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Green Ninja Dawg

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Everything posted by Green Ninja Dawg

  1. Well, yet another delightful and awe inspiring update… or not. I've worked out the past three days, some kinda pathetic but nonetheless a workout I had no sugar on thursday, and some today and yesterday Gymanstics was done all days, though briefly Sleep schedule was crap
  2. Quick update today: I did a very brief workout, 40 bodyweight rows, and a couple failed attempts at flex arm hang. I did really well with the sugar, walking past a lot of treats today (including frosted flakes!), and I lasted until after my last class when one of my good friends was like, hey, lets go get ice cream. We hadn't hung out in a while, so we went to Cold Stone and I had ice cream and a carmel apple. But I said no to quite a bit of treats before then! Looking forward to a 100% tomorrow! For gymnastics I did a 40 sec wall handstand. Nothing too big, but something is better than nothing. I kind of already updated on last night…. I think… Up until midnightish. Fun fun. Today I crashed and slept on the couch, missing work. Whoops...
  3. Hey, thanks for the reminder:) Haha, I'm glad you think it's awesome... Okay, so I didn't end up updating yesterday or Monday, mainly because I had to work a later shift on Monday, so I basically collapsed in bed as soon as I got home. Monday was decent, I went to the gym, though I didn't have time for a formal workout routine (which really stinks cause man challenge #2 looks fun!) Though I did drill the salmon jump a ton (ya'll remember that awesome Ninja show? Yeah, that one) That involved a ton of running and then jumping, so I don't know whether it really counts as gymnastics or not, but I'm going to count it towards exercise due to the high cardio. I did also drill balance a heck a lot. There's a slack line at the gym, and I was on it for a good 30-45 mins. I accomplished a lot with that, which was fun. Yesterday was much the same situation. I'm currently saving up for a trip, so I'm working extra hours whenever possible. I was only able to make it for about half an hour, which is better than nothing I suppose. I basically recapped part of what I had been working on the previous day, (gainer, backflips, salmon jump, and balance) but I wasn't able to really throw anything new in there. Oh well. I really want to start more floor work, most of my practice is tramp/tumbling based. So that's what I want to work on tomorrow. I actually haven't been too bad treat wise. By now, I'm way past a C on this one, so there are times when I just want to say screw it and eat whatever I want, but I've talked myself out of it. So far so good today. Yesterday I was really good all day, then I got home and just grabbed what was easy (frosted flakes… way to go for healthy choices X3 I can't really remember what I ate on Monday. I know I had something though. At this point, I'm just aiming to have no more than 1 treat a day, it's better than pigging out. This one is definitely something I need to work on. As I mentioned before, I went to the gym both days for gymnastics. I really mostly worked on tramp work, a couple of other things, but not much. I did try to copy what I had seen another gymnast do, which was jumping into a handstand, but it didn't go over that well. All I can say is that I'm glad there weren't that many people there to watch me embarrass myself :3 I'll hopefully be back in my gymnastic classes when fall semester starts, which will be really nice! I definitely would like someone to help me along, it's a lot easier than trying to teach yourself. I always hate reporting on bedtimes…. Sunday night I was actually in bed at a decent time. I think it was just after 10:30ish. And then I had to work late. And then I was up until close to midnight. Then I was awake at 3, then I started to get really tired during the day, then I remembered why it was I had this goal in the first place. Sigh. Needless to say, this goal is one of my harder ones to complete. Of course, it's probably the most important one for me to complete. I guess I'll just have to keep trying. I should be back on schedule, hopefully. These past two days I've been doing a lot of planning and evaluating to really try and stick to it and accomplish my goals. I've also been looking a lot more at how this'll help me in the future. It certainly helps the perspective. Oh, I forgot a recap of last week. Okay, so overall for my workout goal, that has been going really well. While I haven't noticed any significant progress in my strength, at least it's become more of a priority for me. (who am I kidding, it's become too high of a priority because I just want to exercise all day everyday, and my motivation to finish my english homework is going further and further down…) Either way, I'd say this is one of my stronger points. Sugar/treat consumption is less than it was before, though nowhere near what I'd like it to be. But it is what it is, and despite it all, there has actually been some improvement. My ability to walk past the tempting donuts at work is growing, as well as being able to reach for an apple instead of a granola bar or some other form of quick energy. I'm hoping to see more progress through the next couple of weeks with this one. Gymnastics has also been going really well. I've noticed improvements in my risk-taking, and the drive to go through with something that may not sound all that appealing. I've also learned that I'm going to drag my sorry butt to the gym everyday regardless of my stupid as crap excuses. (Well, except for Wednesdays, which really bugs me. Actually, the weekends are kinda exempt too cause I don't have class, so I tend to forget. But still) This is also gaining the priority it needs to be at in my life. Sleep schedule is all over the place, yeesh. I don't even really know what to do about this one. (Oh wait, maybe I could try stopping my procrastination…. go figure) There hasn't been a significant improvement here, or even a minor one really. Just keep fighting I guess. Hey, thanks to anyone who's reading this!
  4. Aaaannnnnddddd…. yet another completely exciting and totally enthralling report Working out, I did the assassin challenge again. This time I upped my burpee broad jumps and broad knee jumps. Lunges: 40 Squats: 20 Box Jumps: 30 Broad Jumps: 20 Burpees: 20 Two Handed Vault: 60 (30 each side) Silent Tuck Jump: 20 Knee Broad Jumps: 15 Broad Jump Burpee: 60 Okay, so I did really good on treats all day, only having a bit of cookie dough when we made cookies, but then of course I had to go to a party of sorts and they had root beer floats… XP So yeah. Other than that I did pretty well. The fruit helps a lot. Especially grapes, I love those things. And for gymnastics, I don't think I did anything. Huh. Wait, I'm trying to think. Yeah, I don't think I did any gymnastics today. Okay, I'm gonna go do a couple handstands. Yesterday I was not in bed before 10:00, um, yeaaahhhh… We shan't talk about that. (Midnight is not a timely bed time) So there's my update for today, kinda short, but I'm tired. So yup, goodnight!
  5. Okay, so today's report. I worked out for quite awhile again. This time I swam a lot. And I stretched a good bit. Man, my glutes hurt from yesterday. (Granted I forgot to stretch, but hey :3 ) I also practiced some more parkour jumps I have to finish up my homework, but I want to fit in at least some of the assassin mini challenge again. So I'll probably end up working out some more during my homework breaks. The only treat I had today was some fresh baked banana bread. I was hungry, and it had just come out of the oven, so I had a bit. It made my stomach hurt though, so I stopped after that. I baked up some sweet potatoes with salt, garlic and paprika though. I made a bunch and am keeping it in the fridge for a go to snack when I'm hungry. I really love those things. I also stocked up on some fruit so we're good on that level. Today was much much better than yesterday. It really helps that I committed myself For gymnastics I drilled some front flips. I spent most of the day swimming and doing homework, so I didn't end up making it to the gym. I just did some front flips and handsprings, and that was about it. So yeah. I'm kind of rusty on handsprings, which was surprising. I was in bed just after 10:30 last night. I was all set to be in there just after 10, but then after I was 100% done with my nightly routines, I went downstairs to grab some water, and then people needed my help, so I got delayed. Man, this one is a lot harder than I thought it would be XP I still have to write a whole paper for college, so I highly doubt I'll be in bed before 10 tonight. Overall I feel a ton better today, and I've regained my desire to fight through and keep going strong on this challenge. I've also been thinking up a story line to create, and have myself as the main character. It was what I had initially intended to do, but I was having a hard time coming up with starting ideas. So I'm hoping to have that down for the next challenge. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings! ^.^
  6. You're story line is awesome! I wanted to do something like that, but couldn't find a good place to start! Thanks for the motivation to work on it and start a storyline for my next challenge You've also motivated me to get back into programming. Super cool thread, can't wait to see how your journey goes!
  7. Holy smokes you're amazing!!!! I'll have to steal some of those recipes from you, haha. It makes me really really happy to just see all the amazing gymnastics in one place ^.^ Good luck with gymnastics camp, that sounds really fun! Wish I could come with you, haha.
  8. Okay, change of plans for the updates. I was thinking about it as I was working out, and I feel it'll keep me much more accountable if I update everyday, plus it'll make it easier to be specific. So I'm going to aim to have my daily update done between 8-9:30 every evening. That'll prevent any more of: well, I think I did goodish badish this week :3 Also, I'll be able to track my process and see improvements easier. So today I worked out for way over 10 mins (thank you assassin mini challenge! ). I did the assassin mini challenge jump awesomeness, as should appear below: Lunges: 40 Squats: 20 Box Jumps: 30 Broad Jumps: 20 Burpees: 20 Two Handed Vault: 60 (30 each side) Silent Tuck Jump: 20 Knee Broad Jumps: 10 Broad Jump Burpee: 50 It was really really fun. I was in a parkour class a year back, but time constraints made me have to pick and choose what hobbies I wanted to stick with. So now I just kind of practice it occasionally on my own when I feel like it. But gosh, I've missed parkour a ton! I was sweating like crazy by the end of the work out, but man, I feel complete I ate 2 treats - An ice cream crunch bar, and a bowl of cereal (Lucky Charms I think). Actually, that surprised me. It felt like I ate more than that. Oh wait, I did have a couple slices of pizza. Okay, so 3 treats. Dang it… Well, I think I'm going to go eat a bowl of broccoli or something ^.^ As I said before, I didn't go to the gym today. Buuutttt, I did indeed practice gymnastics I started with working on splits, I have 4 stretches on each side for front splits, hold them for 1 min each side, and 3 for the side splits, also 1 min each stretch. Then I had a plan to do 5 sets of 30 second handstands as well as 5 laps of walking in a bridge (I go back and forth across my basement for one lap, which is a pretty good distance - 30ish feet long. Enough to feel it anyways) and then finished it up with 20 cartwheels each side, and 20 round offs. Oh, and 20 front flips. (If you have any suggestions of anything else to practice, raptron, feel free to pitch in I'm always open to other ways to improve myself) Yeah, that's usually about what I do, but no. That did not happen at all. I got through the splits, (which has really improved since Monday, holy cow. I'm nearly flat for side splits, and my front splits are way more squared off and look far nicer) then I went to the wall and kicked up into a handstand. Yeowch. I learned why it is that I haven't yet done my workout then my gymnastics one after the other. The workout (namely those darn burpees) completely wiped my arms and legs out. It was all I could do to keep goodish form. I nearly collapsed on my face. So, the rest of the gymnastics portion didn't happen. I'll have to finish tomorrow morning. For sleeping, since I'm not in bed yet, I'm going to report on last night's sleep. I was in bed somewhere between 10:30-11:00. I don't know the exact time, but it was somewhere in there. I just found the faces, and they make me really happy ^.^ Oh. My. Gosh. There's a ninja one!!!!! Hehhehheh:) I think I'm really tired, haha. Gosh, there's a ton of faces. Have some green ninja randomness.
  9. Hey, so I'm late, and I'm not officially an assassin yet, but this sounds really fun and I want to give it a shot Hope that's alright!
  10. So, I'm thinking of updating this about once a week. The weekends are the least crazy for me, so expect it one of those three days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) So for my first goal-the sugar one, that's been really hard. This past week was a crazy emotional one, and I lost control of that. (I'm most definitely an emotional eater, and my willpower only lasted so long) I did really well the first two days, then it just went downhill. If anyone has suggestions or encouragement to keep me on track for that, that would be awesome. Things have calmed down, and I'm struggling to get back on track. I did better the past two days, but I've had way more than 3 sugary treats this week. Part of the problem was that there wasn't that much fruit in the house, which is what has helped me in the past, so that made things harder. (I would choose fruit over candy any day) The other thing is that I really want to just throw all the junk food out of the house, but unfortunately I don't live with a whole bunch of health-consciuos individuals. They would get pretty mad if I threw out all their food... Working out has been going pretty well. I haven't quite made it to 10 mins every day, but I'm at least getting more exercise than before in. Like I said before, this was an emotional roller coaster of a week, so hopefully it'll be easier next week. I will have to learn how to work through these situations either way. Gymnastics was by far the easiest goal to hit. My gym is literally across the street from my school, so I just go there after my last class. I have to force myself to go home and do homework, haha. I didn't go on Wednesday, cause I have a class that goes until 9, so in general that isn't a day I can't really fit an hour or so in at the gym and still finish my homework. But I'll be sure next week to at least throw in handstands or something when I have a break. I didn't go today either, cause I have a lot of homework, but I'm still going to spend some time drilling the basics whenever I need a break from writing. Okay, and then the last one, bed time. This one has been kind of shaky. Again, my homework has been catching up to me. I've been in bed by 11:00 every night except for one (which I stayed up until like 2. I can't remember why…) I don't think I've made it to 10:00 once…. I have gotten in bed by 10:30 like twice, but that's as close as I've gotten. I really need to work on this one too, cause I'm not getting nearly enough sleep, and I've started to get kind of sick from it. Plus, I'm tired all the time. Gosh I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning. Things are gonna get even crazier once fall semester starts. I'm majoring in dance and theater right now, so I'm taking like 6 dance classes. On top of everything else… Yeah. I've been told I'm crazy, but hey. What can I say. So basically I really need to start these habits now, or I'm going to lose track of everything. Anyways, thanks for your guy's support! It really helps me
  11. Thank you!!! I love gymnastics:) My gym is open everyday, so I usually just go there after my classes, and work on the things I can't do at home (mostly the aerial stuff) then I go home and often drill handstands, bridges, cartwheels, roundoffs, all that fun stuff. I usually end up spending 2-3 hours on it if I have the time. Yeah, I'm counting either one. I want to start more cardio stuff, but I'm having a hard time to find the time to run or swim, or whatever else. I'm working full-time, and I'm a full time student, so I usually throw in push-ups and other bodyweight exercises when I can. I just tend to have these random moments of motivation, so I pop on the ground and crank out some push-ups, or hang out in a plank for awhile. I really want to start running, and I've heard that the zombie run app is a good one, I'm just giving it some time to let my schedule steady out some. If it's either running or gymnastics, gymnastics wins out every time. Thanks to you too blaidd! I was actually looking at the assassin guild, it's definitely the most appealing out of all of the guilds for me. I'll be sure to do that at some point before this challenge is over.
  12. Am I supposed to assign stats to all the rewards, or is that not until the next challenge?
  13. I am the Green Ninja, and I am just starting here with this challenge. I'm actually a really active person, and I love to be outside and moving. I hate sitting in one place for too long. My passion is gymnastics, I love it and can totally lose track of time all day while practicing. The main reason I joined the rebellion is to become healthier. I still consume large amounts of sugar, and I have some fat I could lose. I also am not completely consistent with my practicing, and I want to be better about that. I'm getting into rock climbing, swimming, and running, and I want to improve myself in these areas. I also really just want to better myself as a person, and I think this will help me to be accountable for my decisions, and hopefully will put me on a better path. Plus, I'm in love with retro-gaming (mainly mario, pokemon and zelda) and I'm also looking into mechanical engineering. So there's that. Main Quest: To place in a gymnastics competition before I graduate college. Quest 1: Severely knock down my sugar consumption to only eating sugar 3x a week or less. I can help my self to one serving for my treat or whatever it is. That way I won't be eating nearly as much as I do now. The rest of the time I will be following a paleoish lifestyle (I include fermented grains in there too, cause in my experience I can stomach them well enough) I'm also looking at starting GAPS, cause I love soup and feel it would be beneficial. But that's gonna be awhile before I have the supplies necessary for that. Measurement: A = 18 treats over the course of the challenge, B = 25 treats/challenge, C = 32 treats/challenge Quest 2: Workout at least 10 mins, 5x per week. I just need to get back into the swing of things and continue with my workouts. In this case, workouts are defined by running, swimming, or bodyweight exercises. Gymnastics and Rock climbing don't count, because the aim is to improve those two areas with other exercises. Measurement: A = 10 mins for 30 days, B = 10 mins for 25 days, C = 10 mins for 20 days Quest 3: Rock Climb or Gymnastics at least 6x per week. It can be either Rock Climbing or Gymnastics, but I want to be more consistent in doing these everyday. It takes practice to build a skill, and I don't feel like I am practicing enough with these two things. In this case, I don't really care how long I'm doing it for, provided I'm doing it. I know that once I start, I'll continue practicing for quite awhile. :3 Measurement: A = 36 days of practice, B = 30 days of practice, C = 24 days of practice Life Quest: To be IN bed by 10:00 (ready to sleep, all my nightly routines finished by 10) EVERY DAY!! (I work late on Friday's, and if I need to babysit or anything like that, that's an exception. So I guess I should rephrase it to be whenever it is possible)(If that makes sense…)(yeah. I'm not really sure how to measure this…)(Okay, never mind, we're good) Measurement: A = 33 days in bed by 10, B = 30 days in bed by 10, C = 27 days in bed by 10
  14. Okay, so here's my rant about this subject. Is anyone else annoyed that all of a sudden the media has swarmed all over Kacy and her accomplishment, and that it's popping up everywhere? I swear, I open up yahoo, it's there. People who never even have watched the show are posting it all over Facebook. And something about that fact has really been rubbing me the wrong way. I love the show. I totally fan-girled over her entire run and was holding my breath and praying that she'd make it through. I was literally crying when she did it. Holy cow, it was an amazing run, and she deserves to be noticed for it. But for whatever reason the fact that all these people are suddenly swarming over it who have otherwise called the show stupid, or never bothered to watch it, or those cocky lazy people who take one glance and say, oh, I could do that, and suddenly they're acting like they know about it all? When people who have never seen the show beforehand come up to me and are all like, hey, have you heard about that Kacy person who beat that Ninja Warrior show? It really really gets on my nerves. The people who (again) have never seen the show and are tooting their horns about how, oh, see, this is why you stick with cross-fit. Or oh hey, yoga will make you able to do this. I don't know. Is anyone else bugged by this, or am I just being a stuck up jerk? I mean, it's great, but I'm pretty confident that Megan Martin will also beat the course when Denver finally comes around. On a completely different page, I'd say Brian Arnold really is gonna have a run for his money this season. There were so many really strong competitors this time around. Sorry if I'm just being childish… I just really needed to get that out of my system.
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