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Everything posted by auro

  1. Free day. No krav maga training today :'( stupid holidays
  2. Today: run 30 minutes. I felt more fatigued than usual
  3. Monday: - Ran for 30 minutes. Felt good. I ran in the evening, and i felt so geared up I couldn't fall asleep! Tuesday: - 11+16 leg raises - 2x12 incline pushups - Krav Maga training (2 hours): I want more. Badly. And it's not until next tuesday :'( damn holidays
  4. Update on this week. Considering the odds; i did greater than I would have expected. "Hey, you have an ongoing exam, you're 3 weeks out of 6 in, and you have no project, no group. Good for you." I did all my strength workouts and 1 run. I think it will fix itself next week. I can't wait until tuesday! BLAH! I wanna do more krav maga so bad It made me feel pretty badass.
  5. Doing things you've been putting off is great! Especially after you've done it. It feels awesome.
  6. Did 2x40+21 vertical pulls & I found a way to flex my body better with the jackknife squats, resulting in me being able to do 3. woow. This is good, I think i'm actually doing them close to perfect form now.
  7. Yeah I have a cocker spaniel - Here's a picture of me training self-control with him: I didn't go training yesterday. I realized suddenly that I have an actual exam ongoign with me knowing. It hit me pretty hard but i'm working hard for it now. Although I didnt run I did something today. I went to a tryout session krav maga! I LOVE IT so far. They're giving me another tryout on tuesday`; excited to say how it goes
  8. Keep it moving! Prioritize your challenge; not posting!
  9. Today I've moved up a level on pushups. I'm now on step 2, incline pushups. I did 14 of those, thus exceeding the beginner standard. Good! And I did knee tucks, step 1. 15 + 21. Improvement from last time which was 10+19 I feel way behind on writing on other people's threads; hopefully I will catch up during this week.
  10. What made me realize it is that I've tried sooo many schemes of running and strength training and all of them - until now - were just that. Schemes and plans with zero connection to reality. I've tried and failed and tried and lost motivation and so on. Until now. Based on these previous experiences i actually think this works for me! Sunday was supposed to be a rest day. but Nope I ran around in rain clothes for 40-50 minutes looking for my dog who had run away. I found it lying under an outdoor table crying and being all "i cant find my way home, im cold, wet, tired and it's still raining like a boss" So I decided to rest today.
  11. Jack knife squats: 2x20 Vertical pulls: 2x25 IFGDI
  12. I went running again. It felt good. I actually ended up enjoying the nature and running at the same time! Woot! My dog was pretty happy about it as well. BONUS. It's really nice. Woot!
  13. Thanks a lot. That's an awesome dog!
  14. Please insert dog photos and press start
  15. Hmm. One of the days off. I am having a hard time actually falling asleep even though I am feeling tired. Not so awesome. I'm not sure what to do about it. I will sleep on it.
  16. I went running. 30 minutes of feel good time. Anyone who, like an earlier me, is doing interval running training by a scheme like c25k (been there) or other run-1-minute-walk-2-minute programs should seriously try running by their bodies! After the strict running schemes i came back thinking damn this. With this i come back thinking give me more damnit :-D
  17. Yesterday was a shitty shit day so i didn't get running. Today i did 3x50 wall pushups. Im going to repeat it next week. I also did 1x10 and 1x19 knee tucks. Yay me! :-D
  18. System rest day. Worked fine for me i guess
  19. Way to get back on the horse! Awesome! Keep it going! I don't always post but I'm checking in on you atleast twice a week!
  20. I've modified my challenge. It took me quite a while to realize I've been dumb following schemes instead of my own body. Oh well, everyone gets smarter I guess. Let's see how this goes. I'm gonna disregard this past week. I don't care how I did. Today I did 10 jackknife squats and 2x25 vertical pulls - I could have done more, but I decided to put the rest in the bank (Meaning: Always be able to do more of the exercise with perfect form, don't train to failure, keep it fun) For the squats, that means I am beginner on that and for the vertical pulls I'm on intermediate level. This is awesome, I'm getting something out of the excercises!
  21. Hm... It appears that I've gotten smarter. Would it be cheating to change the 6 week challenge now?? I'm not sure. Opinions? For me; it would be better to move to a different scheme/regime for the training parts. 13-14-15-16 I'm making a collective update for those dates. Since they're very alike. - I did meditation on all four! yay me! - On 14 and 16 i did strength training. - I didn't run. At all. I think the running regime is too much too soon. It feels bad. Training should be fun! 17 - I made up my own running regime, so I don't know if it counts against the running. But I rain for approximatly 10 minutes. 5 minutes non-stop, then pauses. - Meditation yay!
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