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About ThePantologist

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  • Birthday 07/08/1988


  • Rookie
  1. nice work. i'm getting started at knockin' down my cc debt.
  2. Amen. At my university's gym, it's really common for guys and girls to go really done up to the gym - guys: shower before the gym, hair styled, etc; girls: full makeup, hair done, etc-. So you'll have a bunch of people trolling the gym to pick people up, meaning you'll have guys do a few reps of something moderately heavy and then hitting on the girls walking around the free weights area. It's fun because people say they spend 2 hours in the gym, but really only spend 30 minutes actually working out. I also really enjoy seeing the random exercises people invent. There were two guys that were doing something that looked like a dip combined with a rocking/flailing movement. My absolute favorite is people dropping weights. There are guys who grab heavy dumbbells like 100lbs each, put them up for bench press and then drop them when they start violently coming down from their 1 rep that they barely got through. I know it's a lot of weight to control, but I swear it's like Donkey Kong in the gym at 5 every day.
  3. This is my first challenge. Here are my goals. Fitness goals: - Bench my body weight (155lbs) Starting max: 100lbs - complete couch to 5k - eat more vegetables Level up your life goals: - land 5 accounts - finish the following books: - Predictably Irrational - Dan Ariely - Brave New World - Aldous Huxley - Influence - Robert Chialdini - write up and defend my thesis Specific type of eating: semi paleo, I try to eat natural/organic whenever possible/ affordable Fun facts: I use the Full Fitness app on iOS to track my workouts and get new ideas for exercises. I highly recommend it. I'll be posting my workout logs daily.
  4. I'm game. 1st challenge Fitness goals: - Bench my body weight (155lbs) Starting max: 100lbs - complete couch to 5k - eat more vegetables Level up your life goals: - land 5 accounts - finish the following books: - Predictably Irrational - Dan Ariely - Brave New World - Aldous Huxley - Influence - Robert Chialdini - write up and defend my thesis Specific type of eating: semi paleo, I try to eat natural/organic whenever possible/ affordable
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