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About slckness

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  1. I badly need a foam roller (and lacrosse balls) for my back... or a massage.. While not really a foam roller, has anyone tried the MobilityWod Gemini?
  2. I have this because I like the sound of the bowls and it works well, but I don't partake in the community at all. (in fact I block it from accessing the internet with a firewall). I should meditate more..
  3. Compromises need to be made, you can't have it all! I admit I never tried the last one at work, only at home, but the first two suggestions should be SFW
  4. I work at an industrial laundry and it gets super hot in there. I tend to fill a water bottle with small ice cubes that I can suck on throughout the day (we have an ice machine in the lunch room). If you can have a small spray bottle of water to mist onto your face and other exposed skin the fans on your desk should make you feel even cooler. You could also try putting plastic ice packs in your pockets. Might turn your thighs a bit numb but it helps.
  5. The "How bad do you want it?" video that I-Jo posted is fantastic "stay fit, keep sharp, make good decisions" - Louis Tully (Rick Moranis) Ghostbusters II
  6. I had private lessons with an instructor years ago which was amazing for helping improve my form, but ultimately I stopped because of the cost. I went to a public studio a few times after that but even then I wasn't in a good place financially to justify the membership. It was so long ago that I don't recall how it was structured, I remember doing primary series seated poses and standing poses, and an instructor at the studio thought that I should check out a mysore class but I never went. These days I just do several sun salutatons at the start of a warm up for other body weight exercises, nothing serious, but I'd like to get back into it for off days. certainly not a 'nerd' for it but I do enjoy it
  7. Well it's been two months since joining and I've since managed to complete Lv 2 and one of the Lv 3 of the Rebel Fitness Guide (many thanks Steve for making this!). I've been working out 3 days a week every week and I'm pretty happy with my results so far and thought I'd show a photo! (I couldn't find one of my front photos, so this will have to do) I was using some dumbbells but I think I'm more of a fan of body weight exercises. I finally got around to purchasing a chin up bar about a week ago, I don't know why I put that off for so long. Still struggling with cleaning up my diet, I eat way too many carbs and not enough veggies. I've done a good job of tracking what I eat and staying around 2100 kcal each day... except this past week I didn't track a thing food wise. I'm endeavoring to post around here more often but I don't get on the computer very much. boourns to working! also, hurrah to clothes fitting better!
  8. I am also a fan of nothing on my off days. but sometimes I mix things up, like today I did some jump rope! (and a bit of yoga)
  9. I never thought I was a grunter until I started using heavier weights rrraaghh!
  10. slckness


    I tried tempeh maple bacon strips which were fried in a pan with oil, it was okay but not really my thing, maybe if I tried a different kind or prepared differently.
  11. I've been trying to decide on one to buy as well, guess I'll go with the Iron Gym! If I can do a single pull up I'll be amazed
  12. I just bought the 5k app and tomorrow I'm going to buy some running shoes, I'm really looking forward to trying it out (and beginning to run).
  13. Super upsetting. I started using Feedly, so far so good. There is also theoldreader.com
  14. I've been using LoseIT, mostly the android app. I like it, I haven't used their food index very much and mostly input custom foods.
  15. I have eczema on my hands and I've been having some success using this O'Keeffe's Working Hands hand cream, it's the only thing that keeps my hands looking normal (aside from cortizone oint.)
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