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Awkward Rogue

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Everything posted by Awkward Rogue

  1. So I'm still not feeling motivated... Like at all. I think my metabolism has increased and I'm still eating pretty well (minus the ice cream and candy recently enough - feel like crap after eating it, so I guess that's a lesson to be taken into account)... And it's not as if I'm not getting any exercise. I've been skateboarding a little bit, walking a bit, and riding my bike, but it's not much. Any suggestions on how to get motivated?
  2. So... For the last 2 weeks I've been depressed off n on. I don't know if it's because of the changes I've been making, but I've been completely unable to muster up the drive to exercise at all... Feeling really down about it. The only thing I can say that is really keeping me from dropping everything I have changed is the fact that I have been pretty good about switching to paleo. I'm still eating dairy, but I have nearly completely cut out sugar. I need to not drink so much though. So I think I'm going to try not to drink any alcohol for the next month and see how that makes me feel in the long run. Also, I've been pretty good about the dishes, so at least that change is starting to stick. I slipped up a couple times, and there's one day of the week now that I have started school where I'm not going to be able to do them at night, so I'll just have to roll with it, or figure out a different system for that day of the week.
  3. An update for my challenge... I have discovered that I try to do too much at once and then I'm screwed up and tired for days and days afterwards. That being said I think, like with the paleo diet, I'm going to have to ease into doing the beginner body weight workout 3 times a week, and I'm going to have to keep the circuits at 2 for the time being. Earlier last week my wife and I went on a hike for an hour and a half, and then walked home from the bottom which took another hour and a half, and then when we got home, we were still feeling pretty good so we did 3 circuits of the beginner body weight workout only to find that I had ZERO energy for the next 3 or 4 days. So, I cut the body weight workout for a week, and we have been walking at least 45 min a day every day for the entire week (not really intending to, but it happened). So I think a realistic goal is to do the beginner body weight workout twice a week for 2 weeks, and work up to 3 times a week, keeping a max of 2 circuits per workout. As for my paleo goal, walking goal, and life goal: All are going very well. about 75%-ish paleo (still eating all of the stuff we had before deciding to go paleo), walked at least an hour 3 times this past week and the week before, and finally the dishes have not been piling up. Very happy about that last one!
  4. No problem xP My wife and I have been doing the beginner body weight workout for a few weeks now, and it's been really interesting. Also, showed her your picture and she has similar sentiments in that you're quite similar in both body type and also said you could very well be my doppelganger xP
  5. The beginner body weight circuit on this website is actually really good. I found that it's really easy to build up on. Over the past 2 weeks I went from BARELY being able to finish 2 circuits, to finally getting up to 3 circuits today (added russian twists cause I feel that I need more core strength.) It's funny, looking at your pic is like looking into a mirror for me. xP I'm 22 and in quite similar shape as you. I really admire your life goals (the first one especially) since there are so many things that I too am interested in and would like to learn more about. Good luck! I'll be following your progress since it's very similar to my own : )
  6. I love the quote in your life quest section. I have found that I really have to start giving up some of the time that I use to play video games so that I can have time for the stuff that really matters. I wish you much luck. I agree with SkullHands, an aftershot of your gym completed is a must XD
  7. That works pretty well from what I hear, but there are so many times where I'm in the mood for something not on the meal plans. Tonight worked out pretty well. My mom brought an entire box of frozen meat for us, so we won't be having to buy meat for a long time. I just have a hard time remembering to take stuff out for dinner and end up having to use the dreaded microwave to defrost stuff. And there's a farmers market that goes on every saturday that is really close to us, so often times, whats in season is not so much whats on the meal plans.
  8. Thanks a bunch! Yeah, even before moving into the paleo diet I cook 95% of my wife and I's meals. It's just a transition in style and not being able to use rice. We have found that we can't really eat out on the paleo diet, so when we do go out (1% of our meals) we usually have to just settle with gluten free stuff. Luckily my inlaws are really supportive and try to cook paleo friendly meals when we are over at their house (the remaining 4% of the time). I find that my biggest trouble is planning well in advance. I've gotten into the bad habit of relying on our closeness to stores that I no longer try to think ahead and just decide what to make when we get hungry. Not really sure how to fix that problem yet....
  9. I've been excited to start my first challenge since I started reading through Nerdfitness, but now that it's here I have no clue what to say as a precursor to my goals. Everyone else seems to have very concrete reasons for improving themselves, or the more entertaining ones being an IRL role-playing experience of another game. Well, I don't really have any good reason to get fit, nor am I going to attempt to write out something as intricate (and very creative - enjoyed reading them from others) as a role-play backdrop to my challenge, I just want to be healthy : ) ... And I guess having more endurance for the fun things I want to get into would be a nice side effect of that. Main quest: Lose 10 pounds and maintain that weight. I know this doesn't seem to be a very difficult quest, my problem has never been about losing weight, but rather maintaining it when I do. And I also don't want to set myself up for failure. Starting weight 2 weeks ago: 204.5 lbs Starting weight as of yesterday: 200.4 lbs Goal weight at the end of the challenge: 190 lbs (or very near to that) Goals ~ 1) Do the beginner body weight workout 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) I really enjoy this workout, it's fairly challenging for me, and I don't have to buy any equipment. Also, I added 20 Russian twists (10 per side) for a bit more of a core workout (and they're fun) 2) Walk for an hour 2-3 times per week. 3) Ease into being fully on the paleo diet. This goal is not as easy to measure, but the fact of the matter is, I still have a bunch of food in my cupboards that isn't paleo that I really don't want to go to waste. However, my wife and I have already completely removed corn and most legumes from our diet (In this I would like to thank my wife for being so supportive) and I was already eating gluten free because I'm gluten intolerant. Side quest: Now this may seem silly to everyone, but I loathe dishes. So for my side quest, I'm going to do the dishes every night after dinner so that they don't end up piling up like they used to. This really puts a damper on my cooking and at least 1 day every 4 days where I would have to take and hour or more to do all the dishes. And since I enjoy cooking so much, I don't want my cooking to feel like a chore (when I have to wash something just so I can cook) My motivation: To enjoy life more, to feel better, look a little better, and gain more endurance for the activities that I enjoy doing. I would also like to help support my mother (long distance) with her desire to go full paleo. A little backstory on that, my mother just came down for a couple days to visit, and when the discussion turned to diet (since I have posted on facebook that I was going to take her advice and try paleo) she admitted that it is very hard to change her diet fully when she lives with so many other people who do not wish to change. This is very similar to when we first found she had cancer. I moved in with her so that I could help take care of her and she had read about how a gluten free diet can help through the surgeries she needed to get. So I decided I would be the supportive son and change my diet with her so she wouldn't feel so alone about it (this is when I found that gluten doesnt agree with my in the slightest). There is a problem with her current predicament though... I don't live with her anymore, in fact, I no longer even live in the same state as her. So we decided that if we're all going to go paleo (my wife, mother, and I) then we should swap recipes and give each other a progress report on both health and over all feeling. Well so that's my challenge. Seeing as how I have been doing all of this for the past 2 weeks, I can say it's doable and I am going to enjoy myself. : ) Edit: Going to be updating my progress weekly.
  10. I have had trouble getting height with my vaults, but for the most part it's been mostly fear of being completely horizontal in the air. However, one video I saw on youtube recommended using a park bench (or something of similar height that is sturdy) and just placing your hands on the table, jumping (keeping your hands on the table), and using your upper body strength to keep/guide you into being horizontal. This is more for the Kong vault (which is what I really need to work on) but can be applicable to some other vaults. I think with this method, it not only gets you comfortable with the positioning, but also slightly works the muscles you would be using to begin the vault. (can't find the video, but I think it was done by the Tapp brothers on youtube) I'm sorry if that's not any help, or didn't answer your question at all. I guess the only other option I can think of is practicing the vault over and over while working up to bigger obstacles.
  11. Welcome Shadowsilk. I too am quite new here, but so far I'm loving reading through the mountains of information and meeting some new people with similar goals. I would like to encourage you to try out paleo, but if you're not really interested in going QUITE that far or drastic with changing your diet, you could try just being gluten free. I went on a gluten free diet when my mother had cancer. She went on the diet to improve her health before her surgery took place, and I went on it to support her in her endeavor. I have to say, just going gluten free (and cutting out MOST refined sugars) was one of the most enlightening experiences. I lost 10 pounds in a month, just from that change because I was eating considerably less carbs. But in the end it's your choice, just food for though xP Walking is one of my favorite exercises to do, and the only advice I can give is to try to have fun with it. One way is to walk with a family member or friend who you can talk to while walking. Another is setting a destination. I know I always walk more quickly and with purpose if I actually have a destination rather than just walking for the heck of it. If walking for the heck of it is more your thing, and you don't have anyone who would like to join you for walks (we're all busy) music really helps you to "zone" out and not think so much about the exercise and more about enjoying your time of being alone with your thoughts and listening to music : )
  12. There's a guy on youtube who did a hand care video. Can't remember his name, but it's not entirely important. Before I post, I'll find the link. The gist of it is, once calluses begin to form you're going to want to remove them. The reasoning for this is that, calluses being strong, the skin around them is not, so if your callus catches a little bit harder than you intend, it's a possibility that it can tear where it connects to softer skin. So lotions help soften skin after workouts, but if you have a large buildup of callus, use a bit of sand-paper or a pedegg to remove the majority of the callus. Blitzkrieg Flame is right though, your hands need to get used to being used in that manner. - and I don't know about gloves. maybe try them on a couple low walls to see how they work out? (with safety in mind of course) Here's the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tp83vNIWI6k&list=PLAC90ED58CDC8A748&index=34 - And it's Jesse LaFlair. Has some decent tutorials as well
  13. Walking is a GREAT start. I noticed that once I began walking I couldn't stop (on one occasion this was actually a major problem), but fitness must start somewhere, and kudos on making an effort. Something that might help you "keep it in your mind" is making friends on here, or just reading through the forrums once a day. Certainly makes me continuously think about my health and fitness. So strike up a conversation, or do some research on a type of workout/exercise that interests you. Parkour happens to be one of those subjects in which you can find countless tutorials on youtube. There are also various parkour related body weight exercises that look quite fun as well. I wish you the best of luck.
  14. Running does suck, and I find that walking is a much more fun exercise, especially if you have someone to do it with. However, Running does have it's extra health benefits. Since I hate running, but like the benefits I do interval training. If you havn't heard of it HERE is a good place that explains what it is. I have bad knees from a previous job (and a bit of my own stupidity) as well as having feet. So basically, running hurts me quite a bit but interval walk/jog doesnt hurt, but I get similar benefits to running. On a note on at home physical therapy, a good way to begin is adding a bit of resistance with resistance training bands. I think the flat ones held in each hand doing leg presses might do the trick for knees. I did some home made therapy this way with my shoulder (sprained it twice) and I can now say (3 years later) I don't have any pain in moving it in any direction. Good luck and welcome (just joined myself, finding it quite nice.)
  15. Congratz! Loved reading your story, and I think it helps reaffirm my goals for myself. I only wish I had an android (or any smartphone, really need to get with the times one of these days -eyes roll-) so that I could try out your app. If you don't mind me asking, which part of the paleo diet have you not been following ("well most of it"- basically, what do you mean by this?)
  16. Yup. You're welcome to add me as a friend as well, if you would like
  17. If you're looking to burn a few extra calories by adding weight, just take a backpack full of various things and go for a hike, or a brisk walk up a hill. I don't know how effective it is in the form of burning calories, but I know it helps to build up endurance for hikers. I know that isn't exactly what you were looking for, but it's something to think about if you're thinking about endurance at all. (After your ankle heals) Leg and arm weights have their place if you like doing pilates/leg lifts, or that sort of thing.
  18. I'm pretty good at the parkour roll on grass, and practice it when I can. Really I think I need to slim my belly a bit so that it's easier to tuck for both the roll and the vault. I'll be sure to check out those links, and thank you for them. I too would love to be able to move as naturally as some of the greats, and is one of my major lifetime goals, but I'm going to focus on the smaller ones for now. Have you seen David Belle's videos of parkour through forests? it's pretty amazing XD Hahaha, I would agree except I talked with her about it beforehand, and since she isn't so much of a gamer she's actually quite excited because we will be going for walks much more frequently (one of her big complaints about me for the past while)
  19. Hahaha, it's not too terribly difficult. Just have to keep my mind busy on other things... Like fitness! and my wife XD Of course.... This is only day 1 so.... Test of willpower: initiate!
  20. I figure it's probably best to start from scratch, do fitness first and then add things like video games until there's a happy medium. Since your interest is also parkour, what resources are you using to teach yourself? (been looking at videos and tutorials on youtube to help me) I'm finding it difficult to get over some of the fear of jumping into a completely horizontal position for a kong vault.
  21. Good luck! and thanks for the ideas on how to set my goals for my first challenge coming up on the 16th
  22. Lol, thanks XD It's not that video games have been entirely a bad habit. They give me an outlet to relieve stress, but it's come to a point to where I need to cut back, and so I am. I'll have em back in no time at all, but I want to be healthier when that happens and a fitness routine in place when I allow myself to start playing again. I see you're an assassin. I plan on joining that guild when the time comes and I start working on cardio/endurance/parkour, but I really need to lose some weight first lol.
  23. I have not yet started anything on here. I've been mostly just reading through the FAQ and the challenge information. I'm glad the next one starts on the 16th, though I'll be working towards my goals in the meantime anyways. When you finish posting yours, link it here and I'll follow yours and maybe start my own : )
  24. Hello. I know how you feel about the obstacles thing. It's especially hard for me with my diet (being gluten free and walking by a pizza place twice a week). I know for me the "i completed something!" feeling is what keeps me going when trying to get fit. I think what helps me, might just help you. One way to keep getting that feeling while working towards a much larger goal is to set a lot of smaller goals along the way. Like running for instance, take as long as you can stand to run for (for me like 30 sec DX) and just increasing it every week until you get to a goal set (such as a whole min, which is still bad and embarrassing for me DX). During my previous experiences I eventually worked up to 5 min with straight jogging on the treadmill and went from barely being able to do 25 squats in a set to being able to do 150. I guess it's just all in how you break it down : ) Good luck!
  25. I'm not a complete newbie to fitness, but lately I have found that I don't put enough priority on my health (especially with college and other responsibilities). Realizing this (and the great many things I need to get done with school, home, ect) I decided to challenge myself. The story is that I'm an active gamer and a college student. School alone is enough to take up the majority of my time, but an ever increasing game addiction doesn't exactly help. So here's my 3 month challenge, aimed at improving productiveness and health: Quit playing video games cold-turkey for the entire duration to increase the amount of time I have for things I NEED to do Lose 10-15 pounds (not a high goal, but it's a stepping stone for me. Also, I'm nearly at 200 pounds and I havn't been under that since I was 16) If I lose the weight before the 3 months is up, I have to keep it off Improve my diet (gently easing into full paleo) Improve my self-image Quest reward: Guild Wars 2! (that's right, I'll be rewarding myself with a video game, and one I have been wanting for a long time) Finding this site has given me much enthusiasm in the sense that it really appeals to the type of games I like to play, and makes me think of my challenge as a game. After reading through much of this site I think that it is definitely going to help me towards reaching my goal, and I'm very excited to read how other people are coming along with their goals, as well as possibly finding new outlets for exercising and having fun.
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