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About Elypically

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  1. Hi guys, started lifting seriously about 2 years ago. I have gone from 175 lbs to 220 lbs. My lifts have went from: April 2015 These are all 3 x 5 btw Squat: 100 Deadlift: 135 Bench Press: 70 OHP: 55 May 2017 Squat: 170 Deadlift: 305 Bench: 170 OHP: 110 Here is my April 2015 pic at 175 lbs. Here is a pic from this week at 220 lbs I want to get your guys thoughts on what I should do next. as well as your all thoughts on my progress I'm not sure if I should go 240 lbs and keeping eating at a surplus or I should cut. Injuries to shoulder and back are slowing my progress as we speak. I am doing a PPL but I have had to skip squats recently do to a back issue. I plan to go to a chiropractor this month for both of these. What is my goal? To keep putting more weight on the bar in a pain free fashion. Everytime I lift my shoulder hurts or my back hurts or my neck gets tight. I really love my progress but I often am in pain now haha. Let me know if there is anything else you need from me that I am missing. This is what I eat in a given week: Breakfast 9 AM: Lots of Greek Yogurt, Nuts, Wheat Waffles, Milk, Cheese, Oatmeal, Eggs Lunch: Chicken Fillet 1 - 2 Brocolli Cup, Rice and or Potato Afternoon: Yogurt, Power Bar, Protein Powder, Shredded Wheat Dinner: Chicken Fillet 1 - 2 Brocolli Cup, Rice or Potato, Once a week I will have Taco Bell Night: Waffles, Yogurt, Milk, Cheese, Nuts, Carrots Thanks for reading guys, I really do appreciative you all taking time to read it.
  2. Judging from my pictures (disregard the before because it is a terrible angle) but do you guys see any glaring posture issues? If not, it could very well be some mobility issues. What stretching do you reccomend before working out?
  3. Correct. I can try that. The problem with me when I can't make the lift is not that I am not strong enough to make the lift, but rather my shoulder pain gets in the way of doing a good rep, or my neck pain gets in the way of doing a good rep.
  4. Goal is to add more muscle. Really want to be at 200 bench, 300 squat, 400 dead's and I guess 130 OHP? IDK. I where flat Adidas weightlifting shoes for all my workouts. And I'll tell you what, next time I squat (Friday) I will post a form video on this same thread for you to take a look at. Thanks for the great and timely responses. Starting SL I started at: DL: 225 LBS OHP 95 LBS Bench 135 LBS Squat: 200 LBS After 5 months I hit these lifts: DL: 270 LBS OHP: 95 LBS Bench: 160 LBS Squat: 160 LBS So yes, squats went down for me haha. OHP hasn't budged for me, was doing 95 a year ago and still nothing haha. Squat Bar postion: Not sure, but I think low bar. Pre Squat Stretches, just shoulder dislocations. Thanks also for the great responses.
  5. Didn't do bent over rows no, I did a modified SL 5x5. Eating is fine, no trouble getting 1 g per bodyweight of protein, sleep is at least 8 hours. For squat everytime I squat it just feels so awkward. One day it will be my ankle that hurts on the way down, the next day it will be the outside of my knees. Down I feel like I go down too fast, and going up is an unbalanced fight. That isn't to say that some days I can squat just fine. I was on SL for 5 months, then went to 3x5 and plateu's weren't busted after two months, so doing this PPL progression. I think my issue is undertraining. Not necessarily in terms of days in a week, but missing body parts entirely. My routine basically features one main lift and one accessory. Time constraint is non existent at the momentt so it couldn't be that. I think what I am trying to get at is based on my after picture, where do people think I should go? And I too fat to bulk or too skinny to cut? Or neither haha. Thanks for the responses
  6. January 2015: Front: http://imgur.com/a/gl83Z Side: http://imgur.com/a/cqg3h July 2016: Front: http://imgur.com/a/3Y4TQ Side: http://imgur.com/a/rRukH So I started lifting early last year. Fucked around and did my own things basically until december and then hopped on SL 5x5. Stalled hard and switched to 3x5's. Now currently doing this routine: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/37ylk5/a_linear_progression_based_ppl_program_for/ On my off day's I do mobility and run 1 mile to help for wind as I feel I run out of wind a lot. I keep getting stuck, and I want to know your opinions on what I should do next. I have came to conclude this is because: My upper back is weak. Besides Curls and Deadlifts I have never done rows of any kind until last week. I have some sort of Kyphosis/Forward Head Posture that I causing me to not lift properly. I am stuck at these weights at the moment: DL: 250 LBS Squat: 190 LBS Bench: 150 LBS OHP: 95 LBS I have been stuck at all these lifts for the better portion of the year. I am consistent, lift 4 times a weak on average (now doing 6 times) ANY help would be great. I am not sure if I should cut, but I think I am too fat to bulk, and too skinny to cut. Would cherish any and all opinions on what I should do going forward. Does this PPL sound like a good idea? (Personally I like it just curious what you guys have to say) Thanks. GOALS: TO GET JACKED AND TAN THAT IS IT
  7. Here are my lifts: Starting: Shoulder press 80 (5x5) (1RM is 110 lbs) Bench 115 (5x5) (1 RM is 165 on a good day) Squat 135 (5x5) (1 RM is 190 lbs) Deadlift 185 (5x5) (1 RM is 260) Hang Cleans ? ? Pull Ups - Cannot do 1, so doing hangs for now. Chin Ups I can do two. Here is my rountine. Cardio every morning for 30 minutes 4 days a week. I got this off reddit, kind of a modified strounglifts 5x5: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/1i3ozq/progress_my_6_year_fitness_progress_and_what_i/ Day A: Squat 5 X 5; OHP 5X5; Dumbbell shoulder press 5 X 10; pull ups 5 X AMRAP(As Many Reps As Possible) Day B: deadlift 5 X 5; power clean 5 X 5; dumbbell bicep curl 5 X 10; chin ups 5 X AMRAP; dumbbell rows 1 X AMRAP Day C: Squat 5 X 5; barbell bench press 5 X 5; dumbbell bench press 5 X 5; pull ups 5 X AMRAP Then take a rest day, rinse, repeat. Goals: Bench - 210 lbs Squat - 275 lbs Deadlift - 340 Shoulder press - 130 Hang cleans??? Pull Ups - 5 chin ups - 10 Let me know if you think this is too much, and if you do let me know what I can do to improve. As well, how much weight should I be increasing each time, 5 lbs????
  8. Does anyone have any tips where I should start in cutting? I have never counted my calories so i dont know, but i would guess around 3500 calories. Anyone have a routine I should go to? I am going to do 45 minutes of cardio a day on top of lifting but any other tips for eating?
  9. @waldo - ok cool, great info you are providing. Would you think that more pictures would help? and yes, that is what I was referring to, a low fat diet. Lots of chicken and such rather than burgers. So my plan is to cut March 1st. I have no idea how many calories I am having today, but I guess I should cut to 2500? You guys are awesome have a great night
  10. Got a lot of good responses here. Thanks everyone. Couple things (will address more people later) @seven Great T - Nation article, thanks @insanity Cool @waldo What if I am eating a pretty lean diet? Or does surplus count things that aren't fat. What do you mean by the second paragraph? Are you saying that I wouldn't see a midsection decrease if I have too much fat? The post that is above that one: I am rarely fatigued, but I do have a lot of stalls that I am currently going through. That post is really good, thanks for that. Everyone else I will get too soon
  11. My biggest debacle is what would I look like if I cut. If I would look something like this: https://www.google.com/search?espv=2&biw=1366&bih=643&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=6%272+180+lbs&oq=6%272+180+lbs&gs_l=img.3..0l2j0i7i30l8.3271.3271.0.3475. then I would probably cut. If I looked like this: http://s156.photobucket.com/user/graysonspics/media/BeginningFront.jpg.html?t=1297887445Though that is a good look, I would rather have more muscle. So if someone said - here is roughly what you would look like if you cut. Then I would be able to decide. But if not, then I am left guessing and there is no telling. That is why I came here to get opinions. Thanks for your post buddy!
  12. Before (Aug 2014) : http://imgur.com/y4B9kb9 After (Oct. 2015) : http://imgur.com/ccYzq9M 175 to 190 -- > Judging my picture two, should I cut? What would I look like if I cut. Here is my workout roughly: Chest/Back Barbell Bench Press – Warm up to - 145 x 2 (2 reps) – 155 x 1 (1 rep) Then deload 10 lbs and go to fatigue until 95 lbs (usually 10 – 12 reps) 1 minute rest max for deloading sequence, 2 – 3 minute rest for trying to reach max Dumbell Bench Press 4 sets of 12 reps with 35 dumbbells Chest Fly’s I do this with 10 lbs but I feel it too much in my shoulder so I avoid these often rather than do them every workout Back Deadlift 1 set 5 reps at the max (240 max) Work up to this with roughly 4 – 5 warm up sets Shrugs. Biceps and Triceps Barbell Bicep Curl 90 lbs max (stopped since having ulna tendon pain) 4 sets of 5 at max, deload once for a set until fatigue. Switched and did EZ curl bar, a lot less pain on my ulna tendon but still there, so going only dumbbells at the moment (with EZ Curl Bar less weight more reps, seems to hit bicep heads) Hammer Curls – 35 lbs on each side 4 sets of 8 reps. Going to be moving up to 40 lbs soon Concentration Curls. I do these with 20 lbs and I do them until fatigue. I usually do like 20 something reps. Triceps Overhead Extension 4 sets of 12 reps, 50 lbs Dips 4 sets of 20 – 50 reps depending on how I feel that day (bench dips) Shoulders and Legs Shoulder Press 4 sets of 5 reps at 90 – 95 then deload to a lighter weight and do more reps for a set or two sometimes three sets or four Plate raises 4 sets of 10 reps 35 lbs and 45 lbs depending on the day Alternating Shoulder Raises with 7.5 lbs – 4 sets of about 20 reps Legs Deep Squats, Low Bar Positioning 4 sets for 5 reps at 170 – 180 lbs. A set or two at 135 and try to hit several more reps than what I usually do. Toe Raises with 45 lb plates on a raised platform – 4 sets until my hamstrings and legs are on fire each time. Eating: Morning – 2 to 4 cups of Oatmeal with Raisins with 2 egg whites and a banana. Sometimes some cereal with milk Mid Morning Snack – Watermelon/Carrots/Power Bar (2 out of the 3 of these typically) Lunch – 1 bowl of wheat pasta, 1 chicken breast, 1 banana Pre Workout Snack – Power Bar/Banana Post Workout Protein Powder and Chicken Breast Dinner – Pasta, Chicken, Sandwich Night Snack – Carrots, Almond/Peanuts/Raisins
  13. Currently 20% body fat, 6'2 178. Would love to start seeing lean muscle, very focused on starting Mike Chang's ab workout. Here is a picture: http://i.imgur.com/tTCd0oy.jpg For sprinting I am doing Fly 50 - 100 M, 4 - 5 times a week - 5 reps average. going to start to work on hill sprints. Don't want to get too skinny though. Thanks guys!
  14. 6'2 - 178 LBS. Trying to trim body fat/and tone muscle. Here is what I have done for the past 3 days: Day 1: 4 Fly 50 M (60%, 70%, 80%, 90 % progression) 30 Minutes After: Eggs, Nuts, Banana, Sausage Day 2: 4 Fly 50 M (60%, 70%, 80%, 90 % progression) 30 Minutes After: Nuts, Banana, Ham Sandwich with Lettuce and Tomato Day 3: 6 Fly 50 M (60%, 70%, 80%, 90 % progression) 30 Minutes After: Power Bar, Nuts, Banana Should I sprint more/less? Should I add more do mixup stuff? Let me know!
  15. I injured my back so back squats are out. This picture is not of me but my fat level is roughly like this guy {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 HelveticaNeue;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red34\green34\blue34;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\qc\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs26 \cf2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 \ } I want to build muscle fast without doing squats I am 6 feet 180 pounds, would look to gain some lbs in muscle!! Any tips would be great also need to figure out how to eat!
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