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Steppinon D'Arrows

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Everything posted by Steppinon D'Arrows

  1. I hit that same fork in the road too, on a different but similar road. I picked it up and hoofed it to Culinary class. Find what you have a bit of talent in that you enjoy doing, then figure out how to make a career of it. And make sure it's something that you would never get tired of, or something that would be, or incorporates, an important life skill to use even if you quit and decide to do something else or go into a different but related field. Minoring might be good, if you are stuck between a couple of similar choices.
  2. Yes, but has anyone eaten with you, Randa Rooskie? ...Was that lame? I know the joke is a bit over-used/old.
  3. Ugh! So confusing! Why is there never just one answer when it comes to diet things!? I know it's different for everyone but does it have to be so difficult to figure out the right macronutrients for me!?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. El Exorcisto

      El Exorcisto

      There is only one answer. Eat less or more than you need to suit your goals. Everything else is needless complication.

    3. cob


      There should be a flowchart somewhere on the interwebz by now. I shall scour!

    4. kaelvan


      Sometimes just trying different diets can help you figure it out.

  4. YES! I had Nonfat Vanilla Greek-style Yogurt and Blueberries today! Coincidences!!!
  5. Just make sure your surgery isn't covered under anything with the GeneCo name. If it's not GeneCo, you're good to go! ::sheepish look:: Heh, sorry. It's just...your name...
  6. If I have two salty meals the day before and then exercise more than usual the day after the weight gain I see is water weight, yes?

    1. Brawlrus


      Almost entirely, yes. I've put on eight lbs. of water weight in a day on several occasions. If you drop the carbs and sodium for a day, up the greens and you'll pee most of it out.

    2. Steppinon D'Arrows

      Steppinon D'Arrows

      Thanks, Venin. :) (You know, most people think of carbs as bread and pasta but veggies can be carbs too if you eat enough of them...)

    3. Brawlrus


      It's true, but you'd have to have some kind of iron stomach to over eat most veggie carbs.

  7. This lower carb diet is not working for the ammount of DDR I do. I'm going back to reccomended settings. I was doing better before, I think.

    1. Bookworm_Tess


      I got SO sick with low carb! Like renal shutdown, autoimmune mess up, then I gained back my weight plus some more... Maybe it doesn't work for EVERYbody...

    2. Steppinon D'Arrows

      Steppinon D'Arrows

      My brain was in a fog, I was feeling a bit lightheaded and quite drained. Is that something like what you mean? How low carb did you go to get that level of illness, ketogenic? I was only going on Zone macros.

  8. Start with cleaning up your diet and maybe some light exercise and go from there. I know you can do it!
  9. Did wonderfully today! I love salmon!

  10. I wonder if I should switch classes later, once I reach 10. Not sure yet. I like the way I am right now but that may change.
  11. I guess...my body was trying to make up for lack of nutrients and calories by making me eat more? I did do a lot on a little yesterday. At least I chose one of the healthier options on the menu, if not the healthiest which it probably wasn't. Considering my choices today, I guess I did a sort of modified Paleo, maybe.

    1. Steppinon D'Arrows

      Steppinon D'Arrows

      Nonfat vanilla Greek yogurt! Why didn't I think of it before? Protein and some carbs without fats! I should have been eating it all along!

  12. Cold hands, irregularities in the system, lack of energy...Grr! Fine! I get it! Eating 1,000-1200 calories with unaccounted-for exercise is not enough! I'll set my level higher! Stupid thing...Heh, stupid me too. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. starsapart


      One meal out won't tank you. =) Find your happy medium!

    3. Steppinon D'Arrows

      Steppinon D'Arrows

      What could a cheerful psychic do for me?

    4. starsapart
  13. What are the circumstances surrounding these feelings? Why not make records of every time these feelings come about and make note of things like hunger level, weather, thoughts, previous events leading up to this, etc. so that you could pinpoint what is really the cause and thusly figure out what to do?
  14. I go to ALDI. They've got some great deals on produce, and other things too.
  15. I'm back on my diet! I did well today! :D I also just ordered "My Weight Loss Coach" for the Nintendo DS from ebay. Cheaper, and probably more fun, than fitbit and with more features than a regular Wal-Mart pedometer for the same price.

  16. Steppinon D'Arrows is right over here, salambander! LOL!
  17. I am either a very shallow and vain person, someone who has been given too many negative messages by the culture I live within or not as self-aware as I think I am. I just found out today that because I was an overweight child that the weight I put on will shrink but the potential for it, those built up fat cells, will never go away. My first thought was to berate myself for my past that I would never be "beautiful"- always an "ugly duckling" and never a "swan", so to speak. My second thought was against the previous one, asking how I could be such a hypocrite for seeing some other larger women as attractive but not myself. My third thought, related to the first, was something about weight loss, sagging skin, my small breasts and how I wasn't like them. My fourth, "maybe I should just give up since it's not going to matter" was cut off by a sincere, passionate fifth, "No way! I'm not going to do that when I've come so far already, that would be a waist...er, waste! I'm going to wear dashing clothes, keep up my diet, exercise harder than I would have to had I been a normal weight all my life, put that damn smile back on and learn to like it! When I once threw up when ill after eating oatmeal, did I give up oatmeal? No, I was eating it the next day, determined not to let one experience ruin something I enjoyed! So, when someone comes and talks to me about my weight, I'm not going to ignore it or get upset, I'm going to speak about it logically, factually and calmly like I should because it shouldn't be the metaphorical scale on which to judge me." That last thought sounded a little like Rudolph's father from the Rankin-Bass Claymation, oddly enough. In summation (or tl;dr, as some put it), I don't like my body but I'm attempting to at least repair it a bit.
  18. Okay, so I overate today. That's fine. It's Christmas. It's not going to mess me up. I'm going right back on my diet tomorrow.

    1. TMedina


      It's a Christmas present - don't knock it. One slip off the wagon will not kill you with dysentery.

  19. Trying my new macros today! I am in the Zone! :D

  20. I'm in, and I joined the unofficial NF guild! My name's the same as on here. I also joined a couple of challenges and some other guilds.
  21. I'm gonna look again, because I was kind of sleepy the first time, and see if they have it for PC. My phone is so, so old and doesn't have a big screen (or even a touch screen) or apps like that. I'd love to try it on my computer.
  22. As well you shouldn't! It's better to make your own stuff and gets some exercise in there.We cook from scratch too! In fact, today, I'm going to shape and bake those make-ahead potato rolls in the fridge. They're a new (for us) recipe I got from Betty Crocker. I added a teaspoon of lemon zest to it, though, as per the suggestion of another recipe. The dough smells wonderful. It's gonna be better than Martin's brand and we're going to make it all pretty! Yep, did that too. The second go on WW went better for me than my first go but the system had changed after I went off it and became that Points Plus thing.
  23. Congratulations! I was on WW for a while and really slimmed down. I lost 100 pounds and kept it off without going to meetings and just using the calculator and books. It does work. At least, it worked for me in the beginning. My progress stalled after that, however, and then I went on to other things and have lost some more weight. Just keep in mind that 0 point foods are only 0 points up to a point, especially fruits. There's an article on the website about that I read some time ago. Also, incorporate those veggies into whatever you can to fill you up healthfully! (Those WW snack cakes are horrible, by the way, but their chicken breast patties are excellent.)
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