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Everything posted by awhitelie

  1. Same here. Every time I pick one up that I've not seen before in the supermarket, I've looked at the ingredient list and been like "GOOD TRY BUDDY. NOT THIS TIME."
  2. What is the differentiator between the casein and whey? I'll freely admit I'm not overly familiar with all the varieties that are out there, but I'm definitely curious.
  3. http://www.google.com/trends/?q=paleo+diet&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all&sort=0 <3 Google Trends
  4. Ah, I'm stoked! I actually just picked up Convict Conditioning because I've been travelling for work/family for several weeks, and I haven't found barbells anywhere to do my usual. I've been terrible about diligence, and am hoping to arm myself with some serious bodyweight routines for when there's nothin' but floor space. And I love Fitocracy, so... whammo!
  5. I'll only be posting during load screens for the foreseeable future.
  6. Oh man. Picked it up on Friday, went to the gym Saturday morning and promptly came back to dive in for the afternoon. About 8 or 9 hours in, I went into an abandoned wing of a palace and unexpectedly wound up on a side quest, inside the mind of a psychotic long-dead emperor who was being possessed by the demon prince of madness. ...this game is awesome.
  7. @wanna_b_nerd: I had the same failure myself yesterday. Had the exact same thoughts running through my head and got myself stuck. Fortunately I had positioned myself so the upright bars stopped the barbell from getting above my chest. Roll of Shame'd it down. @andygates: YES YES YES to Tom Waits. Both my challenges so far have been named as nods to him, and he's my go-to music for both pumping up and chilling out. And pretty much everything else. (Different albums for different moods, of course.)
  8. Progress slow but steady. New PRs: Squat: 205x5x3 Deadlift: 215x5x3 Military Press: 105x5x3 Pull-ups: 1.5 (Bench: 135x5x3) Turns out I'm actually 5 lbs lighter than I thought I was, so I'm only 20 lbs off squatting my body weight. 10 lbs/week and I should be good to go for Turkey Day. Deadlift steadily gaining, I definitely going to pull ahead of my squat by a good margin. If I'm at 225 squat by 11/24, I should be at roughly 255 deadlift. Pull-ups going slower than I would have hoped. I've been doing negatives steadily for 10 weeks, but my lats are just not strong enough at the moment. I used a pull-down machine for the first time tonight at 170 just to see what it was like, but it seemed kind of stupid after all the great barbell stuff I've gotten used to. So I think I'll just set the bar on the rack and demote myself to inverted rows until my strength improves. We'll see how it goes. Also thinking of getting a bar for home. But I'm tall enough and in a small enough apartment that I know for a fact I would smack my head into it constantly. This will need some more research.
  9. ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A START
  10. All right, PR! And I may be late to the game, but the latte does look amazing. I don't know if I have the fortitude for canned pumpkin in my coffee though... I'm sure it's actually delicious, but the concept is just a little beyond me. Hah.
  11. Right on! I just put together my goals and they're very similar. You kicked ass the last time around, I'm looking forward to seeing how this challenge goes. You and Loren "plank of death" Wade are both great motivational company.
  12. The last challenge was my first, and while my reporting was severely lacking I stuck to my guns and came out very pleased with my six-week progress. It was about kickstarting my path to fitness, and I think I did a pretty good job. This time I'm keeping it simple: forking right on the path, and heading straight to badass. I'm not counting calories any more because I know what a good diet looks like and I can stick to it naturally. I'm not going to be measuring my body stats as the mark of progress (I may still weigh/measure, but only once in a while just for reference). Instead I'm going to be measuring strength gains. Current stats: Deadlift: 195 lb Squat: 195 lb Bench Press: 135 lb Military Press: 95 lb Pull-ups: 1 Goals: 1.) Squat my body weight (230) by Thanksgiving. 2.) Improve my deadlift past my squat. 3.) Do five pull-ups in a row by Dec 5th. 3.) Lose the rest of my gut. I know the last one's a little more vague, but I've knocked out a good chunk of my belly fat so staying the course with the primal diet and on track with strength training will go a long way towards appearance. It's like the bonus round. Keepin' it simple. I'm going to keep working on getting ripped. The end.
  13. Oh man, I totally fell off the wagon in reporting progress here, but overall I consider the challenge a big success. I kickstarted my bigger goals, and saw some great fitness improvement over the six-week span. I got into lifting heavy. I went onto a primal diet that doesn't feel like anything even resembling a chore to maintain. I'm more energetic, happier, and sleeping better than I have in a long time, despite hellish work hours and an erratic schedule. I lost ten pounds in the first two weeks, and stayed at a steady 230 (give or take) after that. However, I am 100% certain from appearance and how I feel that I've been steadily trading fat for muscle. My stomach is significantly smaller, my chest and shoulders significantly tighter and a little bit bigger. Now I'm hooked. For the next challenge I'm going to focus less on the measurable changes to my body (they'll come, I have no doubt) and instead reach some strength goals. It'll keep me motivated, and when I have the time once a month to look at myself in the mirror I'll be stoked about what I see. Bring it on!
  14. I'm totally in. In the city might be easier for some people, but I'm down with whatever eventually gets decided. Looking forward to the change to meet some of the NF gang!
  15. I often have a very similar experience with squats and benching. Just below the elbow, a little towards the 'top' of your forearm? I'm definitely also a 12-hours-a-day on average typer. Out of curiosity, are you left- or right-handed? I just wonder if this could make a difference. (Lefty here + left elbow soreness). A little ice, a little heat, a little ice, a little bengay/tiger balm/icy hot before bed seems to do the trick for me. But mine's not particularly painful, more of an occasional irritant. Spezzy's very right in that if it becomes a serious concern, you need a professional opinion on the matter.
  16. Lower back and quads from a PR squat session. I feel like I'm walking through ankle-deep mud this afternoon. Whoo!
  17. In addition to the stretching and water advice, I also find that from a diet standpoint, getting in a good amount of protein (I make a protein shake 'cause it's easy) immediately after a workout seems to stave off a huge amount of my tendency to get sore. And it's always the worst when you're just getting into the routine of exercise. Once your body starts to adapt it's not so bad... and then it's time to try something harder!
  18. I've been trying to lose some pounds, and I found an initial four weeks of calorie counting really helpful. Right off the bat the benefit was twofold: I got a lot more perspective on the quantity/composition of what I was eating, and I'm super lazy so knowing it's kind of a pain in the ass to log things cut down on my snacking considerably. (Do I really want that enough t--nope.) I stopped counting a few days ago, but the four weeks of careful focus mean that now I have a much better grip on the composition of my diet. I can more or less eyeball how many calories are in any particular item or meal, but more importantly I know how to find the healthy balance that was the whole point of tracking in the first place. Primal is doing me right. Lots of protein and veg, and I'm finding my energy and appetite are both much more stable than they've been in years. It's definitely worth doing at the outset, but when the time comes that you find your diet is where it needs to be, it's just as effective to stop counting in favor of adhering to the general principles that are doing the best things for you.
  19. Received Starting Strength in the mail today. Working from home on the graveyard shift right now, eschewing a good deal of the 'work' part in favor of reading technique and practicing good squat form in my living room. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Me: So there's a 5K ways off, I'm thinking about just signing up for it now so I have to train. Girlfriend: What? Me: You know, 'cause if I sign up I have to do it. So I'll need to train. Girlfriend: Seriouslywhoareyouandwhatdidyoudowithmyboyfriend. Scene.
  20. Me: "This belt your mom gave me for my birthday is awesome! Also it fits now, but with a few notches left for sure." Girlfriend: "Yeah I told her to size down." Me: "So you definitely think I'll see some results, huh?" Girlfriend: "You're the most stubborn idiot I know. You won't stop until you do." Me: (stupid grin) Scene.
  21. I haven't seen much of a shift in weight at all, but I have seen a shift in definition already. This is my first challenge and I just changed gears from body weight circuits (first two weeks) to lifting heavy and HIIT (now --> forward). I've lost at least 2" around my belly, and my upper body is feeling much, much stronger. Changing my diet about a month ago to 90% Paleo feels GREAT. I have far more energy than I used to, and I no longer experience the bursts and lows that came with being hooked on carbs. Plus, SO MUCH BACON. Now to turn up the juice on lifting and see how far I can get in the second half here. This is me earning my Thanksgiving meal.
  22. I used to row back in high school, and the blisters used to rip up the whole team. The article above definitely provides some useful info, and I found from extensive personal experience that taping blisters as they form and until they callous tends to take care of the majority of the issue. They won't callous big if you catch them early. If they're bubbling but not broken, drying the fluid and applying a little Neosporin before you sleep will callous them up significantly faster than leaving them on their own. There are a few ways I've known people to do this, each dependent on how comfortable you are with the grossness: 1.) Use a pair of nail clippers to make a tiny hole and gently squeeze out the fluid. 2.) Use a (sterile!) needle and thread. Push the needle all the way through and then unthread it so the string goes in and out of the blister. This leaves less of it exposed then cutting a tiny hole, and the fluid will get soaked into the thread and dry out overnight. When you wake up, you can painlessly pull the thread out and be well on your way to a solid (and useful) callous. 3.) Stick wet tea bags on 'em. The tannins in the tea will dry out your skin and the blister underneath after a good soak. (I had friends swear by this. I thought it sounded kind of messy and dumb so I can't personally vouch for it.) Personally I always took the tape plus option 1 approach, and it hardened up my hands good. Broken blisters suck. Try to catch them before they get to that point. And never rip them. So much bad news.
  23. Week 2.5 Update Fitness Progress Strength Training: 3x/week Still doing well, but I've shifted my focus. Done some more reading and thinking on the subject, and while body weight circuits did a great job of getting my initial conditioning up to speed, I am now going to lift heavy to build strength. 4x/week, focusing on the major barbell exercises: squats, deadlifts, presses and pull-ups for good measure. Can't yet do a proper pull-up, but working on 5x5 jumping up and letting myself down to lay the foundation. Brutal, but I know it'll work. Rowing: 12K Meters HIIT: 1x/week I hate to say it, but the original 12K goal was too ambitious. With the stupid work schedule I'm tied to, (think 10 hr/7 day work weeks since Labor Day), there's just no way I'm going to get distance rowing in. My focus is strength anyway, so I am going to go a little goal-swapping and work on kickstarting my metabolism on a 5th workout day, and give myself two days of rest. I'll still use my HIIT session as an excuse to crank on the erg, but it won't be the same time commitment hitting distance milestones is. Nutrition Progress Paleo: 6 days/week I did okay this week. Not great. I was strong Paleo for the majority of the week, but… it was my birthday Wednesday, and our very well-meaning office manager brought a cake into the office that I could not have turned down completely without looking like a total asshole. Three bites of sugary cake and I thought I was going to feel sick (see what a better diet does? Ha.) but it wasn't really an option. Also went out for a lovely dinner date that included a martini and a few glasses of wine. Last night was the birthday celebration with friends, and there was naturally gin involved. So, a few definite stumbling blocks. But I still shed a little bit in the measurements around the middle, and I'm hitting this week much, much harder in order to lock down some better progress by the next time check-in rolls around. Booze: Weekends Only As I said, there was a birthday Wednesday exception. And last night was pretty heavy (oh my head). From this point on, this commitment is going to also lock out drinking at home any time. I'll have a drink or two out with friends one night a week, but if I'm home there's no reason to have any booze even on the weekends. It's not like I'm currently having trouble adhering to that, but officially instating it will help to keep it from becoming a thing. Life Progress Pay: CC Debt DING! Debt-free. This is awesome. Been trying to chip away at it for over a year and a half. Win, win… win! Measurable Results So the scale says I'm up a significant amount, but honestly I think it's bogus and I'm going to get a more accurate scale. I definitely believe that I haven't lost any weight this week, but my measurement is still better around the middle and I'm definitely gaining muscle. I'm encouraged by the decrease around the hips and waist, which at least offsets some disappointment around not losing anything in a week. I've got the fire, though, so after a brief and minor derailment while turning the ripe old age of 24, I'm back on track now for sure. Current vitals: Weight: 234.6 lbs (up 3.8, from 230.8 lbs)** BMI: 24.9% (even) Waist: 39.5" (down .5" from 40") Navel: 38.5" (down 1.5" from 40") Thigh: 26.5" (up .5" from 26") Shoulder: 50" (even) Chest: 43" (even) Neck: 15.5" (even) Bicep: 15" (even) **Lies. (Varies far too much from use to use. New scale purchase imminent.) The piano has been drinking My necktie is asleep And the combo went back to New York The jukebox has to take a leak And the carpet needs a haircut And the spot light looks like a prison break Because the telephone is out of cigarettes And the balcony's on the make And the piano has been drinking …not me.
  24. Fitness Progress Strength Training: 3x/week Going great. Starting to feel a bit less awful after body weight circuits, and tonight body weight squats felt easy so I added a bar for the second two sets. Ouch. But progress! Rowing: 12K Meters This was ambitious and I knew it, and this week I fell short but about half. I'm going to make a lame excuse and chalk it up to the worst work schedule ever. (Haven't yet had a day off since Labor Day and I'll be working through the weekend... but I'm taking tomorrow for my own mental health). Since I don't have to be awake midnight-6AM on top of carrying a full work load this week, I'm going to make extra effort to kick some ass and hit this target by getting to the gym in the morning. Nutrition Progress Paleo: 6 days/week Hasn't been difficult at all. The closest thing I got to processed grains was a tiny serving of homemade gnocchi at a dinner out (was served with a bone-in pork chop... YUM). Lots of eggs, some solid whey protein powder, and a foray into roasting chickens. Win. Booze: Weekends Only Worked late-night all weekend so wasn't much of of an issue here either. I did have a fresh-squeezed vodka-lemonade at dinner out Sunday. But that's the extent of it, so not too shabby. (Must hold out at the Sox game tomorrow...) Life Progress Pay: CC Debt Um, after an 8-month battle with the IRS a payment I had written off long ago showed up at my door this morning. SUPER WIN. Check deposited, and my credit card will be paid off tomorrow! That was too easy, think I might need a new goal here... Measurable Results Well, I've fluctuated a bit and I'm currently hovering only 1/2 lb under where I started, but I know a significant portion of that has been muscle gain. I'd like to drop a little more in the coming week, and at least go below 230 reliably. Weight is suddenly mattering less in my mind though, when I see that I've lost 1.4% body fat! I triple checked my measurement because I wasn't anticipating progress nearly that fast. Anecdotally I can definitely tell that my silhouette is slowly changing, and even after just a week of initiating my regimen followed by a week of the challenge, I can tell in the mirror that my face has thinned out a little. I'm still shooting for 220, but if I end up at 225 and 18% body fat I'll be more than pleased with that! Current vitals: Weight: 230.8 lbs (down .4, from 231.2 lbs) BMI: 24.9% (down 1.1%, down from 26%) Waist: 40" (down 1" from 41") Navel: 40" (down 2" from 42") Thigh: 26" (up 1" from 25") Shoulder: 50" (up .5" from 49.5") Chest: 43" (even) Neck: 15.5" (even) Bicep: 15" (even) Tune in next week for more. I got the sizzle but not the steak. I got the boat but not the lake. I got the sheets but not the bed. I got the jam but not the bread. But hey, I'm big in Japan. I'm big in Japan. I'm big in Japan I'm big in Japan I'm big in Japan!
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