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Posts posted by curvygirly

  1. wooooohooo i have successfully................ decreased my appetite. i'm soo thrilled. i never eat alot at once, however, i do munch throughout the day. this was mainly in an attempt to raise my metab, but i realize i just seem to think...

    "hmmm i need to eat in another 2 hours so my metab is up... what do i eat? how many cals is that, let me see if i have enough cals... ?"

    so today this is what i ate. and i am full, on my calories, and it was HEALTHY

    breakfast: protein shake with 1 tbsp peanut butter <-- I heart this stuff. It is yummy, filling, and i am excited to have this. I don't feel like this is a substitute but something I look forward to. I also am no longer tired in the mornings, and I have more energy after this. after i drink this, i'm not hungry. the old me would have usually nothing, but even recently when I was trying to eat healthier and have oatmeal for breakfast I was still hungry, this fills me up.

    snack: half orange, 2 cups water,

    lunch: caesar salad, one vegan veggie patty with 2 tsp shredded cheese on top, 3 tsp chick peas on salad, 2 cups crystal light, 2 cups water

    snack: half orange,

    dinner: besan poora, 2 cups crystal light

    it is now 1030 pm. I have about 291 calories left over. i know i shouldn't have any left over. but i'm trying to pay attention to my stomach and eat when needed. i'm not full right now, but not hungry either. if before i sleep i get hungry i will have some fruit or half a protein shake or something.

    had 35% fat, 33% protein, 31% carbs. the ratios make me laugh at how close they are . i really didn't even plan this.

    today i ate what i wanted and tried to be smart. didn't track til now. Usually I track before the food goes in my mouth.

    i didn't work out today, i'm in exam crunch mode, and i think i might cut down on my workouts, maybe limit to 5 a week or something.

    thank u again to everyone's help. most appreciated :)

  2. thank u guys!! i'm def checking out marks daily apple as well as going primal. i'm really happy and relieved i don't have to bend to atkins for this. I am just going to cut out unnecessary carbs and go from there. thank u guys for the motivation and concern, u guys are all awesome on this stuff

  3. You know what, this is totally the kick in the butt i needed. i do make excuses, and i do screw up here and there. and i know we are all human, but i have to be a bit tougher. Usually, i go all or nothing, and that's just within a week. some days i am really good, and some days i mess up bad. i need to be def be more kickass with this.

    oh by the way in terms of the low weights, high reps thing... I recently reassessed my weights. and sadly, and pathetically enough, I was not doing the 15 lb bicep curls accurately. I was swinging a tiny bit. I asked a friend who is also a personal trainer, and we realized that 10 lbs is all I can really do for bicep curls at the moment. They challenge me and after my 12th rep, it burns. So they might seem like low weights, but at this point, that's all I can muster .

    You are definitely motivated to lose weight and be healthier, but I think it's time to assess what exactly you want your goals to be.

    Your diet is all over the place. One consistent thing about your challenge logs are days where you indicate you had a "bad food day", eating junk, eating too much, and so on.

    Further restricting your diet to no/low carbs is just going to make you miserable. You're already very restrictive with your vegetarian diet, and since you can't change that, you need to rein in all of the bad choices.

    Switching to low carb/no carb/atkins helps people lose weight because carbs are very calorie dense. They are a significant source of calories for people, but aren't particularly filling. So someone switching to atkins may increase their protein while cutting out bread, and see a net loss of calories of well over 1000. A few dinner rolls can equal 800 calories, while an 8oz steak may be 500 (obviously not drowning in butter and fat). The rolls won't fill you up, but your body will be satisfied on that much protein for a long time. Over the course of a day, you can easily reach a good-sized calorie deficit. Since you can't get protein easily, this will be even more frustrating for you.

    If it is really important to you to lose weight, you have to start setting aside the excuses. Diet is 90% of weight loss - it takes 2 seconds to eat a 200-calorie donut, but 30+ minutes to burn it off...skipping which of those will have the biggest impact on your day? You need to somply make it not an option to undo all of your week's progress by givign in because you're tired or stressed.

    You are also still locked into the low-weight, high rep mindset that is wasting your time. Changing your workout will be hard. You will be sore and outside of your comfort zone. But it's worth it, and you will start seeing results.

  4. You really are just a sweetheart. Thank you. Not only did you reply to my post but looked into my profile and challenge to cater it personally. Thank you so much. How do you know so much?!

    Thank you for the link, I'm going to look into finding that near me or just ordering it online. By the way, what is a Yank?? Is that a new yorker?? :oops: thank u for breaking down the diff protein types, I'm going to bookmark this post lol.

    I usually would think having this as a sub for breakfast would be gross. But I've started adding 1 tbsp of peanut butter to my breakfast mix and it tastes so good and does fill me up. I try to eat veggie protein with my other meals though. By the way I agree with your 3 meals tip . When I was trying 6 small meals, I was constantly thinking about food (what do i eat next?) even if I wasn't hungry. When I went out and healthy food wasn't as available, I ended up eating crap food.

    Today, I had 3 meals, and 2 snacks. okay, I admit it could be better, but,, my meals also weren't as big not filling.

    Thank you so much once again for all your help. I really appreciate it, you have no idea. I sound a little cheesy, but sometimes I feel like there are no sincere helpful people left, and then posts like yours make me nix that idea altogether. so thank u :) Atm i think I am good with the protein idea. I am going to try to eat regular food for now, low carbs as much as i can. By the way,, do you have a suggestion on the fat:protein:carb ratio if one is going low carb?

  5. haven't posted in a while. have some things working on.

    anywho.. trying to limit my carbs now , trying to see if that will help.

    breakfast: protein shake with 1 tbsp peanut butter, 2 cups water

    snack: 1 cup celery, 1 babybel, 2 cups water, 1 pear

    lunch: caesar salad, one vegan veg patty, 2 cups water

    snack: 2 cups water

    dinner: besan poora, 2 cups water

    workout: 2 cups water

    totals: 12 cups water, 8 veg/fruit servings, 3 protein servings,

    workout: i LOVEd my workout today. just loved it. i started very late at 9 pm . that's actually funny bc before a month ago i usually did it that late, but now i try to do it by 8 pm.

    so this is how it was

    2 minutes jogging

    20 bicep curls with 10 lbs weight per arm

    2 mins jogging

    20 tricep extensions w/ 10 lb weight per arm

    2 mins jog

    20 knee pushups

    2 mins jog

    20 ( holding 5 lb dumbbells in each hand raise arms to sid)

    2 mins jog

    20 (holding 5 lb dumbbells in each hand raise arms forward shoulder length)

    repeat circuit 3 times = 30 minutes circuit + 30 minutes jogging

    i was drenched in sweat from early on, pushed myself to run 3.5+ jogging a majority of the time.

    this whole low carb thing confuses me. i don't know how low is good enough . atkins says 20 carbs for the first induction phase. that is impossible .

    the only bold carb i had today was a pear, but i'm still at 81 carbs for the day- YIKES. but it's sitll better than nothing

    however, i just find it frustrating to avoid fruits, just when I was starting to like them too.

    the other thing is, today my ratio was 30% carbs, 35% protein 35% fat

    is this okay for trying low carb? the whole idea of amping up fat , freaks me out.

    and also i find it hilarious when people suggest vegetables i can eat on low carbs. I understand i have options. but they aren't very yummy. A vegetarians equivalent to meat is pasta, or a sandwich. NOT veggies. so while you meat eater low carbers can stuff up on your "lean chicken and fish" i get cucumbers, hurray > :( nope.

    i am rebelling by eating a veggie patty, which i know has carbs in it, but whatever. I'm not really planning to follow atkins per se, just lower my carbs. but again the whole idea of havin my fat intake go up, worries me.

    anyfeed back , is awesome:)

    sorry for the long post.

  6. thanks guys, u are too awesome! I think i'm going to attempt to go primal. I looked at atkins, and the 20grams of carbs daily isn't realistic for me. however I am going to cut out bread, rice, pasta , crackers , and junk .

    i am just wondering what kind of ratios you all follow ( in terms of fat, carbs, protein) percentages. I work better with numbers

  7. Wow that is a butt load of info. thank u so much for taking the time out for this. I really appreciate it. I'm a bit of a newbie with this protein powder stuff. I usually just drink what my family has already bought. Currently, Kaizen Whey protein Chocolate flavored. Which I take one scoop and mix it with skim milk 1 cup. I do this as a sub for breakfast and then post workout as well.

    I am looking to mix the flavorless stuff into this veg omelette I make, but instead of eggs I use gram flour ( since I am a lactoveg). I was hoping to have that for breakfast instead and would like to amp up the protein in it. If it's good enough I would like to add it into this broccoli soup I make, cereal maybe , pasta sauce, etc.

    I'm just new, and don't know if a) flavorless stuff really is flavorless B) will it ruin my food c) which is the best to buy , the most bang for its buck.

    Thank you again!

  8. I don't know what you think of low carb diets, but you and I seem a lot alike in the weight loss category. I've always been a slow loser too, but when I made the switch to a low carb (like 50-65 grams of carbs per day), I started losing weight faster. I have been losing about 2 lbs per week on this scheme. There is a lot to be said for a low carb diet.

    I take it you're from Ontario too...OHIP and all. Herbal Magic has been the kicker for me. It's expensive, but gosh, it's been working like a charm.

    My only issue with low carb is that means what do i eat? I am a vegetarian. Also, instead of Herbal Magic, I'm guessing that is like Herbalife- why not use protein shakes. I use Kaizen Whey Protein.. now they are the same in calories, less fat and carbs, and more protein. just a thought. one entire GIGANTIC barrel is $35. lasts me a few months. thank you for your advice by the way.

  9. this is also my biggest body flaw, and my parents love to point it out on a daily basis. grr. I have seen definition in my legs and arms, but stomach, hell no. My weight has dropped 7 lbs in the last 7 months, and I am quite frustrated. However I recently started taking measurements to track better. I found i lost 4 inches off my belly in a month. But if you were to look at me, you might see a diff, but you would never guess 4 inches. Start taking body measurements, even with just a measuring tape and track weekly, will encourage u trust me. Also, bought a scale that shows body fat and water weight just so I can see at the end of this week if I am making progress. I am trying to focus on "how my stomach feels" after eating. I try not to eat too late anymore or overstuff myself. I notice my stomach feels lighter and it doesn't stick out from bloating. I would suggest getting on "daily plate" and tracking your food and calories. Up until a week ago, all I did was track the calories and try to eat healthy. The fact that I didn't spoon on extra salt or sugar, made me think my sodium and sugar was well. Totally not the case. I am trying to pay attention to that now by use of this daily plate, and I feel like that might amp up my metabolism. Sorry for the long post, I tend to blabber on

  10. omg did i eat today. what is wrong with me?! i swear if my food timings are out of whack, i just pig out.

    11am: white bread slice w/ 1 tbsp light cream cheese, maple syrup brown sugar, 2 cups lemon water

    12 pm: 1 tsp hummus, 1 red bell pepper sliced, 2 cups crystal light

    1:30: silhouette vanilla yogurt container in protein shake

    2 pm: broccoli soup ( 1 cup broccoli with 1/2 cup water in pressure cooker, 1 tsp butter, 1 tsp shredded cheese) , 3 wheat crackers, 2 cups crystal light, 1 cup water.

    3:30-babybel mini light

    5:00- wanted to workout but was hungry. munched away mindlessly. Knew i should have eaten something healthier, but I was wanting some junk and didn't want to fully deprive myself bc than I would just be bitter and miserable. had 1/2 cup of lays chips, one granola bar

    6-2 cups water

    7-1/4 cup cottage cheese 2% post workout

    8pm- 2.5 rotis, 1 cup shahi paneer, coke zero

    9pm- chewy dips granola bar

    11pm- garlic toast

    OMG could not stop munching today.

    workout was decent..

    20 minutes jogging, 10 mins 3mph, 40 minutes aerobics ( 30 minutes lower body intense, 10 mins abs)

    calories consumed: 1687 burned:597 remaining:110

    51% carbs, 26% fat, 22% protein- would have liked to have eaten less carbs and more protein!!

    need to figure something out. my problem is, i am trying to amp up my metabolism by eating more often, and less portions at a time. however, when i go out or i'm in company, i look like a pig bc i keep getting hungry. and if i'm in public it's not like there is healthy food at every corner right.

    anyways, here is a meal plan i stole off jessica biel ( not her herself, duh) . but i like it, and it seems doable.

    breakfast: oatmeal w/ some kind of protein and fruit.

    = instant oatmeal, protein shake w/ water and one apple, 2 cups lemon water

    snack: one slice of toast with almond butter and bananas

    = I will just have 2 fruits

    lunch: salad with 6 oz chicken

    = salad with 6 oz veggie-meat pattie

    snack: protein shake

    dinner: 6 oz chicken/fish, 1/2 plate of veggies, 1/2 plate of brown rice

    =6 oz tofu, 1/2 plate veggies, 1/3 cup of brown rice.

    I think this makes esnse and is doable. I eat like this sorta anyways, minus the junk food and all lol. I also notice she doesn't eat that often, so I won't be constantly munching away.

  11. rotten studying day.

    breakfast: instant oatmeal, one slice wheat bread with 1 tsp light cream cheese, one glass lemon water, 2 glasses crystal light

    snack: half bowl of cottage cheese

    lunch: 1.5 wheat roti, 1/3 cup palak paneer, 2 cups fresh oj

    snack:1 cup water with 1 tsp coffee and 1 tsp brown sugar, one mathi

    snack: apple, 1/2 cup black chickpeas, 2 oz paneer, 2 cups water.

    dinner: 1/2 cup tofu sauteed with 1/2 cup veggies sauteed. 1/3 cup brown rice. 3 tbsp cottage cheese. water

    was watching a movie on a diff floor than the treadmill. so i did 30 minutes of circuit training rather than jog today. i'm glad i did something, something is better than nothing. also did 20 pushups, 3 sets :) :) knee ones however. but slow and steady wins the race:)

  12. thanks guys, awesome posts. I feel like my butt is too high when I do pushups for some reason, but I compare myself to videos of other females doing knee pushups, and it's the same. How do you do pushups on a park bench? Is this a totally moronic question or what?!

  13. today was a bad food day.

    breakfast: oatmeal with one apple 10 am

    snack; protein shake with milk and one small yogurt cup 12 pm ( tried to have a big breakfast n split it into 2)

    lunch: 8 inch veg home made sub, 2 cups water, 2 pm

    snack: glass of fresh oj, bowl of black chick peas, 2 cups water 3 pm

    preworkout: one slice of white bread, with paneer and light cheese toasted 4 pm ( UGH bad bad)

    workout: 2 cups water

    post workout: protein shake with yogurt, no milk just water 7 pm

    ahhh so couldn't wait for dinner to begin:S had half a cup of chips, and half a bowl of honey nut cheerios cereal 8 pm

    dinner: one wheat roti, half cup of potatoes and green beans, 2 tbsp cottage cheese, 2 cups water 9 pm

    midnight snack: granola bar

    2128 calories consumed. 554 calories burned 126 calories over goal

    50% carbs, 30% protei, 20% fat

    ugh to the snacks, today for once i didn't plan my meals ahead of time, this is the main reason i fell off the wagon so bad .

    workout was sluggish, i don't know why. 15 minutes jogging, 10 minutes walking, 45 mins dance aerobics. and............. 20 knee pushups. considering i just started yesterday, i am quite impressed with myself

    i think i am very defeated with my slow weight loss . i know i am shedding inches, but still. i think today my attitude made me slack in my workout and diet. i will try to avoid this for next time for sure.

  14. can I ask you if you are vegetarian for ethical or religious reasons? I could not live without my meat.

    trust me it is really hard to do! I can't eat egg, lecithin, gelatin- that takes up the entire bakery aisle alone. It is based on my religion, I am Hindu, my parents followed it , and we became vegetarian automatically when we were born. It's easy enough for me, but frustrating when "that cake has egg in it", or " i can't eat that pizza slice bc of meat sauce" but heck even easier reasons to avoid the bad food for me eh.

  15. Today.. I went to dr first thing in the morning. He agreed m weight loss was soooooo slow and the inches weren't that big of a deal in his opinion, considering I've been doing this for 6 months. He booked me with Dr Poon ( a doc in the area that is famous for his metabolic diet). I googled this, and I am skeptical. This doc has GREAT reviews, he is covered by OHIP (meaning free), and says you will lose about 10 lbs a month. Everyone who has been on this, has lost weight from what I see, not a single negative review. However, being a vegetarian, the first 2 weeks I can't eat ( tofu, nuts, protein shakes, veggie burgers). hmm where will my protein come from? fruit is also banned for a while, as well as oatmeal. what the ?! this frustrates me. I feel like it's a gimmicky crash diet. So i will go and try it out but use my common sense on it. I am deeply disheartened ( cheesy sounding but true) since my dr also just referred me here, he didn't have any medical things he could think of or any tests to do. my blood work was all fine by the way.


    breakfast: oatmeal, 2 cups crystal light, one wheat bread slice w/ 1 tbsp light cream cheese 11 am

    (fell asleep for a while)

    lunch: @ 3 pm : 1.5 roti, 1/2 cup shai paneer, 2 cups lemon water

    snack: fresh 2 cups oj

    preworkout snack: 1 baby bel, 2 wheat crackers

    workout: 2 cups water

    post workout/dinner: 1 cup steamed veggies, caesar salad, 1/4 cup wheat macaroni, half cup sauteed tofu, 2 cups water

    midnight snack: bowl of black chick peas


    6 minutes jogging

    circuit of: 10 squats, 10 bicep curls, 10 lunges, 10 tricep extensions, 10 KNEE PUSHUPS, 10 calf raises

    Repeat this entire sequence 3 times. add 2 minutes at end for morejogging

    i am SO PROUD that i did knee pushups. I think the problem before was I didn't have someone spotting or teaching me> my brother watched and instructed me, and I did, wait for it. ten... and then later 15. i'm so proud. i'm going to build on this on a regular basis.

    my bicep curls deeply depressed me. turns out, i wasn't doing them correctly. no wonder i was swinging 15 lbs so easily. so i regressed and am now doing 10 lbs. oh wells.

    calories consumed: 1506 calories burned: 537 calories remaining: 485

    55% carbs, 15% protein 30% fat

    ratios were off. did not eat enough protein.

    however working on keeping a lighter stomach. learning to eat til full, etc. the old me would workout, quickly take down a protein shake, shower, and then dinner. no wonder i went to bed STUFFED and bloated.

    i am going to reduce to 2 fruits a day, and up my veg intake. also try not to have big carbs at night.

  16. oh and by the way, when you see the dr, show him your muscles! stop getting caught up with the scales. Your body composition is clearly changing. If anyone asks you if you have lost weight, just point to your waist and say yep, see how loose my jeans are!

    aw Suse- you are too sweet!!!!!!!!

  17. sorry haven't posted in a day or two. have personal things going on and haven't really been on the net. though i have been working out:)

    okay so today was a decent ish day.

    breakfast: protein shake w/ water

    snack: 3 cups water, 1 cup carrots, 1 cup cucumber, 1 tbsp hummus

    lunch: caesar salad, 1/2 cup black chick peas (yummmmmmy)- 2 cups water

    snack: 1 cup cantaloupe

    snack-uh oh the attack of the munchies and loss of common sense. 1 pop tart, half bowl of chips, no....

    workout: 4 cups water

    dinner: 1 roti, 1/2 cup channa, 1/2 cup yogurt, 1.5 cups fresh oj

    workout: 20 minutes jogging mixed with 10 minutes of walking + 35 mins of cardio aerobics

    2016 calories consumed, 576 calories burned, 14 calories remaining

    50% carbs, 30% fat, 20% protein

    i am not happy about the junk food attack. must be smarter next time, eat another bowl of fruit first.

    should have worked out earlier, so i would eat my dinner earlier

    also, the fat n carbs ratio should be flipped

    i am going to see my family dr tomorrow, hopefully we can figure out if there is any medical reason for the slow slow slow weight loss . i met a few personal trainers recently, and they viewed my workout and my last few weeks of meals, and agreed i should have lost atleast 20 lbs by now, not a measly 6. so let's see what the dr says.

    i am just frustrated. my parents ask daily if i have lost weight. i feel like a loser, in the sense of i am not showing any results fast enough. and my social circle is skeptical that i am really trying. it's embaressing and makes me mad bc my best friend just cut out some junk and worked out for the first time in her life, for about 2 months, and has lost 10 lbs.

  18. workout in the morning: 30 minutes jogging/brisk walking , 20 minutes kickboxing

    breakfast; protein shake, w/ 6 strawberries blended, 2 mathis, 1 pakora

    lunch: everything bagel with cream cheese, crystal light 2 cups

    dinner: pizza slice, coke zero

    midnight snack- 3 pakora, 1 mathi, coke zero

    yikes bad day. surprisingly, had about 600 calories left over to eat. was barely at home, running around on errands.

  19. Breakfast: protein shake

    snack: babybel light, 1 pear, 1 peach, 2 cups crystal light

    lunch: protein shake

    snack: 1 cup crystal light, samosa :s

    workout: 4 cups water

    post workout: 1/2 cup strawberries

    dinner: 2 slices flax seed bread w/ ff cheese slice, 2 slices veg meat, a bit of lettuce, 1 serving frozen fries, 1 cup fresh oj , 1 cup water

    fruit/veg servings: 6 , water: 8 protein-3 dairy-2

    1707 calories consumed, 383 calories burnt, 175 calories left

    44% carbs, 31% protein, 25% fat

    workout: 45 minutes rock it out video which is aerobics and strength training. couldn't use my 5 lbs throughout, so used water bottles for some parts lol. also did arms workout: 50 of tricep ext, bicep curls, shoulder raises,

  20. boo. my scale is now at 162. i gained 1 lb. grr. this irritates me to no end. this entire week my ratios of carbs:fat:protein have been great, i have upped my protein quite a bit, and the sodium and fat has greatly decreased. I limited my carbs to about 1-2 slices of bread a day , if at all. i worked out. i'm deeply frustrated. but whatever, it's these small steps that help me finish the big race. hopefully monday, measurement day, goes well!

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