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Bear Force One

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Everything posted by Bear Force One

  1. Yeah, I really think it's a shame that more girls don't get involved in weight lifting. I will say, though, at my gym there are a ton of girls lifting heavy. I also think it's a shame that we correlate women's success to aesthetic values, and not strength values. While it seems to usually be unintentional, by saying that the girls that lift weights are the most attractive, it takes away from the accomplishment in a way. You don't go to the gym, look at a really strong dude and say "Goodness, he is attractive!". You say "Goddamn that boy is strong!". I just wish that people would look at women who lift for their strength, not for how attractive they are. /rant
  2. Sometimes you just cant say no to treats from people I usually just try to accept it, move on, and hop right back on the wagon. You've got a great routine going for your exercise!
  3. Although it wasn't necessarily by choice, good on you for reducing the video game time! Hopefully you'll see that you have much more time for sleep/training/quality food prep without games dominating your life
  4. Whelp...personally I don't have 'balls', figuratively or otherwise. I like to think that I have a lot of moxie, which I suppose is the female equivalent? I'm not entirely sure if it's the PMS talking, but I'm mildly offended to be told that I have balls and that the SL5x5 girls are the 'most attractive' ladies at the gym. Somehow seems slightly misogynist for some reason. In other news, today is the first official day of the challenge! Yay! Heading to the gym tonight, and I plan on taking my official progress pictures/weight/measurements afterwards tonight.
  5. I had great success at the gym tonight implementing the box squat method. I dropped my weight down to 65#, and it worked like a charm. I felt my posterior chain engage much more, and it took the pressure right off my quads. Thanks so much for the suggestions
  6. Thanks Card I'll try that tonight at the gym.
  7. I'm an Air Compliance Specialist for an environmental consulting firm. I work with municipal solid waste clients to ensure compliance with federal and local regulations. It's a lot of very specific region-based knowledge, and the company has been working with most of these clients for a long time. So adjusting to site specific issues/protocols for multiple states has been a challenge.
  8. Subbed! Looking forward to following your progress
  9. Also trying to do keto on a budget, which can get difficult without being bored. I pretty much eat bacon and eggs for dinner every night.
  10. Yay! Another new warrior Excited to follow your progress.
  11. Not sure if you work somewhere that you have a desk, but I found it is SO MUCH EASIER to break a boat load of food to the office, and store it in my cubicle. That way, I don't have an excuse to eat junk. I think I currently have almonds, tuna, mayonnaise (fridge, duh), hardboiled eggs, pepperoni, slim jims, several types of tea, coconut oil/heavy whipping cream/stevia for filling coffee, roasted seaweed...etc. It makes life so much easier. I'm not sure how you feel about coconut oil, but for breakfast when I get to the office, I mix heavy whipping cream, coconut oil, and sugar free caramel syrup, and coffee in a great big thermos and shake it up. It's like a high calorie, high fat, delicious latte. Things like that can be a great way to up your calories Looking forward to your challenge!
  12. Subbed for teh lulz that I'm sure will ensue judging by your gif collection
  13. Subbed to watch the serious-ness of your goal achieving
  14. Subbed! Looking forward to watching your progress
  15. Thanks for the input guys. I'll try incorporating some of this stuff this week and post the results!
  16. Bahahaha. Thanks r/aww causes so many productivity issues. But so does NF...soooo......looks like I just need to get more efficient
  17. Subbed We have similar bf% and goals, so I'm looking forward to following your challenge!
  18. Subbed! Out of curiosity, what method are you using to track bf%?
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