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Posts posted by CalvinHobbes

  1. Welcome to all the newbies! Glad to see everyone :) 


    My #1 goal this challenge (not fitness related) is to be a more involved guild leader. I've been going through a lot of stuff lately, but this time I vow to be better !

  2. I disappeared at the end of the last challenge, and I apologize for that, but I'm ready to get back into the swing of things with this challenge. The overall goal is to lose 5% body fat to become more comfortable in my summer attire, but I need to build the habits around 


    Health/Fitness Goals:


    1) CrossFit 4 days a week, no exceptions.


    2) Paleo diet, one cheat day per week allowed (within reason). I thought about not allowing any cheat days, but I struggled when I was doing the Whole 30 and going out with friends.


    3) Build healthy sleep habits. My sleep is a disaster. I work night shift, which I love because of the people I work with, but my sleep is a disaster. I need to build a sleep routine and follow it every day, and aim for 6-7 hours a night (I know, I should aim for 8-9, but right now some days I'm getting as little as 3).


    Life goal:


    Socialize. I am a very un-social person. Due to some changes in my life I have realized I need to be getting out there meeting more people. This includes fulfilling my guild leader duties on NF. 


    OK, I'm ready to get started!

  3. Time to nominate books for the next challenge!


    Rule: Each person can only nominate ONE book--it can be fiction, non-fiction, whatever you want. Nominations end Wednesday, June 5, and we will vote soon afterwards!


    Past books:


    1Q84 by Haruki Nurakami

    American Gods by Neil Gaiman

    Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

    Ready Player One by Ernest Cline


    Edit: I think we read Fight Club in here somewhere too...was it first?

  4. Hey all you avid cyclers...


    I've decided to buy my first bicycle! I never learned to ride as a kid and eventually did a few years back but haven't had my own bike before. 


    I want to keep it fairly inexpensive. I'll be using it to ride around for exercise, like to the grocery store, to the gym, etc,  and think I want a hybrid bike because of some of the roads around here (from talking with others around here). I don't think I'll be doing any crazy distances or mountain biking quite yet. 


    What are some things I should be looking for in a bike? I'll most likely be using Craigslist or our internal classifieds ads at work (there were like, 20 bikes on there this morning). I want to keep it under $300 really. Or, if this is unrealistic, I'll wait until the end of the summer when it is tolerable outside anyways.


    Thanks in advance!

  5. Didn't make it to prep yesterday, was at a volunteer thing.


    5/8: Tabata squats (8 rounds of 20 seconds squats, 10 seconds rest, rest is at bottom of squat, not top!), followed by 1 mi run:


    68 squats 

    14:23 on the run


    I'm fairly certain we only did 7 sets of squats because I was going for 10 each time, twice got 9. I started the run too fast but my legs felt like I was wearing lead shoes-definitely not my best run. 

  6. I attempted paleo pad thai from Well Fed by Melissa Joulwan. My dog won't eat it (she generally gets excited when I go to the gym because it means smelly socks). 


    My errors:

    1) I cooked the spaghetti squash....wrong. I don't know how. I'll figure it out...then probably make the same mistake tomorrow

    2) I didn't use a lot of the spices, and added double of the ones I do like. 

    3) I didn't use eggs (not sure if this is a problem really, but I don't like eggs in pad thai). 

    I'm sure there are more! But hey, I tried :) 

  7. Chinese BBQ pork chops (the new part) and a side creamy greek salad (Not really new at all, but tasty!)

    First you throw a bunch of stuff in a bag with the raw meat:
    1/2 C soy sauce (gluten free)
    1/4 C brown sugar (guess its not paleo)
    2 TBSP lemon juice
    1 TBSP olive oil
    1/2 tsp ground ginger
    1/8 tsp garlic powder
    7 pork chops


    Then you cook it with FIRE!



    Then you enjoy!


    When I'm done with my Whole-25 challenge I'll certainly be trying this! (And when I find a grill). 

  8. 5/6 WOD:



    Box jumps



    Rest 2 minutes:



    Wall balls (12 lbs, Rx was 14)

    Knees to elbows


    It took me 20:45. I actually no-repped myself a few times on the stupid wall balls--I kept missing the target on my set of 15. 


    Diet for last week: 100% paleo. 14 days of 100% paleo--think that's a record for me!


    Tomorrow going to the "Prep" class to work on strength and technique. 

  9. Does the e-reader show chapters? (I don't have one, have no idea how they work)  It was just a thought.  Finished the book on the weekend, so I can read all the "spoilers" now  :)


    Yes, but the book is long gone because I returned it. Also, it's difficult on an e-reader to flip through the book to figure out what chapter you were on when you're mentioning a point in the book.

  10. Whooo!  Soreness! It's a good thing. It's your body's way of telling you that you're going to be badasser tomorrow for the stuff you did today. 


    True! I'm still very out of shape though.


    WOD 1 May 2013:


    50 ft walking lunge with 10 lb plate

    15 burpees


    ---13:20. Although when I got home I was thinking I only did 10 burpees each time. I'm not positive. This coach really loves burpees. 

  11. How did you insert that spoiler like that?!



    Spoiler (up through where thirster has read):












    That part made me feel uncomfortable almost because I feel that is how some of our society is turning. I am far too much of an extrovert to do that completely but one night recently I ditched my friends in order to stay in and read. After reading/relaxing I was in the NF chat and I kept thinking about that part in the book--was I overvaluing an online community and a fictional world I had created for myself in the books?


    Nah, I just needed some "me" time after a long week. I'll finish my feelings on this when you finish the rest of the book. 

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