DL 245 | DB BP 70 | OHP 100 | FSQT 191 | C&J 152 | 5k 20'00" Ending stats:1RM (lbs) SQT 235 (+10) | DL 255 (+10) | DB BP 73 (+3) | OHP 90 (-10) | FSQT 191 (+0) | C&J 152 (unknown) | 5k 20'00" (unknown)Added 1RM stat: Barbell Row (BBRW) 108 | Dumbbell Bicep Curl (DBBC) 42 3 Diet and Fitness Goals:1. Jump-start new routine: avg 30 minutes of work (lift, bike, swim, run, trace) at least 5 times a week. [+3 STR, +2 EDU STA]A – My intention was to spend at least (30 * 5) 2.5 hours working out per week. I far exceeded this requirement! I would lift twice a week for about 30 minutes (which deserves to be counted as more time) and do parkour for 3 hours once a week (which deserves to be counted as less). Generously, I exceeded the goal; realistically, it was met. [+3 STR, +2 EDU STA] * 1 = +3 STR, +2 STA2. Benchmark and track every metric: weight lifted, time ran, speed, distance of pk jump... [+2 WIS]B – My intention was to add more measured metrics. I measured the current metrics I’ve track (i.e. what I have lifted), but I did not add additional metrics – such as sprints, jump distance, etc. [+2 WIS] * .75 = +1.5 WIS3. Reward self with no more than 2 tasty NYC pizza slices per week. [+3 CON]A – I don’t know how I did it. But I did. Actually, it was pretty easy – I just didn’t think about it!! Nevertheless this was a worthy goal for Level 1. [+3 CON] * 1 = +3 CON 1 Level Up Ur Life Goal:4. Wellness: STOP for 5 min/day and meditate. [+1 DEX, +1 CON, +1 STA, +1 WIS, +1 CHA]C – My intention in this was to mediate every day, rather than get a total sum above a weekly requirement (as with goal 1 above). I rarely meditated, but I did take time to reflect and I did not do this every day. But enough, I think, to justify a B, especially considering the stresses I face in lawl (sic) school. [+1 DEX, +1 CON, +1 STA, +1 WIS, +1 CHA] * .5 = +.5 DEX, +.5 CON, +.5 STA, +.5 WIS, +.5 CHA Total earned:+3 STA, +0.5 DEX, +3.5 CON, +2.5 STA, +2 WIS, +0.5 CHAStarting Stats: RANGER LV. 1 STR: 2 | DEX: 3 | CON: 2 | STA: 2 | WIS: 4 | CHA: 3 Challenge Completion Stats!RANGER LV. 2 STR: 5 | DEX: 3.5 | CON: 5.5 | STA: 4.5 | WIS: 6 | CHA: 3.5 Overall Challenge Ranking: B On to the next, on to the next!
  5. Hey all! I'm back! Hurricane Sandy and law school finals knocked me off the radar, but I'm back! Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any way to get into my old profile (without calling an administrator), but I like the new username better. Pleasure to be back! My lifts have increased since the new semester has started - and I'm solid into rowing and running. Looking to be a good restart indeed
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