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About LadySpazalot

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  • Birthday July 20

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  1. I suck at sleep and my body hurts. But I've been looking at gym memberships, since I never have room in my house to workout.
  2. I've tried it on and off, but have ended up having to stop, because it's far too expensive for my budget if I don't plan properly.
  3. I'm doing Whole30 as well! Finding my pinterest SUCH a boon for it . . . Best of luck!
  4. This is technically my 3rd challenge, I think. But I didn't finish any of the previous ones and I forgot about this website for 2 years. Depression makes goal upkeep hard. I've recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, hypermobility, and I may have IBS, but I'm kind of sick of doctors, so I haven't gotten a diagnosis. All this on top of my depression, anxiety, and crippling body image issues. BUT being in better physical health is supposed to help with all this, so I want to break my "barely scraping by" inertia, and actually do something with my life. I've been meaning to start Whole30 to address my food sensitivities but keep putting it off because junk food is comforting. There is also a significant possibility that I will be moving later this year, and thus will need to interview for a new job, and thus will need to fit back into my suit, seeing as I cannot afford another one. I've gained a whole lot of weight in the past few months, that is doing nothing to help. This challenge is going to be about getting myself back to being able to function. I'll be working on eliminating inflammatory foods, starting a gentle exercise routine, and establishing a more regular sleep schedule. Goal 1: Diet I already know that cheese makes me feel like I've been poisoned, but it's hard to give it up because it's so yummmyyyyy. BUT I am making the commitment to discovering how I feel with out it, or other problem foods, which I intend to identify, in my system. I've chosen to follow the Whole30 program, which eliminates grains, dairy, legumes, and processed sugar. My house is already prepared. To carry out the program, I need to Meal plan each week BEFORE grocery shopping, so I don't make 10 million and 5 trips to the grocery storeRefrain from eating out, just for the duration of this challenge, since Whole30 is REALLY hard to comply with outside the houseDesignate 1 day per week to be a prep day so I have food to eat even on days when I lack the spoons to cook anything. Or move at all. ​Goal 2: Exercise I'm starting from an extremely sedentary lifestyle. I walk to and from work 4 days a week (1 mile each way. Up a really steep hill on the return. It is death. It makes me want to collapse in the middle of the sidewalk. On bad flare days, I have done just that.) But otherwise, I do nothing. I intend to Start every morning with some sun salutations to wake up my body and mind and center myself to be able to take on the day before moving on to some focused stretching. My hip flexors are constantly far too tight and my lower back is a permanent knot. I've chosen Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday as my workout days. The workout plan I'm following is a slightly modified version of one a physical trainer built for me a few years ago. (Modified to make a little easier on my body.) Goal 3: Sleep My sleep schedule is erratic, at best. I either sleep far too much, or am awake all night (I'm writing this a 5:30 am, for sanity's sake). Sometimes it's because I don't feel like going to sleep, while other times I just can't sleep. I have to be awake by 7:30, so 8 hours of sleep means going to sleep at 11:30. I intend to aim for bed between 10 and 11:30 Current measurements: bust - 44waist - 36"hips - 44butt - 47thighs - 28R arm - 13.5L arm - 14.5
  5. Weekly update: Between moving back to Seattle at the beginning of the week, starting a new job, suddenly and unexpectantly developing a social life, and having a friend in town (bad food and laaaaate nights), this week has pretty much been a total bust. I've got meal plans set up for this coming week though, and I am settled again so it should be better. I'm also starting an apprenticeship this week, so that's exciting.
  6. That sounds magical. I could use a lot more energy. And this first week has been bad because I've had a friend in town for a short time, so we've been going to all the classic Seattle eats (like Dick's burgers and Ivar's) and man oh man, am I ready to get back to healthy eating. I just feel gross inside.
  7. I'll be journaling, painting, crafting, going dancing, going running if I'm feeling ambitious . . .
  8. Ready to start again.

  9. I've been out for about a year, and not really doing anything fitness related, as I was having some mental health issues, but those are . . . sorted . . . mostly . . . kind of? They're under control, so I'm ready to work on my physical health again. I'm still aiming to start parkour, but have 0 upper body strength and have lost a lot of the strength that I built last year (oddly enough, that's what happens when you can't get yourself out of bed/ feed yourself properly for an extended amount of time.) For this challenge, my main goal is to recover my lost strength and health and build these even more. To do this, I aim to 1) Maintain a complete and balanced primal diet during this challenge when I am eating alone. The past few months, my eating has been very inconsistent, and very unhealthy. Basically, if I was eating alone, I didn't eat, or I only ate saltines or string cheese, or ramen, or tater tots, or mac 'n' cheese. That was my diet. I'm feeling up to cooking again, and challenging myself to new recipes, and I'm hoping that in addition to keeping me focused on eating properly, eating primal will help reduce the aches and pains I'm suffering, and clarify my skin. STA 2, CON 2 For each week, 2 > cheat/ skipped meals earns full points 3-4 cheat meals earns half points 3 + skipped meals or 5 + cheat meals earns no points 2) Begin each morning with yoga and the workout I have planned for that day (I have a journal with all my workouts planned, but it's at home in Seattle and I'm away visiting right now, I'll update this section later.) STR 2, DEX 2 For each week 2 > skipped days earns full points 3-4 skipped days earns half points 5 + skipped days earns no points 3) Work more cardio into my life. I aim to jog/ bike ride 3 times a week, rock climb once a week, and go dancing at least once a week. Before assigning points, I need to establish my schedule, which I won't know for sure until around January 10th? STA 2, STR 2 Extra life goal: Find healthier coping methods. I have some nasty self destructive habits that I need to get rid of. CON 2, WIS 1
  10. Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! I hope things get better! *hugs*
  11. Hi everyone! I've kinda been forgetting to post. . . but how is everyone doing? I've done pretty well with most of my goals, but I'm not noticing any changes, so that's kinda disappointing. I feel a little stronger, but I don't see any differences.
  12. Recap for the last 2 weeks, because I am awful at things. . . >.< Water goal: A for both weeks. Paleo goal: B for both weeks. I've been eating pretty well, but I'm not sure I'll do paleo after this 6 week challenge. Maybe just gluten free for now. Workout goal: C for the week I missed, A for last week. Also, one of my coworker's husband created a workout app called Sworkit that I've been using as my cardio (because outside is too bloody hot) and I love it. It's a circuit training thing that is just beautiful. Vlog goal. . . It's not gonna happen. 2 F's because my acne is just really, really, really awful right now. Any suggestions?
  13. Whew! I have been busy with work. Last week went pretty well. . . Water goal was a definite A. . . I'm not finding it at all difficult. Virginia is SO. BLOODY. HOT. Ugh. I can't wait to get back to Seattle! Paleo goal was a B . . . I did SO WELL, I managed to turn down ice cream, and chips, and pretels, and candy, but when pizza day came. . . shwip! That was gone. I ate an unfortunate amount of pizza. . . it was bad. . . Workout goal was a B as well, there were a couple days I got back from work and was too tired to move. . . which is why I try to do my workouts in the morning. But when I have to be at work by 8, that can be a little rough. Especially last week when I was still on Seattle time. Vlog goal. . . failed. I got an ENORMOUS zit on my face the day I was going to start, and, welll. . . I'm a teensy bit vain. Unfortunately. And it lasted all week. Despite my most desperate efforts, It's still faintly there, but gone enough that I can cover it with makeup and do my vids.
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