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Everything posted by roseofnoonvale

  1. Ok! I know I'm a day late, but yesterday was hectic. Time for a goal update. WORKOUT: 15+ minute walk on alternating days with 2 circuits of the BBWW. I walked Monday and did the BBWW today. I'll figure out tomorrow if I need to up/ down the number of circuits I do. DIET: I need to add something, but I can't figure out what? Any suggestions rebels? SPIRITUAL: To read at least one chapter in The Gospel According to Starbucks I need to update my points, the problem is I have no idea how many I should have... According to my university's health center though, my burn is infection-free, which is awesome.
  2. I honestly would have welcomed some velociraptors. Talk about motivation. A week recap: I was really good about the whole no grains thing this week. I cooked a giant pan of taco meat on Sunday night and had taco salads for a few days and then when I got lazy I just heated up the meat and threw in a cubed avocado. Super yummy. Not so good on the no desserts part, but I found a new flavor of the Chobani bites yogurt which I plan to use as my late night snack next week. Exercise wise, this week was the week of excuses. Monday I got my hair cut and literally that is the only time I get super vain and go out of my way to not mess up my hair. And then Tuesday I had a dragon incident (where the dragon was played by a feisty ceramic plate I was using to heat up my evol breakfast sandwich) which gave me a nasty second degree burn on two of my fingers. I'm fine, I just have some nasty blisters so I took it easy for a few days. Once I get a bigger range of motion with my fingers, I should be ok to do workout with dumbbells (or in my case, laundry detergent containers) but I'm kinda scared to do push-ups or anything where I'm supporting by body weight with an open palm until my blisters are completely gone, which could be a few weeks.... Spiritually, I did ok. I'm pretty good about praying in my car as I go to/ from work but I need to set some time aside when I don't have to pay attention to external things (like other drivers and curbs). I'm still trying to work out what my challenges will be next week, but one may be full out paleo related. Anyone have any good large batch paleo recipes that I can cook up and bring to work/ warm up when I get home so I can be lazy and not cook during the week?
  3. What I'm going to try and do this week is leave out some workout gear before going to work. That way when I get home it's just right there waiting for me. I re-read my first post too, and I still want those habits to happen. I just wish I could spend 6 weeks in Door County to get them all ingrained in my life. But I will make them happen here, it's just going to take a lot more work.
  4. Dude, you rock. To somewhat quote AVPM you're "gonna kick some ass and it's gonna be totally awesome."
  5. Your buffet struggles remind me of my pizza weakness. Whenever there's pizza I don't think my meal is complete until I've gotten up to get one last slice. My solution- getting one less slice to begin with. I still get that mental buzz of "heck yeah, more pizza" without eating waaaaaaay more than I should. A similar solution might work for you as well. If your family won't let you throw away the bad food, perhaps ask them if you could rearrange the pantry and put the unhealthy items in really inconvenient spots? I know when I was living at home I would somewhat sneakily do this by hiding the nutella far back on a high shelf and putting chips where I could barely reach them. Keep on keeping on, you're almost halfway there!
  6. Looks like you're doing an awesome job! I totally get the whole wobbly warrior 3. We used it as a stretch for band camp and there would be some days that I was rock solid and others where I toppled every 4 seconds. You got this though!
  7. Dude! You're doing so well. Keep it up. I fall nearly dead center on the introvert/ extrovert scale, so I don't know if this will help with the social thing, but I know it always helps me be more calm when I remind myself that everyone around me is a person and not a scary judgement decipticon.
  8. I would love to escape the city for a week and go hiking. I can't wait to hear all about it!
  9. Glad I'm not the only one who got burned this week. You're doing fantastically well. And guess what? We're nearly halfway there.
  10. I did it! I went to the rec! Was it awkward? Yes! Do I need to find something that I like more? Probably. But I did it anyways. More of an update to come later. Also, I feel like a horrible NF Warrior because I haven't been checking in on a lot of people's challenges, so I will be doing that tonight (lemme know if you want me to check out your's)
  11. Once again, late to the party (like really really late). The most uncomfortable thing I did this weekend was go to a bar. I know that sounds weird, but I just don't like them (or at least the one I went to). As a side note, I'm really struggling with keeping up with this challenge. Any and all help would be great.
  12. Ok. I am not hanging in there all that well. I got 11 points this week, which isn't awful, but as the week went on, I didn't stick to my challenge as well as I should. I'm just so caught up in everything that I use all my willpower to get through the day and have none left at the end of the day when I get home. I haven't heard from my accountabilibuddy in days, and I'm falling in the trap I always fall in. Going it alone. And it sucks. Does anyone know if there's a NF mobile or anything? I'd be a lot more likely to peruse through the forms more often if I could do so on my phone. Anyways, I'm not going to up the difficulty this week seeing as I really struggled last week. The only thing I'm adding is a +.5 point if I actually get my butt to the campus rec center and am physically engaged in something for 15 minutes.
  13. Ok, I am so late to the party (it's been a little crazy the past few days). But, here's 5 things I did over the weekend to help with my challenge: 1. Reorganized my pantry so the most healthy stuff is easily within reach and the least healthy stuff is inconvenient to get to 2. Went to Trader Joe's for grocery shopping instead of Target (because I always buy too much stuff at Target, most of which is unhealthy) 3. Planned my meals for the week 4. Did some food prep (cutting peppers into slices and putting them in snack baggies, breaking the fruit and nut trail mix I got into serving sized baggies, stuff like that) so that it will be easier for me to add healthy things to my meals/ snack on than junk. 5. Recipe search. Eventually, I'm going to add having one full paleo meal a day to my challenge. I don't have that many paleo recipes, so I'm trying to find some easy ones that I can use in the next fortnight or so.
  14. Gamaryn, I'm really curious as to what things I listed that you also love. Care to elaborate?
  15. Hey guys, I know, it's been a bit. My life got kinda crazy. I had one crazy day of travel (cancelled flights are not too fun), a first day at work (I FINALLY GOT HIRED!!) and I was on kitten patrol/ auxiliary mover for my friend yesterday because she moved into a sweet new unit. I haven't hit all by goals every day because of the hecticness, but I normally got at least two points every day. Huzzah! 15 points in the first week, not bad at all. For next week, my plans are to- Exercise: 10 mins/ day Diet: No grains for one meal AND no desserts (each component of this is worth a half point) Spiritual: 10 mins of God time. Can be broken into two 5-min sessions for a half point each. One little extra thing I did this week was rearrange my pantry. Since I have roommates, I have a 3-shelf cabinet above the dishwasher where I keep most of my non-referigerated food. Healthiest stuff (oils/ vinegars, coffee, soups) is on the bottom shelf while the unhealthy stuff (chocolate chips, mac n cheese stuff like that) is up on the top shelf. I figure if it's hard for me to reach, I'll be less likely to eat it. I'm gonna do some meal planning so I will actually eat better this week. Do any of y'all have some tips for that?
  16. I figured out the progress bar! Thanks for all your help! Question- Has anyone taken a college PE class? I have room in my schedule to take one next semester but I don't want to sign up if it's going to make me feel awkward and ultimately set me back on the whole fitness thing. Any advice?
  17. It's so awesome to log in and see all the encouragement here on my challenge thread. Yes, I did get my 5 mins of prayer in yesterday, plus a non-grain breakfast followed by walking around the zoo with my brother (which I have decided fills my 5 mins of exercise for the day). I've also created a bit of a point system for myself. Each part of my challenge is worth a point, so a total of 126 points. I'm working on a reward system for whatever percentage I end the challenge at. Right now I'm thinking 50%-65% I get a bottle of my favorite wine, 66%-80% I buy myself a slow cooker, 81%+ and I buy myself a pair of chacos. Or something like that.
  18. Wow, you're already doing great! My roommate this past year was vegan (with the occasional brownie with egg here and there) and I really admired her dedication. You totally got this.
  19. I did it I did it I did it! 5 minutes of squats. Did I discover how out of shape I am? Yes. Seriously, I'm still winded. But I did it and I am proud of myself, which is something that hasn't happened in a while.
  20. Love the goals! Just be aware that strength training your entire body every day may cause more harm than good. Your body needs rest to repair the muscles and make them stronger. Maybe spend one day focusing on lower body and the next day with upper body and abs? It's your call. Just be careful and you'll be fine.
  21. Welcome! You have some great goals set. I look forward to seeing your progress.
  22. Huzzah! Strange fact: We're the same height. Weird.
  23. Awesome goals! I'm working on becoming a bit more paleo myself. Good luck!
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