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Everything posted by Hrunter

  1. Kidney stones. Clearly doing something wrong with my eating. If I understand this correctly, some things that might be going wrong: Water - Need more. Must track and increase. Calcium - apparently binds to oxalate in the GI tract to get rid of it... Do I need more or less? Sodium - I *thought* I was getting better at this (lower intake), but I need to track it and make sure. Potassium - helps increase Citrate (inhibitor) release. Time to track and check. Magnesium - also an inhibitor. NO CLUE where I stand on this one. Animal Protein - Wut? Really? ._. Makes things acidic, leeches calcium from bones... this might the problem part: people with high intake may also have low citrate levels. Vitamin C (debated) - I'm usually on the lower end of this, due to my allergies. Track it. Vitamin D (debated) - well, I am supplementing this, as is. May increase calcium oxalate absorption in the intestines? Citrate - this seems to be a big one. But they're recommending citrus thingies. To which I am allergic. Must speak with a Dr. about it. It does go on to add 'to increase urine output'. Hmmm. I can focus on that at least. Wikipedia's "Dietary measures" for prevention: 1000 - 1200 mg calcium/day < 2300 mg sodium daily (o.o that's incredibly high...) < 1000 mg Vitamin C < 170g - 230g protein/day Limit Oxalate rich foods - such as spinach, strawberries, nuts, rhubarb, wheat germ, dark chocolate, cocoa, brewed tea. Nuts are a potential trouble maker on that last list. I love nuts. Medullar sponge kidney. Another thing to look up. 3-20% of stone forming persons have it? Best to know than to not. On another note, I feel pretty epic for going through this, yesterday. Buddy challenged my manliness. (WHY did I give in to this... stereotype enforcing... thing???) That boy should've just sat down and taken notes. Camping stuff? pfft. That's MY territory. Set up & Stake the tent? Before he got his poles assembled. Fire? Go ahead and collect your sticks. I have bark... on the 8" diameter dead fall tree I cut down to a manageable size and hauled over bare handed. Cooking over a fire? Put that meat down before you give someone food poisoning. ALL WHILE PASSING A KIDNEY STONE. Not a single scream was made. Not a single tear was shed. I walked into the hospital on my own two feet. I could feel the pain through the morphine, some 9 hours after this challenge. It may not be the typical epic endurance and functional strength training of a Ranger, but I feel like a boss.
  2. Thanks, Vixen. Still didn't get through all of it the second time either, mind you. I will get it, progress is just slower than I would like. x.x
  3. Where'd Day 9 go? I honestly can't remember it beyond the fact that I realized I needed more Vitamin D and got ready for work. Life Goal Current Score Rank: C (approaching B. A unlikely.) Today was my second team teach! I still don't have my confidence back, I'm still second guessing myself left right and center. I had definitely dealt with this time's break down really well. While still not at a desirable speed, I did ramp my emotions down to a manageable level quicker than last time. AND. I was able to immediately recognize the trigger and address it after the class. Without hesitation. It did take a pre-incident bolstering from my lady (and a reminder to take my ativan, knowing the touchier subjects were coming up) Now I just have to get my head on straight, get familiar with my tools and presentation structure! This is gonna be one hell of a deciphering process, studying has long been a weak point of mine. BUT. If tomorrow, I have to stand in front of the class with that blasted book that lets me EXACTLY what's on each slide and reminds me what I need to cover that ISN'T, then I sure as heck will. Cause I'm running out of time before bed. One part productivity concern, one part studying troubles. I think I have something to add to my schedule for next week. I don't think I'm going to meet my August 20th deadline, but I'm pretty friggen proud of the steps I've taken. >.> As long as I don't have to take my certification course again... All will be well. Fitness Goal 1: Current Score Rank: F (5 days Exercise, 1 Workout in 10 days) Need to work on this. But 8 minutes of CPR counts AT LEAST for exercise. 8 minutes on Fitocracy as Moderate Other Cardio = 9 points. ... going for a 10 minute walk netted me 5 points. 9 points probably really only counts as exercise. I... blame muscle memory? I mean really. Nowadays for CPR, I only REALLY find myself pushing into burn zone if its over 12 minutes. Diet Goal: Current Score Rank: F (8/10 days 1000-1500 kcal, 8/10 days Paleo) I can't turn a blind eye to the coffee I've guzzled down on the days I worked. Excluding those two work days, I'm doing pretty good. On the enough kcal in, I'm about the same: 2 days lost to a lack of appetite - I managed to cram one meal down my throat those days, but its not enough. Fitness (planning) goal My schedule for next week is shaping up, filling in the blanks with a specific workout shouldn't be too hard. HOWEVER. It is not sunday and I have not posted a schedule yet. Waiting to even get into the scoring on this one.
  4. Awwwe yeeeah! Setting the bar higher has such an awesome feel. Looks like you're clearing hurdles around every turn... hehe Soon you'll be Apex jumping! (if you aren't already ) Choosing between skating and lifting, that's a tough one. Any idea what's going on at practice today?
  5. Sleep schedule is sooo off. Worked on that for sure. Worked on getting back on the food track, despite appetite issues. Its definitely starting to hit Autumn here, cold snap just hit. No more sleeping with the window open With the cold snap, I've realised today (Tuesday) that I'm also not getting enough Sunlight recently. To the Vitamin D~! Finally figured out that last goal, even if it is kinda late for it. Its kinda one to keep me on track for my other goals, one to keep me working towards new healthy habits. Scheduling/Tracking/Planning. I hate 'em, but they have their uses. Different ideas of what/how I can use this: Meal planning Workout planning/scheduling Productivity boosting Quit double booking myself Maybe set personal weekly goals/challenges too At least set a weekly level up goal! Picking a mindfulness exercise each week Setting time aside for goal/progress evaluation Setting up an 'off week' plan for if/when I fall into an... well, off week. Automation makes it easier, right? Anyone have things they specifically plan out?
  6. Day 4 First team teach Things went okay. My skills are a little rusty, but I've adapted to the recent format change quite easily. I definitely have to review what my practices vs. the standards are, that way I don't OVER feed information to my students. I've figured out -WHY- I have so much trouble with my boss. Explaining it to my trainer, 'e mentioned it makes a lot of sense. Now I have to figure out how to prevent myself from fixating on it. I also need to figure out how to manage is cooling down from an intense emotional state quicker, in that environment. Its great and all that I stepped out to manage myself. But I didn't go about handling things efficiently. I have to be IN the class as much as possible. So there has to be some different relaxation techniques I can use. In regards to my other goals, this was a total gong show. Activity? Not really workout level. Exercise, sure. But not workout. Eating? I ate really well. EXCEPT the part about sucking back the coffee. Sure, it keeps me alert in the mornings where I'm most prone to stumbling things. But it definitely makes me more emotionally labile. Day 5 Friday was hormone hell. Nothing out of the ordinary for it, but still difficult either way. Not even really exercise today. Scheduled my next team teach. Aiming to be there for a full 2 day course. Eating had been on track until late night - chocolate. It was unnecessary, regardless of how I felt. Day 6 I honestly don't remember eating. Or what exactly I did. Except a few things. That don't necessarily constitute exercise. Day 7 Appetite? What is this food you speak of? I need to start setting alarms again. Things should, however, be good tomorrow as placebo week is over. I imagine thinking will be a little clearer after I get food in my system.
  7. Most of my pre-work things are done ahead of time. Including discussing the plan for tomorrow's team teach with my trainer. Other than, you know, sleep. Sadly, I won't be able to get a coffee tomorrow morning as I normally would before work. I will have to see if I can substitute caffeine in a palatable manner here at home. Otherwise all I have to do is sleep and hope my body doesn't do something absurd to me. In the acute stress response way. My body is reacting out of stress badly enough as is, right now. BUT! I'm following the skills for reducing vulnerability to emotional response. Really, there is little else I can(/could have) do(ne) to get ready for tomorrow. Other than finding a blog full of cute animals or hilarious de-/motivational pictures to laugh at when I get stressed. We're starting with my strong points. Severe bleeding, Eye Injuries, Burns and the section on reliving choking for both conscious and unconscious casualties. I. CAN. DO. THIS.
  8. Well, I called in to work. I'm scheduled to do my first team teach this Thursday. The fat on this beautiful piece of bacon? My boss - oh center of delusions - isn't in, this week. That aside, went for a short walk with my lady and her niece today. Made some delicious stir fry too. Tomorrow, I'm aiming to finish up my schedule, review some LUC material and work out. And sleep at a decent hour, to prepare for Thursday morning X.x
  9. Kilgore - Its kinda how I quash my excuses. A little pro-active on the if ___, then ____.
  10. [side Quests and forward thinking Placeholder post] OKAY! Open to traffic!
  11. [Goal 4 debate, tracking, thoughts & information post]
  12. [Goal 3 Tracking, thoughts & information Post]
  13. [Goal 2 Tracking, thoughts & information Post]
  14. The first 6 posts in the thread are kinda like my note book... I'll be compiling data, thoughts, forward thinking and more there, so feel free to check them out! Challenge Goals: Get. Back. To. Work. Eat well & Healthy. Increase Exercise Frequency Increase Exercise Variety Tangientally related Side Quests: [-List empty-] Whimiscal Side Quests: [-List empty-] Beneficial Habits to build/maintain: [-List empty-] Information to acquire: [-List empty-] Life Goal: Get back to work. Plan: Develop routines/schedule that promotes beneficial emotional regulation, and routinely exercise distress tolerance. Access Mental Health intake for reassessment and return to therapy & skills group. Assess availability for team teaches. Participate in team teaching, as often as required by my instructor trainer. (Minimum 2) As soon as possible, obtain positive evaluation for maintaining certification. ??? Profit. Success: Based on certification maintenance deadline, August 20th. A) completion of a class on or prior to August 20th completion of a class later than August 20th, maintaining certification C) completion of both/all team teaches, but no certified class D) completion of one/some team teaches, but not all F) did not attempt to schedule team teaches or full class. Note: This goal is partially dependant on the teaching availability this month. Should there not be sufficient classes available to participate in the number of team teaches AND the evaluation class, this goal will be replaced by a goal based on working on Emotional Regulation/Distress Tolerance skills, as this will assist to the same end. Fitness Goal 1: Exercise 20 minutes per day Workout 3 times per week Plan: Until personal routine is developed, continue body weight workout as per Level Up Club. Body weight workout is to be the minimum for any work out, except in the event of illness or injury. After Multi-class schedule is worked out, those exercises there in are preferred, so as to further customize it. For a workout to be deemed sufficient, I must break a sweat and retain an elevated heart rate for sometime after ceasing activity. Both exercise and workout tracking should be attempted via Daily Burn and/or Fitbit. Success: Based on 42 days, as the cumulative time spent teaching CPR in a day will contribute to that day's exercise. A) 21 Ex, 15 Wo - 24 Ex, 18 Wo (6 Weeks) 17 Ex, 12 Wo - 20 Ex, 15 Wo (5 Weeks) C) 13 Ex, 9 Wo - 16 Ex, 12 Wo (4 Weeks) D) 9 Ex, 6 Wo - 12 Ex, 9 Wo (3 Weeks) F) Less than 8 days exercise and 6 days workout. (2 weeks) Note: In the event of injury or temporarily reduced range of motion, modified workouts will be accepted. In the event of significant illness, days will be subtracted from the grading totals provided the days were spent resting appropriately. An illness will be counted as significant for this purpose if it complicates oxygen intake for a period longer than 2 hours, or should acute symptoms last less than 2 hours but will return or be aggravated upon continuing activity. Diet Goal: Eat 1000 - 1500 kcal EVERY DAY, Clean & Paleo preferred. Plan: To contribute to weight loss, a calorie deficiency is to be maintained. If less than 500 calories have been consumed by midday (or by lunch time, at work) I am to immediately prepare and eat a meal of at least 750 kcal. All planned meals are to be Paleo, ideally prepared with little or no assistance. Should an immediate midday meal be necessary, leniency is to be given based on food items on hand, provided the healthiest choices were made. Upon any circumstance that a nutritional deficiency be identified, attempts are to be made to include foods that will benefit my body. Success: Based on 40 days. Aim for 100%, expect about 80%. A) 33 - 40 days 25 - 32 days C) 17 - 24 days D) 9 - 16 days F) 0 - 8 days Note: The situation of food provided by others who may be unaware of my dietary restrictions has not entirely been accounted for. Two days have been subtracted from the challenge to attempt to compensate for this. These two days are intended to be counted for situations where refusing pro-offered foods would be significantly detrimental. Fitness Goal 2: Scheduling to build automation (and variety!) Plan: I'm horrible at planning ahead. But I have to do it. This is to keep me on track for my exercise & dieting. (Yeah, its not 100% fitness related, I know ._. I can avoid assigning it points if anyone has that much of a beef with it.) So! Each Sunday I will work on building a schedule for the upcoming week. (Scheduling sunday's stuff, the week prior.) Its taken me until Week 2 to hammer this goal out, so I won't be marking it on the same scale as the other goals. Success: Having a schedule (That I can post for accountability) for each remaining week of the challenge. A) 4 schedules + 1 off week 4 schedules C) 3 schedules D) 2 schedules F) 0 - 1 schedule Types of items to be scheduled: Meal plan & Workout plan (MINIMUM) Any Upcoming meetings/appointments/commitments/events A weekly goal/focus/challenge/minor habit A weekly mindfulness exercise to practice A specific time to evaluate progress over the previous week & plan the next A whole back up plan for a down/off week Over-arching Aspirations: Get out of Debt Attain goal weight of 150 lbs prior to building lots of muscle Learn lots of stuff Get a hold of my Anxiety & Paranoia Beat the dysphoria Build self respect Become healthier Live.
  15. A little bit of both really. I am trans, but also speaking up on behalf of friends & others. Still somewhat fuzzy on where I sit in the wide world of gender, but the lack of congruance is *really* clear for me haha I'm a board member for our local LGBTQ+ group, want to make sure people don't have obstacles to a good time when we hold events X3 (The free day at the region's leisure center was an event we put on :3 ) As for transitioning and fitness, ideally I want to set up some sort of health & fitness resource for people transitioning, regardless of goal :3 Thanks tons for the link! Haven't hit it or the books as of yet. Time to check amazon & the like.
  16. Side quests: Welp, I admittedly did not do any side quests from the other guilds (That I know of, at least. Didn't actively/intentionally participate in 'em.) HOWEVER. I have definitely done a few of the Adventurer ones <3 Mini Challenge #1: Obstacle Annihilation! For the mental challenge, we want you to address something that’s stopping you from leveling up, big or small. By day 4, I wrote on my blog that I had started realizing I'd been eating too -little-. It took a while to get (consistantly) above 1000 kcal without junk food, but I did it :3 I do still slip up, but now that I have the basic habits in place, I can work on filling the gaps. If this counts, then +1 Wis. Mini Challenge #2: Rawr-ification! In all honesty, this fit in with my body weight workouts sooooo well. +1 STR Mini Challenge #6: The Boss Battle Two things. TWO BIG THINGS. 1. Not only did I go to the pool (some of you might remember my trepidation from last challenge) but with my (hoshitcan'tbelieveiasked) inquiry about 'what's your policy for change rooms and trans* clients?' (read: they had none) has their director set to talk with my group to help develop one. 2. I summoned up the courage to actually talk to the absolutely wonderful lady who mentioned her enduring romantic interest in me. And I now have a girlfriend. Wildcard: Charisma
  17. Lose 15 lbs Lost: ~13 lbs Grade: B Reward: 1 XP, Calculating +Con, +Cha Bonus work: Losing from my chest. Did I: Heck yes. 3 inches. Reward: Finally fitting into a #$&%^@!(*)*$ sports bra. A new one. Broader Horizons: Starter skills Skills passed: 4 Grade: A Reward: 1 XP, +1 STR, +1 DEX, +1 CON, +1 STA Bonus work: Learn 5+ Did I: No. Reward: No bonus Tracking things (as added to list) Things tracked: Sleep When I ate What I ate (Calorie estimations using Daily burn/Fit Bit) Exercise/Calories burned (estimations using FitBit) Cravings... so many of these Caffeine intake (after week 3) Medications (after early week 4) Grade: A+ Reward: 1 XP, +2 Wis Bonus: Add and track as they come! Did I: Heck. Yes. Reward: (+2 Bonus XP~!) Clean ALL the things: (2H/week) Spaces cleaned: My Room (rearranged & organized!) bathroom kitchen (re-arranged & organized!) My couch THE REC ROOM, DOWNSTAIRS~! (re-arranged & organized!) Started on the Storage room x.x Time spent cleaning: 40 hours Grade: A f-ing ++ Reward: 1 XP, +1 Wis, +2 Con Bonus: Clean all spaces, organize and maintain Did I: Yes. And No. My dad started re-rearranging the downstairs while I was away this Sunday-Monday. So its starting to look crappy again. But for all intents & purposes, while I was here, I maintained it. So yes. Sh*t happens. I'm rolling with the punches on this one. and I'm friggen proud. Reward: +2 Bonus XP (Cap reached) LEVEL UP! (All caught up? I think so!) I had a lot of encouragement - lots of love for you folks.
  18. It seems like I've plateaued on the weight loss a fair bit over the past while. However - I *really* got some cleaning done o.o I think that it slowed down mostly cause the intensity of my activity decreased as I completed the major parts of the cleaning. I even went as far as cleaning my - newly/finally repaired - basement of the boxes of stuff returned to us by the insurance dudes. Everything from moving furniture to mucking out (read: purging/donating) a ton of stuff my brother and I don't want/need (other than our collections >.>) Skills wise, it looks like I'm at 3. Not ideal, but progress! Tumbling (assassin) Some Yoga (Druid) Improved endurance (Scout) I may snag Warrior by tomorrow - I have a chance to get into the gym for free through an event I'm working on The big question is... should I be lifting weights? I'd recently been through my adolescent medical history with my doc. Apparently, somewhere between my car accident (17 yo) and my gallbladder surgery (21 yo) I've... acquired (? however that works) mild lumbar scoliosis. IT MAKES SENSE WHY MY RIGHT SIDE IS ALWAYS TIGHT. FFFFFFFFFFf I didn't think to ask him whether or not I should be lifting heavy. While that doesn't mean I have to try and break myself tomorrow, I do want to try *at least* squats with weight. Even a bar. Something more than me. (and my game collection boxes. That was fun.) Tracking went pretty well. I definitely fell from it for a bit, so I'm sure I can improve how I go about it. All in all, I still have time to push the bar. But this time around, I'm really satisfied with what I've accomplished. I'll post my measurements after things wrap up, next week. :3
  19. OMG. alright, this resonates with my demi... girl... ness. I'm not even a quarter of the way through and its hilarious. Don't entirely feel right saying "girl crushes for everyone!", but squishes all 'round, for sure. "Guess how offensive it is to hear? Not at all!" "You got at least a level 2 man crush on your favorite athelete, right?" "Sorry that I appreciate greatness. And that I'm electric. Bam!"
  20. For my 6 Week challenge, I have a goal listed as 'learn basic techniques from each other class'. It would be redundant to have multi-classing as the basic technique I'd be learning... So what WOULD ye rocking Rangers consider basic techniques? For the other guilds, I have: Warrior - Squats (basic form with and without weight) Monk - Hicho no Kata & 5 Junan Taiso techniques Assassin - (Re)learn basic tumbling (breakfalls, rolling) Druid - 5 Yoga Asana or 1 Tai Chi form Scout - Basic endurance building But at the same time, I'm still not too sure what would be appropriate for Ranger - and I'm running out of time! I'm reading a bit about Cross-fit, to start. I don't have access to a gym, however, so it would be difficult (as I understand them) to learn many of the exercises & movements. Thoughts?
  21. I'll admit, I don't know anyone with more grit than my mother. Well, face to face, at least. She's having a rough time, but she's hanging in there! >:3
  22. That's... horrible. Bout with the other therapists, that is. What are board shorts exactly? Is it a specific cut of swimming bottoms?
  23. ASDFGH I have figured out how to use this fitbit thinger. This should be good. Frustrating that I'll have to re-enter all my data from daily burn, manually though On another note: Mom started asking about diet information. This is HUGE, guys. H-U-G-E. She needs to lose weight before she can have her knee replacement/repair surgeries, she's at critical risk when being put under. Which she REALLY needs. We're talking bone spurs shredding her ligaments in one knee and shattered cartiledge in the other. I really hope that I can help her. ... Or she could brush it off. I love you mom, please please please make healthy choices...
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