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Everything posted by Dusk

  1. Hellooo! I like your goals and I LOVE your paintings!! 😍
  2. Dusk

    dusk: burnout

    Oh dang, thats rad!! Neuroscience is so cool!! So computational neuroscience... like modeling brain stuff? I’m doing particle physics, but I never actually did any of my own research so I’m just doing a master’s report so I can get my degree and get the heck outta dodge 😂 it turns out I like learning about physics much more than actually doing physics. At least now I know which careers are not for me, lmao.
  3. Dusk

    dusk: burnout

    Eyy grad school gang ✌️ what are you studying? When are you aiming to graduate? And thank you! Good luck to you as well! (I almost typed "good lunch" 😂 ) Thank youuu 💜 💜 Yeah! I'm super grateful that my university has so many resources available to students. I hope to make the most of them before I graduate!
  4. Hello friend! Your challenge themes are always so badass. Muay thai looks fun!
  5. Emotions are so overwhelming sometimes, especially when there’s a lot of things to have emotions about. Sending hugs~ 💜
  6. Dusk

    dusk: burnout

    Thank you Jedi 🥰 it’s good to see you! Yeah, it’s been tough, but I think know I can do it. Being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel helps! I WILL be finished with school in August, and then I can have a breather.
  7. Hi Miau 💜 I’m sorry you’re not sleeping well I haven’t been either. That job sounds horribly exhausting... props for even surviving to the end of a 12 hour work day!!
  8. Hi everyone hi hi hello hi Can I please have a coffee the size of the planet? Thaaaanks *thud* zzzz
  9. Congratulations, dear friend!! 🥰 🎉 💜
  10. Dusk

    dusk: burnout

    Gosh, apparently I don't know how to computer anymore. I accidentally quoted my own post rather than editing. Oops. Maybe I'll use this space for tracking my goals later on. *shrug*
  11. Hi again. again. I'm so tired. I'm working on finishing my master's report, but I'm battling pretty gnarly burnout. At the same time, my health is... not that great. I'm overweight, and I just found out today that I've got slightly elevated cholesterol. So I need to take steps to improve, like, soon. Regardless of the school situation. Before my health gets worse. - I'm meeting with a nutritionist in my student health center later this week, to get some guidance on specific dietary changes to bring my health into line. So, nutrition goals pending. - I'd like to start being physically active too. Any amount is fine, after spending the past year essentially sedentary... Oof. I'm trying to go to my campus office more often, since it seems l can focus better there; so as long as I can keep myself doing that regularly (and get myself to walk rather than drive!) that will be good. Aiming for 3x/week. - Lastly, trying to get my sleeping in line. Goal is to try and be in bed by 9pm every night. Ideally even earlier than that, since my beloved spouse has to wake up at 4am to get ready for work; but 9pm bedtime is doable. My doctor gave me a medication to take as needed that's supposed to help with anxiety, with the side effect of drowsiness; since I have trouble falling/staying asleep because of my brain racing around at 1,000,000 mph finding things to be anxious about, it should kill two birds with one... tiny digestible medicated stone. Tagging myself as a rookie for this one, since I'm considering this a respawn. Let's gooo-
  12. *huuuuuuugs* I hope your cold and your ankle have improved by now! And some of the other brain-mushy things 😔 That pesto alfredo sounds delicious. 😋
  13. *sweats in didn't-do-anything-last-week-just-like-i-said-i-wouldn't-do* 😬 Lol. It's okay though. It's a new week! (Week 3 right??) Let's try again! Monday, 3.1.21 I did a bodyweight circuit today! Started with pretty low numbers to be on the safe side, since I'm still fairly weak. I did 4 rounds of: 5 pushups (from my knees this time) 10 second plank 10 second side plank on each side 10 bodyweight squats. Then I did some stretches and slow yoga poses to cool down afterwards. (I probably should have done a warm-up too, huh... oops.) Feels good! Also feels like I've sweat enough to fill a lake lmao. I feel optimistic about this week. (I hope saying that doesn't jinx it. *knocks on every wooden object in the apartment*) ETA: I also went on a short-ish walk with the Mr after we took out the recycling heck yeah
  14. I'm so, so sorry my friend 🥺 how horrible and sudden!... I don't know what to say, but I'm sending you loads of virtual hugs if you want them. *huuug*
  15. Me too, heh. Indeed, we just gotta keep trying. ~hugs~ 💜 I hope Mr. Right feels better soon 😷
  16. No you're fine!! I had a thread last challenge but then fell off the map after a week or two, so now im trying again hehe NO BUT NOW I WANT IT TO HONK AT ME idk if i can personalize the noises it makes though, that'd be so cool! It does buzz at me every so often though xD 💜 💜 💜 Hope life slows down for you soon and you can get some rest and do fun things and maybe get some outside time!!
  17. yeppp... it will take a lot of practice and mindfulness. And self-compassion.
  18. Week 1 is done! I did 2 out of my prescribed 3 days of activity. I am noticing that I have a tendency to blow partial victories like this out of proportion - in either direction. - It’s very easy for me to say “hey 2 of 3 is still pretty good! good work!” - which is not wrong - but then subconsciously feel like I have permission to slack off, as if my work so far has “earned it”. - It’s also very easy for me to say “already behind, as usual” - which is not productive but technically factual - but then I stop my efforts because subconsciously I feel I can never “catch up”. Either way, the end result has historically been me losing momentum early on. Perhaps I can look for a balance between these two extremes.
  19. 👍 >>>-----------------> 2.19.21 I did a couple of yoga videos today, with the hopes of stretching out my sore muscles. The videos I picked ended up not doing a great job of targeting the areas I wanted to target, but they were still fun and challenging at times, and my muscles felt a bit better/loosened up at the end anyway. ⬆️ Me, trying to loosen up my shoulders. ⬆️ (I know my challenge is named after Iroh, but there's so many other good gifs!)
  20. Yeee :3 doing those exercises yesterday, and feeling it in my muscles today and remembering the strength I used to have... all day today, I have been low-key daydreaming about how it will feel to have that strength back!!
  21. Hi friend ^^ I hope everything is ok with Sunshine... 😕 I'm glad you're able to be there for her. I, like some others, don't have a whole lot of time on my hands rn, but am definitely interested in participating in one of your one-shots eventually!! 👀
  22. HI SHAAR !!!!!!!!! :3 YOU'RE KILLING IT HOLY COW HECK YEAH I love that you picked out a name for your smart device™️ !!! I also got a smart device™️ recently and picked a name for it!!! Since I and a lot of my online friends often misspell my username as Duck, my smart device™️ was promptly named Duck xD 🦆
  23. Hi hi! I'm sorry to hear about your ankle 😕 ankle sprains suckkk. I'm glad the swelling is getting better though. Hang in there bb! 💜
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