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Everything posted by Swampling

  1. WOOOOHOOOOOOOOO! AWESOME! Vacation well deserved... Have fun!
  2. I saw videos of the flood. Glad you're okay! :-o (Sorry to hear about your parents... that sucks. )
  3. I've been having a bit of a meh week. My breaky wrist suddenly decided to be achy again, too (joint, not muscle soreness), and my right wrist decided to join the pity party. Frustration levels rose as I felt I was pretty much back to where I was a couple of years or so ago, plus extra breakiness. Ibu ensued, and I felt discouraged and not motivated to do anything at all, so I even dropped the pretzeling (aka FF) for a couple of days. On Monday, things started to feel a bit better, and continued to improve until later on Tuesday, when the pain was back in full force after my appointment with the Drill Master - although he didn't do much besides joint mobilisation and some careful loading tests. Suffice it to say that loading the wrists is off the menu again for the time being, and my rehab has regressed to "squishing variations" and towel rolling. At least today I managed to stay more or less pain free.
  4. I actually only have to make sure that they are all present and accounted for before I close up the coop for the night. (And counting is doable, considering there's only 5 of them left... )
  5. Mehr oder weniger. Ich wohne ein bissi außerhalb im Norden, arbeite aber in MUC.
  6. Things I did today instead of going to KB class: - tucked our neighbour's chickens in for the night (didn't sing them a lullaby, though, don't want to scare the ladies!) – light warm-up (joint circles FTW!) – wrist prep - feeling much better than yesterday – slo-mo cat/cow - feeling kind of meh today (meh-er than usual, I should say) – frog stretch – pancake - standing straddle - well, sort of standing, pretty much weight on my forearms – about 2 minutes slo-mo bear - mostly felt it in my left upper arm, wrists were both okay.
  7. My wrist was still feeling a bit twingey yesterday, so I did: – a light warm-up (mostly joint circles from head to toe – or rather neck to ankles) – a couple of minutes wrist prep – slo-mo cat/cow (see GIF above ) – frog stretch – pancake – some more hip wobbility (nothing structured, just messing around in deep squats and stuff) – a 15 second crow! Shaky as hell, and my wrists were both a bit meh about it (that square 1 thing…), but I DID IT! YAY! And guess what? The twinge was gone! ^^ I am still not brave / stupid enough to go back to KB class today (mmmmaybe next week? I’ll see how things are going by then), but my wrist is feeling better now than it has for days. Hooray!
  8. That's a whole lotta list. :-o Maybe move #8 to #1? Just sayin'.
  9. Thank you, Ensi! Isn't the interwebz great? There's a gif for everything...
  10. Good news, everyone! Well, obviously not for everyone, but at least good news for me: On Friday, my Ortho took some more x-rays and I am now officially cleared for resuming my usual practice ("as long as it doesn't hurt!"). YAY! Okay, I had another appt with the Drill Master after that, in which he was very happy with my progress, but after which my paw was - and still is - quite sore... Today I started with a couple of minutes of wrist prep, just to get things going again. I will probably keep that and add one other "thing" each day for the next couple of weeks or so. While I am super-happy that the fracture has "healed nicely", according to Doc, I am a bit frustrated that I am back to square 1 with most of the front-paw related stuff. Ah, well, I have got to start *somewhere*. Again. In the meantime: more pancaking, cat-cowing and frog-stretching...
  11. I am with you re knotty stomach... Hope it gets better soon! YAY for getting another story published!
  12. Thank you! (Smile all you want, it was kind of comical in a slapstick sort of way...) Yeah... I tend to hurt myself in the most absurd ways. Nothing heroic like "skiing accident while doing a somersault over one huge mother of a rock" or "thrown off the horse while jumping an 8 foot fence". Nope. Not me.
  13. She is awesome! And the more often she learns that she will survive unfamiliar situations (AND gets cookies, too!), and not everything is about to eat her, the more relaxed she will get and the less she'll be likely to freak out when encountering something new. She has already come a long, long way since my friend bought her. Sometimes she looks like a completely different horse compared to then. If it weren't for her distinctive markings, you would hardly recognize her.
  14. Friday and Sunday were Rosie-days! On Friday we went on a trail ride - it started to drizzle when we were about halfway out. No problem, I thought, since we were in the forest. Ummm, yeah. That didn't turn out so well. We were soaked until we finally got back to the barn. At least Rosie got to dry out under her comfy fleece blanket while slurping her green smoothie. Sunday was drier, but only because we stayed in the indoor arena. I didn't feel much like working seriously, so I mostly tried to get Rosie to relax, and just did some light pony gymnastics (side bends, pole walk overs). At the end of the session I wanted to practice a more back-friendly kind of dismount: swing one leg over her neck (as if I were riding side-saddle), and then hopping off to that side. I kind of got carried away a bit, and continued turning around, until I was sitting backwards. From the tension in her back I could tell that she was a bit freaked out - so I did another quarter turn, until I sat sideways on the other side, and gave her a cookie for her patience, before I finally hopped off.
  15. After the FF workshop, we got homework. Compliance in my first week PWS (post workshop) was 5/7 – I got attacked by a ninja kitchen cabinet on Friday and almost frakked my right knee, which earned me two days of ouch and a pretty shade of blueish violet around the kneecap. I am back to frog-stretching, pancaking and cat-cowing now, though, and hope I can keep accident-free for the next couple of weeks. :-p
  16. *kicking the tumbleweed out the door* *telling the spiders to go outside, play with the aforementioned tumbleweed* Whew. I can’t believe I haven’t updated since forever – AKA since before my trip to Glasgow and the IS and FF workshops with Kirsty and Gayle... :-o Very short summary of that weekend: AWESOME!!!!1111oneoneeleven Kirsty and Gayle did a superb job introducing the programs, explaining the hows and whys, and demonstrating the dos and don’ts. It is very obvious that both enjoy teaching (and occasionally showing off a wee bit maybe?). For me it was very helpful to get direct feedback on form (or lack thereof) in my current progressions (or rather regressions) of the IS and FF movements. Although I had to take it even slower than usual thanks to the still slightly kaput paw, I was able to do at least one or two reps of most movements. My wrist was sore the following day, but a) it was mostly muscle soreness, not the joint / bone and b ) so was the rest of me (not quite as bad as after the Elements workshop, but pretty close). :-p I was really sad to leave again so soon, the next time I will try and get a couple more days off to explore the beautiful Scottish countryside!
  17. Ouch! I had conveniently forgotten how painful visits with the Drill Master can be… The good news is that he is confident that we’ll get the wrist back in working order. He thinks we might even be done in about 10 sessions. :-o The bad news (or rather old news I didn’t want to have confirmed) was that I am to stay off that paw for the time being until he tells me otherwise. I understand, and I will comply to the best of my abilities, but I don’t have to like it.
  18. I *hope* the whole Superman gig does NOT include underwear as outerwear! Though I would totally rock that red cape...
  19. So... my appointment with the Ortho did not go quite as well as I had hoped. He did an ultrasound on the paw and saw that the hairline fracture has healed, though he can still see where it was. And the wrist is still tender. I am to stay off my front paws for at least another two weeks, am not allowed near kettlebells for the time being ("much too unstable for the wrist"), even deadlifts got a not so happy "nnnnnmmmmaybe, but don't overdo it". Push-ups and presses only with straight wrists, on knuckles or parallettes ("but preferrably not at all for now"). Grip exercises: yes, as long as the wrist is straight and in no danger of any instability at all. Rows with a straight wrist: yes. (So I found a way to sneak some kettlebells in, after all! YAY!) Physical therapy with the Drill Master starts tomorrow. Next appt with the Ortho in 3 weeks - unless I "feel like superman" by then, then I don't have to check in with him.
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