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Everything posted by Sqthreer

  1. Reading back on that post I see that the implication might be that I think education in Linguistics in general is bad. Let me clarify that I think the subject is awesome and important but I had realizations that I was incorrect to believe that's what I wanted to do. I hope that comment wasn't taken personally! Linguistics is fascinating, just not meaningful enough to me to pursue it as a career. Thank you for understanding. It is crucial that any interaction with me be super big-time serious business ONLY. That's a good tip. I think I will go punch some trees and a rock or two to check right now... EDIT: Welp back from urgent care, seems the fingers and wrist of my right hand are shattered beyond healing. But I can still use my mouse and keyboard so nbd.
  2. [EDIT] Just realized this thread is OOOOOLD. Oops. Well hey if it's useful to ya, read on! I get the ice cream thing. Like for real. I consider the pint or two a day for months period of my life to be mainly responsible for a huge weight gain several years ago, and a minor weight gain earlier this year. One very helpful guideline I've used recently (and successfully) for things like this is being realistic about what's involved with the process and assigning judgement to the consequences of the action rather than the action itself. Eating ice cream isn't bad, it's some of the consequences of eating ice cream that are bad. I let go of the idea of forcing myself to quit eating ice cream, this relieved the pressure which perplexingly would make me want it more! Instead I started paying close attention to how I felt, physically and emotionally before, during and after I ate. Identifying its "parts" made it less abstract and simpler to manage. I reduced the whole process to basically this: When I buy ice cream I'm losing about $6 for momentary satisfaction. After I'm done, I won't be able to taste it anymore and instead, I'll feel bloated and farty for a full day. This will make me sad because "I did it again" and I'll pile on a little more self-loathing. It will also screw with my sleep, causing me to have a crappy day. And since part of my motivation for buying ice cream is to find some kind of relief from a crappy day, eating it will continue to ensure that I will eat it again. If I keep eating it at this rate, I will get fat and uncomfortable. Keeping all that in mind, over time I just found those little moments of strength to inhibit the habit in some way. Even things like buying ice cream I don't like as much or eating most of it and dumping out the rest. Eventually, the reality of what my habit really does to me in the long-term became the pilot of my decisions. It was not cold turkey for me, and took a lot of pragmatic thinking and introspection to deal with. I use the same kind of pragmatism to work on other areas of my life and with practice, it is becoming more and more of a second-nature behavior. Your life situation is almost certainly not exactly the same as mine, but I suggest you take some pressure off yourself and use that effort to just observe yourself for a little bit. Enjoy the ice cream in the meantime but keep the goal in mind. Figure your habit out before you slowly work in some effort to fix it. Also-and very importantly- congratulate yourself when you have a success!
  3. It's been a few years or so since I was active here, I figured a re-intro was appropriate because I like the fleeting attention that new people get. I'm Blake, thirty....two? years old and have had trouble with weight and self-perception for a couple decades. However, I've got a resilient mind and a commitment to figuring my shi(r)t out. I'm in college, pursuing a B.S. (coincidentally those are also mine and Britney Spears' initials) in Computer Science after a recent change from a misguided pursuit of a Linguistics degree. I will be bothering you other CS nerds for advice and will also expect you to finish my math homework on a whim. Here's some true facts about me: Enjoys water. My first priority when interacting with a new piece of software is to learn the keyboard shortcuts. I'm re-obsessed with Minecraft and now confused about when I'm there and when I'm here. I (over?)use parentheses in my casual writing. Noticing and then rectifying slightly ajar doors/lids. Noticing and then rectifying two spaces within a block of variable-width font text. I do not like humor. Has cat. Butt seriously: I really want to get my (b)ass in gear and undo some of the damage I've done to my body over the years. I'm familiar with the struggles of facing this kind of challenge and have seen some success in the past. I am mainly here to contribute to, and benefit from the like-minded support community. Happy to give some anecdotal advice (I have learned some hard and valuable lessons) but also quite happy to receive advice. One way or another, I will overtake this nutrient-rich planet achieve my goals.
  4. Yeah I have learned not to give too much significance to the actual number. Going for 185 was a fairly arbitrary choice, it was more about having something specific to work towards so that I would work toward something at all. Just seeing the number go down over the past year has been a huge motivator, but I know that once I work the good habits into my life in a way that's second nature I'll eventually ditch the scale and guide myself intuitively. I appreciate the input guys And on the even brighter side, water weight is weight nonetheless. One of the best things about being 70+ pounds lighter is feeling 70+ pounds lighter. I love feeling spry and nimble haha.
  5. That's what I was assuming, without knowing much about the subject. I figured from my continuous visual scrutinization of my body that there's no way all that loss was from fat, hah. Is water weight loss primarily from exercise or diet? I have read that excess sodium can increase water retention, which would make sense regarding the food I was eating between November and February and why semi-drastically changing what I eat since then would have had such an impact on it. Also I forgot to mention above that the first ten pounds were lost in the first five or six days, which feels like it validates the water weight theory.
  6. Summary: I had recently set a goal to get my weight down to 185 from 202 by April this year (from the end of January). Today, two weeks later, I am down to 188. That means 14 pounds in 14 days. I'm quite pleased by this result. Not so much about the number but the changes I was able to make to achieve this number, and what I learned about my capabilities. The question I have is: why did I lose so much weight so quickly? Some relevant recent history: Pre-February I was hovering right around 200 for the prior three months after steadily bringing my weight down from 260 in March, 2014. The reason I was hovering wasn't so much because of a plateau but because I had slipped back into my crappy eating habits and must have at least improved my metabolism enough to maintain a weight instead of gain it. My eating habits since my renewed strife have been to only eat when I feel hungry and to stop when I'm satisfied enough. My exercise habits were riding my bike an average of 75 miles a week for commuting, short walks almost every day, moderately intense 20-30 minute strength training every other day (usually in a fasted state) and a quick five minute light body weight routine every day. I have had plenty of energy this whole time, no injuries or weakness, no starving or fullness AND I've had very regular and healthy poos every morning (a luxury I rarely get to experience). My mood has been excellent, I feel virile and sexy and manly and I have had NO anxiety whatsoever. It's been a pretty good fortnight. If anyone has any theories or can provide insight into what would physiologically be happening for a person to lose an average of a pound a day in two weeks, please let me know. In conclusion: Yarooh for genuine accomplishment!
  7. I occasionally make little felt plushies for gifts or for fun. Here are a few of my favorites: Brown Bunny Germ Pink Thing (18+) Citty Kat
  8. It has been one week since I set the goal of 185 pounds by April. Today I am at 191.9, down from 202.3. 10.4 pounds in a week Yesterday I proudly avoided overeating at a family function at which I normally would eat until there was no more food. It was a bigger challenge to my commitment than I've had throughout this past week, but repeating "185" in my head helped quite a lot, as well as the fact that I foresaw this challenge and told my dad and stepmom about my recent success and goals and let them know I wouldn't be overeating, explaining that I was telling them for the sake of accountability. Things are good :]
  9. Hahah! I got chills. I imagine that bird looks really cool.
  10. If your (real) name was an onomatopoeia (a word to describe a sound) what would it be representing? Please use it in a sentence. My name is Blake in the physical world. I believe "blake" could represent the sound of a ceramic plate with food on it crashing on the floor. "The entire room shivered and the last sound made was the piercing blake of the dropped dinner plate before the alien's brilliantly glowing beam gently lifted the awestruck lumberjack through the patio door and into the specimen room of the ship."
  11. My gym experience was quite swell yesterday. Did my usual warm-up then some core stuff and free weight stuff and stuff that I don't know the names of and was full of energy after it all. I went to the thrift store a block away from the gym, acquired some sweet items, then rode the four miles back home and scarfed down some carbs and protein. --- Today I have been experimenting with paleo(ish) baking and made some coconut flour banana chocolate (there's the 'ish') muffins for my roommates and for my cousin's birthday party tomorrow. I also invented an inventive way to create natural, fruit flavored frosting (FFF). I'll explain: 1) I dehydrated some strawberries to the point of total crispitude, then ground them up into a delicious dust in a coffee grinder. 2) I then took the solidified chunks of chilled, organic coconut milk and whisked it up into an airy cream. 3) I then dumped in the strawberry powder, some cinnamon, a little honey (for texture/flavor) and whisked it some more and it turned out PERFECT. The muffins, once cooled (necessary because the frosting melts into liquid very quickly) topped with a light smear of the frost and a sprinkle of shaved macadamia nuts/cashew/coconut flakes was quite glorious and I felt very legitimately proud of myself. +1 to psychological health! For dinner tonight I am experimenting with some new vegetables and sauces. I got a little head of butter lettuce for salad and plan on making a dressing out of gorgonzola, avocado, coconut milk (I seriously use this shit for everything) E.V.O.O./sesame oil and some undetermined spices and other things. I also got some fennel, shallot and belgian endive which I will use in some creative way with some chicken breast. I gotta say that today has been a fluffing awesome relaxation and experimentation day. My weight this morning was 192.3, I went on a walk with my friend, had a poop that was a good 2.5/3 on the DSR, shaved my face to a handsome length, ate and will eat more great food, and will finish the night with an epsom salt bath and Aphex Twin, followed by Borderlands 2 or Minecraft, ending on a high note by masturbating then sleep. 185.
  12. My history (as briefly as I can manage): I began losing weight in March, 2014. My weight then was 260 pounds (I am 6' 1"). Tentatively undertaking the paleo/primal eating/life style and riding my bike to and fro work, and eventually a little body/free weight workouts I got my weight down to 200 pounds by October. YEAH! Over the next three months (up until last week) I was hovering around 200 and making no progress and noticing myself slip back into my deplorable counter-productive tendencies. I had a particularly bad binging session last Thursday, felt like shit and realized I had to get back on top of it or I would lose my momentum completely and ruin my progress. I decided to pick a relatively arbitrary goal of 185 pounds by April, and have made that into my mantra. "185" is what I repeat in my head when I encounter those decisions that either keep you on the right path or divert you into an increasingly dense and spooky forest of shame. So far it has been working awesomely! Starting January 29th, 2015 my weight was 202.3 and this morning (after a very satisfying poo) my weight was 194.6. This might be easier than I thought. These are the two main habits I encourage to myself by thinking "185": 1) Eating (good food) only when I'm hungry, and stopping when I'm satisfied. 2) Get some form of exercise every day, and a more intense workout every two or three days. For the second, I have put together a quick and manageable workout I can do anywhere and in only about three or four minutes. A few simple static stretches, then three sets of: 8 squats, 12 pushups, 10 leg lifts and concluding with a 60-second plank. I plan to increase the intensity incrementally over the next two months. I am very willing to take some suggestions on this aspect, as well. TODAY: I am heading to the gym right after this and by the end of the day I'll have rode my bike about 20 miles, done several various core and upper-body exercises, and eaten some healthful and tasty food meals. I'll update with a new post as my journey proceeds.
  13. Those both seem like reasonable translations. I've also heard "ngHOHP...tssssss".
  14. I work at the Pizzicato a block up from SNAP :] By the way, born and bred in/right around Portland. Also I am quite anti-social as well. Working on it though. Kinda. Okay I'm thinking about working on it... a little bit.
  15. At the gym today I overheard someone say something like, "hhNNNGGUUUHhhh" several times with a few seconds in between. What could it mean?
  16. I'll illiterately illustrate a legitimately literal iterative.
  17. I did nude pushups in my room once, but now my workout mat and I can't make eye contact :[
  18. It's like how we 'give' birth, but we 'take' a shit. Either way we're squeezing a lump of stuff out of our hole.
  19. I've never heard this but the word "revert" reminds me of words that are close to being palindromes but ruined by one extra letter > 'Divide' is another.
  20. HAHA bum bag. I like yours better. Also, isn't "randy" a word meaning sexual arousal or horny? We gotta lotta people here named Randy. I work with a woman whose name is Randi.
  21. I have had at least three mild bickerings about this with other people (even an accounting teacher a couple years ago). I completely agree that there should be a new word for this. My suggestions, to be used for either twice a month or every two months I don't care okay just fix this now: Di-monthly Dy-monthly Du-monthly Duo-monthly The same problem occurs with 'bi-weekly'. Bi-weekly can mean twice a week or every two weeks (at least we have fortnight for this one). But if it's the latter of the two, you could also say "bi-monthly". Fug thiz shid. Also, parenthetical remarks are awesome and I use them a lot (even when there's really no need to whatsoever and they just reiterate a point that was implied in the words that occurred before them and sometimes even go on waaaaaaay too long and end up being five times longer than the rest of the sentence or even end the sentence which entails a controversy over whether or not the period should be on the inside of the parentheses or not).
  22. I've been undergoing a significant purge lately and have also been taking the idea of minimal living a little more seriously myself. I am even fantasizing about/planning to attempt a "van dwelling" experience. I didn't even realize it was a thing until after I slowly/suddenly became overwhelmed with the monotony in my life and the thought just came to me. I am fascinated by the idea and have been deeply yearning for something like it. While I still have a fixed place of living, though, I've been finding a surprising amount of satisfaction in ridding myself of things as a jumping off point. A cold water toe-dipping, perhaps. Since about 95% of my belongings are from thrift stores and I proudly consider myself a thrift store connoisseur, I have the advantageous rationalisation of "if there comes a time when I need this thing, I'll just get another for three bucks" while I'm deciding to get rid of things. Some achievements so far: I have one glass pie plate that I use for general eating purposes (it has the security of a bowl but the accessibility of a plate), a small and a large glass measuring cup for liquid meals (seriously... try this. It is the way bowls should have been invented from the start. It has a handle for better bowl-grip while you're on-the-go, and a spout that serves as a stationary resting spot for your utensil, as well as a convenient and clean slurping mechanism.) One fork and one spoon. When I'm done with meals I just rinse off my dishes and within seconds my dishes are done. No more procrastinatory dish pile-ups or frustrating dried on food bits or not having any already clean spoons. This has become an everyday unburdening for me and I recommend it to anyone who can accommodate it (also if you don't mind the strange looks you'll get when you unprovokingly bring it up in conversation to demonstrate how unorthodox you are). I now only have two pairs of pants (down from about 15) and three jackets (down from about 12... yeah I have a weird thing with jackets). And I am in the process of choosing two bath towels out of my six.
  23. First of all: I love German. I've been intermittently learning it with an application I downloaded onto my mobile device. And I like that word, fetenlauschangriff... I wonder if that means you're eavesdropping multiple conversations or participating in them. Another tongue twister of my creation: The fifth fit physicists fist fixed the sixth sick sister's cyst. And another fun sentence(s) to speak: Is this his existence? This is his existence.
  24. Do you enjoy words? GOOD. I must say that I am frequently intrigued by the languages we all speak and write and think. The hilarious mistakes and the clever creations that squeeze their way out of our brains and other body parts cause me to tingle sometimes, and I hope to spread the tingle around, as well as experience the tingles secreted by others. While you're here, post some interesting linguistic facts you've learned, or some awesome alliterations, or some prime rhymes, or some spacky woonerisms, or perhaps select a word from your personal gualp* of neologisms. OR WHATEVER I LOVE tongue twisters and I make my own up all the time. Here is one: Eleven level elven leather elevator loveseats. Here is another: I discuss the skies cause I decide this guy's eyes disguise this size disc. OH and here is a sentence that is very fun to say: Pick up a couple o' papayas. * Gualp: a moderately large group of objects or concepts sharing varying degrees of similarities in physical or stylistic attributes.
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