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Everything posted by ninja_mermaid

  1. Dude, cauliflower is gross. Incredibly gross. It's... no. Just no. Also, in Latin, "Cicero" means 'chickpea'. The first Novus Homo in the history of Rome was named Marcus Tullius Chickpea. And for the record, he was the shit.
  2. Oh my God, y'all, I'm really starting to feel the cravings! I'm not even hungry, in fact, I'm really full, but the sugar hunger is upon me, and I'm going to be up most of the night studying for a test. I feel like I'm about to jump out of my skin!
  3. You're doing great, darlin', so don't beat yourself up over every little thing you don't get accomplished. Also, creating a routine and sticking to it really helps.
  4. Kay, my firey Flareons, I've been kind of (that is, incredibly) lax with my posting over the last few days. So, any milage that I gained is lost to me; it must be recorded to count! 2/12/14 Today I walked 1.61 miles. That's basically just me walking across campus to get to class, but still. Today: 1.61 miles Total: 15.64 miles
  5. Thanks, Cookie Pond; I think I'm doing pretty well right now. I took my meds, went to class, and got a shower today. But, I have to admit, I'm starting to feel a little wall-eyed from this no sweets thing. The bitchfest is about to begin, y'all, fair warning.
  6. I'm hungry, people. In fact, I'm starting to get hangry. I've decided to get off sugar again since I did such a good job of not drowning my (minor) sorrows in candy and ice cream, and I'm warning you now - it is going to get ugly over the next few days. I apologize in advance for my rantyness, but I'm going to be detoxing, so y'all aren't allowed to hold it against me. And yes, when I say detoxing, I mean it literally. I am physically addicted to sugar, and she is a alluring but cruel mistress. When I was at the doctor's this afternoon, I weighed in at 200.8; this is what she does to me!! But no more, I tell you, no more!
  7. Nope, no changes. I'm just a little bummed. I ended up not going to the gym, but I didn't go on a massive sugar binge to push the pain away either. So I'm counting this as a win. Well, maybe more of a tie than a win, but still, definitely not a loss.
  8. Okay, so I'm tired of doing all the addition and subtraction and shit. I'm just counting everything my pedometer picks up. I just won't carry it around everywhere.
  9. Update: I just got fired. I think I'm going to go to the gym to try and work off some of my frustration. At least some good will come of this.
  10. Thanks for clearing matters up, y'all. I assumed it was something like that, but we all know what happens when you assume. Anyway, keep up the great work, Pond!
  11. Librarian of Doom - the Dresden Files are awesome; keep reading!
  12. Kay, nerds, it's good to be back. Don't worry, I didn't go on a bender or anything, I just got lax about my posts. I'm going really well - still on my meds, eating breakfast. I missed a class, but that was a calculated miss; I had to finish a paper, and I couldn't do that if I was sitting in a lecture hall. Also, I'd like to point out that my new computer's keyboard is an asshole. Later!
  13. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmm, IG, we need to talk about your serious failure as a British person. Go to your room, read some Pratchett by the end of the week, and THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!!! I recommend Witches Abroad or Hogfather as a jumping off point. Reaper Man is great too.
  14. Pond, what does "bugger this for a lark" mean? I assume it's some random Aussie-ness, but I must be sure!
  15. Gaaaaahhhhh! My new computer has a tiny keyboard, and I'm not used to it; it's driving me crazy! Thanks for the pep talk, IG! I just got up and am about to work on my discussion response, so I'm good with that, and then I'm going to get to school early to start on my other assignment (I have to critique some piece of artwork on campus). I'm hoping my prof'll let me do my response on this awesome stenciled graffiti I saw stenciled on the side of a building. It's a blue elephant! I'm really excited about it; it's kinda Banksy-ish. Then I'm going to to boring, grown-up stuff until I have to go to work. I'm taking over someone's shift, and will make sure to get lots of walking in.
  16. Kay, dords, listen up, and I will serenade your perfectly-sculpted ears with beautiful and glorious tidings. I am breakfasted, medicated, massaged, libraried, lunched, AND showered. It's only 3:15 and I still got all that shit done! I'm doing so well being back on my meds; if I keep this up, I'm counting this challenge as a win and leveling myself up! I do need to be exercising and cut the more egregious junk food from my diet, but I haven't been this efficent in a long time. I'm even going to class every day! I do have to do some writing for art history by tomorrow and Friday (two different assignments), and I've massive amounts of reading to catch up on, but I'm counting this as a win so far! And now I have to go clean my apartment. I've got aquaintances coming over for this spa party thing I'm hosting for my bestie toonight, and, unlike my friends, I need straighten up for them. They actually judge me for living in filth, unlike my friends, who just roll their eyes and bear it. But only the downstairs. There's farrrrrr too much shit in my room and bathroom to be cleaned up in just a couple hours. Sigh. That'll have to wait till tomorrow. Until we meet again, fair travelers! I bid thee adiu, with a hey diddle diddle and a fa la la!
  17. Babe. You gotta go back on your meds. I'm not saying this to be all judgy, mind you - believe me, I know how easy it is to run out of your medication, or not take it for a day, which leads to you forgetting the next day, and then the day after that, but you could have seizures if you go off anti-anxiety medication suddenly. And seizures aren't good, just ask Julius Caesar. Oh wait, you can't - he's dead! Granted, he didn't die of a seizure, but everyone thought he was god-touched because of them, and now he's dead. The two aren't related, but he's still dead.
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