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Candace Koller

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Posts posted by Candace Koller

  1. Congrats on the wine success! That one is hard!

    And congrats on the progress you are making!


    Isn't it funny how our perspective changes? I remember being 170 lbs in high school and thinking nothing of it but when I dropped to 135 in college and then went up to 160 I felt so fat, now I'd love to be back at 160! I blame America's sorry unrealistic standards of beauty.

    • Like 2
  2. For me, being out of my parent's house made the difference. My family is religious and I wouldn't have dreamed of telling them I was attracted to women while living there. I came out in a blog post where I talked about supporting equal rights and felt safe in doing so because I was far away. Knowing I would be accepted and not ridiculed would make a difference for me if I had to do it over again. I'd imagine a lot of people feel that way.

    • Like 1
  3. I could probably use a "shower more frequently" goal myself as well. Are there adventures you could have within your neighborhood? Maybe a nearby park or taking a walk every now and then? I know some neighborhoods are crap for walking and it's really not an option but if that's a possibility it could help you get out of the house without needing the car.

  4. What is UP with this winter? We've had a couple false starts to spring already, grr...

    But anyhow, yeah... I don't blame you one bit for turning to the microwave under those circumstances. Frozen inside windows sound downright upsetting.


    I thought winter was done for here, but then got a big fat NOPE in the form of an ice storm. I hate the cold... Ugh.


    Winter weather is a good reason to rely on less-healthy supplies.  Although there are a lot of healthy options for the microwave, so maybe you should do research about it even though there probably won't be a next time.  (You should be in a completely different situation by the next bad winter.)


    I desperately hope my living situation changes a lot sooner than next winter.

    I found a few healthier options this time around with broccoli in cheese sauce and some chicken with mixed veggies. I just hope this weather clears up so I can cook real food again. I've never bought this frozen stuff before, it's like a whole new world for me.



    Sorry I've not been around guys, with the weather being how it is we have been having pretty frequent internet outages. Hopefully that should clear up and I can keep up with this and everyone's challenges better.

  5.  Also, thinking about the blog is important, but so is writing down notes even if you can't use them right away.


    It is. I've got a couple articles I've started and not finished and a few that are just titles waiting to be filled. Even when I don't have a complete concept yet I try to get at least a little down. Sometimes it ends up going in a completely different direction than anticipated.

    • Like 1
  6. Hey guys, so I'm starting off a bit rough as far as eating healthy goes. We had a winter storm roll in that trapped us inside and it's finally starting to melt. Long story short, since cooking in the rv makes a lot of steam which ends up frozen on the inside of the windows and making everything colder, I'm temporarily cooking via microwave only which definitely is not the most healthy of cuisines. But, since this is Texas, the weather should be back to not freezing soon enough and I can cook again. Until then it won't be the healthiest of fares.

  7. The important part isn't to focus on measurable achievements, it's actually doing stuff. Gotta learn to reward the effort, not just the success. Rather than having a number I shoot to achieve, I will focus on doing and effort to do. So long as genuine effort is made it will be considered a success.


    Quest 1:


    Training and Preparation

    The beast of business demands many a sacrifice. It demands energy and motivation...things I am no longer willing to give. The creature must be slain. The first step is to prepare meals despite its orders to be lazy and give over my energy and motivation. This will anger the beast.


    Cook more/eat out less

    +3 WIS, +3 CHA



    Quest 2:


    Power Ups

    In order to actively fight the beast I must have sustenance that will fuel me for the battle. Nutrient density is key. It will give me the energy and mood boosts to defy the monster.


    Eat more veggies

    +3 CON, +3 STA



    Quest 3:


    Healing Spells

    There will be times the creature will win and I will make its demanded sacrifices. In these times it is important to recoup.


    Meditate when overwhelmed

    +3 WIS, +3 CON



    Side Quest:


    Map Making

    When others traverse the same path as I it can be helpful that they know the way I have been.


    Work on blog more actively

    +1 WIS



    Life Quest:
    Make our 11 acre plot my new home

    Step 1: Get a portion fenced for chickens +1 STR *COMPLETE*
    Step 2: Get a house +1 WIS

    • Like 1
  8. And let's not forget the bible never restricts lesbian sex :P

    I don't see people getting in a tizzy about not having railings on the roof, tassels on clothing, or planting more than one type of seed in their gardens. Anyone seen people checking tags at local churches for linen-wool combinations? All of those were laws in the day too. Not to mention this guy.

    People really need to get off their high horses sometimes.



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  9. This challenge needs some restructuring. I've read something recently about setting goals for people who have a hard time feeling like a failure. Basically it said to make the goals vague and less quantifiable. For example, rather than setting a goal that says run ten minutes every day you set one that says every day go run until you don't feel like it anymore. It puts the focus more on doing than achieving. The logic is that people are more likely to give up completely if they don't reach the time goal. If I can only run for 2 minutes before I get exhausted I'm more likely to quit running rather than keep trying to reach the goal because not achieving it would make me feel like a failure. And the more important part is actually getting up and doing it consistently rather than trying to hit a certain goal. So I'm going to try to restructure things to reflect that.

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  10. I've hit a rough patch and I think I'll be needing to adjust my goals. The only one I have kept has been eating a vegetable every day. I'm still maintaining my weight in the 196-195 range which is good. Better than the continual gains I was seeing. Sorry I haven't been osting guys, this just became a bit too overwhelming for a little while.

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  11. Welcome, welcome, this is a great place to be! One of the more friendly areas of the internet if I do say so myself! I've felt more comfortable here than I have with most people I know IRL or my facebook feeds and such. You'll love it, I'm absolutely sure.


    Also, hey guys, hey guys! My binder came in! I had no idea how much more confident I would feel wearing it. I'm not constantly adjusting my shirt anymore and am a heck of a lot less self conscious.

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