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Everything posted by Tialoredron

  1. Best of luck on your goals for this challenge! Looks like great goals you have set for yourself.
  2. Short down and dirty: Good first half, failed second half. Overall 49.629% Full Thread: here My workout goals were to workout 3x/week and run 2x/week, supplementing a gym workout as additional workout goal. I did great the first three weeks, then stopped tracking and wrote them off as unnaccomplished as i couldn't remember doing any workouts since they weren't written down. Work superceded priorties for the MudRun event as things got cray hectic during week 4 and 5 and I was required to work the weekend of 4 (the same time the Mudrun was on). Lifestyle goal was accomplished to which I meditated 1x/week and added +1 WIS for it. Also was able to get rid of a troublesome roomate and definitely helped lower my stress levels. Wasn't able to participate in Pickett's Mill Reenactment due to illness. I was able to keep up with the posts really well the first three weeks, and as soon my job took over during week 4 and 5, my posting stopped so I could focus on accomplishing my tasks at work. Overall goal completion was 49.629%, but I am not going to take on any stat point bonuses since it was my intent to be a pass/fail for this challenge. Next challenge I will improve my goal building to remotivate myself in not giving up midweek due to poor goal setting. Not the best performance that I wanted, but I still feel better about myself as that was a solid three weeks of working out as opposed to sitting on the couch watching TV or playing my games for hours on end. Looking forward to being more awesome next challenge!
  3. Week 6 Summary and 6 Week Challenge Summary: Workout Goals: 0% Obtained what I thought was Strep from my parents during the memorial day weekend and it turned out to be a cold that I am still fighting off. Life Quest: Accomplished meditation for the week, but didn't update or post any updates. Also skipped Pickett's Mill to recover from cold. Weekly Goal Completion: 20% Overall Goal Completion: 49.629% of 100% (estimation due to dropped 4th and 5th week) Accomplished Meditation Goal (+1 WIS) Not a terrble showing, but I know I can do better. Onto bigger and better things for next challenge! Looking to keep same workout goals; perhaps a bit more relaxed for the level goal though. Also will be implementing the graded 4.0 system for partial stat point build. Already working on researching more strength lifts and parameters for starting weight and goals. Used Staci's post for Press form for starting websiteregarding target goals.
  4. Question: If I accomplish some goals (like the life quest) but fail the challenge (or Level 2 goal?) do I still add the stat point associated with accomplishing the goal? I would think that completing any of the goals promotes the stat, but then the level/stat ratio is out of balance. Perhaps I need to redefine what the next level goal actually is? Is a level associated with just participating/struggling through the 6 week challenge or do I need to make a more restrictive level goal like my current 6-week challenge level 2 goal?
  5. Week 4/5 Summary Workout Goals: Incomplete; I did not keep a good track record of workouts I may have done during the past few weeks as I had gotten swamped with work. With that in mind, I will cut my losses and seek improvement for the remainder of this week and the challenge. As it turns out, I was not able to participate in the MudRun due to work schedule, also resulting in my buddy not wanting to run (SUCK all over the place), so the MudRun will be staying on the main questline bucket list. Life Quest: My troubled roomate is now officially gone and I have noticed my stress levels are reduced (except relating to work). I even have an incense burner and use that to focus myself on just smelling the aroma; also results in a pretty awesome smell for the house after I am finished (WIN!) I will say that I still met the intent of my meditation as I am able to come home and truly relax, although I will need to restart my workouts again at home with my bodyweight workouts. Weekly Goal Completion:Not terribly worried anymore as I have failed my goals and seeking to rebuild my good habits Overall Goal Completion:Not terribly worried anymore as I have failed my goals and seeking to rebuild my good habits I know I technically failed my goals for this challenge and I may seem to lack the motivation to continue the remainder of this week, but I am more focused on destressing my life and getting ready to swing back next week and also get ready for the next challenge. I appreciate all your current support and look forward to your continued support as you are able! I would like some help for balancing my goals for next challenge and would like to post those to my battle log (linked in signature). I am planning on keeping the same goals (workout 3x/week, run 2x/week; possibly find a new life quest or work on one of my main questline bucketlist) but would like some help in moving away from my pass/fail goal trendsetting I am used to. I am disappointed in that I feel like I have been working extremely hard and not having my virtual level go up even though I feel better about myself just wanting to make these changes and implementing them as much as I am able to; I feel like my real-life level is higher than what is currently being reflected, but i refuse to break rules whether they are part of a program or self-implemented.
  6. Tia looks around his house, sighing in exhaustion and exaspiration; "I really wish I could flick a wand or cast a spell to get all this mess cleaned up so I can focus on becoming a Ranger. Those spellweavers have it so easy...speaking of which seems like we have had some crazy weather lately; wonder if that is their work. Oh well, perhaps when I am done I can string my bow, sharpen my blade and finally see what all this commotion is about." Haven't been able to really participate in the mini-quests; but love catching up on all the story lines! Had some pretty crazy past couple of weeks but looking to bounce back soon and get back into my normal rythms. Hoping to join these quests soon as I get better handling on my own goals! Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  7. CRAZYCRAZYCRAZY week these past two weeks; failed to workout at all last week (except for Unit Sports PT) and this week doesn't look any better. I was swamped with work as our customers have been making changes to the gameplan for our tests resulting in lots of stress and working past the clock (no Overtime becuase military) but that all is ok; I can handle stress...seemingly at the cost of working out and downtime when I get home. By the time I got home after work, I had enough energy to cook meals, eat, then go to sleep before waking up early in the morning and still being tired. I even worked this past weekend for prep and conducting the tests and waasn't able to get my regularly scheduled game times in; I suppose I am truly a gamer as I am dissapointed that I missed these games. I will be missing the games for the next two weekends as well; heading back home for this weekend to visit parents and next weeking I will be at the Civil War reenactment. Unfortunately the MudRun didn't happen and my buddy decided not to do it since I dropped out (SUCK for both of us) so it looks like I will have to wait for the next run and add in that challenge for a bucket list on my main questline. Doesn't look like this challenge will be my level up, but perhaps I can get better advice for creating a variable goal accomplishment rather than the pass/fail system I prefer; it is rather dissapointing that I think I have these great goals that I should be able to accomplish with no problems and failing due to a wrench being thrown in my perfect system and not seeing the online progress of leveling up even though I feel better about myself just showing up and working on these positive improvements.
  8. In case I haven't yet, in CoC I am Tia.
  9. I enjoy the wars, but I wouldn't mind being reassigned to the second clan.
  10. Leg day went amazing! Only had 30 extra pounds on the bar, but warmup and cooldown went smoothly. I had forgotten that amazing feeling of doing body weight squats immediately after weighted back squats; I felt like I could go for days even though they were deeper than any I had ever done before. As for the actual workout, I am pretty sure I could only squat until my thighs/legs were parallel but this time I was able to watch myself (Handy Dandy Mirrors behind the Squat Rack) and I saw I was easily breaking 90 and getting way low. Next time I will add on a bit more weight, I was able to complete with a bit of struggle, but I do not think an extra 10 pounds will put me into failure. Unfortunately, I missed swim practice this morning. I will complete my body weight training circuit, but it may be time to put in gym time twice a week as my motivation for the training session is diminishing. I still feel a great burn for my Ab workout, but I am no longer seeing any real improvement in the training session.
  11. "Everyone falls the first time." ...even The One I suppose.
  12. Well, my intent was to complete the fitness goals 100%, so I will keep to it. Although that means the challenge has "ended" it isn't stopping me from haveing the best percentile I can make at this point; just going to keep trucking along and work on building up my good habits of working out and worry about the level as the next challenge comes around.
  13. Abs workout completed; yesterday was a bit akward as a surprise Volleyball game happened. Played front row exclusively switching out when it was my turn in the back row; had some pretty aewsome sets and blocks, but no spikes (just decent third touches usually). Played three games first two to 25 and third one to 15, we unfortunately lost but I had a lot of fun! Today is Leg Destroyer day (10x10 Back Squats) and very nervous about it, but I brought my workout clothes today so it shall be done! I may also be adding in an hour of swimming on Teusday and Thursday as a few of my coworkers are training for a Triathlon almost every morning; T/Th are their swim days and I just haven't been swimming in forever. This will require some serious motivation as I am not a morning person at all, but a good group of friends should fix that, right? I am thinking of keeping T/TH as run/swim days and do one per week or swim mornings and run evenings or even vice versa, super undecided.
  14. Schedule for the week: Monday: Body Weight Workout Abs Teusday: Running Day (Pyramid Sprints) Wednesday: Gym Workout (Leg Destroyer) Thursday: Body Weight Training Session Friday: Unit PT Running Day (at least 1.5 miles) Saturday: Rest (D&D Game Session in afternoon) Sunday: Meditate (D&D Game Session in afternoon; different character from above) Kettle Bell Workout
  15. Week 3 Summary: Workout Goals 2 Strength Training Workouts Completed 1 Running Workouts Completed Life Quest: Meditation completed on Sunday; Studied Castle Ravenloft Module for 3.5 game Reported 3 status updates in Battle log, 1 posts/replys for 6-week challenge thread Overall weekly goal completion: 77.78% (1 failed Strength Training/Gym workout; 1 failed run) Overall Goal Completion: 46.2966% of 50% currently available Side Bar Question: is there anything for making up a lost workout outside of the week it was assigned? Super unfortunate that I failed my level 2 goal mid way through the challenge, but then I suppose it wouldn't be a challenge if success was assured.
  16. This past week did not go as planned unfortunately; I did not get the Leg Destroyer or the second run in; nor did I accomplish a bodyweight workout this weekend to make up for the lost workout(s). I was also disappointed in our DM for Saturday's game: our party was wiped by an EL/CR 4; even though we were all 4th level, so we roll up some new characters and get ready to get into it. Cool, new characters ready to roll; but DM seemed more interested in fooling with newfound girlfriend...freakin awesome! (sarcasm!); all other concerned players were not very amused either. Exploring my local games shop I found Castle Ravenloft for v3.5 and I am ready to take back the DM reigns if this weekend shows he isn't able to seperate game time from girlfriend time. With that, I was able to get my meditation time in, albeit through studying the Ravenloft module, but it still accomplished the purpose.
  17. No floods or sinkholes; thank goodness, but it did throw a wrench into my workout plans and it got the better of me this week unfortunately.
  18. So far this week has not been going according to plan; I completed the Body weight workout on Monday; Tuesday's run was cancelled due to storms throughout Northwest Florida and State of Emergency being declared (enter panic survival mode and dropped all workout goals); Wednesday I stayed home due to closing of work and to finish wrapping up survival business; Today I plan to continue and work out with Body Weight Abs in addition to running 1.5 miles; Tomorrow I will complete the Leg Destroyer routine after work and run again.
  19. Are there other clans to join up in? The nerd fitness clan I searched for was full
  20. Schedule for the week: Monday: Volleyball Game Body Weight Workout Training Session Teusday: Running Day (Pyramid Sprints) Wednesday: Volleyball Game Gym Workout (Leg Destroyer) Thursday: Body Weight Workout Abs Friday: Unit PT Running Day (at least 1.5 miles) Saturday: Rest (D&D Game Session in afternoon) Sunday: Meditate (D&D Game Session in afternoon; different character from above)
  21. Sorry for the confusion; that is what I was trying to imply.
  22. Absolutely makes sense; just wanted to see if there were specific rules on voters then. Hope to hear from you soon!
  23. Hey Hammlin, I have some friends who I sometimes workout with in another guild. I know there is some segregation between the guilds but would they be allowed to put their votes in as well or is this an internal only Ranger elite vote system? My friend is part of the Assassin's Guild [i know, I make dangerous friends!], but he is a pretty awesome dude and I feel bad for leaving our contacts out of this system completly when they may have the best insights when it comes to promoting Rangers as they have the potential to provide the most help with form check and workout encouragement on the spot. I am not trying to promote that we make other guild members Ranger of the week, but simply to let them influence which Ranger is if they are keeping a good watch or are familiar with the Rangers. It may even be something to send Champions to PvP against the other Guilds to have a Top Guild for a 6 week challenge. Something to think about at least.
  24. Week 2 Summary: Workout Goals 3 Strength Training Workouts Completed 3 Running Workouts Completed (+1 over goal) Life Quest: Meditation completed on Sunday; should spend early morning sleeping however, but was still effective and calming. Reported 5 status updates in Battle log, 3 posts/replays for 6-week challenge thread (5 posts over goal) Overall weekly goal completion: 100% Rockin'! Overall Goal Completion: 33.33[repeating of course]% of 33.33% currently available
  25. So, Sunday is my meditate day, and here I am at 0142 Sunday 27 April 2014 CDT listening to Kpop and life is just good. I know I shouldn't be up this late, but I just can't quite get to bed. Last week went really well, completing 3 strength workouts and 2 run workouts. Looking forward to this next week!
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