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About Asura

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  • Birthday 05/09/1988

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  1. Hey Fellow Rebels, My introduction has two parts, the first is to say hi, and the second is to publicly state that I am no longer going to be an underpants gnome. There. I said it. I have a really bad habit of looking up information about what I want to do and when I find it, instead of trying it, I keep looking just in case there is something better. Or I try if for a little while, but I keep looking for something better, which leads me to an article that tells me that what I am doing isn't the best, and I should be doing the opposite of what I am. So, confused, I keep looking. It really is a vicious cycle. Presently, I am a recovering perfectionist, and I think that has been a major source of my problem. Thanks to Nerd Fitness, I have finally been convinced that there is no perfect way to get from level 1 to level 50 because level 50 is different for everyone. There is only the path that you will actually follow, because without taking any steps, there is no progress. I have been lurking around Nerd Fitness for.... well, let's just say that it has been a long time. Within the last month, however, I finally took some real steps. I joined the academy and bought Steve's book (which is awesome. If you haven't bought it, do it!). I have been doing a pretty good job with cleaning up my diet, and I am dragging my kids along for the ride. I have also started working out using the provided workout from the academy. I have found that I should have time to fit in three workouts a week. I have gotten this far before, but it doesn't usually last long. I think that my main problem is that I lack accountability. This time around, I am really trying to focus on creating this. So if anybody wants to be a buddy for me, I am all for it. And I am more than happy to return the favor. I am a full-time mechanical engineering student, a full-time mom, and I work part-time. So the schedule can get a bit hectic. Right now, I am skinny fat and unhappy with how I look and feel. I am trying really hard to make sure that getting healthy is a priority, but I am afraid that once classes start again (in a week), I am going to start pushing it to the back burner (and start drinking copious amounts of coffee and not sleeping). If anyone has any advice about how you prevent yourself from doing this, please share. I appreciate any feedback. You would think that will all of the underpants I have collected, I would have this figured out. Thanks for witnessing my escape from the gnomes. Happy Questing!
  2. Thank you all so much! Everything you said makes perfect sense, and was kinda what I was thinking. I feel more confident about the whole situation now. I guess I just needed some affirmation.
  3. Hello. I am trying to lean out, and through the Nerd Fitness Academy I gather that the recommendation for doing so is to steer away from fruits and nuts. This is all fine, but I am not sure if this includes things like tomatoes, peppers, avocados, cucumbers, and other stuff with seeds that could technically be considered a fruit. Any clarification would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  4. Thank you to everyone! I suppose that in my original post I should have clarified that he was wanting to do this as well. I came across looking needy and controlling. Not good, and not the case (thankfully for both of us). I have been on a different dietary track than him for over a year now, but this was something that we both wanted to give a shot. I think that the separate cupboard idea was fabulous! He has since been doing better, and I have come to see that we are just at different places with the adjustment, and he needs a bit more of a transition. Reading the responses on here made me look at things from a new angle and have made all the difference.
  5. I am just starting on my journey toward cleaning up my diet. I would like to go Paleo because it seems to make sense to me and seems like something that my family and I could do. We are currently in the process of ridding our house of all the processed and grain-based foods. We are taking it slowly, and it has been going all right. My two daughters (3 & 5) haven't really noticed anything (Yay!), and I am feeling pretty good. My husband on the other hand, is not doing so well. Every time that he eats a sandwich or burrito or anything that is non-Paleo and still lurking about our house, he has something to say about it being a staple and how he doesn't think he could get rid of it. This is a problem because he, almost more than me, really needs to do this. And his negative energy is pulling me down. I'm not sure how to do this without him being on board. Anyone else gone down this path?
  6. I have a bit of knowledge in the area of breastfeeding. I have two daughters, and I breast fed both of them for over a year.. As far as your diet while you are breastfeeding goes, whatever you eat, your baby eats. So as long as you are eating healthy, so is your baby. Fats, especially omega-3 fats, are really important for the brain development of your baby, common sources of this are fish oil and algae. While you are breastfeeding, it is vitally important that you are getting enough to eat. Trying to create calorie deficits is a bad idea! This will, as Vintage stated, cause stess on your body, and any form of stress on the body when you are breastfeeding can lead to a decline in breast milk production. Also, the process of making milk for your baby requires your body to use a great deal more calories while at rest than normal. So if you eat healthy, then chances are, you will notice that you will start losing the baby weight without much effort. This being said, I am going to have to agree with Vintage. Rest is really important right now, especially if you have a newborn. Your body needs time to heal after having a baby. Although you may feel pretty good, if you try to jump on anything strenuous too soon, you risk causing damage to your body. The lactation consultant that I spoke to often while nursing recommended that you give your body at minimum three months to completely heal itself. Hope this helps!
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