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Everything posted by pureleeawesome

  1. Look, I might have been slightly beaten by the Dessert Monster but I can respawn. It's mind boggling how much things can change in a month.
  2. Time moves way too quickly for my preferences. It's only going to get worse now that I start uni again next week. Defeating the Dessert Monster has been a bit of a tricky one but hope is not lost yet. Today I got my mother to agree to stop bringing sweet snacks (feeding her kids is definitely one of the way she shows love) so that will definitely assist in achieving this goal.
  3. Thank you! The dessert monster tonight was a brownie and some condensed milk thing >.>
  4. < The Monster < Me, usually I have a sweet tooth. I also have a job where every other week I have a full week of staring into the abyss that is the availability of one hot dessert and around 5-7 different types of cold dessert (like brownies, and cheesecake, and tarts). Oh, also icecream. Except I'm also meant to be doing a longer work swing during this challenge so it is time to DEFEAT THE DESSERT MONSTER ONCE AND FOR ALL! Goals this Challenge (which will start Monday the 13th, because a week does not start on a weekend.) 1. Defeating the Dessert Monster. Dessert is not eaten for 80% of the challenge and when it is eaten it is only allowed to include one (1) item. For this challenge, dessert refers to an "end of day sweet treat". 2. Continue with one wrist exercise a day but now make it one flexibar exercise + use the grip strength thingy. 3. 4,000 steps a day minimum. I missed this twice recently which were the two days after I flew back from work. They were also the two days where I did not walk my dog when I could have so.... 4. On days when have dog, give dog walk. On days when not have dog, do yoga sesh. You may notice the water challenge has gone and indeed I have stopped tracking it. I've found so long as I try and focus on having three bottles a day I am good but that trying to track it was causing me to not refill my bottle so it was easier to track but led to me not having enough water when needing it. 🤦‍♀️
  5. Cute pupper! I am full of envy of the beautiful scenes you're having.
  6. Y'know, shockingly enough if you do your prescribed wrist strengthening exercises they actually work?! They're still a little weaker than they should be but so much better.
  7. Geez, I can't believe it has been so long since I've posted. My habits have been going well, no misses and this week I have added on making sure I do 4,000 steps a day with the plan to build on that. Next habit will definitely be something food/diet related but I'll give this habit at least two weeks to start kicking in first before I add anything else. I realised yesterday that this will be my last full swing at home before the end of the challenge. I have done quite a bit towards the room organisation, though not completely finished it. Unfortunately I've been waiting for electricians to do their stuff before I can move everything in and have it organised. Also, there has been little to no goal writing done which may become todays and tomorrows task. I have a semi-full day today but can multitask some things thankfully.
  8. One of the things I've been dwelling on is the fact that I am willing to spend so much money in remedy but nothing in prevention. I think once my OT has ended (hopefully the next session will be my last, or the session after) I will consider ways to spend the funds that can help me keep my life on track, rather than just waiting for it to derail again. I have continued to do my wrist exercises. I have another 600mls of water to drink today but it is 8:30pm and I need to be up early to catch my flight to work so my fingers are crossed that it will still get done. I am going to go pack my wrist exercise equipment into my carry on so they actually make it to work with me this time. May everyone elses challenges be going so well ❤️
  9. It me. Except I don't fill up the water which leads to more problems down the track. XD
  10. Friends it is time to plant another seed. I'm hoping it will grow into a yoga tree. See, I know yoga would be great for some of my current aches and pains but I've been going through a multi-year journey with my wrists absolutely cracking the shits and giving up. I've been on and off in occupational therapy with these wrists since before the pandemic. And now my right wrist is managing but my left wrist is just not getting better due to my half assed attempts at following my prescribed exercises. So, it's now a daily habit to track, along with my water drinking. I've got my next OT session in just over a month so I will keep this goal until then and reassess and hopefully be cleared (because OT is expensive and I am soon to return to my oh woe is me student life).
  11. So far the only goal I've really been able to focus on has been the water (I'm currently away from home, it's not an excuse I swear!) It's been going well every day - I got tested the day after I was dehydrated and I'm back in the green zone so all good there. That day I still struggled to make myself want to drink and used another electrolyte powder in one of my 600ml bottles but after that it's been going well. Managed to get a few more 1 year goals into my planner, now needing to do the 3 year planning. Tomorrow I'll be flying home so hopefully my next update will be how I've started to move furniture!
  12. I have never heard of Silhouette Cameo 4 but now I want one. Sorry to hear that it ended up being too much to do, any plans on cutting back to make it more manageable?
  13. Sorry to hear you've been feeling poorly, hope you get back to the 120% you are soon.
  14. The whole "daily workouts so a day doesn't accidentally get missed" seems kinda like a good idea (at least for my brain). I think I'm going to have to give darebee a try.
  15. Hello friends, old and new. Now that the forums have stopped being a buttface and seem to be letting me log in without resorting to incognito mode, as they have for around two years now, I thought I would try my luck again. This challenge is all about building my roots so I have a strong foundation for who I am/want to be. I've started using a new to me journal which is all about planting seeds (very small projects/steps) instead of planting trees (trying to start a huge project/task) from the beginning. My seeds this challenge will be more about deciding what I want. I am still assuredly an adventurer over all else (my one year projects include geocaching, hiking, trying new things) but I need to decide what that really looks like and set up a foundation that will support it. So, this challenge: 1. 1.8L/3 bottles of water/water with an electrolyte each day. I got hydration tested at work and was found 🌟 moderately dehydrated 🌟 and that is not a good look for a safety person. 😅 2. Move all my furniture to the new rooms and have everything set up with its own place. This might be me trying to plant a tree (a small tree!) but it's doable, there's a reason for it and I will break it down into smaller steps when it is not 4:30am in the morning. 3. Finish writing up my life planning, long term plans, and January project set up in my planner. And that's it! Small (mostly) seeds to help my garden grow. A talent I need to convert to offline gardening. Happy New Year peeps, and I'll be hanging out in your threads soon (again, when it's not 4:30am in the morning).
  16. I did not manage to go to the shops that day but have this morning and prepared myself a lunch of salad for the first time in ages. I also started calorie counting again today and am eyeing off the chocolate in front of me wondering if I'll be able to get some of it to fit. I think I have managed to move daily so far but between studying and needing down time I am not entirely sure. Todays shopping trip hit the buying less packaging mark - I bought no packaging! But I do need to thing of a solution for cheese. I love it and am determined not to give it up. There is a cheesemaker at a market I've used and loved before that has paper packaging, but with a plastic barcode on it. The market is also semi-far away. Something to ponder. On the more non-fiction note I've been following the hiking adventures of Elina Osborne but still indulging in my shows. Time to look at my non-fiction book pile and consider it, me thinks. I wrote the last two lines of my first post of my mirror. It is a good internal chant when things don't seem to be going my way. Be kind, be thoughtful. Love more.
  17. To live with and learn from nature. To support it and the communities I immerse myself in with kindness and vigour. This was the mission statement I put together at the start of the year. I wonder if I am setting myself up for failure with the vigour part but now that university is (almost) over for the year I'd like to start working on myself. Intentions Move daily Buy less packaging Sustainable fashion More non-fiction Let go of my past self More simple, nutritious meals For this challenge I'd like to have something to say about each of my intentions. Move daily will require some form of either exercise whether an activity or just a moment of activeness (like cleaning/organising). Buying less packaging involves looking at alternative options to buying things. My biggest weakness is ready-made meals which goes hand in hand with wanting more simple nutritious meals. I plan to visit the local fruit & veg shop and the bulk buy shop and between the two I'll hopefully do well for myself this challenge. I'm meant to be going on holiday during this challenge so will need to plan accordingly if it comes to fruition. Sustainable fashion. I did, in a rush of not thinking, buy clothes from a chain store recently. This challenge I'd like to make at least somewhat of a dent in my mending basket. More non-fiction. I'm going to allow watching YouTube videos into this one. But, rather than watching shows or reading fiction (fanfiction) I'd like to be a little less fictional and a little more real. Let go of my past self. There is also a part of this that should say "let go of expectations". Of myself, of others. I've had some expectations recently that haven't been met and it results in hurt. Be kind, be thoughtful. Love more.
  18. Ha. I tried much of the month but uni was very overpowering. I'm at study break/exam period now and my mental health is much improved though
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