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About pagosElite

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  1. The coach is new and I havent met him yet but i cant talk to him for a while either.
  2. No I cannot do a pull up so I'll be doing the lateral pull downs. And how much of my body would those 3 exercise?
  3. thanks man, epic. Is there a workout for gyms (no body weight used, using weights)? wow this is pretty inspiring man, thanks.
  4. thanks guys but about the 10 mintues thing, i didnt mean it takes only 10 minutes. I meant dont give me something that takes under 10 minutes to exercise since i dont think things like those work (i was told to do something similar to that).
  5. Sorry guys about the comment I had just gotten back from school and it was the best of days. And to answer Yuen, I am trying to find a way to do #1 and #2 at the same time, the rest isnt important.
  6. I've come here to ask for MAJOR help so please help me. Currently i'm ~5'9-6'0 (haven't been to the doctor for a while) and am about 216 pounds (I lost 15 pounds in 1.5 months during the summer but I didnt do anything different...). Currently I am unhappy the way I move, the sluggish way I do everything, and the way I look. As a Senior I feel like this should be the height of my youth but alas I am still obese and sluggish. I went to my doctor and he said even though I am 18 my body is the body of a 15 year old when it comes to hormones and what not (how this works, idk). So my question is, how can I shed down major weight while also building and toning muscle at the same and not damaging my tissue and stunting my growth because of my 15 year old internals and losing the weight in a way where it doesn't come back very easily like what happens during extreme dieting. I would need a way to do it in as least time allowed while not also doing like only 10 minutes a day because I'm currently packed with a job, volunteering, school (all honors), and I will be doing Track and Field (shotput) this year. All throughout my teen years I've been obese and unhappy with myself and would like to finally be happy with my body. What is also influencing me to do this is that my family has an extensive history of diabetes (dad, uncle, grandma, grandpa, dads cousins, etc) and i know if i don't start now it could be too late. Please help me NerdFitness community.
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