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Everything posted by Waanie

  1. Thanks! I know it's the right choice, but still scary . Thanks! I've been pumped on adrenaline for almost 3 days now. I'm waiting for the crash to occur. Yesterday I sent out my first job applications, and my favourite already reacted and invited me for an interview next week. They even have two female software engineers of which one is a senior 😮.
  2. OMG what have I done? Yesterday I handed in my notice at my job, quite impulsively. It feels very freeing since it was not the right place for me considering the current management, but still... OMG!
  3. Enjoy your time with your husband . I'm also glad to read that Berlin is treating you well.
  4. Yeah, same here in NL. Do you struggle with a lot snow today, or is that only in the west of Germany? I heard it's pretty bad in NRW. Thanks! Honestly, it was a 2023 goal of mine to at least put all the stuff from the cardboard boxes to plastic see-through ones. I did exactly 0, although I did buy the plastic boxes. Now I've spent about 2 half days to do it, and it's done. I still have to get rid of all the stuff I want to toss, as I don't want to toss too much without my husband knowing, but still. There are no cardboard boxes in our attic anymore. Today's workout was fine, although during KB training my lungs were wheezing a bit from all the dust today. Squats: 3x3@55kg, 1x8@40kg, 1x8@35kg. Benchpress: sets of 3 with 25/30/32.5/35/37.5/40kg. I was really impressed with myself over the 40kg . My maximum bench press was 45kg in 2022, I hope to top that in March!
  5. I actually don't mind winter too much on sunny days. We have so many gray days though, that I'm looking forward to spring as well.
  6. That gym sounds almost perfect . Anyway, welcome back to winter in Europe, where it is cold and dark .
  7. Sorry for disappearing for a while! The comp went well, I think? I had hoped to do the full 10 minutes, but made it to only 9. I'd also hoped to get slightly more reps, but for a first time with 12kg it was not bad. It was also close to my grandma's place, so I could visit her on my way back home . Anyway, for the vegetables, I brought leftovers for lunch one which I will count for my vegetable goal. I did not do enough stretching and such, only twice... Will need to do better this week . As for life, I'm currently quite anxious and not feeling great? I think it is the combination of the time of year, the greyness outside, managers at work being unreasonable and being on my period. I really miss the sun! It really is a challenge. Today I continued on my quest, and have only 2 more boxes to go. Fortunately, most of the stuff we can just toss since I don't foresee using it in the next decade. I also found my husbands CD collection, of which I'm stealing a few for in my car .
  8. Since I'm vegetarian, I will not eat humans . Not that I would've ever eaten human before becoming vegetarian. The bruises are alright; no shin bruises from deadlifts, and limited bruising on my fore arms. I didn't even get bruises on my upper arms, even though I'm learning to just drop the KBs on them on the way back from jerks. Do we even wanna know where she's been travelling?
  9. Today's workout was nice, with lots of theory about KB snatches . I'm also learning to drop the KBs on my upper arms during jerks, so I hope the bruises won't be too bad tomorrow . Deadlifts were 6x3@80kg, which felt comfortable . My deload week starts tomorrow, so no heavy things for me until the snatch competition.
  10. Well, if you exercise more often, the chance of soreness disappears quite quickly. A leg day every 2 weeks on the other hand, guarantees soreness every time 😅.
  11. Good job on the tuna! Only a few more days, hopefully . I would really like a dry day off as well...
  12. Yesterday was a good day! I finally started on the boxes in the attic that have yet to be unpacked after 7 years, stretched a bit, played some games and got some groceries. In the evening I first had KB class, where the 14kgs are getting more and more comfortable, followed by some lifting: Squats: 5@45kg, 4@50kg, 3@55kg, 2@60kg, 1@65kg, all RPE 8-8.5. Benchpress: 5x5@30kg, RPE 7-ish. The squats are the first above 1x bodyweight for a long time, which is awesome . Especially because I felt like I could have done more. The benchpress was the first in a long time, so I just started nice and easy. Today's food is also better: 92g of protein at 1995kcal. While I'm not tracking very precisely, this gives me a ballpark idea of what my normal diet lacks. I'm planning to track for the rest of the week as well, and go on from there.
  13. I hope that your legs feel better by now!
  14. I'm sorry you feel so badly . Is there anything you can do to hold on until your husband is there? Reading, watching movies, gaming, etc?
  15. My diet might need some work this year as well... I put in yesterday's food into a calorietracker, and found that I only ate 52g grams of protein. I estimated the amounts of food, but 52g is so much lower than what I'd like that I have to do something about it. Ideally, I'd be around 80-90g per day I think.
  16. I like your last story! It shows that you feel ownership, keep everyone in the loop but also can make decisions by yourself. I'm not sure if I'd use the database example unless you feel really proud you fixed it. Anyway, I'm proud of you eating well and starting to work towards job interviews again .
  17. Yesterday I did a little training at home: 5x3 push-ups 5x8/8 bulgarian split squats 5x3 pull-up negatives I also did quite some stretching and watched some youtube clips about posture, trying some of the exercises along the way. I'm really liking the stuff where you pull apart a band, and my collar bone felt much better today already . I'm also looking a bit at my driving posture, which is frankly poor. I'll have to figure out the position of my chair and steering wheel to see if I can get a better posture there. Today I put some cucumber slices on my hummus sandwiches, and brought some cherry tomatoes along as well. This is a combination that I know works well, so no real adventures, but it counts for my challenge nonetheless!
  18. While I do like lettuce in summer, I also like all kind of other salads. We very regularly just grate a carrot and add mustard dressing, since it's so quick and easy. Today we had a leftovers spinach-salad because our fridge is almost overflowing... The pickled onions and carrots worked well . A typical wintery salad would be a massaged kale salad with a tahini-soy sauce dressing, but your coleslaw also sounds very nice!
  19. Those are some nice exercises! If you have something heavy, you can do suitcase carries, making sure that you don't lean either way. As for dead bugs and hollow body holds, you can greatly regress them by just keeping your knees bent, or by just moving your arms. I personally don't really like abs-work, but it is good for me .
  20. So glad to read that you're full of motivation . What kind of core exercises are you doing?
  21. Otherwise I wouldn't be there! Hi!
  22. Flatbreads with gravy sound actually delicious, but I indeed would prefer to have a plate with that...
  23. It really is! It's even cooler that there is a group of supernice people going to all these comps and the point of the comps is to break your own personal records instead of winning .
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