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Everything posted by fengor

  1. no hard feelings i like to discuss controversial now and then as long as tis constructive. And yeah i agree. most of our differences seem to be in the semantics. And i DO tend to oversimplify a bit on the internet. Especially when not conversing in my main language.
  2. empahsized for clarity. But my oppinion about fructose stands. It is a chronic toxin (ethanol without the buzz), and i will try to reduce my consumption of it again and again ( and probaly bounce back to it again. And yes sugar is addictive so that is why i think my drug comparison was valid. And yes i think of it as kinda an addiction because of the kindof messing it does with your internal hunger signals ( Byproducts of fructose metabolization block receptors with inerd components for example) As for body runs soleley on fat. That one is wrong. But fat is important for a lot of biochemical proceses and it will affect your health if your bf drops too low. What the body runs on in terms of fuel is not fat though. It is Glucose and the ATP cycle. Anyone who refutes that should go back to biology 101. You could say that ultimately the body runs on sugar but that is kinda wrong. it runs on one specific kind of sugar. and the term sugar is normally applied to industrial sugar sucrose. Now Glucose is not fructose is not sucrose. So what is the difference between the three? Sucrose is a combination between one molecule of glucose and one molecule of fructose. which gets split up by the amylase in your spit basicaly in an instant turning into the equivalent of HFCS. So for matters of biologic discussions HFCS and industrial sugar are equivalent. Glucose as i said is the fuel of life. every cell can utilize it to fuel itself. And that is why not all of the ingested glucose will end in your liver. Part of it is already burned while on the way there or stored in depleted muscle cells. In the liver glucose gets first converted into glycogen for storage in the liver and then via a process called novo lipogenisis converted into fat for long term storage. Fructose on the other hand can only be matabolized in the liver. that means in equal amoutns comparison more of the fructose will reach the liver and be metabolized there. And while the liver can metabolize fructose the byproducts of this metabolization can produce unwanted side effects like increased consumption, muscle insulin insensivity, hepatitic insulin insensitivity, hepatitic inflammation, hypertension and more. Best rule of thumb i heard was to think of it like alcohol. A bit wont kill you and maybe even have a positive effect depending on the circumstances. but too much of it over a prolonged time will generate problems. Add that to the prevalence of sugar in the normal western diet and it can become a problem. That being said, yeah i am still a sugar addict.
  3. @AthleteAtHeart The IronBlogger is somethign that first came from some people who wanted to blog more often but procastrinated too much. So they made a group agreement. each of them would have to blog at least once a week or pay a small amount into the beer fund. If the fund reached a certain size all would go out for beer together. But that doesnt translate to Nerdiftness that good. So my idea was to do it as a pvp challenge that gets graded liek your normal challenge goals and the penalty would be a lesser grade.
  4. Usually some shorts and a functional tshirt (those synthetic ones) which i got on a bargain from a big sports store here
  5. If in doubt i tend to believe in science and practicioners that have been in the field for over 10years having hands on experience treating obesity patients. And the body chemistry part about fructose is about 10min from the point on i cited. Regarding the metabolisation of fructose the science is pretty solid at this point. And as it was said Fructose is primarily a volume issue just like alcohol. A bit wont hurt you but too much is bad. How much is too much? I cant answer that but I rather try to limit my sugar consumption now and then. Do i avoid sugar like it is the plague? no. Do i still drink sodas? yes Do I think its good for me? hell no.
  6. fengor

    fengors' journey

    The first few days of his journey had been uneventful so far. The distances covered took their toll but apart from that fengor quickly approached the edge of the territory he knew. On the eve of his last day in known space he made camp at the foot of a rugged hill. The spot he found was wind secluded and the pine on his fire gave of a pleasant smell as he roasted his meal. He watched the stars and the mbers from the fire for a while before he went to bed. Tomorrow he would leave his comfort zone and the journey would begin for real... He awoke as the the first signs of dawn approached. he climbed the hill and sat down to watch dawn roll across the unknown land before him... Recap of Day 1 Overslept ad had to hurry but took the bike to work again. 2 days of rest were good for the legs. After work it was to the gym again. Legpress went a bit better than last time but i decided to leave the rowing out and call the biking to the gym my warm up. Added a few reps with minimal weigth on the machines to get the joints moving smoothly. Added the lower back extension machine to my workout. Since i didnt know what a good starting weight was i started with 25% bodyweight and did a 1:30min set. After that a short pause and then increasing the weigth and dong a 30sec set. Continued the pauses, weigth increase and 30sec sets till i reached positive failure which was at 70kg. Honestly i am a bit shocked by it since the machine maxes out at 80kg After gym it was off to a grocery store to buy food for the week. Didnt get decent beef and the salad and veggies has seen better days as well :/ Home after that and too tired to really precook for the rest of the week. just did fry a few merguez sausages in a pan along with some scallions for a quick supper and had a small glass (0,125l) of merlot with it. The Merlot was actually tasting not so bad. Only got one 15min cleaning done (kitchen). The sleeping room wasnt done completely because it is too late to vacuum without disturbing the neighbours. gonna do that as an additional chore tomorrow. Total distance with the bike: 25km HIT Workout: Chest press: 35kg Seated Row: 40kg Overhead Press: 30kg Pulldown: 40kg Lower Back Extension: 70kg Legpress: 120kg
  7. Love the story and you have some good goals. lowering BF percentage is one of my goals for this year. i'm around 21% atm with 18 as the goal as well
  8. Fructose is a toxin in the sense that it fucks up your biochemistry in the liver. ItÅ› not an acute Toxin like alcohol but it shares a lot of the long term damages with it. Eating fruit is normally not so much of a problem since the body can repair and self regulate but added to the massive quantities ingested with normal sugar and HFCS (which are essentially the same thing) leads to problems. "So what do we call it when you take in a compound that is foreign to your body andonly the liver can metabolize it and in the process generates various problems. What doe call that? We call that a... poison." Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology on Fructose For the relevant biochemistry: from 56:20 onward.
  9. fengor

    fengors' journey

    Recap of Week -1 I decided to do a dryrun last week. Here is how it went: total km on bike: ~60km HIT: Chest press 30kg, Seated Row 35kg, Overhead Press 25kg, Pulldown 45kg, Legpress 120kg swimming: - I got the bike end of the week before and just assembled it on the weekend and did a quick run to the grocery store with it. Monday was the first day i really biked again for over 2 years. 6km to work, from there 6km to the gym. Workout there went pretty good but had some problems with the legpress. After that it was 12km back home. Daily total 12km and a HIT workout. Legs were pretty sore. Tuesday was again 6km to work and 6km back home in the evening. butt was kinda sore. legs were ok. Wednesday was the same as tuesday. Thursday i didnt get to ride since it was a holiday here in germany. Friday was the worst day. It rained cats and dogs. rode to work 6km and arrrived drenched. Made it back in the evening narrowly avoiding the rain. Have to get some rain pants soon. Tried to go swimming in the evening but the swimming pool was closed due to the rain. Have to think of a bad weather alternative as well. @AgentsSka Well for the wine, they sell smaller bottles here. Normal wine bottle is like 0.75l and they sell 0.5l and 0.25l as well. Although the 0.25l are usually not the best stuff. I have been told that wine should keep a day or two so that is what i gonna try. if not ill try to find a halfway decent wine in a small bottle and just buy one of them each week. As for the HIT workout. I plan my workout after the book "Body by science" and once a week is the recommended workout/rest ratio there. As long as I'm progresing i probably going to stick with it. But I will have to keep an eye on how the legs will perform with the daily rides.
  10. yes i am a super secret bacon dealer step 1: get everyone addicted to bacon step 2: ??? step 3: WORLD DOMINATION!!!!!!111oneoneeleven
  11. I can recommend charles tross merchant princes series for alternate worlds, he has a pretty good grasp on sci fi as well and you might like his near future and far future books. For a bit of tech thriller i can recommend Daniel Suarez Daemon books. Nerd/Cthulhu crossover? Stross again with his laundry files novels. epic fantasy? try the books of malazan or classics like wheel of time. hacker novels? everything from the stealing the network series. especialy "how to own a continent"
  12. I'll set up the script tomorrow anyone who wants to join in should send me their nf name, blogurl, feedurl and i will add them
  13. hmm you realize there is a quotes thread pinned on top ;p
  14. Got my bike 2 weeks ago and been riding it in. ItÅ› just a cheap one from a local hardware store here in germany. I did everything that was noted down in the manufacturers guide so far but still seem to have trouble with the gear switching. Does anyone know of a good introduction to bike maintenance and repair?
  15. I commute with the bike (6km one way / 12km both ways) and go to the fitnessstudio by bike (another 12km both ways if i go from work). So on a normal 5 days week i do 72km by bike
  16. i just tried to watch the video... couldnt make it past 10 min :/ Needless to say: was not impressed by it...
  17. Good hunting to you as well Hope you will safely reach your 13th colony after this 6 weeks
  18. hmm first plan was to make it a pvp for the 6weeks challenges. but i guess we could make it ongoing like the original. although we really should think of something for not posting then ;p
  19. I can absolutely endorse sword fighting and nature hikes!
  20. yeah fructose is not an acute toxin. But it messes with the liver. But hey if it worked it was worth it.
  21. nothign wrong with that. i play a roman as well on the big fantasy larp... i love my bigass roman shield. i nicknamed it lovingly "house door" ;p
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