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Everything posted by Machete

  1. Yeah, there's a huge variation in box programming. Mine had different skill levels, a "boot camp"-style program, and a competition team program. Our head coach uses OPEX programming. When it comezx down to it though, it is the community that makes the box. I'd say if you're hitting your WODs more than 3 days a week and your strength levels are decent, work on straight skill training. Movement efficiency allows you to save your energy and put as much of your movements into the aerobic zone. Kelly Starrett and Brian Mackenzie re-certified for their CF1 together, and what they did for their day 1 workout (thrusters and burpees) was use light weights and only breathe through their nose the entire time. That ensured they stayed aerobic the entire time. (I think the other participants were wondering what the hell they were doing, going so slow.) You could do the same thing, adding long slow runs/rowing/assault bike/ski erg while nasal breathing the entire time. Zone 2 cardio is one of Alex Viada's secret weapons, and is a super under-utilized training method.
  2. Vitamins: Missed Wednesday and Saturday Workout: Attended Mon, Tue, Thu, and Fri Jiu-jitsu classes Sleep: Missed Tuesday for sleep. I'm ditching the water tracking for now. I was planning on doing more strength training, but I kept forgetting. I think I need to do it in the morning for it to be done. Attended a birthday party on Saturday, missed workout and ate like crap. Sleep has been weird. I think I hit a manic episode on Monday, and that's what led to the kick-start, but eventually the sleep deficit caught up to me and I was pretty much napping on an doff all day on Saturday. I was able to remember my vitamins most days except when I fell asleep immediately. Vitamin stack: multivitamin Vit D3 Zinc magnesium citrate garlic extract curcumin ashwagandha boswellia serrata olive leaf extract saffron SAMe TUDCA fish oil Haha. Now that I write it down it looks like a lot.
  3. I have the M&P Shield, also in .40. Right? So many of us saddo right now, it it makes otherwise depressing memes rather funny. Thank you, sir. Glad to be back! When asked about my memes: ============================================================================================================================================ Missed my first day of both exercise and vitamins yesterday. Rats.
  4. Yeah, I'm putting Vit D on the pillbox. I've also been getting more sunlight lately. Just need top stay consistent. Ah, caught me! (I mean I like my G27 as well, but .40 cals are soooo expensive.) Interesting. I'll have to try that B complex. Yusssss! Thank you sir!
  5. But I'm a Springfield XD guy! Hahaha
  6. So I've been out, and not for a lack of trying. I think it's been years since I actually completed a challenge satisfactorily (probably because of the depresso and the drugs 😝). Tried to do the last challenge as @sarakingdom suggested, but I kept procrastinating, and here we are. For those not following the absolute disasterpiece that is my Instagram fitness-turned-meme-page, I haven't really trained since lockdown, I've been sleeping on the couch for a year (because I can't afford to fix the room), depression hit hard and I ended up dropping out of school, and I'm on my second week of withdrawals from 3 different meds, (though I think I'll keep taking one for a little bit more). My challenge is to force myself to be healthy, one step at a time. I'd like to start with the easiest ones, and maybe I'll add more layers once I'm able to make them habits: Take my vitamins Get a workout (very loose definition) in Track sleep and water intake The first part of every game I've enjoyed playing ALWAYS sucks butt. It's a tutorial, you know what to do, but doing it just sucks. I guess this is my Temple of Trials... EDIT: Actually, Goodsprings might be a better representation; waking up at a home clinic after having a bullet extracted from my head. The game was rigged from the start.
  7. Ah. For CrossFit I would go with building skill proficiency in the foundational movements, especially since you've been doing it for a year and still have a massive developmental curve you could take advantage of. I'd say some deliberate skill work with snatch, clean & jerk, vertical/long jump, squats, presses, deadlifts, pull-ups, wall balls, KB Russian swings/snatches/long cycle, rope climb, thrusters, jump rope, running, rowing/ski erg would bring a pretty high carryover. From a macro level I'd assess some benchmarks on those movements. (In this order) I'd assess, are there any movement/ROM restrictions? What are the technical issues that one could fix? What are the lift numbers and times (if applicable)? Depending on the event I'm training for (e.g. if there's a marathon I'd put particular emphasis on running technique and aerobic output) I'd address deficiencies and re-assess every few weeks or so. On a micro level I would do the typical CF athlete competition approach. Some ground movements, Burgener Warm-up, and 10-15 minutes of easy, deliberate practice on a work capacity movement (rowing or running for me usually) is a good warm-up that allows one to practice a skill as fresh as possible. For the strength/power movement I'd pair the exercise with a specific stretch (mostly so I don't get lost Instagramming during my rest periods). MetCon comes after and the goal is always primarily to keep every rep looking as pretty as possible, then finishing in the proper time range (i.e. short, medium, or long WOD). A little bit of bodybuilding and focused flexibility at the end, because most people would benefit from more hollow and arch rocks. When I coached, a sample day could be: Warm-up (15-20 min) Ground movements (world's greatest stretch, bear, monkey, frog, lizard, leopard crawl) Pose running drills / rowing erg (concentrating on strokes per minute) Burgener Warmup / double-unders, Russian swings, goblet squats Skill (20-30 minutes) Something with [usually] 3-5 work sets for 3-5 reps with 3-5 minutes of rest in-between MetCon (5-45 minutes) depends on the phase, but usually you hit each type (short, med, long) at least once a week If anything, I think the simplest way to do it would be to get strong AF and get your RHR in the 50s.
  8. I'm a fan of the hard "no." I have a really hard time reading people, so I'd lay all the cards out and straight-out ask, "yes, or no?" (Got rejected many, many times, and it hurt every time. Haha) I remember my first relationship I was clinging on to false hope for so long, I pretty much told her "yo, like, can you just go and tell me to f-- off so I can get a straight rejection and I'll never bother you again?"
  9. I'm here. Life fell apart. Got an INC in my course as I spoke with my professor and he was willing to work with me, but I haven't received updates on my current state in the program and am pretty much in limbo at the moment but I can't seem to care enough to go find out. Got a long, very noticeable bout of depression hit me to the point where some people notice. No other choice but to ride it out. Luckily my wife just got a job, and I'm able to indulge all the procrastinating activities I've been dabbling on guilt-free, so I guess there's that. I think I'll start hitting the Battle Log as a start.
  10. What are you using to measure body fat?
  11. It did. But now my hair's tangled-up. Apparently you have to use head soap. Anyway the best thing about distance learning is that you can excuse yourself mid-class to go cry in the shower.
  12. Dude... my life is a challenge. I haven't showered in 2 weeks, I've been up for 3 days I think, and I've been living on energy drinks. So you know, another one of those weeks. Haha I'll get one up soon after I catch up on sleep. I think I've literally melted my brain with finals. I'm constantly smelling smoke for no reason and nobody else seems to be smelling it.
  13. Yeah, I've been neglecting the them a lot, and I think they've been trying to reach out but I'm too caught up with myself to listen. The new S&S standard is "Timeless Simple" which is untimed 100 swings and 10 get-ups with 32kg. I just want to do that with the next weight up.
  14. The Late 2021 To-do List: Fitness: Timeless 36 kg GMB F1 Finance: pay off 1 credit card $2500 emergency fund Family: accumulate 40 hours each (specifically) with the wife and the kid fix the house water heater shower install drywall backyard sod, fence, gate attic Education: certifications CompTIA A+ CompTIA Network+ CompTIA Security+ Cisco CCNA
  15. Being a professional meme-dealer (I know some of you may be familiar with my work), I was asked by one of my students (not at meme-ing) how I deal with online comments. (Spoiler alert: I don't.) Though I try to stay apolitical as possible, some topics just have way too much comedy potential. How you keep your cool is straight-up monk shi-. I can usually fake it, but it consumes me and it ruins entire days to the point of people noticing something is wrong. These devices dude, they just do something to us...
  16. This is why I need to swear it to somebody, because if I'm just swearing it to myself, I know that guy is full of shit anyway. Haha
  17. Sign me up. I just saw this movie called Greenland and like 15 minutes in comet fragments hit my city, completely annihilating it in a split-second. I'd never cheered with such enthusiasm since Con Air. It was the happy ending we deserve. NNICE... Time to upgrade to ya ba. Do you upload your own results individually, or do they find your records in the internets? I've been using WellnessFX mostly because the Commander-In-Chief did a comprehensive some years ago, so I just created an account.
  18. STOP IT! I can't thing of Rogue One without uncontrollably tearing up.
  19. Need to pick something up? Road's pretty long from here.
  20. I was thinking of doing it as a DIY project I can make in my yard. (I have a Lowe's across the street from me, which I totally should be utilizing more.) If we happen to know anyone with a bit of background in structural engineering perhaps we can all come up with a blueprint for a bad-ass outdoor calisthenics rig. Maybe we can start with something like this, or this, then eventually evolve into something with stall bars, pommel horse, etc.
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