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Everything posted by Emmi

  1. Holy crap, that's hysterical! I'm also an introvert. I find people extremely interesting, but also extremely exhausting. Yes, I also get super irritated when I see either bad grammar or bad spelling. Not all the time with English though, as it is not my native language and I think I still make mistakes here and there (I'm terribly sorry, guys) and I think I miss some mistakes because I don't know any better. When it comes to my native language though, I cringe when people make mistakes. I would give you a super helpful answer but I'm also struggling with this a lot. When it's online, I just tell people that I'm not comfortable. No problem. In real life I smile and nod (or look super serious, it depends on the subject) and I wait until it's over. I wouldn't consider this an effective strategy as it does keep me occupied for a certain amount of time.
  2. Minimalism is something I'm slowly but steadily trying to implement in my life. Inside of me is already happening more than enough, so it's nice not to need to worry too much about things directly around me. I'm already a minimalist in buying stuff. I rarely buy anything I don't need, this is mostly out of the fact that I grew up in a family that for years didn't have enough money to buy things like that. I wear shoes until they break, wear my socks until they get holes. I just don't see why I should buy something new when what I have is already working well enough for me! I also want to try and buy more clothes second hand when I need new jeans or shirts, I think we collectively already consume more than enough clothes. It's funny to think that this is now a lifestyle and how it has a specific name attached to it. Says a lot about how consumerism has become the standard.
  3. Followed this topic, looking for the same things!
  4. YES! This is so accurate! It's so easy to be negative all the time and to stay where you are, it's also so easy to put it on others. "If I can't do it, you can't do it. My truth is the one and only truth, I refuse to recognize there are other people with other visions and other dreams and goals!" Not getting dragged into people's negativity is a challenge in itself completely..... As for my own comfort zone: I know that I'm not standing right in the middle, but I don't think I'm completely out of my comfortzone just yet. I'm taking baby steps and stepping out of it with one foot sometimes already. I'm actually not sure what it will take to get me out of my comfortzone completely, that would be an interesting thing to find out.
  5. Oh, cool! (I mean, cool you worked there, not that almost everyone is severely vitamin D deficient) Nope, very light (I'm half Scandinavian)... That's interesting. Are there other ways in which you can notice issues with fat absorption?
  6. That's true! I feel confident enough to start such a blog now, to give an example, unfortunately I'm not sure if I currently have the time for it. Yes, it's the age-old "I don't have time" excuse, college is taking up a whole lot of my time. That doesn't mean I'm not doing anything! I've started implementing a few new habits in my life during the past few weeks. I'm currently meditating 15 minutes a day, and it's something I really need to remind myself of doing, so it's not fully part of my daily routine yet. I'm also meal-prepping my lunch for an entire week (to slight annoyance of my flat mate: "Come look at the fridge. You see what I see? THERE IS NO SPACE BECAUSE ALL OF YOUR LUNCH IS EVERYWHERE"), trying a new recipe almost every week Then there are two bigger things I'm working on: spend four hours on studying every day besides college courses, and go to the gym four times a week. These are challenging for me since I have a very irregular schedule and I'm also very dependent on my health (it fluctuates a lot). For now, I'm going to stick with these Actually some of these are on my quest list too! I have to admit I forgot they were on there... Thank you, by the way, for your uplifting reply!
  7. Really? I didn't know that. That would be interesting to experiment with. Another thing I didn't know. Yeah, I knew that I read that the Eskimo's tend to get the least sunlight, but they aren't vitamin D deficient because they eat so much fish (could be that sentence had to be in the past tense, I'm not sure). Chronic conditions. I think I filtered that possibility out of my system. Going to look into that a bit more. Would you guys say there's a difference between taking a liquid supplement and taking a pill? I take a pill as that is what my doctor prescribed, I personally don't have any experience with liquid supplement.
  8. It's a very good leap forward I'd say. I recently talked with my dad about this and said I was surprisingly positive, he replied: "Oh, so I can finally tell people following the voedingscentrum's advice is okay, good." They also encourage eating a vegetarian meal once a week. That's pretty awesome and quite a change from before. The traditional Dutch dinner (I think it was based on the previous scheme) had lots of meat, lots of potatoes and some veggies (probably 250 grams, as many people would only eat veggies during dinner and say "I need my 250 grams of veggies!").
  9. I saw the word 'hormones' in this thread, so I thought I'd put this here. So I have a severe vitamin D deficiency. It's not related to winter as it's too severe to just be caused by the darker days. Yes, I do get outside regularly with my head and hands uncovered (these are guidelines set by my country: to get enough vitamin D in your system, you must be outside for at least 15 minutes with your head and hands uncovered.....). For some reason my body is not turning sunlight into vitamin D. It might be something that's running in my family, but we're not sure yet as it is all so very new. My doctor gave me supplements and said I had to check back with him in a few months time to see if they work. My mother just told me today that she took the same supplements throughout the entire winter and she still had too little vitamin D in her system. Now, why hormones? Apparently vitamin D is a hormone. If there's a shortage of this in your body, your other hormones might go a little lot crazy (not to mention the insane lack of energy and the incidental low moods). Does anyone have experience with this? What did you do?
  10. Wanting to start my own little shop with my own, handmade and fair clothes. Open a cafe with a small stage and fresh, local, organic meals (both of these things were before the hype to eat organic food and wear fair clothing started, so before shops like these appeared at every corner of the street). I once wanted to start a blog about chocolate and make a dish with chocolate every week and write about chocolate in general. Learn to be really good at poi (still a dream and also a work in progress), sing and make music on a stage for people to enjoy for free, make my own organic and harmful-chemical-free cleaning products (for in the house and also for my skin), have my own vegetable garden, make the world a better place with my (yet to be discovered) superpowers... That last thing is my own choice of words, I've had several different dreams that all came down to making the world better. I'm currently feeling lost in this one, but I still feel I have big things to offer. It's also this where most people tell me I have to grow up because I can't do it alone, the world is too big, the world is already lost, we'll all die anyway...
  11. I don't know how long exactly it's been since I was on here, but it's been so long that I've missed the moment the site got changed. It looks really cool! Oh yeah - this is my second time respawning. During the first time I got captured by goblins so I was unable to be active here. So I'm an interesting mess. I'm currently in college studying cultural anthropology, while struggling with a severe fear of failure, anxiety and some heavy emotional luggage from my home base. I see the people who are dearest to me suffer. This is not because of me, but because of the curse that's been put upon them. On top of that I'm afraid to feel, so I put away many feelings, sleep awfully, feel angry at the world a lot of the time and can't focus very well either. The world feels heavy on my shoulders. It also was my birthday two weeks ago and I got Steve's Level Up Your Life as a gift. I've been reading it daily since I got it while I'm on my mother ship and I'm still slowly but steadily building my character and setting up my Epic Quest. Meanwhile, I try to do things I like when I'm not studying (like busting my ass at the gym (with VERY LOUD MUSIC in my ears so I get distracted from the giants walking around there), read books, watch movies and tv-shows or cooking). Now, why exactly did I come back here? Easy: even though I travel within this Country of Giants frequently and visit interesting places, I often feel misunderstood and alone in my dreams and quests. When I tell people about my dreams and potential plans, I either get a skeptical "that's ambitious" or a "be realistic - do you really think that's possible within the current society?" or even a "yeah, I remember when I felt like that. Then I grew up. You'll get there at some point, you'll see what it's all really like." Even though there are a few bright stars left, many people in this country have gone to the dark side. You guys aren't like that. You are adventurers, superheroes (or superheroes in the making), jedi's. You guys inspired me already when I registered and you continue to inspire me. You remind me that I'm not alone and that it's more than okay to have Epic Quests and to cross off things from there. I'm here because I want to engage with you guys more and share my quests with people and fairies and wizards who will not tell me I'm crazy. I want to take active steps to get strong enough physically to lift the heavy world from my shoulders, and mentally to be able to process all pain and anxiety I feel. So I'm back. Not sure exactly how often I'll be here, not sure how often I have the courage to say something somewhere, but I want to be here, and that's enough for me to actually come here. As I'm still building my Epic Quest and am writing my story, I will keep that to myself for now. I'll put a link in my signature below once I feel comfortable enough to share it. I'll see you guys soon, and you'll see me soon
  12. Hello, lovely people of the rebellion. I've been a member for about a year now and I've barely been active, as you might have noticed (or rather.... haven't noticed...). I was all about changing and progress, and I still am, though so many things have happened in between now and a year ago that I feel like my perspective has changed. I have a younger sister who just turned 17 and who has been at home with a rare illness since april 2014. The illness she has is the same one that I had back in 2010, and apparently this illness is not supposed to occur more than once in the same family. We're a medical miracle, yay. The disease she has is called idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH). It means that the pressure in your head is too high for some reason and it gives you an awful headache, presses on all your senses, can turn you blind and can cause temporary paralysis (don't ask me how, when I had the disease and it was at its worst, I had the starting symptoms. I've also heard stories of people who became completely paralyzed until their treatment started. It's scary). The cause of this disease can be known or unknown; it can be chronic or occur once. When it occurs once, it can be cured easily with treatment, or it can stay in your body for about two years (even with treatment). I had the quick version back in 2010 (sadly I lost nearly all my muscles and needed to revalidate for a year), my sister has the long version. We still don't know whether or not this one is chronic or that we just need to be a little more patient before it ends. Around the same time I heard that I failed my maths exam for the second time, my sister got diagnosed with this disease. Bad news piling up. It hurt my soul. At the start of this summer I didn't fail maths and I got the degree I needed to get into uni. I have started studying cultural anthropology a month ago, finally This summer too, my sister got diagnosed with a depression. The very obvious cause for this depression is the disease that doesn't seem to have an ending. She hasn't been going to school for over a year, barely sees her friends and is starting to get symptoms of social anxiety. She plays an MMORPG and has made some friends on there who also struggle with a long lasting illness. Two weeks ago I got a call that my sister had gotten worse. I went to see my family over the weekend and it was very tough. Even now, when I'm writing this and am remembering how it was when I was there, it physically hurts. This makes it hard to focus on my studies at times, especially when I get news that my sister has gotten worse. Luckily I got a call last week that she was starting to feel better *big sigh of relief* That was a very long story. I always think that this has more impact on me than I realise. I am in uni and I should be feeling both unstoppable and probably also very stressed. I've been working towards this for three years and now I'm finally here and I feel more scared than ever. I've developed a pretty bad fear of failure and I feel super dumb most of the time, even though I know that I'm not and people tell me that I'm not. I choose to not say something during a discussion if I know there's a chance that it might be wrong. I feel even dumber when I don't get something that people who are 5 years younger than me don't have any trouble with. There are times I don't sleep well because I have to make a test or because I have to hand in something. I've gained a lot of weight during the summer and the last month. My house is a mess most of the time, I feel drained and tired all the time, am bloated a lot and I have a hard time saying no to unhealthy snacks. I worry about money a lot too. I don't want to take a job at least the first part of this year, and even though I receive government money because I'm a student, uni is very expensive and it doesn't help that there has been trouble with a sending for previous schoolbooks. It's not even my fault that something went wrong and this joke could cost me €500. There's a chance of a lawsuit. Stressed, me? What are you talking about According to my best friend I'm hyper focussing on the bad things that are happening in my life. That's probably true, but I'm not sure how to change that focus to something else because this is all I feel as being true. There are times I feel like I'm a depressing person and that it's better for me not to have much contact with people at uni. There I days I need a high-five for getting out of bed. I am also tired of this mentality and tired of being tired in general. I know that I want to change things in my life, I know most things that I want to change, I'm just not sure where I want to start yet. I've made a list and tomorrow (hopefully) my Passion Planner will arrive. This will help me to set specific goals and help me to get more organized in general. That's a good start, I'd say I've also started working out more regularly again. This helps me to manage stress and makes me feel happier and more cheerful overall. Finding time to work out, now that's a different story.... One thing I do know is that I want to start hanging out at the Rebellion HQ more. I find all of you lovely and inspiring and the chat over here helps me to focus on something completely different than uni or the worries about my family. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some statistics to do...
  13. Am forgetting a whole lot these days. Things people said, things I did... My mind is completely blank on those parts, it's scary..

  14. What the saboteur is: The internet, procrastination and frequent worries/anxiety. Why it is troublesome: All of them make it difficult for me to focus on my daily life and my goals. Meditations help, but they don't help if I don't do them because I keep procrastinating. The internet helps me to distract myself from my worries, but that can take up a lot of time (I'm a slow reader so I need a lot of time if I want to read articles and posts properly). This way, I keep myself occupied, distracted from my thoughts and feelings and procrastinating the goals I set for myself. How you can mitigate or remove the saboteur from your realm, wether it's physical or mental: I'd say, kick myself under my butt and just go do it. Sadly, I'm not that flexible that I can kick my own butt, so I'm afraid this is not going to work after all. I can think of two other things: set times for my daily meditation and writing when my head keeps spinning with thoughts. I enjoy writing as it helps me to clear my head and it helps me to bring clarity to my thoughts and worries. As for the internet: close my computer whenever I there is nothing more to check. I can do it with my phone, so I should be able to do it with my laptop as well.
  15. Gosh, I should write more often. I want to write more often, but I keep procrastinating it and before I know it, the day is over and I am in bed and ready to sleep :\ Summery of week three: Just like I procrastinate writing on NFR, I procrastinate my meditations. Some days I do it more than once because I feel I need it on a certain day, some days I don't do it at all because I'm occupied with other things. I didn't go juggling last week because of the weather. It was cold and raining most of the week. We also had snow, which is awesome to juggle in (I think, never done it before but I'd love to do so one day!). I did a workout four times this week! Feeling proud of myself. Mail clearance keeps going. I didn't do much about it last week but every time I read an e-mail that I don't want to keep, I toss it. That's a good start I'd say. As for the job hunt: I applied to two last week, got turned down for one of them. Been helped out a great deal at a job agency who told me I should definitely look at jobs in restaurants and such if my previous boss told me I would make a good host. So that's where I'm looking now. This week so far, I did both my meditations and I'm about to do the third one. I also am about to do a workout again. I might go out to juggle tomorrow or on Friday, as we are apparently getting snow Yesterday I did some more intense clearance of my e-mails - I found out I've had the same e-mail address for ten years this year... I tossed some greasy e-mails that my ex-boyfriend and I sent each other in the beginning of our relationship. I read them first, then said goodbye to them and tossed them. Also tossed some unopened newsletters I got in 2012...... It's interesting how much lighter you can feel by tossing something that you can't even touch. Making good progress with this goal and I'm really loving it I started to try some new recipes because I'd like to have healthy snacks. I made banana peanut butter ice cream yesterday. Filling and DELICIOUS By the way - I'm terrible with numbers and percentages, and I'm not sure how to keep up the progress bar in my signature. If any of you know how this works, could you please send me a message explaining it to me? I'd be very very thankful
  16. My greatest distraction is the internet. It's awful, I'm addicted and still in denial. It's so easy to keep clicking to new pages to find new information and it's so easy to sit down comfortably and write, watch or click through pages. Before I know it, it's hours later and I'm still doing what I did hours earlier. Where did my day go? If I want to get this in control I should just close my laptop, don't get on my phone and go out and do things. Discipline. Easier said than done. I know I can do this, but it will take a lot of effort to close that thing. I could install all kinds of blockers so I can't visit websites for a set amount of time, though I don't particularly like those. I could set a timer that will tell me when it's time to drop everything and start meditating, that works with my studying. Or I could just really start listening to what I say to myself. I can be a very wise person at times. I've also been thinking about putting up encouraging notes for myself. I always used to do that in my old room but I am still missing some bookshelves in my new room, so I waited with putting them up. Maybe I should just do it instead of waiting.
  17. We've had five or six days of non-stop rain. Today, finally, the sun came out and was out the entire day! It was truly beautiful. I wanted to do so many productive things today, but my week of tests only just ended and I am exhausted. I ended up feeling a little ill, probably the exhaustion. Even though I felt this way, my housemate and I went out for a juggling session in the park I didn't know I missed it this much. I have been looking for jobs this week, though I feel there is much more available than I can think of. I am going to a job agency next Monday, hopefully they can help me find something that suits me. I heard that many people aren't successful at job agencies, but I'm desperate, and they know what there is a lot better than I do. More workouts tomorrow and the day after tomorrow Did one again two days ago and I truly miss being that active and present in my body. Meditations are going well this week, but I skipped yesterday because I barely had a free moment and at the end of the day, when I got into my bed, I instantly fell asleep. Including today, I have three days completely off! Spent most of it today being annoyed because I was too tired to do anything while I now have time to do things, but when I gave in to how tired I was feeling I was feeling a lot better. Looking forward to my shower and the rest of my evening in my bed
  18. Week one summery: I haven't been putting as much effort into my goals as I would have wanted to. Few minutes of meditations, no juggling because of the awful weather, 2 workouts instead of 3. Cleaning up my e-mail has gone incredibly well though. My next step into that is finding a system that works for me so I can store the e-mails I want to keep. I also need to be strict with myself in which personal e-mails to toss and which to keep. Also: very tired. Sleep is good.
  19. Meet Charlie, the Pink Dragon. Charlie was a gift to me by a very dear friend of mine. Charlie is small and cute, but also fierce and focused at the goals he wants to achieve (some times more than others). He likes to eat good food, but also food that is not so good, which sometimes complicates flying and makes him want to sleep all day. Charlie likes to try out new recipes and has a loving heart, though is also a bit shy. He is also a big dreamer and enjoys to get people amazed and make others smile.
  20. Goals: 1. Daily meditation 2. Juggling once a week 3. Workout of choice 3x a week Week one: What is the impediment? Procrastination Dependent on the weather. Juggling needs space, and I don't dare to juggle inside since I'm afraid I'll break something in the amount of space I have. Procrastination. How does it impede goal accomplishments? I do my meditation late in the evening, right before I go to bed. It's only a few minutes then and it's not as full and deep as I want it to be. If it rains (which it has done most of the time the past week), it's very wet and muddy (slippery) in the park. Also, it's highly inconvenient to drop a ball when the ground is wet. I don't plan my workouts a week ahead as I don't rely on my body for 100%. I could wake up one day and feel awful (physically), and then I will only feel like I have let myself down if I had a workout planned for the day. This system works for me, only I am so busy with preparations of exams at the moment that I keep procrastinating my workouts until "later" in the day. It always ends up being too late. Why it is troublesome? Because I actually want to meditate longer than just a few minutes Because I want to improve my poi and juggling skills very badly Because I won't get the exercise I need this way What will I do to train my dragon to get me where I want to be? I will set a time for myself to meditate at. I tried that yesterday, started meditating in the afternoon when I was completely fed up with studying, and it was wonderful. Absolutely nothing in the middle of everything. Keep an eye on the weather forecast. If it doesn't rain, if it fits in my schedule, wether or not my housemate wants to come, I will go juggling in the park. Plan a workout in my schedule for the day, with a set time.
  21. Thanks! Honestly, I haven't started to look yet. I have tests this coming week so I've been having an ongoing relationship with my school books. When I think of hosting I think of big parties or restaurants. Restaurants would be awesome, yet I'm afraid I would have to be a student at some hotel school (but, like I said: I haven't been looking yet, so I might be completely wrong!). Hosting big parties, not sure about that. Working at a hotel would be cool too I think, but again, you might have to do hotel school for that. I've heard it's extremely difficult to find a new job in this time, so I hope I can find something soon after I start looking... I was thinking mostly yoga and pilates, maybe some intense dancing every now and then, an extra juggling session could also count as a workout. I don't want to plan them out ahead as the kind of workout always depends on how I feel on the day I choose to work out. Sometimes I wake up and feel sick, if I picked that day to do pilates that wouldn't work out so great. I would only end up disappointing myself (believe me, I tried it before). I could do yoga, but when I really feel awful that isn't a good idea either. I haven't been sick in a long time but I keep being wary. I've been sick so much in my life that I still don't have faith in my body functioning great all the time. As for my job-thing: Apparently I wrote convincingly, because when I wrote it I was feeling quite awful. Feeling a lot better now though, and I love having more time on my hands I hope that answers your question
  22. Thanks for the encouraging words, guys! It put a big smile on my face So I tried to do a workout today. Some pilates and yoga. I didn't make it too long because I had so many things to do, but I did want to get my heart pumping for a bit and get the endorphines flowing. I am soooooo awfully out of shape.... But it was awesome! Also, cleaning up my mail with Mailstrom is going pretty quick. Too bad I already spent my free trial, so now I either have to find something else or do everything myself. I did already get to delete over 2000 e-mails in just a few clicks, so that's pretty cool
  23. Some busy weeks have passed, I didn't keep up what I achieved during my last challenge and I am not feeling awesome. Remember that life quest in my last challenge, to find a job, and that I found it? Well, two days ago they told me I had to be let go. I just wasn't what they were looking for, I wasn't thinking commercially enough, I was too insecure, I wasn't learning fast enough, and oh yeah, they had to make the team smaller anyway because Christmas was over and they are going to have some super quiet few months. I didn't get fired because they disliked me. From what I understood it was terrible for them to do so because they thought of me as a wonderful and sweet person. The manager that told me the news said that I should look for a job in a restaurant or maybe a hotel because she thought I would make a great host. I'm going to use that advice and look at jobs like that, or I might just do something completely different where I don't have to engage in social interactions since that exhausts me (yes, I am super introverted). From this experience I also concluded that I should never want to work at a store where they sell computer things again, I find that way too complicated to learn quickly. Apart from that, I hate to breathe in people's necks and try to sell them something while they clearly told me they just want to look around. Like I said, I am not feeling awesome. This job took so much of my time that I barely studied for my tests (the upside of being fired is that I now have all the time in the world to study, which I am genuinely happy about), I didn't get to eat enough, I didn't get to drink enough and above all, I was anxious about it during my time off. Anxiety is one of my specialties. Today my 2-week holiday is officially over. I've had exactly three days of nothing during my holiday and I feel like I've been occupied for months. I miss working out, I didn't keep up my meditation practices, I feel dehydrated all the time. The upside of all this is that I feel super excited to get back to my studies (weird, huh) and I am super motivated to get my life in order and to start taking good care of myself again. I think I'll get back into everything easily if I take good care of my body, but to find a balance that suits me is quite a challenge. Main quest Get healthy, fit, energized and balanced. Quests 1. Pick up daily meditation once again. Amount of time doesn't matter, just do it. 2. Juggle and/or do poi once a week. Preferably with my housemate, he wants to start practicing both again as well. Double motivation! 3. Workout of choice three times a week at least. Life quests - Clear out my mailbox. I'll explain this one. I made my e-mail address nearly 10 years ago and still use it. It's filled with unsorted e-mails, old e-mails, newsletters I don't read, updates from people/instances I follow... It's a mess. And it's been piling up for 10 years. By the time I write this, I have 1064 unread e-mails and a total of 5577 e-mails in my inbox and some more e-mails that are sorted. Yes, I want to clear it out completely (archive what's important, toss what isn't). I'll use Mailstrom for clearing out and a progress bar to keep track of my progress on here. - Find a new job. Except for the mail quest, I will be keeping track of my progress in this post. Otherwise I will write some updates in responses on here. It's not all that specific yet but I feel this is enough for me. Babysteps, again. Week 1 Q1. 6/7 Q2. 0/1 Q3. 2/3 Job status: hunting Week 2 Q1. 6/7 Q2. 1/1 Q3. 3/3 Job status: hunting Week 3 Q1. 5/7 Q2. 0/1 Q3. 4/3 Job status: hunting Week 4 Q1. 3/7 Q2. 0/1 Q3. 1/3 Job status: hunting
  24. Emmi

    Emmi: Back to Balance

    Oh my, I've been so busy I didn't even remember to keep up my log here My first days were alright It's difficult to sell something you barely know anything about! Luckily I am now taking online courses for my job so I can learn all kinds of things about Apple products. It's pretty cool and I'm learning lots of things that I can also use for my own life. Yes, I am attending lessons plus working. I only have three subjects in school, which is nine hours of classes per week and then lots of homework. It's doable As for my working hours, I still need a specific schedule. My floor manager and I will set that up together in January. I have to say, I didn't do all that much for my challenge the past 1,5 week as I was so busy studying for a math test, starting up on my new job and doing lots of Christmas planning (it's the most stressful time of the year, right?). What I noticed was that the drinking is going super well! I don't keep track of my waterintake anymore, but I've gotten so used to drinking 1,5 liter in a day that I don't need to log it anymore. I get super thirsty if I drink less than 1,5 liter! No, it's not 2 liters, but it's already a lot more than I had been used to all my life Also, I need to figure out a way to keep this up now that I have a job. On a busy Saturday afternoon I can't just go to the back for a bit and drink a glass of water as I will be needed in the store and I can't walk around with a bottle of water (computers and water is a very bad combination). Any ideas? I haven't done any yoga since the first two weeks of this challenge :\ On the plus side, I did meditate a lot the past weeks. I did keep that up and it helped me to get through the busy times. I will definitely keep it up as I have now truly felt how much it can help me feeling balanced inside, no matter what the circumstances. Already making a list with ideas for my next challenge... I'm not sure if I'd say this challenge was successful. My Life Quest definitely was, the meditating too, but I'm not sure about the rest. I definitely feel more balanced than when I started Maybe I should just assign myself some attribute points for the parts I did accomplish well. My main goal was to become more balanced, and I did achieve that part. It's funny. The days up ahead will be busier than the past weeks alltogether for me, but I don't feel stressed at all. I feel a little excited for my working days up ahead (five days straight before Christmas, BAM!), otherwise I barely feel any stress at all. Weird. I'm not used to feeling so relaxed...
  25. Two words: yoga pants. Multi functional as both workout pants and lazy pants. It's too comfy so I'd rather wear it all day, but that seems to be unacceptable if you have to go somewhere...
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