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Everything posted by Fangirly

  1. MY QUEST (8/18 pounds) Monday (Day 15): Good on the diet (according to my UP app), calories consumed:1127No gym, came home too late from work (according to my UP app) moved a total of 8,095 stepsSlept 7 hours and 12 minutes (according to my UP app). Tuesday (Day 16): Good on the diet (according to my UP app), calories consumed: 820No gym, worked late again and moved a total of 14,684 stepsSlept 6 hours and 48 minutesWednesday (Day 17): Good on the diet (according to my UP app), calories consumed: 990No gym, stuck at work but moved a total of 11,142 stepsSlept 7 hours and 3 minutes Thursday (Day 18): Good on the diet, calories consumed: 893No gym, worked late again, but moved a total of 5,972 stepsSlept 7 hours and 35 minutes Friday (Day 19): Soft foods only due to surgery (wisdom teeth removed)No gym and moved only 2,465 steps Slept 13 hours and 47 minutes Saturday (Day 20): I didn't track calories and kept to soft foodsNo gym and only moved a total of steps 1,363Slept 8 hours and 55 minutes Sunday (Day 21): I didn't track calories because still on soft food dietNo gym and kept things low key and moved a total of 1,628 stepsSlept 10 hours and 19 minutes MY SIDE QUEST (5/10 done) (0/2 BBC) (1/1 eBook) Finished Allegiant by Veronica Roth (liked it a lot)Finished One For the Money by Janet Evanovich via Kindle (Did not enjoy this book at all)I started "Careless People: Murder, Mayhem, and the Invention of the Great Gatsby" by Sarah Churchwell which I am loving so far"If sack and sugar be a fault, god help the wicked. If to be old and merry be a sin, then many an old host I know is damned. If to be fat, to be hated then the Pharoh's lean kine are to be loved." I have Falstaff's speech about a quarter memorized so far. End of the week recap: I had a wisdom tooth and the tooth next to it removed on Friday and it knocked me on my buttI didn't make it to the gym due to work scheduleMet sleep goal on 6/7 days, but still got plenty of sleep I have lost 1 more pound this week bringing my grand total to 28 pounds lost.
  2. Funny enough, I had my wisdom teeth out yesterday. I'm sore, but not in pain. The kidney stone pain went away for a few days before this. I just have a headache and want to sleep a lot. I didn't know that I'm not supposed to work out for a week after having them out so yet another week will go by without working out. However, I am sticking to my diet so I'm still losing and staying on track. I lost another pound so I'm down 28 pounds in 9.5 weeks or as I like to think of it: I'm halfway to my halfway pount. Now back to the couch to ice my face and maybe another nap.
  3. I've seen Middlemarch so I'm not overly enthused to read it, but it is on the list. As someone who just recently fell madly in love with The Count of Monte Cristo, may I say, I love your screen name!
  4. In case you needed proof of where I was in lieu of the gym this past weekend. This is the one that Katee Sackhoff retweeted.
  5. MY QUEST (7/18 pounds) Monday (Day 8): Okay on the diet, but didn't eat muchNo gym, came home sick (according to my UP app) moved a total of 9,172 stepsSlept 6 hours and 57 minutes (according to my UP app). Had a doctor's appointment and needed to be up early.Tuesday (Day 9): Okay on diet, stayed home sick and only ate one meal and drank a gatoradeNo gym, home in pain (kidney stone) and moved a total of 1,248 stepsSlept 12 hours and 30 minutesWednesday (Day 10): Good on the diet (according to my UP app), calories consumed: 896No gym, still in pain but moved a total of 7,120 stepsSlept 7 hours and 51 minutes Thursday (Day 11): Good on the diet, calories consumed: 893No gym, pain slowly decreasing, more sore, but moved a total of 5,972 stepsSlept 7 hours and 35 minutes Friday (Day 12): Good on the diet, calories consumed: 745No gym, feeling better-ish, but moved a total of 11,987 steps Slept 5 hours and 4 minutes. Had an insane bout of creativity and was up until 4a working on a photo - Paid off though, and was reblogged by PBS' The Art AssignmentSaturday (Day 13): I didn't track calories, but made good choices and ate a ton of sushi which is all low cal and good for youNo gym, but photographed a Battlestar Galactica Q&A and then went shopping, moved a total of 9,751 stepsSlept 8 hours and 21 minutes Sunday (Day 14): I didn't track calories because cheat dayNo gym, but photographed Christopher Moore book signing and then went shopping at Costco, moved a total of 7,588 stepsSlept 10 hours and 23 minutes MY SIDE QUEST (3/10 done) (0/2 BBC) (0/1 eBook) Finished Insurgent by Veronica Roth (liked it)Read more of One For the Money by Janet Evanovich via Kindle at 64% (I am not enjoying this book at all)I treid Possession by AS Byatt which is on the BBC List, but it was something you need to be in the mood for so I took it back to the library.I'm halfway through Allegiant by Veronica Roth (it is making me like the whole series more so far.)"If sack and sugar be a fault, god help the wicked. If to be old and merry be a sin, then many an old host I know is damned. If to be fat, to be hated then the Pharoh's lean kine are to be loved." I have Falstaff's speech about a quarter memorized so far.End of the week recap: The cold/flu that I thought I picked up after Emerald City Comicon was actually a precursor to a kidney stone. Since I have gotten past that, I am feeling better in almost every wayI didn't make it to the gymMet sleep goal on 5/7 days, but still got plenty of sleepI have lost 4 more pounds this week bringing my grand total to 27 pounds lost.While my calories seem low, I am eating a lot. It is just low calories and spread out. I am getting enough of everything and am not hungry nor having cravings.
  6. Turned out the flu symptoms that didn't want to go away were the pre-cursor to a kidney stone. That was an unpleasant surprise earlier this week. Feeling much better now. Still sore, but no more sharp stabby pain. Hopefully, this means I can get back to my normal self. While still no gym, I have been really good on the diet and have dropped 27 pounds now over the last 8.5 weeks. 7 of that in the last 10 days and all by eating healthy.
  7. Have you watched Thug Notes on Youtube? His critique of Jane Eyre made me like it a bit more.
  8. Monday (Day 1): Good on the diet (according to my UP app), calories consumed: 1020No gym, fighting off cold/flu (according to my UP app) moved a total of 9,483 stepsSlept 5 hours and 38 minutes (according to my UP app). I took a 4 hour nap the night before and had to be up early for a doc appt. Tuesday (Day 2): Good on diet, calories consumed: 1368No gym, fighting off cold/flu and moved a total of 8,716 stepsSlept 8 hours and 15 minutesWednesday (Day 3): Good on the diet, calories consumed:940No gym, fighting off cold/flu, but moved a total of 6,563 stepsSlept 8 hours and 37 minutes Thursday (Day 4): Good on the diet, but super hungry, calories consumed: 940No gym, fighting off cold/flu, but moved a total of 4,847 stepsSlept 7 hours and 29 minutes Friday (Day 5): Good on the diet, calories consumed: 955No gym, fighting off cold/flu, but moved a total of 9,363 steps Slept 6 hours and 55 minutes. Stupid telemarketers calling and couldn't back to sleepSaturday (Day 6): I didn't track calories. My cheat day. I had a Katsu Burger (Japanese burger that they tempura the burger patty) and fries and a salad for dinner.No gym, but lots of errands and running around in the rain, moved a total of 6,659 stepsSlept 6 hours and 35 minutes. Just couldn't sleep and not tired enough for a napSunday (Day 7): I didn't track calories. Make good choices.No gym, but more errands and running around, moved a total of 7,356 stepsSlept 9 hours and 3 minutes MY SIDE QUEST (2/10 done) (0/2 BBC) (0/1 eBook) Read Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell via audiobook (just okay)Read The Weight of Blood by Laura McHugh via audiobook (good, not great)Started Insurgent by Veronic RothRead 30% of One For the Money by Janet Evanovich via KindleOn deck for next week, Possession by AS Byatt which is on the BBC List End of the week recap: The cold/flu I picked up after Emerald City Comicon is taking its sweet time to leave my systemI didn't make it to the gym Met sleep goal on 4/7 days I have lost 2 more pounds this week bringing my grand total to 23 pounds lost. Reading is coming along. Next book is twice as long, so may take a bit I gave platelets on Saturday and found my resting heart rate has dropped 5 beats since I started working out which is a good sign
  9. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte - I liked her sister's book Jane Eyre better and am a HUGE Jane Austen fan, but I was just miserable throughout the whole book Brave New World by Aldous Huxley - I get its relevance, but I just couldn't get into it. I just wanted to read 1984 again instead On The Road by Jack Kerouac - It started off good, but it went nowhere. I can see being a teenager liking this book, but not reading it as an adult for the first time On flip side, I have recently fallen madly in love with The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas.
  10. Lost 2 pounds this week so far despite not making it to the gym because of being sick still. That is 23 pounds in 7.5 weeks!
  11. I hated a couple of the books from the BBC list so far and just was miserable. My friends kept saying then stop. I said, it is a quest and all quest have pitfalls or everyone would be doing them.
  12. I've been eyeing that list to do after I've finished the BBC Big Reads ones. It has some great stuff on it.
  13. So far I have lost 21 pounds in 7 weeks so I figured that seemed doable. May bad, 4x a week and of those 4 times have 1 or 2 of will be swimming. Although, not starting off great. Horrible head cold that won't seem to go away so I haven't made it to the gym yet.
  14. Thank you all! For the BBC Big Reads list, I started at 17 about a year and a half ago and now I am at 59. I have a lot of the really big books left. I recently finished Count of Monte Cristo, which I completely fell in love with. I have Possession coming from the library next week.
  15. This is my second challenge. The first one was quite successful with having lost 21 pounds and about 2" overall. MY MAIN QUEST Over the next 6 weeks, I would like to healthly drop one size which is roughly about 15-18 pounds for me. In order to accomplish this, I plan to:Stick to my diet (I am doing 4 Hour Body diet)Go to the gym 4x a week (stretch/cardio every day and add swimming in 1-2 times a week)Sleep a minimum of 7 hours a nightMY SIDE LIFE QUESTSRead 10 books via audiobook, ebook and regular book. 2 of them need to be off the BBC's Big Read List and 1 needs to be an eBook because I have been neglecting my Kindle FireMemorize Falstaff's speech from Henry IV (If fat and sugar be a fault) - Teaching Your Kids Shakespeare book recommends learning Shakespeare speeches. I have just finished memorizing "Once more into the breach"MY MOTIVATION What I want to do is get into shape to start fencing, but in order to do that, I need to lose roughly 65-85 pounds. This would put me at what I was in high school when I used to fence. I love the sound of swords clashing ever since I was a kid. The last time I lost weight was the freak out I had before turning 30. I lost 60 pounds, but over the last 7.5 years, I have since put it all back on. I didn't have a long term goal. It was all about my birthday. There was nothing beyond that. I think this time having a hard goal will be better and then once I am fencing, then setting the new goals of getting better at fencing will keep me motivated. It also isn't just about losing weight, but getting into shape enough to survive those classes which will be brutal in the best way.
  16. End of Challenge Recap: MY MAIN QUEST Over the next 6 weeks, I would like to healthly drop one size which is roughly about 10-15 pounds for me. I actually lost 20 pounds and about 1.5" overall. In order to accomplish this, I plan to:Stick to my diet (I am doing 4 Hour Body diet)I did good on this diet and it seems sustainable for long termGo to the gym 4x a week (stretch/cardio every day and slowly add in weights)While I didn't always make it 4x, I met the goal more than I didn't and have made it part of my routineSleep a minimum of 7 hours a night.I made this goal 85% of the time and have tried to make sleep more of a priorityMY SIDE QUESTRead 10 books via audiobook, ebook and regular book. 2 of them need to be non-fiction because I tend to be more of a fiction girl and 2 need to be a classic because I tend to read newer stuff.I ended up reading 10 books. I some how missed one on my recaps, but checked against my Goodreads list and it was 10 books. 2 non-fiction and 4 of them classics. I also fell in love with the Count of Monte Cristo. I think this was a highly successful first challenge and look forward to the next one. Thanks to my cheerleaders!
  17. I had a got awful cold that came from working Emerald City Comicon. I couldn't make it to the gym all week. On top of that, my UP band's battery died. I am waiting for a new one to come. Basically, my last week of the challenge was pretty off. Monday (Day 36): Good on the diet (according to my UP app), I was too tired to remember to track food on my app No gym, first day after convention and (according to my UP app) moved a total of 1,857 stepsSlept 14 hours and 17 minutes (according to my UP app) Tuesday (Day 37): Made this my cheat day, calories consumed: 1771Came home sick and moved a total of 4,830 stepsSlept 7 hours and 11 minutesWednesday (Day 38): Good on the diet, calories consumed:1070No gym due to massive head cold, but moved a total of 5,361 stepsSlept 7 hours and 33 minutes Thursday (Day 39): Good on the diet, calories consumed: 980No gym because head cold over took me and Up crapped out and wasn't tracking stepsSlept 7 hours and 45 minutes Friday (Day 40): Not bad on the diet, calories consumed: 1001Didn't go to the gym because I was still sickSlept 7 hours and 40 minutesSaturday (Day 41): I didn't track calories. Make good choices.Didn't go to the gym because I spent 12 hours editing photos and head cold still horribleSlept 7 hours and 25 minutesSunday (Day 42): I didn't track calories. Make good choices.Didn't go to the gym because still sick MY SIDE QUEST (9/10 done) (4/2 classics) (2/2 Non-Fic) I finished The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (audiobook) and am in love with the book. I went out and bought the classic style Barnes & Noble copy.I made no progress on "One for the Money" by Janet Evanovich (Kindle) End of the week recap: Emerald City Comicon nearly killed me with exhaustion and then got massively sickI didn't make it to the gymMet sleep goal on 7/7 days and slept 2x normal on MondayI have lost 20 pounds total
  18. He said he went online and got it just wear for the convention. I think redbubble has it.
  19. In case there was a doubt that I wasn't at Comicon taking photos, here is Jim Beaver in a Bobby Singer shirt that I took. And Nichelle Nichols backstage being awesome for further proof
  20. Monday (Day 29): Good on the diet (according to my UP app), calories consumed: 896No gym due to a horrible headache and (according to my UP app) moved a total of 10,530 stepsSlept 7 hours and 30 minutes (according to my UP app) Tuesday (Day 30): Good on the diet, calories consumed: 955Went to the gym and moved a total of 8,733 stepsSlept 8 hours and 45 minutes Wednesday (Day 31): Good on the diet, calories consumed:1070No gym due to early morning on Thursday, but moved a total of 5,361 stepsSlept 7 hours and 33 minutes Thursday (Day 32): Good on the diet, calories consumed: 1097No gym because prepping for Emerald City Comicon and moved a total of 10, 624 stepsSlept 8 hours and 19 minutes Friday (Day 33): Not bad on the diet, ate when I could and tried to at least make good choices. Didn't track caloriesDidn't go to the gym because it was Day 1 of Comicon, but moved a total of 21,345 stepsSlept 6 hours and 28 minutes Saturday (Day 34): I didn't track calories. Make good choices, but for dinner had fries for the first time in 5 weeks. I must say that I didn't miss them so there's thatDidn't go to the gym because it was Day 2 of Comicon, but moved a total of 16,907 stepsSlept 6 hours and 25 minutes (no surprise here) Sunday (Day 35): Not bad on the diet, ate when I could and tried to at least make good choices. Didn't track caloriesDidn't go to the gym because it was Day 3 of Comicon, but moved a total of 15,353 stepsSlept 6 hours and 49 minutes MY SIDE QUEST (8/10 done) (3/2 classics) (2/2 Non-Fic) I continued with The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (audiobook) which will take me into next week since I didn't get much done Thurs through Sunday except in the car to and from the convention (32 discs and 43 hours of listening)I made no progress on "One for the Money" by Janet Evanovich (Kindle) End of the week recap: Emerald City Comicon for 3 days did me in, but I stayed true as I could. I had no candy, no dessert and kept moving as much as I couldOnly one day at the gym this week, but walked at a good pace for 12 hours a day for 3 daysMet sleep goal on 4/7 days. See above for reasonOn track for reading. I have lost 18 pounds total.
  21. I've only made it to the gym once this week because of prepping for Emerald City Comicon. (I'm the official photographer and Staff) However, I will be walking and on my feet for 3 days for the con so hopefully it will balance out. Food is going to be weird too because of only eating when I can, but my intention is to eat the best I can with the choices I have. I've told all who I know that if they see me give me water and food.
  22. Monday (Day 22): Good on the diet (according to my UP app), calories consumed:1266Went to the gym and (according to my UP app) moved a total of 11,095 stepsSlept 7 hours and 37 minutes (according to my UP app) Tuesday (Day 23): Good on the diet, calories consumed: 955Went to the gym and moved a total of 11,269 stepsSlept 7 hours and 7 minutesWednesday (Day 24): Good on the diet, calories consumed:1030Went to the gym, but swam 10 laps with a kick board in lieu of regular routine and moved a total of 5,567Slept 6 hours and 52 minutes (close, but no cigar)Thursday (Day 25): Good on the diet, calories consumed:1145Went to the gym and moved a total of 7,829 stepsSlept 6 hours and 55 minutes (missed it by that much) Friday (Day 26): Good on the diet, calories consumed:1125Didn't go to the gym, but moved a total of 10,546 stepsSlept 7 hours and 48 minutesSaturday (Day 27): I didn't track calories. I was good and only had 2 slices of peperoni pizza as my cheat meal. No gym moved a total of 6,984 stepsSlept 6 hours and 57 minutes (and yet again)Sunday (Day 28): Went to brunch thinking they would have lunch option, but they didn't. I had oatmeal and fruit thinking this was my best option and then for lunch, I did sushi, but kept it light. I did my best with the options I had.No gym, but moved a total of 7,602 stepsSlept 8 hours and 2 minutes MY SIDE QUEST (8/10 done) (3/2 classics) (2/2 Non-Fic) I finished "Jude The Obscure" by Thomas Hardy (audiobook) which is on the BBC Big Reads list [i recommend, if you like sad endings]I started The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (audiobook) which will take me all of next week (32 discs and 43 hours of listening)I have started "One for the Money" by Janet Evanovich (Kindle) End of the week recap: Good on the eating. Weekends seem to be the most challenging. Next weekend will be extra hard with photographing Emerald City Comicon for 3 days.All four days at the gym this weekMet sleep goal on 4/7 days. I have no real reason as to why I missed it. On track for reading. I have lost 17 pounds total.
  23. Also, I finished 3 weeks so I got to change my levels! No more 0s !
  24. Monday (Day 15): Good on the diet (according to my UP app), calories consumed: 957Went to the gym and (according to my UP app) moved a total of 12,297 stepsSlept 6 hours and 18 minutes (according to my UP app) - Had an early meeting an ended up working an 11 hour dayTuesday (Day 16): Good on the diet, calories consumed: 1214Went to the gym and moved a total of 11,776 stepsSlept 7 hours and 36 minutes Wednesday (Day 17): Good on the diet, calories consumed: 1244Went to the gym and moved a total of 9,236Slept 6 hours and 58 minutes (so close!)Thursday (Day 18): Good on the diet, calories consumed: 1195Went to the gym and moved a total of 10,570 stepsSlept 7 hours and 12 minutesFriday (Day 19): Good on the diet, calories consumed: 1293Didn't go to the gym, but moved a total of 8,375 stepsSlept 7 hours and 25 minutes Saturday (Day 20): I wasn't able to track calories due to snacking at a Baby Shower. I was good though sticking to fruits and veggies. I did have some bread with appetizer cucumber sandwiches. No gym, but at baby shower played with a toddler who liked it when he chased me around. When I would stop for a break, he was yell "Run!" moved a total of 7,517 stepsSlept 9 hours and 34 minutes (1 nap taken. The kid wore me out) Sunday (Day 21): Good on the diet except for my cheat day Reuben sandwich, calories consumed: 1588No gym, but went for a walk to the library and did chores around the house, moved a total of 3,402 stepsSlept 7 hours and 25 minutes (No naps taken) MY SIDE QUEST (7/10 done) (2/2 classics) (2/2 Non-Fic) I finished "Notes from a Small Island" by Bill Bryson (audiobook) which is both a non-fiction and on the BBC Big Reads list [i recommend]A Secret Gift: How One Man's Kindness & a Trove of Letters Revealed the Hidden History of the Great Depression by Ted Gup (audiobook) is my second non-fiction. [Recommend if interested in that era, but not praise worthy]I finished Midnight Riot (Peter Grant #1) by Ben Aaronovitch (audiobook) [This TOTALLY ROCKED. HIGHLY RECOMMEND]I have finished "Bourne Identity" by Robert Ludlum (Kindle)[Not the movie, but a solid story] End of the week recap: Good on the eating.I haven't been tempted which is impressive in itselfAll four days at the gym this weekMet sleep goal on 5/7 days. I blame work.On track for reading. On deck for next week: Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy (audiobook) and One for the Money by Janet Evanovitch (Kindle)I have lost 13 pounds total.This week measurements DECREASED by:Bust - 2"Hips - .5"Waist - No ChangeGrand Total Measurements DECREASED by:Waist - 1.5"Hips - 1"Bust - 2"
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