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Everything posted by Faervel17

  1. Loving the stories! I've just started playing dungeons and dragons and I will never be the DM as I have no imagination! Glad to see you recognized something needed to change. You can do it!
  2. I'm sure it's a mix of too much sugar and lack of a nutrient I really need a new multivitamin. That and likely a combination of our friends used to me being able to stay up until like 4am but now that I'm started working out so often I'm way more tired and need more rest. I wish I could upload my tracker I made for you to see. I should take a photo but I do have it in excel though too. I banged out my workout classes this week. I pushed myself and sweat hard but it wasn't my best week as my body was tired. Officially 1/4 of the way through my classes but I can feel slight differences my arms have a tiny bit of shape and my hubby says the booty feels tighter. Progress!! I need to push myself to fit in my home workouts. Today is definitely a rest day. Tomorrow I need to plan one in and hoping I can fit in a short jog or rollerblade on Saturday.
  3. I did it!!! I made a colourful one tailored to my needs! Big deal as I haven't used excel in years!! Anybody finding themselves tired all the time? I cant seem to shake it.
  4. I can't find any printables that I like so I'm wasting today creating my own.
  5. we often have lemon water in theg fridge I just forget to drink I definitely need some way to track that. I do want to post here but I don't get on the computer everyday and there is no way to access website from my phone so I need some sort of other way to track. I slacked over the weekend but thats ok as my goals are structured to be mostly during the week.
  6. Thanks. We planned on trying things out and geting started this weekend but it didn't work out. Our set came with an online code so I will be plugging that in this week and trying things out that way. I learned one friend back home (not in our regular group) is huge ino DnD so may play a bit with them too.
  7. I'm way late on this but I'm still looking for an accountablity buddy myself. My husband isn't good support and I just moved so no friends yet.
  8. Because only one of us has any experience with DnD we have chosen to start with the 4th edition just a little start up kit that our stores owner has made up for relatively cheap. We also had the benefit of it happening to be drop in night for the game so thankfully one group let us watch and explained a bit to us for about half an hour. From there and a bit of information off the internet my husband and his one brother already have a slight preference to 3.5 but honestly I have a feeling it's the graphics that capture their attention more than anything. We're hoping to start figuring things out this weekend so I'll let you know how it all works out.
  9. We are going to go to the gaming store this evening BUT at the same time I want to understand whats going on and the basics before I walk in. Initially I thought no way will I be the dungeon master but as I stop and think I may end up. Ahhh! Oh well good chance to make a fool of myself, I have that mastered I'm half way there
  10. This is overwhelming but I know it will be worth it
  11. Good to know as the 4th edition is very easy to find and comes with the handy starter set.
  12. How do you all track your progress? I need a way I fall off the train from that alone.
  13. Our little group of friends is interested in starting to play dungeons and dragons. We've all been thinking it but have never said it. Now the hard part is what do we need to start? We're kinda hoping to play this weekend so looking to buy like tomorrow. Thankfully we have an amazing gaming store in town that will have everything we need but we are totally overwhelmed by all these add ons and options. So, what do we need? Any pointers? Thanks!
  14. Hey all!! After a bit of a break due to no internet, summer and a move I'm back and I'm ready to get fit!! Goal 1: Stay dedicated to my classes and attend faithfully. I have signed myself up for 3 fitness classes. I'm that fool in the class annoying others because I look dumb because I'm working so hard. I've signed up for Zumba, Yoga, and a circuit weight training class. Rewards: +2 stamina +2 strength +1 dexterity Grading: A- attending 3x a week B- attending 2x a week C- attending once per week D- attempting to go to at least one class but not making it F- not attending that week for no reason Goal 2: Fit in a home workout 2x a week. In addition to my classes out of the house I would like to fit in any sort of home workout 2x per week. I have various different types from zumba dvds to wii fit to the beginner body weight workout to simply going for a run. Either way I need to get active at home 2x a week. Rewards: +1 stamina +1 strength +1 dexterity Grading: A- fitting in an extra workout B- succedding at 2 workouts C- succeeding at only 1 workout D- attempting or wanting to try for a workout F- not trying at all Goal 3: Drink more. I find myself continually dehydrated and when I do have a drink besides tea it tends to be sugary crap. I need to either drink more tea or water and less sugary items. Rewards: +3 constitution +2 wisdom Grading: A- having a full 8cups a day. B- having 6 cups a day C- having 4 cups a day D- having 2 cups a day F- nothing Goal 4: Put down technology more! I, like most others, spend way too much time on devices. I want to put it down more. Mainly I will be focusing on putting it down early in the evening like 10pm. Rewards: +2 charisma +2 wisdom Grading: A- 3hrs per day B- 2hrs per day C- 1hr per day D- 1/2 per day F- didn't even try Age: 23 Height: 5ft 5in Weight: 151lbs. Waist: 33in Hip: 38.5in Thigh: 22in Arm: 11in
  15. Thank you so much!! I'm approaching my crazy week here and this is the one I have dread since the start of the challenge. I have 3 days to do a whole house clean from 2 weeks of drive through living. I then have 2 days away while the kids are still here and two hours to clean all of that up before leaving for the weekend. The next three days I'm also single parenting it as my husband is away for work. Ugh - so stressed out already I'm battling my anxiety pretty bad. I CAN DO THIS!
  16. Swimming lessons have kept us insanely busy! On top of that we've had no internet thanks to storms so between being insanely exhausted and running everywhere I haven't been doing so good. How is everyone else doing?
  17. Hey all!! Sorry I haven't been around we have had no internet due to storms but it's back!!! Yay!! I really like the idea of writing down what I want to eat each day and crossing it off especially since I'm a rather emotional eater rather than a planned or healthy eater. So far my food log is showing I need more prep done If I have to cook each and every meal each day I start skipping meals. I was sick last week so I'm hoping tomorrow I can start getting sweaty I utterly failed that last week. I have been doing really good at going to bed early on the nights that there weren't storms but that has only been 2-3 nights so that part sucks too. Hoping tonight I can catch up on some much needed sleep.
  18. I've been silent for a few days too. Last week killed me trying to fit it all in and then a super busy weekend didn't help any. The next two weeks are going to kill me, the kids have swimming lessons and I have to have all 3 of them at the pool for 1.5 hours and only 1 in at a time. Oy Vey! Excited for them to have the lessons and confidence but so not excited for the time sitting on the pool deck. I have tried my fitness pal, itrackbites, and another one. I like the ones that have the barcode scanner but I make so many meals homemade that I find it hard to track my homemade meals via any system and that seems to hold me up the most.
  19. Goal 1 - Go to bed by midnight each night. I'm trying really hard to do this one and it's getting closer and closer to midnight each day. I had it spot on for a few days and then we had two nights of storms and then the kids were out of wack the next two nights but I was never over 1:30am and usually I'm pushing 3am so happy with progress so far. Goal 2 - Get sweaty 4x a week. Didn't do so good at this one last week. Went for 1 short one and did zumba 1 day so 2/4 days but not what my goal is. Again, progress but not success. Goal 3 - Track my daily food & drink intake. Fail! I hate all my apps and my picture taking plan fills up my phone quick with no way to categorize by day. I need a new system and am having problems finding one.
  20. Has anyone tried any food/drink tracking apps? Have any reviews? I've tried a few but maybe I'm just using them wrong.
  21. Acrimony for my body weight workout I just do it in the living room during nap time. I picked up a dumbbell and an exercise ball and I keep to the same 10 workouts every time and repeat them twice. The kids like to mirror me beside me while I'm doing it so they do it with me but I don't have to try and lift them. Takes me 20 min max but I can feel it working. My goals are: 1. To go to bed before midnight every night. (VERY HARD FOR ME!) 2. Break a sweat 4 days a week (get my cardio up) plus continue doing my bodyweight workout (super good at this) 3. Track my food and drink in take daily (just want a log so I can make changes based on facts and not my perception)
  22. Thanks, my goal is actually not to cut back on what I eat but rather to up how much I eat and improve the quality. I have a bad habit of not eating breakfast, not eating lunch, eating supper and then a snack at about 10pm and thats it. I really just want to figure out what I'm eating, have the log and have the facts to make the changes off of instead of just perception. Taking pictures is a good idea, I do have a few apps but I don't love any of them lol.
  23. Hey all!! I love this group - think it's perfect for me. I'm a SAHM to 3 girls. I am "attempting" to run a photography business. It's sort of on hold for now as my husband is about to get super busy at work and then he is off to his last year of his apprenticeship so I have slowed down drastically this year and am just doing it for fun at the moment until that chaos passes. My oldest daughter is currently 5, my middle monkey is 3 and my youngest just turned 2. We not only stay home but I've been home schooling my oldest girl. She did do preschool so that made this year (kindergarten) very easy but next year won't be so easy. My goals for the next 6 weeks are very simply. I way overdid it last challenge and also learned a whole ton about myself. I also have a 5yr anniversary where we are going on our honeymoon so I wanted it to be something I didn't stop while we were away. I want to track my food & drink intake daily, I want to get my cardio going 4 days a week (on top of my body weight circuit I do), and I want to go to bed before midnight so I'm less of a grump and can get more done. We can do this!!
  24. I learned a TON in my first challenge about myself, my willpower, and my habits. Now it's time to take that knowledge, redirect my goals and keep going. My starting stats are: Height: 5ft 5in Weight: 148lbs Age: 23 GOAL 1 To go to bed before 12:00am each night. This is tough for me as I have 3 kids and often stay up way too late just to have the alone time. I NEED to get to bed by midnight so that I can function better and have more energy during the days. WILL BE HARD!! Allowances: We are heading into tornado season here so any night there is a risk of tornadic activity I will be stay up until the dangerous weather has passed. Will Achieve - +1 Stamina +2 Consitution +2 Charisma Grading: A - completed every day of the week B - completed 6 days a week C - completed 5 days a week D - completed 3 days a week F - never completed GOAL 2 Break a sweat at least 4 days a week. My current routine is better than the nothing I had before and I know it's working but it's not heavy in the cardio so I want to get sweaty and get my heart rate up at least 4 days a week. Will Achieve - +2 Strength +2 Stamina +2 Dexterity Grading: A - completed every day of the week B - completed 4 days a week C - completed 3 days a week D - completed 2 days a week F - never completed GOAL 3 Track my liquid and food intake daily. If anyone knows of a good app to do this with let me know. I've done it off and on sporadically but I really want to have a record to look back on this challenge. Will Achieve - +3 Wisdom +1 Consitution Grading: A - completed every day of the week B - completed 6 days a week C - completed 5 days a week D - completed 3 days a week F - never completed I also have a general and not measurable goal of being comfortable in my skin which to me means I want to lose my baby weight and not feel on the heavy side. I don't want the muffin top and I don't want the love handles. I know this is far off but that is my dream goal. We can do this!!
  25. Well long weekend over - now time to refocus and go hard until the end of this challenge since all hurdles that I forgot to factor in have been overcome!! If all else fails, I learned how to plan better and have more success in the next challenge.
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