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Everything posted by Toast013

  1. So apparently my Monday post didn't upload correctly so I'll just sum up the first week here. On Monday I set my starting weight at 280.6 lbs. 1. I have met or come under my calorie goals on myfitnesspal everyday this week! 2. I did get up to the studio on Tuesday but circumstances beyond my control kept me from the gym/pool later in the week. I should meet those this week though. 3. On Thursday I weighed myself again and was at 277.2 lbs. I'm glad that's progressing in the right direction. 4. I wrote one paper that was late. I need to do a midterm paper this week and a response paper for a different class. AND I have a French test on Friday...
  2. This. I need this. So much work, so little motivation.
  3. So this past summer I hurt my back and that took me out of rugby for the semester. Rugby practice has been my main form of fitness for the last three years. At the same time, I've let my eating habits get worse and worse - and I've nothing to blame that on but myself. Combined. These two things have lead to my GAINING 12+ pounds since June. Needless to say, but this can't go on. My weight (now up to 280 wtf) is a serious issue that is having an incredibly negative impact on my life. It has gotten to the point where the stress being put on my joints and back compounds my rugby injuries and makes it difficult for my body to heal itself. This has gone beyond just self image issues and needs to be addressed. As such, my goals for the upcoming challenge are: 1. Clean up my diet. Track my calorie intake with myfitnesspal and limit my intake of desserts/processed sugars to special occasions only (thanksgiving, birthday parties, etc). I also want to cook for myself twice a week. Pasta does not count and may only be made once a week. 2. Get my fitness up. Go running/swimming twice a week and go up to train at the studio (I'm taking martial arts at school and we're welcome up at the studio as well) at least once a week. Lift with a rugby friend once a week. 3. Weightless Accountability. I'd like to be back to my original starting weight (265) by the end of this challenge. To that end, I will do weigh ins at least twice a week. To hold myself accountable to this I will post them here. First weigh in is in the morning to set my baseline. 4. Life goal: stop making excuses. I am behind in almost all my classes. I keep telling myself (and my professors) that I have good reasons but in reality it's just laziness and apathy. This needs to stop. I'm in my last year. I just need to put my head down and power through. And write my stupid essays.
  4. I'm doing fairly well I think. I've definitely met my three mile walking goal every day I've been traveling simply because that is the nature of traveling. In fact, I've hiked up and down two mountains/very large hills. I was in Gibraltar which is just a giant rock. Walked all the way down and half way back up. I had a monkey jump on my back which, while mildly terrifying at the time, was an interesting expirience. I am now in Morocco. A few days ago my friends and I went to see a waterfall and had to hike down the side of a mountain on what were essentially donkey trails (note: do not attempt in toms. You will slip and end up in a muddy stream) and then had to walk up many, many stairs to the top where we started. I had mostly made healthy choices. I've had a sweet here and there but with a majority of my traveling being in morocco most of what I've been eating has been a traditional meat + veg dish called tagine. I did just find out that the delicious tea that is served everywhere in this country has heaps of sugar in it so I need to limit my intake of that in the last few days I'm here. All in all I've done pretty well so far this challenge. Today I was able to take my belt down a hole again which was a nice feeling. Hopefully I can keep this up when I get home!
  5. I have learned over the course of my previous challenges that tend to start strong and end strong but completely fall off the wagon in the middle. I tend to take on too much and lose momentum really fast. So this time around I'm going to focus on small, meaningful changes that I can actually achieve and maintain. 1. In an effort to actually keep up on this challenge I will post an update at least every three days 2. Go for a run three days a week OR walk at least three miles a day (if I'm not at home) 3. Not make pasta more than once a week and when I do, I must have a veg with it. 4. Starting in May, spend at least five hours a week actually actively studying for exams These goals are the bare minimum for me. Hopefully I will do more but I feel that starting with these will be more sustainable. For the first two weeks of the challenge I'm going to be traveling so I some of these goals may be hard to meet but I will strive to make healthy choices along the way.
  6. It has been ages since I've updated. Varsity and Macadam have come and gone and the season is over. We lost at Varsity but won at Macadam yesterday. Today it hurts to move. I definitely dropped the ball on the paleo goal but my diet has still improved overall. I'm cooking at home more and making better choices. My pushup goal is progressing on track. I'm up to 31 knee pushups and 7-8 regular pushups. I should be able to meet this one! Unfortunately I had to take a break from the couch to 5k for the moment. My knee has been bothering me and I didn't want to risk injuring it and having to sit out the remainder of the season. And I had a concussion which makes running...difficult. It makes everything difficult. Saturday we (my rugby team) leave for tour in Salou, Spain!
  7. I'm a prop. I support the hooker.
  8. Jogged my first non-stop mile today! Even in grade school I couldn't do this (mostly because I found an excuses to get out of running the mile all but one time). Granted it took me 15 minutes, but I never stopped to walk which is something I never did before.
  9. This week has been incredibly stressful and its not looking like its going to get any better until the semester ends at the end of March. On the bright side I'm doing well with my goals so far. 1. Have eaten paleo 4/5 days this week 2. Completed week one of the Couch-to-5K programme 3. Can do 17 knee push ups I'm finding regular push ups much more difficult than I was anticipating. But I still think I can do ten by the end of the challenge. On an unrelated note, I went to a scrum clinic yesterday about how to coach the scrum which was cool. And I found out that nerd fitness has a rugby emoticon How cool is that?
  10. I've been doing well on my push up and paleo goals so far this week. I do have to admit that I wasn't perfect today as I had rice + beans for dinner because I was at a cultural event hosted by my uni's African/Caribbean Society and it would have been inconsiderate not to. On the other hand, I turned down pizza night last night which was hard to do (cause, I mean, it's pizza). Early today I was struggling to stay on track eating well cause I've had a stressful week but I knew that the sweets I thought I was craving weren't actually what I wanted. But then I was getting dressed for the event I mentioned and I put on slacks I hadn't worn in months and they fit better than before and my shirt was looser than it had been (which, honestly, was probably just because its an old shirt). It was just the confidence boost I needed. I know that four days of eating well haven't had that impact on my clothes but it was a reminded of where I'd been and how far I will soon be.
  11. Aw thanks! A mini fellowship would be awesome. As soon as i figure out the signature/status bar thing, I'll update my progress.
  12. Do you at least have access to a microwave? If you do, its super easy to steam veggies (which you can swipe from your cafeteria's salad bar area, if applicable) in a microwave which would be a good option. The same goes for sweet potatoes. Its going to take some creativity but you may be able to make some things in your cafeteria paleo by substituting and combining things from different areas.
  13. Hi I'm gabz and i dont know how to link things so my challenge is here: http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/60899-gabz-to-varsity-and-beyond/ I generally have a hard time keeping to my goals so an accountabilibuddy/group would do me some good
  14. notes to self: -when planning to spend the entire day at starbucks writing an essay, pack paleo-friendly snacks as they are not sold in store -stop waiting until the due date to write several thousand word essays
  15. So last challenge didn't go so well but I did finish it, which was something new for me. I'd like to make this challenge a success. A lot of stuff is going to be happening for me in the next six weeks which is both exciting and daunting. First and foremost is the Varsity match between my school and our rival on March 13th. Although I'm not on the squad, I am a part of the team and as a team we have made a commitment to eat healthier and train harder in the month leading up to the big game. The second is Macadam Cup, the match between my team and my school's other rugby team (we're totally gonna win). I still have a chance to make the squad for that game and I'm determined to do it. The third thing is non-fitness related. I have this massive paper due at the end of March that is likely to be the death of me. Its worth my entire grade in the course and I need to do really well on it. I need to do well in all my courses, but this one especially. In light of all these things (and others) my goals for this challenge are as follows: 1. To eat paleo until tour (which is taking place the last week of the challenge) 2. To complete the first six weeks of the Couch-to-5K programme (this is a carry-over goal from my last [read: failed] challenge) 3. To be able to do ten real push-ups and at least 35 knee push-ups Life goal: pass this stupid class (seriously, never take an advanced comparative politics class as an elective if you have never taken a gov class and don't know statistics. just don't do it to yourself.)
  16. I'm a student who has a fairly long commute to campus and I'm always struggling with healthy lunch options. I'm usually eating lunch on the train to school and dinner on the train to rugby practice. I've recently started eating paleo which cuts sandwiches out of my diet. Does anyone have simple paleo lunch ideas/tips that are easily transported and don't need to be refrigerated/reheated?
  17. Thanks I'm actually not on any meds (though I probably should be). But I know you're right about all you've said about depression and anxiety. They fucking suck and are the main reason I failed this latest challenge. Not gonna let that happen again.
  18. It really does have to be up to her but it may help a little if you suggest doing things together. You could go on a bike ride around the your town or find some nice paths to walk on. If you live near any body of water, maybe go paddle boating a few times (once it warms up). Stuff you two can do together that, while being a form of exercise, can be pitched as bonding time. For example, my mom and I go kayaking or rafting together whenever we get the chance because it's something I love that we can do together that gets us both moving. Find something she loves and do it with her. The exercise that doesn't seem like exercise is always the most fun. You can't force her to get healthy but knowing you're supporting her is going to be a big help when she does.
  19. Yeah be careful with knees. They should feel better as they get used to being used and as you lose weight but still be careful. If anything seems off see a doctor. Source: I play a contact sport and almost screwed up my knee.
  20. Hi-ho! Kermit the Frog here! Well, more like Miss Piggy, actually. (I don't know why I made this joke. I never even watched the muppets.) Anyway, I too, need to lose a lot of weight. Always have. Although I was an active kid - playing two sports throughout my childhood - I was always one of the fat kids. My parents had me seeing dietitians and nutritionists from age ten and I hated every minute of it. I started high school well over 200 lbs. I developed anxiety, depression, and a touch of PTSD (0/10 would not recommend). College has not seen me better off no matter how many times I tell myself I'm going to change. Now, 20 years old, 270lbs, and on my junior year abroad, I need to get over myself and stop making excuses. No one made me fat but me and I'm the only one who can fix it. So I will. First thing in the morning I'm going cold turkey and switching to a completely paleo diet until March 13th where I will reassess and move on and finally lose the weight I need to. It's time to take control of my life. I love adventure sports and travel (I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie) but it's nearly impossible to do the things I love weighing twice what I should. If I want to lead the life I've always dreamed of (sadly, minus the dragons) then I need to get healthy.
  21. So I've apparently not updated the last two weeks. I did write a post but my internet has been faulty so it obviously didn't upload. Instead of trying to remember how it went, I will simply say this: Although I failed all of my goals I did end the challenge eating better than I did before (and how I did at the middle during a rather disastrous slump). I did actually complete this challenge which in some ways is a victory in and of itself. I definitely learned from my failure and have a brighter outlook for the next challenge.
  22. So I utterly and completely failed every goal I set for myself in the last challenge and ultimately let myself down on something I had been striving for since September. Which sorta sucks. But it is never to late to try again. I think my problem is I gave myself too many loopholes to wiggle out of actually eating healthy. So, from tomorrow morning until March 13 (and hopefully beyond) I am going to eat completely paleo. This concept of starting completely fresh, like a blank slate (I love philosophy puns), and going head first into an new way of eating has worked for me in the past when I went vegetarian in high school. I am hoping I'll be able to do it again. The reason I put an 'end date' of sorts on this is because while I definitely want to be paleo most of the time, I know it isnt realistic for me to be 100% paleo forever. But I need this sort of buffer period before allowing myself a free day or I will never make it happen. March 13th also happens to be the Varsity rugby game between KCL (yaaay) and UCL (booo), so a healthy diet will go a long way in helping me prepare for this (and KCL is totally gonna win this year). Anyway, that's my plan. Wish me luck!
  23. Oh my god. I did about a million squats at practice on Sunday, plus sprints. I could not move today because I was so sore. I had to skip practice today coach is not going to be happy about that
  24. Week 2: So I found out that the goal I was working towards, joining the military, isn't going to happen and that really got me down. I really lost all motivation and fell off the wagon. Week 3: I decided that even if I can't join the military I still want to get fit for a plethora of other reasons. So I'm back to my challenge! I may not need to lose 130 lbs in 500 days but that's still my epic quest goal. So I'm gonna keep at it. Also yesterday was my best rugby performance to date. I was only on the pitch for 20 minutes but I did well (for me). So that was kinda exciting.
  25. Thanks for your support and xena thanks for your suggestions
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