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Everything posted by Harihead

  1. You're a machine! Keep it up, oh Inspiring One!
  2. Report for Week 6 of the Nov 2 Challenge! Exercise: Pretty poor due to snowy weather and freaking cold temps. Only 2 short sessions. B- for the week. Diet: Binge eating under control, WHAHOO! Macros were excellent but I did 2 processed foods, me bad. C for the week. Battle of the Bulge:A little bitty budge. Whoop? Write my way to Freedom:This is the first week I didn't meet my goals. I only wrote 4 out of 7 days, and took the weekend off. C for the week. * * * FINAL RESULTS * * * Exercise = B+: Cardio >1/week - elevate heart rate at least 15 minutes. This challenge worked the way I wanted it to, encouraging me to do more cardio, which sometimes turned into big cardio. Hooray for achievable goals! A = >3/week, STA +2, STR +2B = >2/week, STA +2, STR +1C = >1/week, STA +1 Diet = B-: I did great with the meat and diary macros, poor with processed foods and bingeing. This kind of behavior is not going to get me where I want to go in February regarding <100 LDL. I only have 7 weeks left, and I'm going to fail unless I turn this around.A = 100% compliance, CON +3, DEX +2B = 90% compliance, CON +2, DEX +1C = 80% compliance, CON +1, DEX +1D = 70% compliance, CON +1F = <50% compliance, take away 1 earned point! Battle of the Bulge:Technically I get a C, because I did reduce a little. But my major fail with diet means I lose the point. A = 1.5 inches by Dec 14, CHA +3B = 1 inch, CHA +2C = 0.5 inches, CHA +1 = Forfeited because I gained 2 pounds. Lose 1 point!D = 0.25 inches, I get a gold star in the privacy of my mindF = gain any inches, take away 1 earned point! Write my way to Freedom:I pretty much killed this until a combo of exhaustion, work baloney, and too much hectic wiped me out week six. Still, I turned in a solid A (vs A+). I wrote 3 new stories, edited 5 or 6 more, and wrote another 2 or 3 partials. 7 stories in the mail. A = 6 days/week or > 700 words WIS +3B = 5 days/week or > 700 words WIS +2C = 4 days/week or > 700 words WIS +1F = drop below 3x per week, take away 1 earned point! I'm going to continue reporting in this thread until a new challenge is up. But HH, you need to do a whole lot better! Best wishes to all who participated in the challenge! Happy holidays.
  3. > Methinks I might need a different approach from what I have tried so far. I'm a huge fan of just trying different things. I eventually hit something that really works well for me. Even then, I find I need to change things up now and then to keep the boredom at bay. So impressed with all you do! I used to ride horses and then forgot how. I did somewhat better my last trail ride; I think Tai Chi improved my balance. Good luck!
  4. The , thanks for the rec! > I don't know about the machine part... Though... you didn't say it had to be an efficient machine, right? No. Think of yourself as one of those towers where someone rolls a marble and it goes down the path, spins a paddlewheel, etc. Well, it's fun to visualize, anyway! > Then I have to remind myself to stop comparing apples and citrus fruit. Or swamplings and fit-and-healthy-guys-in-their-twenties, for example. Exactly. I'm 2.5 times as old as these guys. The body's a bit different then-- but still responds to healthy habits, yay! > Still working on a better approach to my issues with food and eating habits, but the movement thing has come a long way from where I started here on NF two years ago... Great attitude! I'm very pleased with my progress. Yes, I have a distance to go, but I'm 30 pounds away from my initial "ick" view, and that's a change I've kept for over a year. So kudos to both of us!
  5. Mm, can I have your portion of beetroot salad? Yes, parties will torpedo the gluten goals, but again, you do have to live life, yes? I think moderation is the key. The trouble is keeping moderated! And I do drink a lot of coffee; not sure if stress is behind it, but you've given me something to notice. This is my problem exactly. When I get stressed, I overeat. It can be good stuff, but often there's some munchie junk thrown in. I am doing very well this week, but we're only 3 days in, and I haven't gone to a party yet. Lots of water, will be my trick there. And you reminded me that I don't like to drink milk. I don't believe I'll try it for this challenge; the thought makes me gag. But I believe I get enough (too much) protein, so that's not a worry. Good luck!
  6. The man speaks the truth! You are very inspiring. I'm not doing nearly as well on my cholesterol goals. You have encouraged me to up my game! > Almost time for me to hit the blood test again, though I hesitate to do it so soon after pie. How many days do you need to safely get pie out of your system? I have a feeling 48 hours will do it. Seriously, 24 hours might get you busted. _might_. I think 2 days of super clean living will give you a good test. I know for sure that lousy eating the day before will give you a bad one! Hang in there, Awesome.
  7. This was an awesome day! Mindful and focused on the long-term goals. I feel great. This sounds perfect! I know I'm better than my binge eating. It bewilders me how sometimes it's impossibly hard, and other times so easy it takes no effort whatsoever. Please let me know how you like the book! Aw, Elfish welfare. It never hurts to have the Immortal Ones owe me a favor. Thank you! Well, thanks to you, it's turned around. Positive is a lot more fun. I keep reminding myself, "In February I get retested for cholesterol, and I do NOT want to go on medication. It's in my power to change this, and I will." Well, it worked for one day! Great macros _and_ excellent on calories. One down!
  8. > Do not eat/drink that thing you should not be eating/drinking! Game on, sister! No chocolate this week, at all. No potato chips, my go-to junk food. Nope, nope, no. I don't think I can do part 2 of the challenge, because I like exactly all foods. I'll try to think of one I dislike, but it will take some doing!
  9. Hmm, I'm afraid I haven't been too kind this week. I'm working out my annual charitable donations; I like to contribute 10% of my take-home pay, because I have no kids and I feel an obligation to give back to the community. The only "random" thing I did was help an older lady find her ride home. Family things are the biggest confloomences to the head one gets. I got knocked for six when my dad, who was such a source of strength for 90 years, went rapidly downhill this year. He can no longer to the shopping, books, etc. and trying to get all that sorted from afar is just about impossible. I've been on the phone with him hours at a time trying to help with computer issues, which is heart-breaking because he's the one who taught me that computer. It sounds like my situation is much easier than yours, because my parents found a good place with stellar support services and moved just in time. My sincere best wishes in untangling this mess. It's a long haul, and you're a wonderful person to do it. Hugs.
  10. Report for Week 5 of the Nov 2 Challenge! Exercise: Pretty good, considering the weather. While I technically met my goals, I didn't go the extra mile, so I get a B+ for the week. Diet: Binge eating was only stopped after I stepped up for public shaming. Hey, whatever works! But I have a whole bunch of ideas on how to nip this bad habit, which I plan to start trialing this week. Thanks, Tanktimus, for your good input! Macros good so B- for the week. Battle of the Bulge: No budge. Write my way to Freedom: I met my goals, but didn't put in the extra effort over the weekend (I took it off). So, A for the week. New ideas to control binge eating: Per Tanktimus the Encourager, write down my intention before I dive into one of these things. Be positive and restate the long-term goal. Just say No to junk food. (We'll see if that works as well as teenage abstinence.) Go on the wagon again. I'm using wine as a coping mechanism, and I haven't made significant progress all challenge on my main goal because of it. I need to do what I did last year; limit wine only to social engagements, drink a full glass of water between glasses of wine, limit myself to 2. Fortunately, I only have 1 party coming up this week, on Saturday. I'm going to recruit a buddy to help me, which worked great over Thanksgiving. Next week I have 3 parties, so I'd better get some practice in now!
  11. Okay, I'm totally failing at controlling my eating. I need extra measures. Until the end of this challenge, if I want to overeat, I'm going to write in this log: I am choosing to overeat because I want to become a fat, old drunk. I thought of calling a friend and stating this message, but it sounded like a really good way to end the friendship. So I'm going to make myself accountable to this community. Last night I overate. I chose to become a fat, old drunk. Today is a new start. Let me honor it.
  12. > Your challenge is simple, Lady Lions: random acts of kindness. I love this challenge! So far I have been totally unkind. Well, I've been a dutiful daughter and sister, but I intend to spread out random kindness today. You Gryffindarlings rock!
  13. Thanks to my wonderful Thanksgiving friends, I actually lost weight over the holidays. I had engaged two friends to be "cholesterol buddies" with me. We had turkey, veggies, yams, and lots of healthful snacks. Our indulgence was wine and apple pie (small portions). We got outdoors and had a terrific time. I was very glad to see my scale today! Report for Week 4 of the Nov 2 Challenge! Exercise: Awesome this week due to vacation and mountain retreat. Two long, snowy hikes, 3 and 5 miles respectively, plus my 15 minutes almost every day. I get a A+ for the week. Diet: Much better with macros, but still occasionally overeating. Stress has been told to take a hike-- I'm managing it better due to sister helping take care of parents, and hiking, and acupuncture. B for the week. Battle of the Bulge:Whoops, lost the gain. It's time to intensify my core exercises. Write my way to Freedom:Doing awesome. Wrote 6 out of 7 days this week, so hit goal. Completed another new story and mailed 4 more to various magazines for potential publication. That was a major goal for me: to get my work back in the mail for consideration. It's delightful that 2 of those stories are brand new efforts, begun during this challenge. A+ for the week.
  14. Thanks to my wonderful Thanksgiving friends, I actually lost weight over the holidays. I had engaged two friends to be "cholesterol buddies" with me. We had turkey, veggies, yams, and lots of healthful snacks. Our indulgence was wine and apple pie (small portions). We got outdoors and had a terrific time. I was very glad to see my scale today! Busted! Yes, I have an REI near my work. I need to swing by afterward sometime this week and get good outdoor gear. No excuse! You're so right. Once I get out there, I love it!
  15. Great, long mountain walks and terrific, healthy food (save for the wine). It's a Thanksgiving win! Thanks so much! Having enlisted buddies makes all the difference. Isn't that a great list! I can readily see there are certain "categories" that are my natural strengths, and others where I'm weak. Interesting that I have friends in the "weak" areas. They keep me balanced. Yes, weight is weird, but intention trumps it. I'm generally well-motivated and moving toward a goal. Also, I think the cardio is keeping the old bulge in check.
  16. Awesome challenge! Mental 1 & 2 - Curiosity, Vitality Physical - Endurance Work on - strength I marked up the full mental list under my personal challenge. I agree, it's so important to take a look at what we do well, and observe areas where we can always improve.
  17. Thanks, folks. I've enlisted two friends I'm having Thanksgiving with so we're having a super healthy menu up here in the mountains. Way to get through the holidays! I love the new Gryff challenge, and want to put the whole list here, with highlights on what I think I do well. I think it's a great idea to recognize what we're doing that works. Thank you! http://www.meaningandhappiness.com/psychology-research/list-of-personal-strengths.html Strengths of Wisdom and Knowledge: Cognitive strengths that entail the acquisition and use of knowledge 1. Creativity [originality, ingenuity]: Thinking of novel and productive ways to conceptualize and do things. 2. Curiosity [interest, novelty-seeking, openness to experience]: Taking an interest in ongoing experience for its own sake; exploring and discovering. 3. Open-mindedness [judgment, critical thinking]: Thinking things through and examining them from all sides; weighing all evidence fairly. 4. Love of learning: Mastering new skills, topics, and bodies of knowledge, whether on one's own or formally. 5. Perspective [wisdom]: Being able to provide wise counsel to others; having ways of looking at the world that make sense to oneself and to other people. Strengths of Courage: Emotional strengths that involve the exercise of will to accomplish goals in the face of opposition, external and internal 6. Bravery [valor]: Not shrinking from threat, challenge, difficulty, or pain; acting on convictions even if unpopular. 7. Persistence [perseverance, industriousness]: Finishing what one starts; persisting in a course of action in spite of obstacles. 8. Integrity [authenticity, honesty]: Presenting oneself in a genuine way; taking responsibility for one's feeling and actions. 9. Vitality [zest, enthusiasm, vigor, energy]: Approaching life with excitement and energy; feeling alive and activated. Strengths of Humanity: interpersonal strengths that involve tending and befriending others 10. Love: Valuing close relations with others, in particular those in which sharing and caring are reciprocated. 11. Kindness [generosity, nurturance, care, compassion, altruistic love, "niceness"]: Doing favors and good deeds for others. 12. Social intelligence [emotional intelligence, personal intelligence]: Being aware of the motives and feelings of other people and oneself. Strengths of Justice: civic strengths that underlie healthy community life 13. Citizenship [social responsibility, loyalty, teamwork]: Working well as a member of a group or team; being loyal to the group. 14. Fairness: Treating all people the same according to notions of fairness and justice; not letting personal feelings bias decisions about others. 15. Leadership: Encouraging a group of which one is a member to get things done and at the same maintain time good relations within the group. Strengths of Temperance: strengths that protect against excess 16. Forgiveness and mercy: Forgiving those who have done wrong; accepting the shortcomings of others; giving people a second chance; not being vengeful. 17. Humility / Modesty: Letting one's accomplishments speak for themselves; not regarding oneself as more special than one is. 18. Prudence: Being careful about one's choices; not taking undue risks; not saying or doing things that might later be regretted. 19. Self-regulation [self-control]: Regulating what one feels and does; being disciplined; controlling one's appetites and emotions. //Hah, hah, so NOT me at this time!// Strengths of Transcendence: strengths that forge connections to the larger universe and provide meaning 20. Appreciation of beauty and excellence [awe, wonder, elevation]: Appreciating beauty, excellence, and/or skilled performance in various domains of life. 21. Gratitude: Being aware of and thankful of the good things that happen; taking time to express thanks. 22. Hope [optimism, future-mindedness, future orientation]: Expecting the best in the future and working to achieve it. 23. Humor [playfulness]: Liking to laugh and tease; bringing smiles to other people; seeing the light side. 24. Spirituality [religiousness, faith, purpose]: Having coherent beliefs about the higher purpose, the meaning of life, and the meaning of the universe.
  18. Report for Week 3 of the Nov 2 Challenge! Exercise: Poor this week due to snow and resulting gimpy knee, only 1 good workout. I get a C+ for the week. Diet: Only hit half my macros and still overeating. Work stress is mounting. C for the week. Battle of the Bulge: Oddly enough, I'm keeping my improvement. Huh. Write my way to Freedom: This part is still a win, yay! Workshop reviewed my new story and liked it! Cut in edits today, ready to send. New stories underway. A+ for the week.
  19. I did 22 danyus in class last week, so beat my 13 goal. 14 for this week. Knee is a little better. Slow and steady wins!
  20. That's the spirit! I'm one day good, one day bad. The overall average is mush. The new wrinkle lately is that my dad's health has started to fail. It's an anxious situation and I'm preparing to perhaps get out of town and come help at home. Work is being very understanding, but it's emotionally a roller-coaster. Writing is my safety valve right now. I'm so glad I have this in my life. Yesterday I took a walk and came back with a flash fiction story, which I immediately wrote. I'm really looking at my priorities and work just isn't it, although it's had the lion's share of my life so far. Hooray for scary monsters! Thanks, Ash.
  21. You're doing great! Yes, there will be little setbacks, but overall consistency will buy you huge wins. Keep it up!
  22. Report for Week 2 of the Nov 2 Challenge! Exercise: Still really well good, 2 short workouts and a steep mountain climb at good speed. I get an A+ for the week. Diet: Doing really well with the macros and still overeating. Weight is mounting, and so is stress. I need to do better. B for the week. Battle of the Bulge: I think there's a budge in the bulge. Let's see if I keep it next week. Write my way to Freedom: I'm killing it. Completed my first story, which I like! A+ for the week.
  23. Annyshay, you warm my heart. Yes, Gryffindarlings is doing it's thing. THANK YOU ALL! My protein recipe involves: BOILING WATER Yes, my favorite "recipe" is stopping by the store when I'm too tired to cook, and picking up some crab legs-- either king crab or snow crab. About a pound's worth for dinner. 1. Boil water (and a bit of salt). 2. Drop it in. Wait five minutes. 3. Fish it out. EAT. Sometimes I have butter with it, sometimes not. I usually use a scissors to cut the shells and a pick tool to get out the meat from the little places. WHILE I'M BOILING I also heat an asparagus in the microwave, about 9 minutes depending on ripeness. I go upstairs, change clothes, and come down to a hot dinner. PERFECT.
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