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Everything posted by Gowaduv

  1. Becasue the following sounds like a pity-party/bitchfest I want to say thanks for the encouragement. It is a little helpful to have people try to give a boost. TL;DR: Still on the grind. I can't count the number of resumes I've sent out since just the first of the year. In a previous challenge I had "Fight the Job Search Troll" as a goal and sent out a couple targeted resumes and cover letters at least two days a week. I didn't stop looking and sending just becasue the challenge ended. I got this series of interviews because a friend is dating a guy who works for the company, and I'm trying to get resumes into the hands of everyone I know who knows a guy who knows a guy who might be hiring. I had another series of interviews with Games Workshop to run a hobby center, but by the time I got through the interview I wasn't interested in working for them (their personalities, corporate structure, pay, hours...) I stay in touch with a couple former coworkers who went to other companies to do what they were doing here, and they say that the place I work for is better than where they are now. It's incredibly sad. FWIW it's not like I'm sitting here just hoping something will fall out of the sky. I've been doing the same job for almost 6 years. I've been with this company for over 9 years and I've been actively trying to get out of here since 2004. In Jan 2008 I went back to school (while working full time) to complete my BA (summa cum laude) and I completed a technical writing certificate at the same time. I'm currently learning HTML5 so I can rebuild my websites from scratch by hand. After that I plan to learn C++ and the iOS platform to see if I can get a couple of apps published.
  2. Despite my being reserved about the situation, it doesn't sting any less to have them tell me that they don't want me to work for them. I guess I'll be in perpetual fail on this goal. I guess either way it was something I wasn't going to have to worry about after today.
  3. This is my third challenge (skipped the one that ended July 12). Fitness goal: Rebel Strength Guide- Bodyweight Brigade. I will be posting measurements before and after, possibly during, too. I may take the Henry Rollins "Iron and the Soul" approach and NOT take any measurements until it's all over. By December 1 I would like to be at 15% body fat according to my Omron monitor. To get a good start I'm going to try to lose 1/5 of the total difference between current % and 15%. By the end of the challenge I would like to do 1 unassisted pull up. Diet: I've let my Robb Wolf style paleo slide a little lately: I've eaten some hash browns, and I had one garlic-cheese biscuit at Red Lobster the other night. I refuse to give up the heavy cream in my coffee-- I have the baristas at Starbucks trained to use a shot glass. I'm currently at about 90% paleo, but would like to be more of a hard ass about it such that the cream is my only infraction. Life goal: I'mma level this mofo up. I will be getting paper, as it were. I have an interview Monday morning with a game company that I'm positive everyone has had contact with. It's my third interview with them, and people in the know are certain I'll get it, but I'm being reserved until they make an offer. Finances: Curb my Amazon Prime addiction. Seriously, as soon as I think about it I'm already clicking "Checkout Now." And it's not just Amazon, I do it with tool stores online and Harbor Freight (yeah, I use the tools, and they're frequently replacing something that's borked). Strongly related to the above will be to not have additional debt on my credit card by the end of the challenge. I'm not gonna post my balance, but I will post the difference. I'm tired but wanted to get a written list out there.
  4. I used to assistant instruct Aikido and since it's a joint-lock and throw style martial art we were constantly finding the limits of our flexibility. I recommend looking up wrist stretching exercises, and do them such that the stretch is uncomfortable but doesn't hurt (there's a difference). Find the edge of discomfort, hold for as long as you can and stay on the edge of "ow." This is going to be a lengthy process since you sprained the musculature and then didn't properly rehab it (and your doctor didn't care enought to recommend PT or something because that wasn't putting another office visit on the books). ScrawnyCaveMan has the right idea with the dumbbell wrist curls-- or you can make a weighted curling bar: a stick with a string wrapped around the middle with a weight on the free end. You just roll up the string and unroll it with your wrists. It's boring, but effective. Good luck!
  5. Dude that's awesome. I'm gonna go do 10 burpees and 20 inverted rows RIGHT NOW because I'm honestly inspired as a guy at 260-ish that pullups are attainable. (I'm totally serious)
  6. The "experts" that I've read all say to eat within a half hour (some say up to an hour) post-workout. Yes, your body will allocate the previously ingested protein and whatnot as fuel and for rebuilding. But I believe from an efficiency standpoint, getting protein and some carbs (e.g. sweetpotato) as soon as you can post-workout will be better for recovery. If you're high protein for breakfast, then something like a sweetpotato afterward will be good for recovering your sugars without taxing your liver (if I'm remembering my Robb Wolf correctly ). this place totally needs to be sponsored by the Sweetpotato Growers of America or something. Monetize this b!tch
  7. The way you've framed the question indicates you already know the answer: Yes, you're missing out. Where do you think your muscles are going to get the protein and aminos to rebuild? You need the three "S"es: steak, sweetpotato and sleep. Ok, you can get away with most animal-based protein, but "the two 's'es and ABP" doesn't have the same ring to it. Now go club a lower-order mammal and get your muscles rebuilding.
  8. Here's a quote I've read recently: "No, peanut butter is not paleo. But then again neither is lube, and I don't see you giving that up." So if you're worried about it, finish the container and in the mean time find a grocery store that has a machine that takes raw almonds and makes almond butter. On the other hand, you're supposed to be monitoring your nut intake on a Paleo diet anyway becasue of the impact on your omgea fatty acid balance, and nuts are really calorically dense...
  9. Welcome to the Rebellion, and the Paleo club There are a couple places on this board that cater to the carnivore. Also, agreed that Dr P (and cheetos) are the road to ruin
  10. I was headed more toward co-ed buttered Twister games but it's still messy and kinda gross
  11. That's an amazing realization, and definitely puts into perspective the work you've done. That's SEVEN bags of potatoes from the grocery store. That's almost two large bags of cat litter! I'm very impressed. I'm gonna avoid commentary regarding Spezzy's pound of butter imagery...
  12. Yeah, but the membership fees are killer, and you're locked into a contract that lasts at least 18 years.
  13. Is it the motion of the squat, the flexion of the knee at the bottom of the squat, or just any added weight? Because I'm headed toward bodyweight squats until the knee feels better. That said, as someone who has chronically bad knees, I'm not advocating doing anything that doesn't feel 100% ok. Have you tried a front squat? If the issue is the knee flexing at the bottom of the squat, moving the location of the weight might alleviate some of the stress on the joint- that clearly won't work if your knee doesn't even like to bend all the way with just your bodyweight, though.
  14. It depends on your needs according to the fish oil calculator. And it's just until you get your balance in order, plus the stuff is apparently cheap. I'm willing to bet real fish would be more expensive and you'd have to eat quite a bit-- the oil is in the fat not the muscle so you're looking at sardines, salmon and other fatty fish. The high dose bottles only require a few tsp per day if you can afford to pay more.
  15. The Omega-3 eggs are from chickens that have been fed flaxseed. Apparently the digestion of the flaxseed can be hard on the liver, and we don't actually get much of the Omega-3 that is contained in the seeds, so we let the little chickies' livers do the metabolizing for us then we eat their tasty, tasty unborn. Just an FYI if you're thinking about going the flaxseed route. FWIW Robb Wolf et al. aren't thrilled about the krill oil becasue there's some question about the product's purity due to how and where the krill are harvested. He seriously recommends the Kirkland (Costco) brand of fish oil becasue you get a boatload for cheap, and the chemistry is published in several places so you know exactly what you're getting. You will prob need to take as many as 20 pills per day for a while until you get your balance correct. Also the folks who run the Robb Wolf fish oil calculator link to a fish oil that is a little pricey but it's very pure and to get the "startup" quantity of Omega-3 you only need like 2 tsp a day, then you can go down to one after a month or so.
  16. Great topic (esp now that warmer weather is here and we're all gonna want to be outside playing!) Most of the links below are pretty recent, so everyone's on the same page Your salt idea is spot on. The first recommendation I have is Brawndo- it has electrolytes, which the body craves! (Idiocracy reference in case you haven't seen it) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrolyte http://eliteathletic.com/performance/quench-your-post-workout-recovery-thirst-with-home-brewed-electrolyte-replacement-drinks/ http://www.crossfitbrandx.com/index.php/forums/viewthread/12929/ http://board.crossfit.com/showthread.php?t=22274 http://www.nutritionize.net/
  17. Yeah, I thought that was a new skirt you have wrapped around your head in your profile pic PS- nicely done Jung
  18. We really need a new thread (but I'm not gonna start it...) from today's Wild Gorilla Man: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-KxxaJKU10xk/TezPxZyVLQI/AAAAAAAAZqM/LZyQFhY3rH0/s1600/monday%2B%252818%2529.jpg
  19. There are a variety of hills over in Woodway (it's just south of Edmonds, and is between Edmonds and Shoreline). The big hill is about 1/4 mile and fairly steep. North and South Dogwood lanes have slight inclines and they combine to make a horseshoe (it's fun on a bike). There are a couple other hilly side roads. If nothing else, the scouting drive is nice, and on warm days it is very pastoral. I think 164th is a bit crowded for much of anything (if you're near Manor Way/Alderwood Mall Blvd), but especially running (you gotta stay safe!)
  20. I'm not sure they're real, but I was glad to do the research/be a blog creeper I want you to know I took this seriously. She's definitely a case study for http://www.forgingelitesarcasm.com http://allisonnyc.blogspot.com/2009/12/its-my-birthday.html http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_7wv_cOo-jZ0/SmDZYt3zMrI/AAAAAAAAAOQ/5pfMbxqVF-I/s1600-h/aandb.JPG http://allisonnyc.blogspot.com/2009/07/nate-at-crossfit-obsession.html http://allisonnyc.blogspot.com/2009/05/great-weekend.html http://allisonnyc.blogspot.com/2009/05/too-damn-busy.html http://allisonnyc.blogspot.com/2009/03/pictures.html <--- but then there's picture #2 that makes me think, "yeah, maybe..." http://allisonnyc.blogspot.com/2009/03/b-in-dr.html http://allisonnyc.blogspot.com/2009/01/substance-abuse-problem.html http://allisonnyc.blogspot.com/2008/12/childhood-and-beauty.html <-- the standard "tell all" crossfitter blog entry. Contains pics and stats. http://allisonnyc.blogspot.com/2008/12/perspective.html <-- just had to post this one because it's called "perspective," and she opens up about only having $100 bills (so she can't/won't give any money to the homeless guy who interrupted her crying session on the train) http://allisonnyc.blogspot.com/2008/12/my-booty-hurts.html <-- side bikini shot. I'm not sure if the way they're hanging is because of strong pecs, or implants.
  21. If you think Crossfitters (and paleo dieters, myself included) take themselves a little too seriously you may also find this blog to be awesome: http://www.forgingelitesarcasm.com/ Warning for language, and excessive drinking such that Epic Mealtime looks like a temperance movement by comparison. I'm posting this for levity because while I'm still 98% paleo (I use heavy cream in my coffee instead of sweeteners) I'm not a member of the cult, and I can laugh at some of the more extreme practices of the adherents. Plus his send up of crossfit's "elite exercisers under 5'6" tall" has been pretty funny IMO
  22. Awesome thread. How about the paid trainer instructing his client to use the squat rack for curls? Or same trainer talking to same client for 15 minutes in front of said squat rack with bar on the rack-- implying someone might do some work but not getting around to it. Meanwhile I'm using the preacher curl station to do freaking zercher-esque squats (at the end of an arms day) while they watch me. Are the "low back rows" actually bad form Romanian deadlifts? For the record, I don't think there's anything wrong with -heavy- partials IF the guy has done some good form squats (by which I mean Rippetoe style). But then, I read Chaos and Pain so I'm biased
  23. I like the way you think... I've seen a few crossfit ladies with muscular builds and ample chests on that blog. My guess is they're modified. My wife went from a DD+ to a small-to-medium C cup during her weight loss-- 70# so far. Unfortunately breast tissue is just regular fat so the body doesn't have a preference whether it's stored or spent... too bad, that If folks do have pics of ladies with crossfit-esque physiques who also have larger chests, post up the link. It's no problem to find pictures of women who have naturally DD+ breasts who are fit enough, but they're not suitable for this forum
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