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Everything posted by Pyri

  1. How does the afternoon fair for you? MAIN QUEST To conquer new lands! I will lose at least a pant size, if not more; be able to complete the Nerd Fitness Academy Workout Tutorial and move on to another exercise routine. Start small, win big! I will exercise every M/W/F, without fail! I will control my eating habits, maintaining my Primal/Paleo eating habits (that I'm still forming) and take it a step further by eating MORE vegetables. I will also either attend a weekly exercise class (Zumba, Yoga, or Pilates) or go for a walk/hike on the weekends. SIDE QUESTS Life Quest:Budget my finances.Keep up on homework for the fitness and website classes that I'm taking. MY MOTIVATION I am here because I want to be happier and healthier, for myself, for my family, and for my future. I am tired of being embarrassed. I am tired of not liking myself. I am tired of being lazy. I WILL become the person that I want to be, because no one else is going to do it for me. I will hate this; I will cry; I will complain. I will not give up. I will not quit. MY REWARD If I complete this 6 week challenge, I'll allow myself to get an iPod arm banding for when I'm exercising, since my pants don't have pockets. > <
  2. Thank you, both! It's been going good so far, and I think I even just found a side kick! Also... Happy New Year!
  3. Pyri reporting for duty, Sir! I heard that the Nerd Rebellion is in need of out of shape, overweight, people who are finally ready to kick some ass... so here I am! I beg each and every one of you to help keep me going, to help drag me through the dirt and the rocks and the rough spots, til I can learn to do it on my own. I have a lot of motivations, but I would say that the biggest is that I want to be in good shape for when I have a child (not currently pregnant). I want to be able to go hiking and camping and fishing and play soccer and fly a kite and go swimming and lift them up high and swing them in my arms and just be able to be active with my child, so that they learn to naturally have an active, healthy lifestyle. I will teach and show my child, so that they don't struggle the way I have growing up. A bit of a back story... I've always been bigger, and have always been embarrassed of myself. I don't enjoy my body, and it shows that I don't take care of it. At 5'2, I'm 245 lbs. I'm tired of being looked down on, I'm tired of being tired, I'm fed-up with being mocked, and I'm fed-up with not liking myself. I want to become strong. I want to know what it feels like to RUN and not get winded. I want to know what it's like to skydive. I want to get back my self esteem (did I ever have it?) and grow some self control and up my willpower. I CAN do this. I WILL do this. And ain't nothing gunna stop me!
  4. Greetings my fellow Rebels! First post, first challenge! While during this Christmas break the gym will be unavailable to me, it's of no importance! Goals: Wake up early every morning and complete my morning routine. Hike to the top of the Vista Point and retrieve the coveted picture of the Bay Area from on-high! Eat real food! Cut out as much sugar as possible, avoid the holiday pressure of processed foods, and pay close attention to my fruit/vegetable intake.I started this a day late, but I don't care!! It's going down! And when I accomplish my hike (hopefully I'll be able to go twice), I'll make sure to post a photo of my triumphal photo!
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