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About Maerviska

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  • Birthday 03/22/1989

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    Quebec, Canada
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  1. Day 6 Just a quick entry to say that apparently, I've lost 6 lbs! Yay! So I would be at 154 lbs now, but I really need to get myself a weight. At work, it's never on an empty stomach, with my boots and some extra clothes, so I'm not sure how accurate it is... But anyway. I don't see a physical change yet, but my fiancé thinks I look better already, so I'll believe him. I know I feel better about myself. Starting to work out, having more energy and being in a better mood, I feel like I can do anything, and it's a great feeling. During weekend, I don't work out, mostly because I'm already running around all day at work, but tomorrow I'm back on it, and I'm kinda excited about it.
  2. Je suis de Montréal! Et interessée par un meet up =)
  3. Thanks! I'm on break day today but I can't wait to try it! And it will fit better in my routine than set ups and crunches.
  4. Thanks! I'm on break day today but I can't wait to try it! And it will fit better in my routine than set ups and crunches.
  5. Thanks a lot guys! It makes me really happy to know I'm doing good so far, hehe.
  6. I'm already doing plank, and sadly, I don't have anything to hang from for leg raises. I can't go to a gym yet, and not sure if I want to anyway. I'm thinking set up and crunch, but I've tried both before, and while I'm okay with crunch, I can't do set ups alone, so I'm looking for tips for set up, or other exercice that would focus on my abs.
  7. Alright. I've started the Beginner Body Weight Workout and cleaned up my diet, which isn't perfect but it is a start and goes well with my current lifestyle. One of the reasons I've started, is that I'm trying to get rid of excess belly fat that I've had since I gave birth. But I seem to understand that losing weight, and even reducing my body fat % will not necesserly give me a nice looking stomach. So I guess I could try to include abs exercices. I just don't know where to start. Any advices?
  8. So let's back up a few days ago... Day 1 Weight: ~160 lbs Workout: 20 minutes of cardio, Daily 2 circuits of Beginner Body Weigth Workout, 3x a Week My first goal is to get down a few pounds, and loose some fat. I'm currently drinking a protein shake and having a protein bar to replace 2 meals a day, along with some veggies. I know it's really good, but it is a short term solution for now in order to give me a kick start. I am at day five as I am currently writing this, and if I didn't notice any physical change so far, I did notice that I have more energy and get less tired through the day. I'm also in a better mood since I started, and if I used to have a lot of nightmares before, they seem to have stopped since I began. I have no clue if it's related, but I know working out is goot to reduce the stress level, so it's fine with me. I had stopped cooking in the past few weeks, and trying to be more careful about what I eat made me cook again,and I realized how I missed it. Tonight, I'm trying a mango and avocado salad, and I can't wait. It looks so yummy! Eventually, I would like to start a strength training. I'm not sure how I will achieve it since I currently ain't in a good position to attend a gym. When I'm not working, I have my 18 months daugther at home so I don't have much free time to go out on my own. But I'll see when I'll start school in January. But I will also starta martial art class... So I don't know. I don't wanna try to bite more than I can chew. I can't wait to see if I lost any weight. I don't have a weight at home, so I'm using the one at work. My next shift is tomorrow, so I'll see. I hope I won't feel too bad if I didn't loose anything...
  9. Even if it was said before, I need to say it again: This thread is so much of an inspiration! I didn't really care about pull ups before I actually saw you girls do it. Now I wanna do it too!
  10. Yesterday night was a good example of what I would like to stick to. I had promised a homemade mac and cheese to my fiancé, but of course, that wouldn't be very good for my goal, even if it was homemade, but I wanted at leats to taste it. So I made myself a big ass salad, and served myself 1/4 cup of mac and cheese. Would that me a good compromise? Or am I ruining the whole thing?
  11. Thanks for the answer Creed! I'll try to stay away from processed food as much as possible, but like you said, my family isn't going to follow my diet, so I'll do what I can without restricting them. Hopefully we all love fish and chicken, and whenever my fiancé will get a big fat steak, I'll try to get something a bit more lean. And yeah, can't wait to start my class!
  12. You go girl! I'm also interested in lifting, even though I never had the chance to try.
  13. Thanks guys! Is there a list of what would be considered processed food? I mean besides frozen meals or ready to cook stuff. Like would mayo (just to give an exemple, I don't really eat much) be considered processed food? I guess I just have to look in the diet section.
  14. Hi everyone! I'm 24, mother of a beautiful 18 months girl and engaged to a wonderful man. I will go back to school in January in Computer Support, which is just a small part of all the reasons I wanna start working out and get healthier. I'm a non-smoker and I'm currently 160 lbs and 5'5. I don't like how I currently look. I look at my reflection, and see that I could be more that what I currently am. Looking at pictures, I'm probably around 30% body fat, and I hate it. Since my pregnancy, I gained a lot of belly fat, and never found a good way to get rid of it. I tried, but failed every time. I hope I'll find here enough support to keep me going when I'm thinking of letting go. I hope I'll find good ways to work out and eat better. 'Cause how I look isn't the only reason. I feel tired most of the time. Can't lift much. Carrying my own daugther in my arm drains me. And I wan't to change that. I wanna be able to run a bit longer before being out of breath. And I wanna be proud of myself, and who I am. I started taking meal substitute and protein shakes last weak. I know it's not healthy, but I figured it would be a good start, because knowing myself, I have to notice some change really fast or I'll get pissed and stop. It's just to give me a kick start, and I don't plan to use them more than a month (well, except for protein shake for when I work out). I must say I didn't know exactly how to change how I eat a week ago, except cutting on sweets. I've read about the paleo diet, but I'm not sure it's for me. I know I love cheese and milk too much to get rid of dairy entirely. So I might look up for an alternative. I started working out four days ago, with the Beginner Body Weight Workout every two days and 20 minutes of cardio every day. I used to go running 4 mornings a week in my first attempts to loose weight, but since it's winter and I don't have the proper apparel to go running in the cold, I took my Just Dance game out of the dust, and I'm doing 20 minutes of that. It's easy, accesible, and it's a game, so it keeps me moving (plus it keeps track of how much I'm doing every day). In January, my fiancé and I are planning to attend a martial art class, and I can't wait. It's gonna be a great way to get me moving, plus might get me the discipline I need. I think that pretty much say about why I'm here. And I must say I'm pretty happy to be here. I wasn't sure about joining the community, but figured it couldn't hurt. See ya!
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