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Everything posted by LegoLady45

  1. Welcome back, I am so glad to see you! I am about to post my thread for challenge #2 and hope we can support each other on another round of adventures!
  2. Welcome back Tateman! I followed you, and admired you, during the first challenge. You can do this, I know you can!
  3. Better late than never - grading myself on my challenge success. Goals: 1. Walk an average of 5000 steps per day - Well I had mixed results with this one. I found that I am unnaturally wedded to my FitBit. Without it I didn't want to walk. And then I wouldn't. However I took some great walks and got to know my neighborhood. I went on vacation for 2 weeks and was unable to walk during that time. I tried to swim every day we had a pool available. Did that about half the time. So for this goal I will give myself a C. 2. Track my calories - Didn't start with this goal. I believe my original goal was to get 7 hours of sleep per night. I abandoned that goal pretty quickly when I realized that i was getting sleep. Once I started focusing on it for the challenge, it became enough of a priority that I got the sleep. I kept to the sleep goal so easily within the first week, I decided to try for something more difficult. Changed to calorie tracking. I only tracked calories one day. So I give myself a D- for this. 3. Give up fast food - Oh this was so great for a while. Until June 30th or so I actually kept to this about 80-90%. Vacation messed me up, when we traveled to Chicago - land of yummy things. I ate and ate and ate. The no fast food goal went out the window for the most part. I did about 3-4 weeks of it, at about 80% compliance. I give myself a C-. 4. Think of, and recite an affirmation 50 times per day, not all in one long string, but throughout the day. This is another modified goal. The original goal (lead generate every day for work) became irrelevant when I was offered a new job. So I had to change this goal. It was a lame goal, one I liked but which didn't have any OOMPH to it. I feel like it was more of a reaction to the problems I was having with my guy friend. I will give myself a C+, which is an A for effort mixed with a D in compliance. What I learned - goals need to be less rigid. They need to be less susceptible to the inevitable changes that seem to come up in my life. I remember when I was trying to formulate the goals, I tried to make them measurable. But I think they are too rigid. So next time I am going to choose goals that are less specific. instead of "walk every day" it will be "30 minutes of exercise 5 or more days per week." I also learned that being accountable is a vital part of my success. I liked telling others what I did, or didn't do, I liked feeling as though I had people who were checking on me and keeping up with me. I am already tracking calories on MyFitnessPal, which I started this week. I am going to post my calories on NF for the next challenge. So all of you will keep me accountable! Finally, I learned that my friends at NF are amazing. I love all of you and all your support. I cannot wait until the next challenge, in the hopes that I will not be going through so much chaos in my life. I want to support all of you the way you supported me. I will definitely be here for the next challenge! I am rather inept, technically but hopefully here is a link to my thread: http://nerdfitnessrebellion.com/index.php?/topic/30331-legolady45-embarks-on-first-challenge/
  4. Better late than never - grading myself on my challenge success. Goals: 1. Walk an average of 5000 steps per day - Well I had mixed results with this one. I found that I am unnaturally wedded to my FitBit. Without it I didn't want to walk. And then I wouldn't. However I took some great walks and got to know my neighborhood. I went on vacation for 2 weeks and was unable to walk during that time. I tried to swim every day we had a pool available. Did that about half the time. So for this goal I will give myself a C. 2. Track my calories - Didn't start with this goal. I believe my original goal was to get 7 hours of sleep per night. I abandoned that goal pretty quickly when I realized that i was getting sleep. Once I started focusing on it for the challenge, it became enough of a priority that I got the sleep. I kept to the sleep goal so easily within the first week, I decided to try for something more difficult. Changed to calorie tracking. I only tracked calories one day. So I give myself a D- for this. 3. Give up fast food - Oh this was so great for a while. Until June 30th or so I actually kept to this about 80-90%. Vacation messed me up, when we traveled to Chicago - land of yummy things. I ate and ate and ate. The no fast food goal went out the window for the most part. I did about 3-4 weeks of it, at about 80% compliance. I give myself a C-. 4. Think of, and recite an affirmation 50 times per day, not all in one long string, but throughout the day. This is another modified goal. The original goal (lead generate every day for work) became irrelevant when I was offered a new job. So I had to change this goal. It was a lame goal, one I liked but which didn't have any OOMPH to it. I feel like it was more of a reaction to the problems I was having with my guy friend. I will give myself a C+, which is an A for effort mixed with a D in compliance. What I learned - goals need to be less rigid. They need to be less susceptible to the inevitable changes that seem to come up in my life. I remember when I was trying to formulate the goals, I tried to make them measurable. But I think they are too rigid. So next time I am going to choose goals that are less specific. instead of "walk every day" it will be "30 minutes of exercise 5 or more days per week." I also learned that being accountable is a vital part of my success. I liked telling others what I did, or didn't do, I liked feeling as though I had people who were checking on me and keeping up with me. I am already tracking calories on MyFitnessPal, which I started this week. I am going to post my calories on NF for the next challenge. So all of you will keep me accountable! Finally, I learned that my friends at NF are amazing. I love all of you and all your support. I cannot wait until the next challenge, in the hopes that I will not be going through so much chaos in my life. I want to support all of you the way you supported me. I will definitely be here for the next challenge!
  5. Hi there, I have internet this morning. Truth be told, I have not been able to keep the challenge in the front of my mind. So my pursuit of my goals has been half-assed, at best. I try to eat a vegetable or salad every day. I swim when there is a good pool and enough time. I forgot totally about affirmations, I have been so busy. And tracking calories is not even on the radar. What I HAVE had on the radar, is planning for the next challenge. What goals can I choose which will adapt better to vacations and friend problems and other things that get thrown my way? What goals will get me results? I have some in mind and am looking forward to starting anew. My theme is going to be WORK. Work on my paying jobs, giving less time to problematic friends and being a couch potato Work on weights and strength training, learning the proper way to train. Work on my diet - perhaps doing something regimented (like paleo, or staying within a calorie limit, not eating after 6, I dunno) Work on taking care of myself emotionally/spiritually. These are my thoughts for the next challenge. I won't be home for a couple more days. I appreciate all of your support.
  6. Sticking to paleo approved foods is a HUGE accomplishment, don't you think? Especially if you are used to eating junk or a lot of carbs? That takes thought, planning, shopping and foresight. These are not easy. Hurray for you! And as for clutter - I also find myself chased by the clutter demon. Sometimes tackling a little piece of the project helps. Like - get a trash bag or recycling bin and clean up all that stuff. Or get a hamper and pick up all the laundry. Make a box for donations. Take everything that belongs in another room, pick it all up and take it to that room. I found that after I did these little tasks over and over and over, eventually the clutter became less And it became easier to pick up what was around. Do you also find that things don't have a "home" and that is why they are laying around? That was a big problem for me. Find homes for stuff as you pick it up -if there is no home, make one. or if you cannot make one, maybe it's time for that item to go. Clutter reduction is a huge process and really hard to get done quickly. My best success was when I had an impartial, clean freak friend, come over and help me make decisions. She plowed through everything and it felt great! Little steps like everyone else has said. These will get you results. It takes a long time to create our challenges and an equally long amount of time to clean them up. Rooting for you!
  7. Thanks, Jimenna. I am really trying. Now another kink has been thrown into my challenge. We are on a two week road trip. So I am in the car most of the day and not walking. I have had to modify my goals yet again. remind me next challenge to pick more vague goals or else plan ahead! Here's my progress, lame as it is: 1. Walk an average of 5000 steps per day - Well, can't do that with the schedule we are keeping. So I spent an hour in the hotel pool, and moved the entire time. Swimming, treading water, walking. 2. Track my calories - Didn't even try. 3. Give up fast food - We packed home food for the trip and are eating sandwiches, fruit, etc that we brought along. I had a salad from Wendy's tonight. But it was a SALAD. The berry, chicken almond salad. That's at least passable fast food. 4. Think of, and recite an affirmation 50 times per day, not all in one long string, but throughout the day. Did not do an affirmation. In fact spent most of the day thinking about my absent friend, and missing him. In between enjoying the view as we drove. So I am still here but not really internet accessible most of the day/s. I will hang in and do my revised version of my goals. I know I can finish the challenge and I have learned so much to take to the next one!
  8. Yesterday: 1. Walk an average of 5000 steps per day - couldn't find my FitBit again. But I found it today! YAY! I did quite a bit of walking yesterday because I had to pick up my sister at the airport. Parked far, far from the gate and trudged along. 2. Track my calories - Didn't even try. 3. Give up fast food - Going OK. Have not given it up 100% but I have gotten past my craving/habit to have it for breakfast, every single day. I would say I have eaten fast food for breakfast, about 80% of my mornings, for the past....20 years!? Isn't that amazing, in a horrible way. Since undertaking the challenge I have been doing protein shakes or fruit etc for breakfast. I can pass by fast food and talk myself out of the cravings. This is a HUGE accomplishment for me! 4. Think of, and recite an affirmation 50 times per day, not all in one long string, but throughout the day. Yesterday's helped a lot. Today's is: "I am happy!"
  9. I really appreciate the support, Nehpaisys. Your words really made me think and bolstered my mood and confidence. By the way I do not judge you at all for your relationship with the married guy. Sometimes following our hearts leads us to people who are not good for us. And sometimes they are not honest with us, in order to get their own selfish needs met. I feel like my "friend" was doing some of the same thing as your married guy, especially toward the end. The last time he showed up it was for 20 minutes and it was just to get something off his chest. Like I am his guidance counselor or confessor, not his friend. Using me because I was the one person he could be open and honest with. But I digress. I did OK yesterday. Life is frantic because of the new job and our pending vacation. I FOUND MY FITBIT this morning. And while its absence didn't stop me from walking, it definitely felt like I was missing a little friend. It's back and has logged a massive 743 steps so far today.
  10. Good morning all, I need help. The loss of my friend has been a struggle for me. Today is turning out to be a bad day. I know I didn't do anything wrong, but it still hurts to lose someone who was so close to you for years. Especially when you don't know why. I have been trying to avoid him by parking in a different area and not looking out the window and arriving at different times. But it didn't work today. I saw him in the parking lot. He didn't see me. But seeing someone brings it all back in such a painful way. And right now I am awash in all sorts of sad feelings. I want to be enthusiastic and focused on my challenge. Want my life to head in a better direction. I will probably never know where he went, why he walked away, what was in his mind. I will be left with the fallout. Apparently he feels nothing, doesn't miss me, doesn't care. So how do I get this person out of my mind? I cannot switch jobs or buildings at this time. How do I push all the hurt away and look at what's in front of me, the people who are here now, who do care about me, who want to be a positive part of my future? Help... Yesterday's recap: 1. Walk an average of 5000 steps per day - Fitbit-less still, I was so busy with work and getting ready for vacation, I didn't have time to go somewhere and walk. It was pouring down rain and I would have had to go indoors. 2. Track my calories - I felt very in control yesterday. I ate thoughtfully although it was not perfect. But truth be told - didn't track a thing. Noted the calories as I put them into my mouth. 3. Give up fast food - Yesterday was one of those days where I felt like I was not an out of control eating monster. I felt like I could choose to eat things instead of feeling driven by habit. I did have fast food at breakfast but that was a choice I made because I felt in control. I had a protein shake for lunch and a decent dinner. But still - I ate fast food. 4. Think of, and recite a new affirmation to myself 50 times per day. And not all in one long string. Throughout the day. - I could not think of one yesterday although yesterday was a good day overall. I felt happy and in control of my life. I spent a lot of time holding my domino to remind me to focus on my health. Today's affirmation is - "I have a great life, right now." Thanks, all.
  11. Maybe try not to bring cake into the house. that's half the battle, not having it, or a mix, or ingredients to make one. Foods call to me when they are on the counter at the house. But when they are not here, and there is some major exertion required to get it, the food doesn't get eaten. I admire your working out and gaining noticeable strength in such a short time. We have been at this challenge all of three weeks and you are already experiencing greater endurance. Yay!
  12. So I took that advice and have been sitting here, hungry, for a while. My stomach is growling slightly but it's 10:13pm and I don't want to eat right before I go to bed. How did I do today? 1. Walk an average of 5000 steps per day - still can't find the FitBit. Didn't take a walk. I was so tired i couldn't even really function. 2. Track my calories - I watched what I ate but I did not write it down. For breakfast I had a rprotein shake. For lunch I had a peanut butter sandwich and some cherries. For dinner I had a salad with feta cheese, raisins, almonds and some pear dressing. I polished off most of a bottle of wine tonight (yikes!) 3. Give up fast food - I had NONE! And today it was easy 4. Think of, and recite a new affirmation to myself 50 times per day. And not all in one long string. Throughout the day. I forgot to do an affirmation but I carried my domino. I took it out and held it in my hand when I was struggling. It was a physical reminder of what I am trying to do. I weighed myself today and the number has gone down. I am going to wait until Thursday to weigh myself again.
  13. I got my mojo back! The determination to do this, and do it right, and do it with gusto, has returned. In part because I have figured out how to process the loss of my friend without letting it affect my day. I also read a book that I picked up at a conference in February. It's called "The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results." It's a management book but it's all about focusing your time, energy and efforts to get maximum results. Its techniques can be applied to anything, including fitness. Basically you choose your "one thing." Mine is to be is a normal size and weight. Then I ask myself, "what is the one thing I can do such that by doing it, everything else becomes easier or unnecessary?" For me the answer was - control my food intake. And that is all I focused on today. The book has a recurring theme of dominoes (like the game). So I am carrying a domino now, the one with just one white dot on it. It is a constant reminder to stay focused. So today went a lot better. I have lost my Fitbit but I am not going to let that stop me from walking. Yesterday I walked .7 miles, no idea how many steps that was. And today I did a ton of shopping and cleaning. I parked far from the stores and walked until my feet hurt. Still no idea how many steps but I walked! I had NO FAST FOOD TODAY! For breakfast I had an Atkins shake. For lunch I had some turkey and cheese, and rainier cherries. Dinner was roast chicken and a little bit of rice. Served on a smaller plate so it looked like more food than it was. It's 11 pm and I can feel my stomach growling. I resisted my usual after dinner gnoshing.
  14. Well UnterDennis, it sounds good! Change is difficult though, and I hope you are not too hard on yourself with your grading system. Habits that have taken a long time to get engrained will take a while to break. I am traveling soon too and will have to check out the hotel room workout. We are driving so I am bringing hand weights so I can use them wherever we are. Good luck and keep posting! You will get lots of support on here.
  15. Good morning, Today I start anew. I feel bad that I have not been able to maintain the focus to complete my challenges. And I didn't expect life to throw so much at me, that I had to change my goals as I went along. Something to think about when I embark on the next challenge. To recap yesterday: 1. Walk an average of 5000 steps per day - still can't find the FitBit. Didn't take a walk. Epic fail 2. Track my calories - Epic fail 3. Give up fast food - Epic Fail 4. Think of, and recite a new affirmation to myself 50 times per day. And not all in one long string. Throughout the day. I did that although I am not sure I did it 50 times. So overall I would say these days I am sucking at this. And it makes me depressed. The job change threw me, losing my fitbit has thrown me (because I get flummoxed when my carefully laid plans get sidelined) and I feel as though I have retreated into bad habits. I need to get back on track. I want results. Do I want them bad enough? I guess that is the question. I am about to go out for a walk. Fitbit-less. It's better than doing nothing. I had to get up super early to fit it into my day. I am having a hard time thinking of an affirmation because none of them feel true right now. I feel like I don't make good choices. I feel like I can't do this. So, my affirmation for today is: When I try hard, I succeed! Wish me luck, please.
  16. I love your commentary and your grading system! I think I am going to try the grading for myself. It sounds like you are able to do small bursts of activities that meet your goals. I find that two techniques work for me. (1) set a time for 15 or 30 minutes. Do the activity (usually it's cleaning) and nothing else, until the timer rings. Then you know the cleaning is of limited duration and you are focused. (2) pick one small thing to clean, like a drawer or the fridge. Just do that one task and focus on nothing else. Little efforts add up!
  17. Thanks for the idea on steps counting. I know it's not so much about the number of steps (other than for this challenge) but to get out and move. Sadly things are consipriring agianst me right now. The new job is very desk intensive, i sit a lot and don't get out like I used to. It's also busy as I am training, and also getting ready for a vacation at the same time. Excuses, excuses, I know. I was thinking about it today and realized that my even entering a challenge, and posting every day, is a major step for me. I just need life to settle down enough for me to get back into focus on the challenge. Goals recap: 1. Walk an average of 5000 steps per day - still can't find the FitBit. Didn't take a walk. It was pouring rain here. 2. Track my calories - I ate a healthy breakfast and lunch, then I had Baskin Robbins for dessert after dinner. Did not track, but thought about it. 3. Give up fast food - Slight improvement - I had an "egg white delight mcmuffin" which is cheddar cheese and egg white on an english muffin. Not a lot of fat or calories, but still fast food. 4. NEW GOAL 4 - think of, and recite a new affirmation to myself 50 times per day. And not all in one long string. Throughout the day. This is a good goal. I wrote down my affirmation in multiple places and recited it to myself. It helped a lot. Today's affirmation is: "I make good food choices."
  18. Good morning everyone! 1. Walk an average of 5000 steps per day - still can't find the FitBit. I didn't get to take a walk due to scheduling, and the fact that it was raining. But I did pull an entire bin full of weeds from my backyard. 2. Track my calories - I wrote down everything I ate. I didn't add up the numbers. 3. Give up fast food - Well....I am such a slave to bad habits. I found a coupon for a "free quarter pounder" and I used it. Because a quarter pounder sounded tasty. And I like a good deal. Funny thing is - they gave me two of them. And I ate them. But I will record the calories. 4. NEW GOAL 4 - think of, and recite a new affirmation to myself 50 times per day. And not all in one long string. Throughout the day. This is a good goal. I wrote down my affirmation in multiple places and recited it to myself. It helped a lot. Today's affirmation is: "I am going to have a good day." I am trying to improve but am having a hard time. I didn't expect to need to change my goals mid-stream. Something to remember for next challenge.
  19. Thanks. I wrote the affirmation on a piece of paper and taped it to my watch band. And it's on my laptop. I will write it down throughout the day, that is a good idea. I ate my apple but now my stomach is growling. It's 9:09am and I don't have much in the way of food resources. We are having an office birthday party, where they are serving ... mimosas. So maybe I will have 17 of those to drown my sorrows. :-) Thank you CakeBanisher. I know I didn't do anything wrong. And I know my friend doesn't deserve half of what I gave him. But it's so hard to realize that someone who said they wanted to be part of your life, no longer does. And there IS no good reason. In the end I know I will be a happier person in life. He is selfish and tends to mess up most of the significant relationships in his life (why would ours be the exception). But right now it's hard to see that.
  20. Wow and congratulations to you! My goal is to be a "normal" size so I can go into any store and find something off the rack that looks good. I am really impressed that you have already made it there. Something to aspire toward, for sure!
  21. Did I happen to mention that my former friend and I work in the same building, just one floor apart? We all go in the same door and park in the same lot? And my office window overlooks said lot? I just saw him walking in, and now I am sitting here crying. We rarely get the privilege of knowing why someone chooses to abandon us or turn on us, tear our heart out or walk away from us. We just get to live with the fallout of their unfathomable choice. Today is going to be an emotionally difficult day. Here is a recap of yesterday: 1. Walk an average of 5000 steps per day - couldn't find my FitBit again. Argh where does that thing go. I did not take any structured walks, just went through my normal day. 2. Track my calories - Didn't even try 3. Give up fast food - I was on autopilot with bad habits, ate Carl's Jr. and McDonald's. 4. Lead generate 2 hours per day, or a total of 10 hours per week. - I did a two hour broker's open so I guess that counts. But today I resolve to do better. All of your encouragement is amazing and so helpful. Today's goals: 1. Walk an average of 5000 steps per day - still can't find the FitBit but I plan to get in a walk. Ironically my best walk route during the day is at my office, and I have to walk past my "friend's" window 4x to do it. 2. Track my calories - I will get back to this goal, if nothing else i will take your suggestion to write down everything I eat, even if I don't get to the counting. I was doing that before. 3. Give up fast food - I brought a V8 and an apple with me this morning. Was running late and couldn't find anything else. But I heard the voice in me that said NO DRIVE THRU. And I didn't go. 4. NEW GOAL 4 - think of, and recite a new affirmation to myself 50 times per day. And not all in one long string. Throughout the day. To remind myself that every day is a new day and I can do this and I am worth it. Today's affirmation is: I HAVE THE STRENGTH TO GET THROUGH THIS. I chose this one because right now I feel like there are so many things I need to "get through." I will not let you guys, or myself, down. I will do this! Thank you all so much for your kind support. I wish I could hug every one of you. :-)
  22. I'm back after a long garage sale hiatus. Progress for Saturday: 1. Walk an average of 5000 steps per day - I did 6324 2. Track my calories - It all went out the window. The whole family went off austerity and spent money we didn't need to spend. On bad food. 3. Give up fast food - "F" didn't even try over the weekend. 4. Lead generate 2 hours per day, or a total of 10 hours per week. - Still haven't figured out a new goal. Progress for Sunday: 1. Walk an average of 5000 steps per day - I did 7779. Funny how life works; I decided over the weekend to let my troubling, inattentive friend 'go.' But in his place, an old friend reappeared in my life. One who likes to walk, and who lost 50 lbs since January. He picks my brain for career advice and we walk while we talk. 2. Track my calories - FAIL, didn't even try 3. Give up fast food - Fail, didn't even try 4. New goal, to be determined. I did an open house for 2 hours, so I guess I am still meeting that fourth goal even though I need to change it. Today: 1. Walk an average of 5000 steps per day - So far up to 2515 2. Track my calories - fail 3. Give up fast food - fail 4. TBD. I feel like I have lost my focus. I want to get on track but it's so difficult. i haven't been sleeping, a lot on my mind, and that definitely doesn't help. I am so lost. :-(
  23. You aren't the only one who was low energy/off goal on Thursday! I and several people I know felt "off" that day, not up to their usual tasks and challenges. Maybe it was the moon or something. Keep trying.
  24. I am on the computer all day long, but I tend to get on around 7am and be off my 11pm. I am on-and-off during those times for work and other reasons.
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