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Everything posted by Karin

  1. Fun question here about our favorite lady in red. So, since Sunday I've started working out as part of the 6 week challenge and eating low/lower carb (cycling between 50 and 150 carbs depending on what exercise I've got planned). I've just been doing really basic stuff and I've been eating around 1400 - 1600 calories a day. Since then my period has started acting up; I've been spotting and it's annoying! It feels like I'm gonna start a full blown period but I'm not due for a while (birth control FTW). My observation is, that it seems waaayyy too soon for just 4 days of lower carb eating and starting a light workout program to have much of an effect on my body. Apparently I'm wrong. Anyone else experience this?
  2. Good quest. I think we all need to beat our procrastination at some point. But anyways, you can do it!
  3. Yes, baby steps FTW. They are much better than leaps and I've been there and done that and where am I now? Exactly at the beginning all over again, so baby steps for me too.
  4. Today is Wednesday and back to work. It's funny how I actually kind of miss working (it helps that I like my job and my coworkers). Anyways, today is a rest day for me so I did a tiny amount of yoga on my own (no video, couldn't find the one I wanted to do) and did well ignoring all of the sweets and snacks literally everywhere around the office. Also, no jaw pain! Hooray.
  5. Day 3: Another level three snow emergency so the office was yet again closed. So again, spent the day playing video games! It's nice to get back into it a little. But anyways, I had a pretty good day food wise (stuck to it perfectly!) and just got through the Beginner Body Weight Circuit. Barely, I'll admit, but it's a start! Jaw is feeling fine today! Back to work tomorrow.
  6. Thanks everyone, and indeed, I'm feeling that shoveling I did yesterday in my back right now. Anyways, onto my day two! We had a level three snow emergency here (which means if you get caught driving on the roads the cops can arrest/ticket you if they want to) and my work was closed for the day because of that, so I spent the day playing Tales of Xillia. After it lifted my boyfriend decided we should go spend his gift card to Olive Garden. The eating plan went off a bit but dammit, I sure did enjoy that half a cheese cake! Because of that, I decided to swap strength for cardio today and then do strength tomorrow. Jaw was feeling a little bleh earlier but after all of those jumping jacks this youtube video workout made me do (plus other stuff of course), I'm tired and feel better! Now bed.
  7. This challenge doesn't officially start till tomorrow, but I'm starting today! Today went pretty well: I stuck to my shopping list and bought just the food on there (and just ate that food), I shoveled the driveway and I did a little over an hour of yoga. I also found out that avocados and eggs are delicious! My face and jaw kind of hurt all day a little (slept weird probably), but aside from that, good day. Side note, I think I am going to designate Sundays as weigh-in days. I know weight isn't the whole story but it's still nice to see what's happening with the scale. So today I weighed in at 152.6 lbs. So, day 1 complete!
  8. Thanks! I'm going to start off this whole new life style thing by clearing out the cupboards and fridge of crap food by making a hodgepodge of random meals and inviting friends over to demolish it all so it doesn't go to waste.
  9. I've been lurking for about two forevers and half heartedly tried a challenge once, so here I am starting fresh and trying again with some (hopefully) fresh motivation with the new year! So here goes... EDIT: Since starting this I think I've tackled a bit too much all at once. Overhauling my diet AND taking on my sedentariness is a lot to swallow in one challenge and it's a huge step to take. So I'm going to now focus on half that with just watching my nutrition for the remainder of the challenge. I'm also going to be mindful of my TMJ jaw problems because that has been an on-going struggle for the past few years. So my new main quest would be to clean up my diet. I'm not quite ready for paleo yet so I'm going to be going low carb (dancing in and around keto some days depending on if I feel like eating fruit or other carby things that aren't junk). I also suck at eating vegetables so getting more of those in will be my side quest. My other side quest is to find my favorite yoga video and then do it! MAIN QUESTGet active and stop the random aches from inactivity and poor diet (seriously, I am 24, I shouldn't have this yet). THREE GOALS Strength twice a week & cardio twice a week (alternating days) Yoga on off days to deal with stress and general flexibility I do not eat refined crap anymore (it's no longer, "I can't eat that brownie," it is "I do not want to" ... see I'm learning!) ​*** I like organizing information so I made myself a handy dandy spreadsheet, so really, my goal is to stick to that and not worry about it.SIDE QUESTSLife Side Quest: De-stress. I have some awesome jaw problems I deal with almost constantly (TMJ) and it's basically caused by stress and poor posture. So to deal with that I'm also going to focus on correcting my posture (no more slouching at work!), quit chewing my nails/biting my lip, and get up and stretch more at work. MOTIVATION I just want to be awesome! Seriously though, as mentioned above I am feeling a bit... worn out. Poor diet and lack of activity are starting to impact how I feel on a day to day basis. That sucks and I'm going to change that. So cheer me on and lets do this!
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