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Everything posted by crazykhajiitlady

  1. Gonna hop on this wagon, albeit a little late Sounds like you're doing great so far! If you have a buddy to help you, this technique set is what we learn in school to help with shoulder mobility problems: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGBJm_1bBmg As far as travel... you aren't going to Portland are you? I ask because.. well, Voodoo doughnuts. I understand >.>
  2. Love the theme you've got here. Definitely use some of Junkie XL's music for gym motivation - it's just so BEAST. Hope you're feeling better!
  3. Thank you! Yeah still a struggle Im finding, I guess it's just hard for me to put down whatever I am doing. Need to be more strict on that. ALSO updated my weekly check in
  4. Wewt. I think I need to rethink my number of activities. Doing too much Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat Sun Overall: Task 1 Activity Posture 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 4 Squat 0 0 1 0 1 1 3 Steps 5191 731 4945 4436 4760 10074 1008 4,449.29 Plank 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 Task 2 Activity Cardio (min) 17:00 x 18:00 x 18:00 x x Exercise 1 8x3 SQ x 8x3 squat x 8x3 OP x x Exercise 2 8x3 OP x 8x3 BP x 8x3 SQ x x Exercise 3 8x3 BP x 8x3 DL x 8x3 DR x x Task 3 Activity Sleep schedule 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 Mindfulness 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 4 Hydration DNC 74% DNC DNC 88% 65% 76% 0.7575
  5. Walked about 4 miles yesterday (first time since tracking it that I am reaching 10,000 steps!) and so sore now. Need to make sure I'm getting adequate support for my knees and flat feet
  6. At least I have already made it to the gym x3 this week! woo! And I can feel some really awesome core strengthening near my pelvic area which I'm loving.
  7. I second Raincloak on switching to weekly weigh-ins - I think that daily weigh-ins probably cause more anxiety than benefit, as weight change each day is probably minimal (and more dependant on your hydration/hunger status, etc). If you're really intent on daily weigh-ins, you could model more "standard" conditions to get more accuracy - for people being monitored medically (for things like heart failure) they recommend doing weigh-ins every morning right after you wake up, and after you use the restroom, but before you eat or drink anything.
  8. Not using it, but in medical school, decided to do a little research on it to see if it has any literature to support muscle-building. Overall, results are inconclusive at best (Mayo Clinic gives it a "D" rating for this purpose). Theoretically, as it's a pre-hormone it could function like anabolic steroids, which is probably not the best way to gain body mass without some kind of medical guidance. There is some risk of getting the side effects of steroids (ie. masculinization, liver problems, increased blood pressure) but I would guess that it would take a lot of the supplement to see that. DHEA is used to treat a variety of medical conditions, but is not recommended, per se, for muscle mass. It's probably not dangerous to take at normal doses (up to 100 mg, according to some sources) but you probably won't see much benefit either. (Ie. in order to get the benefits the dose would have to be high enough to see side effects). If you think your hormone levels are naturally low or abnormal, I think seeing a professional would be a better route (and would help you with the dosing more appropriately). Hope that helps! http://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/dhea/evidence/hrb-20059173 <-- mayo clinic's assessment if you're interested.
  9. I also dragged a little during Week 0...totally feel you there. The PVP is intimidating to me, much like PVP in MMOs was for so long XD I will check it out, but maybe not till later in the challenge. EDIT: Derp, this is me not checking on the page #s or dates... whoops! Good job on keeping up the meditation on the road
  10. Sounds like you're starting off really strong! Keep it up! I always love it when I can talk to colleagues about nerdy things. Happens less often than I'd like. Especially Skyrim...any Elder Scrolls really *ahem*
  11. Last week's stats: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat Sun Task 1 Activities Posture - Y Y Y x x Squat - 10 min 10 min 10 min 5 min x x Steps/Walk 5177 steps 4713 5723 4003 3170 5249 5277 Plank - 1 min 1 min x x x x Task 2 Activity Cardio (min) x 18:00 20:00 x x x x Exercise 1 x 8x3 squats 8x3 DL x x x x Exercise 2 x 8x3 DRs 8x3 OP x x x x Exercise 3 (bonus) x - x x x x Task 3 Activity Sleep/Wake Times - - x x x x x Mindfulness Y Y x x Y Y x Hydration Y 93% 97% 83% DNC DNC DNC
  12. Updated with pre-challenge weak. Gotta HIT IT HARD this week woo! Anyone have tips for better sleep-wake times? I just finish at 11PM and want to do something other than study >.<
  13. Thank you! I have to say, they do feel great. I have done the one with the arms behind the head a few times a day just for the upper back, and it is a really nice stretch. Highly recommend regardless of the goals you have ^^
  14. I think HedgeMage's advice is really sound; the specialists will also probably (hopefully) have some good suggestions, or perhaps they can link you up with a dietitian or nutritionist who can help steer you the right way if they don't know. Personally, I think the link between soy/vegetables and estrogen is overblown. Whether or not tofu is healthy is a separate debate, but I don't think you should have to hold back from eating vegetables just out of fear of increasing estrogens, because the link is so tenuous. And of course, it entirely depends on the individual - if you feel there is a food that is not working well with you, then "go with your gut" as they say! The weight bearing exercise is crucial, so it's fantastic that you're doing that. The estrogen supplements should help, but generally when ovaries stop producing estrogen in menopausal women it's the time that bone loss begins, and it can increase rapidly at that point. Weight-bearing exercise and diet with adequate calcium is important to maintain the bone integrity. Estrogen medication should help mitigate this too, but something to keep in mind, in case you end up having to go off of the hormone therapy down the line. I would really recommend making sure you're also keeping up that cardio exercise (of any kind) just for the health and longevity of your cardiovascular system. I am sure your doctors have already been encouraging that, but just in case I wanted to make mention of it. Estrogen therapy debates whether or not it's protective or harmful to women still are going on, but it is never a bad idea to try to maintain a healthy vascular system. If you have questions about any of the above I'd be happy to answer then Wishing you the best of luck! (for point of reference I am a medical student, so in no way am I as knowledgeable about living with the condition as someone who is, but I do know about the physiology behind what is going on!)
  15. major kudos to that - I am in medical school right now, studying for my first licensing exam and it's ridiculous. I am amazed that you were working throughout that time! Sounds like you have your hands full, but sometimes being extra busy keeps things more engaging! I tried to do a more planned meals thing last challenge, and just did not get around to making the time for doing pre-prepared meals. BUT I did do a few crock-pot things that turned out really well and certainly saved me some time and money. (Man I wanna try that kangaroo...that looks really yummy).
  16. Thanks a bunch! Yeah the exam I am taking is very similar to the bar (though it's one of three in a series... I am sure there is a similar deal for the lawyers!) - I will have to reach out to her! Actually I could probably do some fancy coding to make that work in excel... that is a good idea!
  17. Wishing you well on the newest challenge - I am sorry to hear things weren't so great last time around. I did appreciate how much you were supporting me through my challenge though, despite what you were dealing with. I just realized I basically made a chart almost identical to yours for tracking >.< Whoops!
  18. Thank you! I am also working on trying to make this more track-able.. a table in progress >.< I feel like the metrics could be set up better, so I am open to input. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat Sun Task 1 Activities Posture - Y Squat - 10 min Steps/Walk 5177 4713 Plank - 1 min Task 2 Activity Cardio (min) x 18 min x Exercise 1 x 8x3 squats x Exercise 2 x 8x3 DRs x Exercise 3 (bonus) x - x Task 3 Activity Sleep/Wake Times - - 7:15 AM Mindfulness Y Y Hydration Y 93%
  19. Made a fun table for myself for tracking this challenge... input welcome >.> Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat Sun Task 1 Posture - Y Squat - 10 min Steps/Walk 5177 steps Plank - 1 min - Task 2 Cardio (min) x 18:00 20:00 Exercise 1 x 8x3 SQ 8x3 DL Exercise 2 x 8x3 DR 5x5 OP Exercise 3 (bonus) x - 1:00 PR Task 3 Sleep/Wake Times - - 7:15 AM Mindfulness Y Y Hydration Y 93% 100%
  20. Envying your pull-up skills! Will have to incorporate that into a future challenge of mine. Also completely relate to the struggle of constant sitting and feeling my posture slowly crumbling... a big part of my challenge this time around is trying to address that, as I spend more hours in front of my computer than the rest of the hours of the day combined - at least for the next two months. Gotta make sure I am not going to end up looking like Gollum!
  21. In any good alliance you need to be able to relate to, and understand your allies. Khajiit and Bosmer, working together. Apparently not as different as they look! This round I want to do a few things that involve more body-weight fitness, natural movement, and general health maintenance as I continue my board-study preparation. My goals will largely be focused on balance and getting needs met more than trying to make leaps and bounds in upping any strength metrics or something. Struggling to keep focused and on task is hard enough given I have to study for between 10-12 hrs a day/7 days a week. Oof. >.< This will have a little mix (some may share an assassin-y vibe or druid-y vibe), but I am still with you guys! Check on my updates/ramblings here: Khajiit Lady Log Task #1: Integrating in Grahtwood: Improvement on posture, movement, general body conformation Elven Posture because computers too long is bad! Do these exercises at least x1/day Natural Squat - do for increasing increments (can be split into multiple segments) Week 1 = 10 min a day Week 2 = 15 min a day Week 3 = 20 min a day Week 4 = 30 min a day Go on a walk all days not going to the gym at least 20-min each day (x4-6 walks/week) Plank 1 min each day Task #2: Keeping up in Greenshade Maintaining stamina and strength Gym x3 a week 15 min cardio (minimum) x3 sets of 2-3 weights (overhead press, dumbbell rows, bench press, deadlift, squat, curl all acceptable) 1 min dumbbell plank rows Task #3: Staying Sharp in Malabal Tor Staying on-task with studying and preparation; maintaining good mental health and well-being Awake by 7:30 AM; Asleep by 11:30 PM Mindfulness exercise (do in morning or before bed for 5 min) Reach at least 75% water consumption on Plant Nanny ~~~~ 5/09 Pre-Challenge Check In * Task 1: Did well with walking (did not miss a day that whole week!) and did a decent job doing my squat-sits. * Task 2: Only did Gym 2/3 of what I should have, which I'll amend in the coming weeks. * Task 3: Need to be better about the sleep/wake stuff. Really a struggle for me, as I finish studying between 10-11 PM at night, and want to do something else before sleeping. I also tend not to actually start working on study stuff till 9AM (after waking at 7)..which might help with that. Need to focus more earlier! Also need to be better about my water tracking. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat Sun Task 1 Activities Posture - Y Y Y x x Squat - 10 min 10 min 10 min 5 min x x Steps/Walk 5177 steps 4713 5723 4003 3170 5249 5277 Plank - 1 min 1 min x x x x Task 2 Activity Cardio (min) x 18:00 20:00 x x x x Exercise 1 x 8x3 squats 8x3 DL x x x x Exercise 2 x 8x3 DRs 8x3 OP x x x x Exercise 3 (bonus) x - x x x x Task 3 Activity Sleep/Wake Times - - x x x x x Mindfulness Y Y x x Y Y x Hydration Y 93% 97% 83% DNC DNC DNC * Also will include a goal for metrics on next round. 5/16 Week 1 Check In Did well on Going to the gym and getting my walking in! Struggling to maintain all of the things, and to record adequately. I am going to stop making the plank a part of this and I think for now will give myself a break on sleep schedule because it keeps changing depending on my needs. Too many things to do this challenge To address the recording gaps I am going to start doing DAILY logging on NF via my battle log, so that might help? Also keep open my excel sheet so I can easily access it. Also started a sheet to track my weigh-training progression will let you know how it looks at the end of the challenge! Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat Sun Overall: Task 1 Activity Posture 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 4 Squat 0 0 1 0 1 1 3 Steps 5191 731 4945 4436 4760 10074 1008 4,449.29 Plank 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 Task 2 Activity Cardio (min) 17:00 x 18:00 x 18:00 x x Exercise 1 8x3 SQ x 8x3 squat x 8x3 OP x x Exercise 2 8x3 OP x x 8x3 SQ x x Exercise 3 8x3 BP x x 8x3 DR x x Task 3 Activity Sleep schedule 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 Mindfulness 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 4 Hydration DNC 74% DNC DNC 88% 65% 76% 0.7575 5/23 Week 2 Check In 5/30 Week 3 Check In 6/07 Week 4 Check In
  22. So this would be one of those places it's best to enjoy the mead before the stew haha
  23. Building up gradually is usually a pretty good way to go about it - I like how you're adding on things each week for diet. A neat idea that seems less difficult but will build in the habits that you can keep. Setting attainable goals is a big part of the battle that can be hard to do, because it's easy to get inspired and carried away by some of the awesome people here - I totally feel that and am guilty of the same >.< I will try to bother you to check in... as I need a reason to log in and check in myself. You got this!
  24. I've been wanting to get more into tarot too! I actually got an app on my phone for tarot just to get an idea of what the cards are (they have descriptions on the back) and it's been interesting so far. Too much studying in other parts of life now to dedicate to learning them, but it sounds like a good way to go about it! For hip flexibility/low back pain relief, if you have someone to help I highly recommend this exercise. I learned it in medical school and I think it helps a lot for those of us with tight hips and pain in that general area. Plus feels great if you're on your cycle >.>. https://youtu.be/ky5GQt5ypE0 Also major, MAJOR kudos - running a marathon seems amazing to me, a 50K kind of boggles the mind.
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