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Everything posted by RomeoFlow

  1. Hi! This are the things you may do in conditioning yourself upon training for parkour. 1. Train with your own body weight. 10 squats (building up to plyometric box jumps) 10 push-ups 10 leg lifts on your back with both legs 10 pull-ups 2. Run Frequently. 3. Lift Weights. Strength is another important aspect of parkour. 4. Stretch and warm-up your body properly. 5. Eat a healthy diet. Eat lean proteins, vegetables and fruits, nuts and seeds, and unprocessed foods are best for parkour athletes. Drink plenty of water -- at least 64 ounces a day. 6. Get a good pair of sneakers. You may also read this article about the beginner's guide to parkour http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2010/08/12/the-definitive-guide-to-parkour-for-beginners/ I hope that helps.
  2. Hi! I guess this article is for you http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2015/03/04/is-diet-coke-bad-for-you-what-about-artificial-sweeteners/
  3. It's an informative topic with accurate details! Thank you for posting this!
  4. Hi! I may not get it right but I guess that's what they call as Medial Epicondylitis. You may want to read this article. http://www.climbinginjuries.com/elbow/ Hope it helps
  5. I also agree with your quote! If you change your state of mind, and turn it into something positive, you can really achieve the things you want to achieve. Well, keep up the good work!
  6. Hi!! Hopes this helps.. Meditation is not easy to master, but persevere and it may turn out to be the most rewarding thing you ever do. It takes practice to achieve a peaceful state of being, and there is no question that patience is a key component of our progress through meditation. Here's my tips:1. Be mindful of your breath. Experience the breath coming in through your nose, out through your mouth and experience how it feels through other parts of your body. Notice the stillness around you before and after each breath. Come back to your breath whenever the thoughts try to take over.2. Accept that focus will be hard for the beginner. The counting method is used successfully by some people.You will be focused on counting rather than other thoughts. Count each out-breath from one to ten, then return to one. Each time your mind wanders, return to counting again.3. Dont expect too much. Meditation takes time to grow into and to fully appreciate.4. Practice and persevere. It's best to find someone more experienced at meditation than you, to offer guidance and inspiration.5. Meditate Daily.
  7. Hi! I hope this helps. Stretching and massaging the affected muscle can usually relieve an attack of cramp. Most cramps soon ease off. Painkillers are not usually helpful as they do not act quickly enough. However, a painkiller such as paracetamol may help to ease muscle discomfort and tenderness that sometimes persists for up to 24 hours after a cramp has gone. You can read the whole article here --> http://www.patient.co.uk/health/cramps-in-the-leg#
  8. In flow, we are so focused on the task at hand that everything else falls away. Action and awareness merge. Time flies. Self vanishes. Performance goes through the roof. ~ C Wilson Meloncelli's Flow

  9. Hi! You can do inclined pushups at any elevated place other than stairs. Whether in your kitchen, and just like in the video, you can do it an a bench as long as it is few blocks inches from the ground. I believe you can manage it, get motivated and don't give up
  10. So I guess if it's injury pain, then probably you're not doing it right. For an exercise that works for lower back, I hope this article can help -> http://www.muscleandfitness.com/workouts/back-exercises/3-exercises-strong-lower-back?page=1
  11. If you have time, you can check my site about Flow : C Wilson Meloncelli Flow It is about finding your balance through practicing various action movements like martial arts, bjj, pilates, rock climbing and more.
  12. Here's mine: “The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.†We must not limit ourselves to something we can do, we must go beyond, do something out of our comfort zone. There we can see the real happiness and satisfaction. It applies not just in my workout but I apply it in everything
  13. if you're having back pain you're not doing it right. instead of supporting your midsection with your core you're putting the pressure on your spine. Start doing resistance training for your core to improve your strength. Also, work on your lower back strength as well with exercises like dead lifts or good-mornings. For the form of the plank, make sure your upper arms are perpendicular to the ground and to your body, your knees are slightly bent, core flexed, butt flexed, and don't move your head around.
  14. Well I guess you should just quit and find for a better gym
  15. RomeoFlow


    Hi! I guess the only safe way is to visit your physician
  16. I agree!! Everyone can try different style as long as you have put your heart and mind into that, you can achieve what you want.
  17. I guess you really should try Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. It is a martial art that promotes good health, camaraderie and confidence. I have some video here on how to do one technique of Brazialian Jiu Jitsu. It is called the bjj roll.
  18. I may help you about this. Here's a video on proper way to do the lunges. And Here's for the ladies
  19. That workout is designed to improve your strength, endurance and mobility through the power of Animal movements. Flow is designed to find your balance and discover your limits to go beyond them. Flow exercises are cool and I'm pretty sure its worth a try. You may want to try C Wilson Meloncelli's Flow. It's pretty cool too.
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