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Everything posted by ninelives

  1. So... I went down in flames the second week. Again. The second week! How lame is that? But, as practice for the next challenge - which will also come at a phenomenally bad time of year for me with school beginning in August, I am going to try to finish this challenge by doing my check ins here. That one will be practice for the next challenge... etc. But I only fail if I quit. Well, if I quit and stay quit. My problem seems to be the temporary quitting. Because that can certainly set me back a bit. But I had a reason. (I always have a reason!) The problem is that there will always, always be a reason to not follow through. This particular reason was a combination of a sore ankle and a very emotional end to the school year - my kids are switching schools and we are all leaving friends behind. So I gave myself some time to heal emotionally and physically. But I have to find a way to realize that I must push through reasons while also giving myself grace to sometimes prioritize differently. I am kind of a mess - trying to juggle all of the things in my life well. Too many plates to spin. I drop them a lot. I have to try not to drop the most important ones - my faith, my family. But my health has to come in there too. I have too often fallen back on the reason (sometimes a reason, sometimes an excuse) of caring for my family. So, I'm trying again. I sat down last night and wrote out my goals - all of them - what I want to do, and what I want to be. It seems so simple when it is all out on paper, and then I actually put some of the things on the calendar and it looks pretty, (different colors!) but it starts to look more complicated. And then there's the daily grind of actually doing those small things that make a difference in the long run but just SUCK to do every day. Seriously, when I see "Run" on my calendar and I think, "Aren't my toilets awfully dirty? That is probably more important." When the fact is I need to do BOTH. And then I get overwhelmed and paralyzed. Those two go hand in hand for me - overwhelmed/paralyzed. But yesterday - in the middle of my planning, a friend called and said she had heard I'd been running and did I want to train together? Is that a sign or what? So I begin. Again. Back to my challenge: Track the spending. - This is going... well, I'm good at tracking, but I have been overspending, and that needs to stop now. This week - nothing that is not in budget. NOTHING. Track the Calories. - Down in flames. Nothing has happened with this for a couple weeks. Back to it! Track the running. (Which means I need to run!) - Starting again on Tuesday. Scaling back a bit to get going again. Track my priorities. - I'm doing better here! I'm sorry for being a flake here. But this challenge is a learning process for me. It's a new community and I don't know many of you, and I don't have a ton of time to read and comment. I wish I did. But I'll just sit in my little corner of NF and make tally marks and talk to myself. That's okay too. Happy progress to you all, friends!
  2. Week one recap: Calories. 60% - 4/7days Spending. 100% Priorities. 100% Run. n/a I did great out of the gate. Perfect days Monday, Tues, Wednesday. Then there was Thursday. Thursday was a very emotional day for me. Wednesday night a couple of my older kids showed themselves to be idiots, then Thursday was the last day of school for my younger set. We are moving to a different school next year, so it was very emotional for all of us. It was one of those days where I had a choice to stay together emotionally or to stay on top of my eating. Eating lost the battle. Friday and Saturday followed suit, because I was in over my head dealing with the emotions in the household (from idiot children and ending of school) and also pulling together a party for 100 on Saturday for my daughter's high school graduation. I was stressed. Excuses? Maybe. But also a little bit of reality. I can't do it all. I don't even know what "It All" is. Lesson? I felt like crap from eating like crap. I knew ahead of time this emotional, stressful week was coming. Next time maybe I can pack myself a few easy snacks to will keep me going. I did stay on top of my spending all week. I get gold stars for that. I didn't run at all, due to my ankle. Tomorrow I am going to attempt an easy run and see how I do. I am finding that my ankles are just going to be really picky about the shoes I wear even when I am not running. Yay for comfort. Boo for saying goodbye to some cute shoes. Plan for week two: Today I am doing a not-quite-a-juice-fast. Primarily fruits and veg, in unlimited quantities. I'll probably have some chicken later on to tide me over through church. I had a ton of gluten/grains on Th-F-S and a feel horrible for it. I plan to run twice - ankle permitting, and wear ugly shoes the rest of the time. I will stay on top of spending and priorities.
  3. Calories. Spending. Priorities. Run. 6/5 - day three: Calories - check. Logged as best I could, I guessed at a couple of servings instead of weighing. Spending - balanced checkbook as planned, I'm working this into my mornign routine, which should be fairly easy for the summer. Priorities - This one is so hard! I pick three things a day that are my top priority to get done. But I have a tendency to pick things I think should be a priority and not those that actually are. But I've been trying to do them anyway and learn to set the priorities better. Run - No, make that limp. Stupid ankle. If I'm not in pain on Friday, then I will walk my running mileage on Saturday. But if it still hurts... I guess I'll try to go in to the Dr on Monday.
  4. Calories. Spending. Priorities. Run. So far so good. Yesterday was a skin of my teeth kind of day, but I made it through and still came in under calories. We have my daughter's graduation party on Saturday and I kind of suck at party planning, so I'm a little (okay a lot) stressed out. Plus it is the last week of school for my little kids and they are moving schools next year so I am grieving the change a bit. I'm going to miss my friends, and so are they. My snacks yesterday were pure candy, but I still came in under calories, so that is at least a little good. I haven't run this week since I am nursing a swollen - but curiously not very sore - ankle. It looks better today. My next run is scheduled for Saturday, but I'm not sure now if I am going to run or just walk that day. Thoughts? Priorities and spending are on track. But this is proving to be extra hard. This will definitely help me change some behaviors. I picked good goals - attainable but ones that make me stretch a bit. Onward!
  5. No, no, no, no!!! I woke up this morning to a very swollen ankle. Sigh. Who has time to elevate a foot? I don't know what I did. The last couple times I ran, both ankles were sore, but not terribly so. I took ibuprofen and went about my day as usual. I ran on Saturday, but wasn't as sore. Then yesterday afternoon I noticed some swelling. This morning my foot is big enough that my shoes are too tight and my socks constricted my ankles a bit. Mildly sore but not bad. Not limping at all! I did spend a lot of time in dressy shoes this weekend... (Flats, but not cushioned or supportive) so maybe that is a factor. Regardless, it means no run tomorrow. My next run is planned for Saturday, so maybe I can stay on track there. Otherwise though, I'm working at my goals. Focus, focus, focus!
  6. Thanks! I think I am a little crazy, but just like any of the stuff we do around here, you have to work up to it.
  7. I love your gumption! You can do this- no, you are already doing this. You can take it up a level!
  8. How did you like "Made to Crave"? I just started one of the authors other books, "Unglued", but I've been looking at made to crave. But then there is that whole budgeting part of my challenge. I need to finish some of the books I have stockpiled on my kindle! I'd be interested to hear what you like about it.
  9. Past is past, right? I began the last challenge and did pretty decent with my goals, but I did very, very poorly with checking in. I have reasons (excuses), but don't we all? So that one was practice. This one is for real. Who am I? Mom of 9, Wife of a great guy, trying to get healthier, etc. Other things about me? I love to read, I'd watch TV if I ever had the time, (Dr Who, Fringe, and yes - Downton Abbey), I do beading (jewelry), write on my blogs, bible study, play board games, try to stay out of the Arizona heat. Kids range in age from 1 year old to 23 years old. All are currently living at home, so I cook a LOT too. Anyway - My challenge this time - it's all about the tracking. 1. Track. the. Calories. - Myfitnesspal and me haven't been getting along very well lately. So we will be making amends and spending a lot of time together. I do best when I can plan my food the night before, so that is part of it. Food must be tracked for the FULL DAY to count. Track 38-42 days = A, 34-37 days = B, 30-33 days = C, 26-29 days = D, <26 days = F. Reward +4 CON 2. Track. the. Spending. - Budget must come under control. We're switching the kids schools so spending could go wild this summer. Money must be spent on paper first, then IRL. Budget, budget, budget! The hard part of this for me is going to be tracking the envelope changes. Using the envelope system, sometimes money has to be shuffled. But unexpected things come up - so how can I grade myself here? We'll try unplanned spending...no, that won't work. Checkbook register and envelopes updated daily. It's not a perfect measurement of this, but it will have to do.Same as above: Track 38-42 days = A, 34-37 days = B, 30-33 days = C, 26-29 days = D, <26 days = F. Unbudgeted transfers from savings bump me down a full letter grade. Reward +4 WIS 3. Track. the. Priorities - Last time this was a really good reset, and I need it more than ever now, since we have just been through some big stresses that shook me up a bit. I am focusing on setting my 3 big priorities each day, and completing those PLUS this time I am adding my daily chores. So I'm kind of rolling two into one here. A Completed Day includes at least 11/15 daily chores* done (gotta have a little wiggle room!) plus ALL THREE big priorities done. 38-42 days = A, 34-37 days = B, 30-33 days = C, 26-29 days = D, <26 days = F. Reward +3 CHA 4. Run. In the last challenge, the one that I didn't really finish, I did succeed in getting my running up to 3 miles. That includes my warm up and cool down and a couple brief walks in there, but it was worlds of progress. I'm not really going to be picky about not stopping or not including my warm up, cool downs. My goal this time is 4.5 miles. 4.5 miles = A, 4 miles = B, 3.5 miles = C, 3 miles = D, <3 miles = F. Reward +3 STA, +1 DEX And goal 5 doesn't really count as a goal, because it is this very challenge itself - to check in at least 3 times a week, more if possible. And to support you all in your challenges too. But I'll be tracking myself in this as well. *Daily Chores = Bible Study/Plan day, Two or more loads of laundry, tidy bedrooms, Kitchen AM/PM, Meds AM/PM, Make Dinner, Joy Dare (Thankfulness journal), Get fully ready (Shower, dressed, makeup), Read to kids, Checkbook, Fold Clothes, Bible Verse Review (Memory work), Get kids to practice piano, school work with kids (summer will just be some reading and flashcards), Tidy bathrooms. SO each day I need to get at least 11 of these done.
  10. Plan to eat is a good website for planning, recipe management and grocery list. But it does take work to get going (entering your recipes, or at least the ingredients) although you can import recipes directly from any web page, so that helps. I use that a bit but I mostly use my google calendar. I have a monthly menu that is just entered as events and it repeats every month. I have a winter version and a summer version for variety and seasonal foods. In the details of each event I list my ingredients. It doesn't make a list for me like plan to eat does, but it just works better with my brain, if you know what I mean.
  11. I promised myself I would check in here today.. It's getting late so here goes. I've cranked down on the diet. I need to widen my repertoire a bit, but that will come with time. On target for calories, lowered the carbs, lots of veggies. Quit coffee. Wait, what? Yes, if I can't have sugar in it (rather a lot of sugar, thank you) then I just don't want it. Exercise: Bbww done today. Pushed a little harder and got another push up in. Yay. Baby steps. 3 high priorities. Bad. I only got one of them done today. But tomorrow is another day.
  12. I'm running 30 min, 3x weekly, beginner body weight workout on alternating days, Sunday is rest day, or just take a walk.
  13. Two reasons for not wanting to diet: 1. I love my junk food 2. What if I work really hard and nothing happens, and I can't even go back because I would gain even more weight? Number 2 is coming true for me. Three weeks in, I am ONE POUND down. One. Effing. Pound. I am working out almost every day, eating healthy food - under my allotted calories, drinking water like crazy. And No, I'm not just "Building muscle, because you know that weighs more than fat" because my clothes still don't fit at all. Not the least bit looser. I am so discouraged. I have no choice but to go even more strict. Gluten is gone. I'm going full Paleo with the exception of my rice protein powder in my smoothie. I want to go back to bed.
  14. I haven't had the time to write an update all week. Life will be crazy from now until the second week of June - school concerts, plays, prom, boys choir concerts, extra practices, three basball teams, and a graduating senior with all the extra "special events" and "urgent mandatory parent meetings" that entails. Sitting down at the computer will be difficult. I'm trying to get a grasp on who is who in the challenge, but I'm afraid I've not been up to snuff on that either. In down moments, I'm reading on my phone. I'll try to keep up better. Anyhoo, my update - For my first week (and everyone else's second week: Goals: Fitness: -Complete C25K, running 3 times weekly. Check. Although I had a little adventure on my first run - I had to stop early, it was a longer run than I have done yet and it just tore the crap out of my arches. Thankfully I was close to home and could stop easily. The next day I went to a real running store. My first time! I got some new running socks (I was skeptical, but they are AWESOME!) and was carefully fitted for some new shoes. They feel great! I'm halfway through week 5 on the C25K and a little ahead of my personal schedule I set, but I am going to repeat day 2 before moving on again. -Strength train (beginner body workout) 2x weekly Check. Although I doubted... I did the BBWW on Monday, and felt it was too easy, so on Wednesday I went back to doing 30 day shred. It felt great and challenging, but then on Thursday when I ran... ugh. It is just too much to ask of my poor little legs to jump around one one day and run on the next. So, lesson learned. Friday I did the BBWW and pushed myself a little bit harder on it, but I skipped the jumping jacks. Then today's run went much more smoothly. I want to get some heavier weights, I only have 5lb hand weights, so I put them both in one of the kid's lunchboxes and used that for my Row exercize. Diet: -Track calories daily, reduce grains and dairy, Sunday is free day but still have to count the calories (keeps me a little bit in line!) Well, it looks like gluten is finally going to have to go. I have been suspecting it, but this week proved it to me. Thankfully, since I was already reducing it, it won't be as hard. I found an easy meal to take along when I have a potluck/grilling at the ball field, etc: Sliced turkey, Lots of vegetables, spicy mustard to dip the turkey in. Keeps me from feeling deprived. I stayed mostly under calories, but my weight isn't really showing it yet. Frustrating. Life: -Focus on my 3 high priority chores each day This has proved to be harder than I expected. It takes work on two counts. I have to be very selective on what I choose as a priority, and pick something that I can actually get done. Then I have to do it. What makes it more challenging is that I am not allowing myself to list Laundry, Dishes, or Exercize in those things, so technically you could say that it is my 6 High Priority things that have to get done. So there is my update - I'll try to check in more often this week (get over my dislike of posting from my phone) and get to know you all better. Is there a general intro thread for this challenge? I'me having a hard time putting together names/challenges/experience. I don't know, maybe I just need to keep reading and let it sink in slowly - work my brain muscle some more!
  15. Congrats on the new bike. Sounds like a great challenge! You'll get to see some exciting results. Remember for your daddy time, you don't always have to do something. Sometimes the best memories are made just in those normal everyday moments.
  16. Thanks for the encouragement! I stuck to my plan today, but I really missed the 30 day shred. The BBW didn't feel like as much of a workout. I may do that on Wednesday. I'm loving how much a workout lifts my spirits! Today, I got my three big jobs done, I exercised, and my calories are technically in line, but they weren't good calories. Including a cupcake. Argh! But it wasn't two cupcakes... And I definitely thought about it! So it was not what I'm aiming for, but its not where I was! Tomorrow I attack week 5 of C25K, I'm excited! I've been listening to audiobooks when I run. It's some peace and quiet. Music made me feel more stressed, the book keeps my focus off of the discomfort as my body gets used to this.
  17. I'm late to start but wanted to jump in anyway. I started a battle log, but think I'll keep up here for the challenge. I'm Jenni, in Phoenix, mom of nine, wife of my hero, fantasy reader, dreamer, etc. I'm 41 with about 50 pounds to lose (give or take, we'll see as I get stronger!) That's me in a nutshell. Goals: Fitness: -Complete C25K, running 3 times weekly. When it is done work on speed a bit before going for longer distance. -Strength train (beginner body workout) 2x weekly Diet: -Track calories daily, reduce grains and dairy, Sunday is free day but still have to count the calories (keeps me a little bit in line!) Life: -Focus on my 3 high priority chores each day. Every morning I pick 3 high priority chores to get done, the rest go on a separate list (because I always have more than 3 things to do!) But I often get distracted and don't finish those 3 High Priority things before I move on to more palatable jobs. So I'm grading myself on those 3 high priority things. It may take me a while to really get the feel for these forums, please forgive any faux pas while I do - it's a whole new world out there! Great to meet all of you! Anyway. Here's my battle log for last week: (April 14-20) 2 weeks, 4.5 pounds! I’m working the plan, and the plan is working. This past week, we went for a hike – which involved a good bit of climbing, I ran three times, and a did a strength/cardio workout twice: Last Sunday: Hike, Calories eaten – 1923 (Free day) Monday: 30 Day Shred, Calories eaten – 1607 Tuesday: I finally conquered week 4 of Couch to 5K! Calories eaten – 1570 Wednesday: Rest – I wanted to work out. Imagine! Me? Wanting to work out?? But I thought it best to give my muscles a rest. Calories eaten – 1615 Thursday: C25K W 4, D2. Calories eaten – 1615 Friday: 30 Day Shred, Calories eaten – 1577 Saturday: C25K W 4, D3. Calories eaten – 1601 I was able to keep those calories mostly healthy foods, so I was rarely hungry, and only once got shaky and fuzzy headed. Saturday’s run was by far the hardest, I think my body was feeling the fatigue of both the run and the 30 Day Shred from the day before, so I didn’t quite run all the running parts. But I only walked about 20 steps, and it was very near the end when that happened. It was kind of funny – the walking was involuntary, my legs were just so tired, I just kind of found myself walking. But that whole run my legs felt like bricks. My calves were so tired. No soreness today, though. With that in mind though, I am going to switch it up a little bit. I have been reading NerdFitness.com quite a bit. I am going to switch out the 30 Day Shred for their Beginner Body Weight Workout. I don’t intend to do a full Paleo diet, it would be very difficult with the age range and size of our family, but I am moving my diet that direction – avoiding grains and dairy, keeping my food as unprocessed as possible, higher in protein, lots of vegetables, etc. Oh and one more thing about this past week: I have made it through week 3 on the C25K three times so far and just couldn't get to week 4. But I really did it this week. about halfway through that first run on week four, I realized that I can't be running and thinking, "It's almost done, it's almost done!" if I plan to run longer distances. So I slowed down a little bit and found a pace where I could stay and... just keep running and be okay at! I FOUND MY GROOVE! I can run and not feel like death the whole time! This is so huge for me, even my husband told me this week - I never pictured you as a runner! So I'm still just a baby runner, but I can do several minutes at a time now, and I love it. I never would have guessed how much I could love this either. Every day I look forward to the next time I can run. This week on my to do list is to make a list of specific goals – and rewards for meeting them. At Target last night I was about to buy some new workout clothes, but I thought, why not make this something I work for and look forward to? So that is my plan! Some things I want to work towards: New running shoes Cute exercise clothes (this could be several goals! Yay, Shopping!) FitBit A second running bra I can think of lots more!
  18. I have 9 kids. :-) we have a large family because we love them and that is what we felt called to. It's not for everyone, but I wouldn't trade it. (I certainly don't mean to imply that parents of fewer children love them less. I don't think that at all.)
  19. I think I joined just a hair too late to do this challenge. So I'll jus use this time to get a feel for the forums here. They definitely have their own culture. I need to learn the ropes. I'll be ready for the next one!
  20. I'm Jenni, mom of nine beautiful kids and wife of my hero. Yes, you read that right, nine. All mine, all single births. That means that my body has been beat all to heck by nine pregnancies and 23 years of breastfeeding. I'm 41, 5ft 5in, and 175 pounds and sick of being weak and overweight. I'm am not a big boned girl, I'm tired, and carrying around extra weight does not help as I manage our busy household. So I got sick of it last week and began counting calories. I'm not sure that I'm all in for the paleo idea, but as I try to eat cleanly, I find I'm not far off. I'm down 2.6 pounds so far. I've started running (couch to 5k) and I enjoy it more than I ever thought I could. I always thought I was more of an indoorsy girl, but I love getting out in the sun. I'm also doing 30 day shred 2-3 times a week to help with strength and endurance. What I'm struggling with the most is just how weak I am. It is so depressing to see how far my body has really slid, and how far I have to go. But I'm taking it one day at a time. I realize this will be a long process. Finding time is a big obstacle, but I decided that I will never find the time, I have to make the time. Thank you for the inspirational stories. I hope one day I can be one of them. After my 7th baby I lost 20 pounds, just by counting calorie and eating better, so I know I can do this. This time I want lasting and complete fitness, not just less weight. I've been reading the blog here for a while, but I really need some acountability, and I haven't been able to find that anywhere else. So here I am. How am I a nerd? Well, I don't have time for video games, but I like to be at least a little conversant in them to talk to my son. I liked Lord of the Rings long before it was cool. I love my iphone and kindle and make heavy useof both games and productivity apps, I blog when I have time - that is rare these days. Fitness takes priority for now. So, that is me... nice to meet you all! -Jenni
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