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About dano_06

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  • Birthday 12/07/1984

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  1. The pencil has turned to pen. I'll be there with the missus... so plus the missus?
  2. It's not as common of a way to do it, but keep an ear/eye out for gyms closing in the area. Most of them will auction off their gym equipment for next to nothing to help cover the costs of their impending bankruptcy.
  3. I've got brunch penciled in, but my wife is on a rotational work schedule so I'll know for sure the week of!
  4. Hit a new deadlift 3RM @ 285 lbs. last week! That's up 25 lbs. in the past 3 months.... Stronglifts 5x5 is working great so far!
  5. Great article. Sums up a main reason why I don't do CrossFit (at least in my area, not meant as a blanket statement). Sharp pain = stop working out and pay attention!
  6. I experience that WAY too much in my life between work ( im in the public sector in the same building as human services... fill in the rest *facepalm* ) and personal life too. One good example of this is one of my friends. He constantly says yes when I plan a pub crawl, brewery tours, distillery visits (notice a pattern yet?) but backs out the week leading up to it because he "doesn't have the money this week". Yet I see him on Foursquare/Facebook checking in at every fast food joint you can think of at least 4-5 days a week. No money... come on man. Oh and BTW, +1 for Alf .... at least he isn't watching Bravo.
  7. Peanut butter and bananas... that's always my go-to before a workout. Some of the harder more intense days (like intervals, CrossFit style workouts) I'll use Vega Pre-Workout Energizer just because I can actually pronounce the ingredients on the label! But that's only once a week, maybe twice.
  8. Why not be Casey Jones? Grab your Jose Canseco bat and take out some runners!
  9. If you're looking for new and different, I can get you hooked up with trying out lacrosse. I know a few light contact field nights I can suggest ( elbow pads, helmet, gloves no checking etc... older people, co-ed, non-competitive good crew to hang out with!). I have extra equipment too.
  10. The gym I go to has some really good interval classes, plus a bunch of other things to use / try out. Not sure how close it is to you though... http://www.allegiancefitness.com/
  11. Finally getting around to checking out Bacon Chase photos... only one I can find so far but I like it! https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/s851x315/10522412_10152161590087251_2254864259130922388_n.jpg?oh=f1f0447baa40b0ca8bd1c0ff7b9e36ac&oe=5433BB19&__gda__=1414625186_db700771cc28503d43cc5ba4f813d2dc
  12. My face (plus I have a really well defined femur) :
  13. Ha... well i un-officially "met" kat as I ran past her on the course ( pink tutus and pig ears stand out in my head! ) A shame they ran out of bacon so early
  14. Great reviews so far Anivair, keep it up! My gym (which is not a "CrossFit box" by traditional definition) just had a couple of trainers become CrossFit-certified. We'll see how that goes, they haven't started classes yet. One thing I do currently (and maybe something Inferno154 should consider) is checking out some local CrossFit box's websites. A lot of them in my area post on their website the WOD's for the week... sometimes the acronyms need a quick Google/YouTube search but they do the trick. Keeps my money in my pocket & I still get the benefit. A caveat: Make sure you know proper form on the OLY lifts & only do what you can. Don't try to be Rich Froning on your 1st go at a CrossFit WOD (see it attempted before, its not pretty). Build a base and work off that.
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