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About Tayrey

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  1. Congratulations on your scholarship! I think it's very sensible of you to be looking for a job at this point, too. Oh, and your Kodiak course sounds awesome. I think you get +3% coolness already just for that.
  2. Absolutely! And thank you, magicqwertyuiop! It's actually kind of a bonus for me to write little vignettes about the fictionalized version of my quest, since I'm a nerd like that. Added motivation!
  3. Those seem like awesome challenge goals. I kicked an energy drink habit myself a couple of months back - well worth the effort. Good luck!
  4. Knowledge is power! And well done for not trying to do too much at once - you're right, small changes have a better chance of sticking. Good luck!
  5. Mijikku isn't going to know what hit him, say true. Best of luck to you, fellow traveller!
  6. More sloth demons? They really do get everywhere. Good luck to you!
  7. Sounds like a good plan! Especially the sleep. Often forgotten, but really crucial. Best of luck to you.
  8. Those goblins are lethal! Good luck to you, fellow traveller.
  9. Waking up early really is great once you get into the habit of it. Good luck!
  10. Tayrey was there when the world changed. The trouble was, she didn't know what to do about it. A spacer like Tayrey, usually she'd be up and gone before the first signs of trouble, into the black expanse of sky. You try getting a spacecraft to fly true now. Hell, even the hovercars have had all their fuel cells torn out. Tayrey's stuck. She's stuck, and for a while it wasn't even all that bad. Holed up in a cushy library, she did, looked out from her high windows at all the terrors and read up what she could on how to take them down. She's resilient, is Tayrey, though she doesn't know it. Her mind's strong, even if her body's - well, we'll get to that later. The problem came when the supplies ran out, 'cause she had all the best information on how to run for more, ways round the demons and the zombie horde - oh yes, it's that kind of crapsack world our protagonist finds herself in, and maybe she herself has just worked out that she's not just a supporting character. Tayrey, This is Your Life, broadcast over the entire datanet in full technicolor, maybe, if there was anyone left to watch. Anyway, she knows exactly what to do, but there's parsecs of difference between knowing it and doing it. Tayrey's been sat up there so long in her safe haven with her digibooks that she's gone soft. Weak. And maybe her old injuries are giving her more trouble than they used to, 'cause she's not fifteen any longer. She outran the temporal cops, once, went into hyperdrive for hours at a time and came out without a scratch, but now she's got to be careful. Especially now it's not a matter of buttons and levers but shifting her own meatsack if she doesn't want to be left behind. And the truth is there are stranger things in this run-down world than even our Tayrey knows about. Things you can't see, that creep up on you. If she's going to make it at all, she'd better do things properly. MISSION: Collect supplies. Fight the monsters along the way. Don't get killed. Create healthy habits to use as a sound basis for further self-improvement. OBJECTIVES: 1. Locate the uncontaminated food supplies 1. Eat at least 80% Primal 2. Avoid the roaming packs of zombies 2. 30 minutes cardio-based exercise (dancing, jogging, etc) 3 times a week 3. Fight and defeat the Demons of Sloth. Don't drop the supplies! 3. Get stronger! Dumbbell session 3 times a week, plus knee push-up challenge and stretching. BONUS OBJECTIVE: 4. Don't lose hope. There are monsters that you cannot see, more dangerous than those you can. Don't let them latch on. 4. Meditate for ten minutes daily. Cultivate serenity. Read on for more of Tayrey's post-apocalyptic adventures. Does she have what it takes to survive?
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