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About Cuckoo

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  • Birthday 12/27/1992

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  1. It's funny a funny kind of secret to keep. I actually keep forgetting about it now, it doesn't bother me at all. It's awesome
  2. Good point Guzzi. I think it does make a huge difference when you start to feel more comfortable in your own skin.
  3. Pyjamazombie (cool name), personally, my boobs have no affect on my self worth. I'm happy and confident as I am. I think I would treat it like any other body mod, to get my body looking the way I want it to. I have wide hips and a big bum, so it would be nice to have larger boobies to go with that I've always admired the curvy (but healthy) look and I want that for myself. Sheltiechick, I get what you're saying. I am also afraid of the risks (and the cost). But I think I could be brave enough to bite the bullet Seven of Seven - of course this counts. I don't think there's any difference between wanting bigger boobs or smaller boobs.
  4. Although I won't post anything explicit here, this post might be considered by some as NSFW. I'm going to discuss my *personal area*. Kinda So on Saturday I was at home, just trawling through the interwebs (I almost typed trolling then, but I don't do that sort of thing) when I suddenly thought, you know what, I'm going to go and do it. I'd been considering it for a while, and had previously had it done, but had removed it because my boyfriend at the time didn't like it. He kept saying he felt like he was going to break his teeth on it. I kept saying that if he was using his teeth then he was doing it wrong! I didn't really even think about it, I just got my butt of the couch, got dressed and went into town. I headed straight for the piercing studio in the hopes that I could have it done right then and there before I'd had the chance to chicken out. When she said she would need to check the diary my heart kind of sunk but she told me she could fit me in at 5 oclock, in just an hour and a half. I went away and didn't really have anything to do while I waited so I walked around and clocked up some steps on my Fitbit. I went back to the studio and filled out the consent form and chose my jewellery. I went for a shiny pearly/opally jeweled barbell. She took me through to a private room and 'checked my anatomy' to ensure I could have this piercing done (not to see what kind of junk I had, but to make sure there would be enough skin to actually pierce. Some people just aren't suitable for this kind of piercing). She said I was all good to go and was really friendly and chatty, which was a good thing considering I was lying there, spread eagled naked from the waist down! Eventually she had prepped all of her equipment, and the 'area' so it was time. She told me to take a big breath in and as I exhaled she did it. Now, the first time I had this piercing done, it was over in about 10 nanoseconds, it was super quick. This time however was a bit different. It took longer and was more painful. I kind of sat up halfway and said 'ouch' (no joke, no swearing just a well pronounced ouch!) But then it was done. I remember wiggling my toes a lot. But then it was over and there was no more pain and I'd done it! She put the jewellery in, offered me some water and said I could put my knickers back on. I was so pleased. I couldn't stop grinning. I love it so much. If anyone was considering getting it done then I highly recommend it! It makes me feel so badass, walking around with a shiny vagina (I'm yet to find a good combination of those two words - shagina? Idk) I'm keen to hear if anyone else has this done, or were thinking about having it done. How would you feel about being with a partner with it done? I just want to talk to everyone about it
  5. I've got no plans (yet) to have this done, but I've thought about it. I don't have small boobs, but they have been the first things to get smaller as I lose weight. I just think if I've put in so much hard work to get the body that I want, then there's nothing wrong with just putting the cherry on the cake. Has anyone had one? Is anyone going to have one? Would you consider it? What are people's thoughts on this subject?
  6. I just got a VCH piercing this weekend (if you don't know what it is, don't Google it at work!) I'd had it done previously but my boyfriend at the time said he didn't like it. He said he felt like he was going to break his teeth on it - I kept telling him that if he was using his teeth then he was doing it wrong! Safe to say he's no longer around. Anyway went and got it re-done on Saturday and I am in love! I was supposed to go to the gym this morning but thought it might be a good idea to give it another day just to heal a little more. But I'll be there tomorrow and truth be told I'm excited. I don't know whether it's going to hurt or make working out more fun. I've heard that some women experience the stair machine totally differently after they've had it done Has anyone else got one? I might post this in the woot room too as I'm so proud of myself for doing what I want to do and not what someone else wanted me to do. And also for plucking up the courage to go and do it again.
  7. So I went out on Saturday night and I'm actually quite proud of myself. We'd gone to the pub for dinner. I wasn't too concerned about what to eat as I'd done pretty well throughout the week but I knew that I had to watch what I drank. I'd gone for 'one' drink after work on Thursday and 5 or 6 large glasses of wine later I was stumbling home. Not good. I think I had an epiphany and realised that I don't like being drunk. I hate not being able to see straight or be in control of my own body. So Saturday night I drank 2 single amaretto and lemonades in the pub. One before dinner and one with dinner. Then we moved onto another bar while we waited for a friend and I ordered a lemonade. Possibly the first time I have ever ordered a non-alcoholic drink in a bar. We did move on to another place after that where I had a pint of cider but then the rest of the night I drank water. I'm pretty damn pleased, especially as my boyfriend definitely had more than just 4 drinks. I was also pleased that it meant I could wake up early and head to the gym while he was sleeping off his hangover. Woot!
  8. Tomocalypse: I'm sure that getting getting super ripped will definitely change that! I hope you find someone soon. Must be torture having all this extra testosterone and no where to put it (haha )
  9. I'm sorry if this is a bit crude, but lately I have not been able to keep my hands of my other half and I was wondering if it was because I am working out more. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? (Btw I am not complaining, and neither is he!)
  10. Wow, look at those muscles in your legs
  11. I was getting shin pains when I wasn't wearing the right shoes (note; converse are not good for running in) so I went and got fitted for a pair of running shoes and the pain stopped immediately
  12. Dorothy Beal runs a running blog (www.mile-posts.com) and wrote some good safety articles about running in the morning. You can find them here and here. Although she talks about early morning running, lots of these tips can be applied to running late at night too
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