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About Theodaine

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  • Birthday 01/28/1988

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  1. OOOooogh. So I realize (now anyway) that it has been over a week since I last update. Sorry! Unlike my last little dissappearance, this wasn't about me falling off the challenge wagon, but I just didn't ever seem to remember to post here when I actually had time to do so. So here we go! 1)Fri: 8:00-12:30, Sat: 8:00-11:45, Sun: 9:00-1:30, Mon: 9:30-12:00, Tues:9:30-11:45, Wed: 7:30-12:45, Thurs: 8:00-11:45, Fri: 7:45-12:00, Sat- up at 7:45, probably will be late tonight as I am a DD for a friends B-day party... I am not doing the greatest on getting back to being IN bed on time, but I have been waking up earlier and feeling more awake in the morning! Also Sun-Tues was a three day weekend for me, so I slept in a bit to catch up from last week. 2) I haven't missed any meals, but I have changed how I count them somewhat. I'm not being a stickler for the breakfast is at 8:00 lunch at 11:30 etc thing that I have been doing so far, as I have found that I get discouraged then if I miss a time and eat my first meal at 11:00. Now I count that as breakfast and that I still have two more major meals for the day to go. It seems to be working well, as I am now finally hitting my target calories daily (at least for the last few days). As I mentioned before, I have a birthday party for a friend tonight, so I will have to see what that will do to my counts! Rice is now my friend... 3) Still working out every second day. I missed one session on a Sun, so my schedule is all mixed up, but still keeping to three workouts a week! 4) We'll see tomorrow how much adds to this week's total, so I will probably talk about it on Tues. Next week mini goal: get back on track with the going to bed, and remember to update here to keep me motivated! Bonus push: start commenting on other people's progress, instead of just hiding in this corner by myself!
  2. Sorry for the lack of updating here! I have had a bit of a rough week challenge-wise. I was fairly close to dropping out, as I was just not able to keep up, but I kept telling myself to at least try to do a bit each day. The new workout helped. I did miss the workout on Sun, but did it Mon instead, which has thrown my fragile scheduling abilities off, but I have still kept at it. 1) I don't have a breakdown of times, as I didn't keep very good track, but I know that I was doing well last week. But wasn't even close Sat-Tues. Mostly 12:30-1:30. Which meant sleeping in. Probably my biggest stumble of this past week, but I am going to keep trying. I did notice that I was getting tired earlier, and that I still woke up about the same time each day. 2) Missed a couple of meals (Sun, Tues and Thurs breakfast). And I missed recording food intake at all on two days. Still total calories is up, just need to make sure that all of those extra ones are good calories! (there was some pop this week...) 3) This was one of my biggest wins of last week, and probably the reason I am keeping at this. This new workout rocks! I feel stronger and it has only been 3 weeks! I also have left my chip up bar hung on the doorframe (as I can just walk under it) and now I sometimes just feel like doing a chin up or two as I walk by. That feels AWESOME. 4) So I have finally done some Art! Only about an hour or so on Sat, but something is better than nothing. And it looks more like what I did in high school as opposed to University. Well, I am a bit rusty, so practice practice practice! Overall, a few months ago, this week would have been devestating for my goals and depressing for me. I have been diagnosed with depression, and it does tend to flare up now and again. Whether it came first and threw me off track this week, or vice versa, I don't know, but what I do know is that it didn't get me down. I didn't feel that low I usually get. I kinda just felt like, "well this is crappy. Guess I just have to try harder tomorrow". I think that is why the workouts felt good, and the art started to flow again. I think I will talk more about this later, as I need to get to bed! See you all later!
  3. So I didn't update yesterday as I had already done one on Wed. So here is the next update for the list. 1) Wed 8:00-11:30, Thurs 9:30-12:30, Fri 8:00-? Have to be more careful with the reading and getting too caught up and missing bed like Thurs. 2) Haven't missed any meals, but I didn't record the foods I ate yesterday. Still not quite getting my target amount, but I am slowly working my way closer. Also need to pay more attention to when I need groceries, as I had to make do with smaller meals today as I had no food left! 3) Still following through, slight progress but it is hard. The new routine takes about an hour and a bit, as opposed to the 20 min my old one did. I am going to have to plan better to work it in. 4) I will address this one more on Sun. Sorry for the short post, feeling rather tired tonight, so off to bed as soon as I finish shelling the hard-boiled eggs I made for tomorrow...
  4. Hey, sorry about missing the update yesterday, but I was running all over doing chores and it ended up being either my workout or the update. Easy decision! 1)Sun 9:30-11:45, Mon 8:30-11:15, Tues 7:25-12:30, Wed 8:00-? So not bad, although Tues should have put the book down much earlier... in fact I picked it up as I was going to bed. Ooops. 2) Still haven't missed a meal since the last update. Still keeping track of my caloric intake, which is getting better. Turns out that while I was eating more in the last month, I also have been eating better (mostly veggies and chicken....) and so my overall calories FELL, which was about 1000 calories less than I should have been eating. No wonder I was always tired and sick. I knew I wasn't eating enough, but I didn't think it was that bad. I am now increasing the amount I eat per day, while trying to maintain healthier food choices. 3) Day 2 of BWB has passed and it didn't kick my ass as much, although we will see tomorrow what the first repeated session will bring. 4) Not yet, but there is some inspiriation hovering there... The weather has been dramatic here, along with my recent acquisition of the Skyrim soundtrack (for whomever had mentioned that it was good workout music: totally. Also great for getting in the mood for some artistic forays.). We shall see what the next few days bring...
  5. Thanks! Parkour will be awesome, but first one step at a time! And on that note, updates! 1) Better. Wed 7:50-11:30, Thurs I seem to have not written it down, But I know I was up at 9:45 bed was somewhere around 11:45, Friday 8:00-11:10, Sat 8:00-12:00, Sun 9:30...? So finally on Friday I got to bed before 11:30! Woo. And even Sat was earlier than usual (Although we only played a board game as we were missing several people. So we shall see next week if it sticks!) 2) So far no missed meals! Woo! I have now also decided to stop half-assing this and started a food journal today... I think that 3 meals isn't going to cut it, as I am WAY under what I thought I was eating. Once I get a better way to record my daily cal intake, I will add that to this goal. I know Steve suggests Dailyburn, so I will have to check that out. 3)Oof. So this was a big step today, as I began the Rank 1 workout in the Bodyweight Brigade. And it kicked my ass all over the Wilderlands. Seriously. I know that I was not really warming up before workouts properly, but I went into this workout fairly confident. And found out that I am really going to have to work on this one. Whooo-ee. Although, after I finished it, (and got my wind back) I felt more determined to keep at it, as I want to see what it's like to be able to complete it with ease. We shall see... 4) So my hope of getting to hide in the back room sketching at work didn't pan out, as we were rediculously busy at the sale. I have been doing a bit of doodling, but not a really measurable amount, and besides, my goal is to be devoting a block of time to JUST art, not art while waiting for someone to answer the phone etc. I think that now that I have started the BB workout for goal 3, I am going to be focussing more attention on this one (although making sure I sleep and eat is still priorities.) So all and all, the latter half of this week was a pretty awesome win! Also, just a fun fact. I live in Saskatchewan, Canada, and our weather is weird. Today the only times it was sunny it was pouring rain. When the clouds came in, the rain stopped...
  6. Hey, Thanks! Yeah, even 11:45 is better than the 2:00am's I used to do. This morning I finally discovered how to set a second daily alarm on my phone (serioiusly? It took me over a year to figure it out....stupid Blackberry). So now I have an alarm that goes at 10:30 for me to go to bed (or at least to get ready for it). I did some sketching today at work while watching our clearance sale in the back. So small step there. An art excursion sounds fantastic. What I should do is have an art party with some of my old classmates who seem to be having a similar problem. That would be awesome. Thanks!
  7. Sorry, super late on posting... again. Erg. I am really not good at this updating blog thing.... 1)Fri- 8:10, 11:30, Sat- 8:00, 2:00am (Yeah. That was a terrible idea. Saturday nights I meet with friends for games (GURPS), I usually get home near midnight, and this Sat I was very distractable...stupid internet....), Sun-12:00-11:45, Mon-8:00-12:00, Tues- 10:00-11:30, Wed- 7:50-hopefully 11:00 or so. 2) Again missed two breakfasts (Sun and Tues). I really need to be more careful about my days off, as I seem to auto sleep in and miss them. Still rushing... 3)Same as last time I fear. This week seems to be mostly a rehash of last week, so I am going to have to work extra hard on following my schedule! 4) Nope. I will post tomorrow, mostly just a stand in, to get me back on schedule. More then!
  8. Alrighty. Well as much as this challenge for me was keeping to a schedule, kinda fell off the rails on updating here. Ooops. Anywho, from now on, should be updating Sun, Tues and Thurs. Which are also the days I work out, so I shouldn't forget. To the updates! 1) Eeeeeyah, well I am doing better at going to bed than before. Let see: Mon up at 8:00 in bed at 12:45. Tues, up at 10:00 in bed 11:45, Wed. up at 8:00 in bed at 11:45, Thurs, up at 9:00 in bed at 11:45 and up this morning at 8:10. So I am better (before I was going to bed at 1:00-2:00), but still not great. 2) Only missed two meals (breakfast on Tues and today). However a few meals, particularily breakfasts were not really large (just a bowl of instant oatmeal) but at least I didn't skip most. Still need to work on waking up early enough to have a decent meal without rushing. 3) Well I haven't missed a workout, but I also haven't started the new system. I plan to on Sun. So look for an update on that then! 4) No traction yet on this goal, but the week isn't over yet, and Sun is usually the best day for me to get some art in. Any tips or suggestions of good meals that are quick to make? I have a feeling that the morning rush isn't going to be resolved quickly...
  9. Well, it is time to stop waiting for Gandalf to show up and push me out the door for my adventure. I have been lurking around here, reading articles and posts for a few months. I did start doing the beginner body weight circut, but otherwise never really changed anything. Until the other day where I was playing Assassin's Creed and mentioned to my brother I'd like to take up Parkour someday. He laughed. Well boyo, we shall see who is laughing. Although really I should thank him. Apparently that was the last nudge I needed to take control of my life. So here I am. Current Physical Stats: Age: 25 Height: 173cm (5'8") (So I have thought since highschool that I was 168cm. (5'6") The things you learn.....) Weight: 139 lbs. (62.2kg) To begin, I've rolled up my new half-elf adventurer as follows: STR: 2 DEX: 3 STA: 2 CON: 2 WIS: 3 CHA: 3 For this 6-week challenge I have decided on the following goals: 1) Go to sleep at a decent time every night (+3 STA). I really need to start going to bed at a decent time (I have decided one 11pm) as I am always tired, and it takes forever for me to be fully awake in the morning. No more late night TVtropes! 2) I will not skip any meals. Period. (+3 CON, +2 STA) This is going to be the big one. I constantly forget to eat, especially breakfast (see goal 1 for why). This is probably why my health stagnated and part of why I never have any energy. 3) I will begin the Bodyweight Brigade workouts, and follow through with them 3 days a week. (+2 STR) Not as many points for this goal as I am more confident that I will follow through on it. I have already started doing the beginner bodyweight circut and haven"t missed a workout in over a month. New routine may change things, so we shall see if I can keep it up. 4) I will set aside at least 4 hours per week for art (+3 WIS +1CHA). As a person who has a degree in FIne Arts, I have barely picked up a pencil in the year since I convocated. This is sad. I want to make my living doing what I love, which is art, and now I have time and space to do so. Overall, the goal is to get a better routine for my life. I am already doing well at being consistent with my workouts, so now I need to look at the rest of my life! By the end of the challenge if I follow though, I hopefully will have more energy to tackle even more changes!
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